7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Welcome xstwx ( I may just shorten this to Xs) Haha x
Your on a great thread here, you can literally share anything with us girls!
Congratulations on TTC with the love of your life after what sounds like a tough time with your ex.
How long are your cycles usually & when is af due?
We all make symptoms up in our heads, your not alone there. X

Tina, how was evies trip to gullivers?? It's great there
As for telling marks mum, it's entirely your choice. You may find it easier with a bit more support. You will probably find they have not even questioned you getting pregnant, it's just your conscious of it more because of what your going through Xx

How are you betty?

I'm a bit down tonight. Joe dropped the 'hate bomb' on Oscar tonight :(
It's Been hard as az is so busy at work, he's hardly home. I'm not spending hardly any quality time with Joe. He Said tonight he hates Oscar and he feels like a ghost in the house as I don't notice him :(
I'm trying, but I must try harder....I'm so tired, by the time az is home and I've sorted Oscar, I just want to sleep . I know it's hard for Joe, I'm just struggling to keep him happy.
Az is furious he Said what he did, but he's not seeing the bigger picture and considering Joe's point of view. We have no help here....My mums laid up and Aaron's mum just hasn't bothered with us. I'm annoyed as she does loads with her other grandkids Xx
Hi girls..... How is everyone???
Frisky.... I'm sorry to hear that. It must be really tough for you not having az around all the time.... Joe is at that difficult age so his emotions are prob all over the place (gotta love those male hormones!) you're doing your best so please do not beat yourself up. I'm quite sure you have tried everything, do you think getting him to help you out would make him feel more involved?? Like maybe making him in 'charge' of something so he has his own little tasks? God, it's so bloody hard! Chin up, you will get through this like you have everything else!
AB.... How's that baba doing???? Not long now, I can't believe it!!! So exciting xxx
Tina, how's the AF? Hopefully you're through the worst of it!
Anyone doing anything nice this weekend? I'm doing nada! It's been lovely, I've been trying to relax although I find it very difficult to do nothing.... I've ended up wrapping all the presents. I feel totally fine, I'm quite surprised. My main pain was from the trapped gas they pumped into me, that's a killer! The surgery itself is no problem, I've had worse period pains!!! :) looking forward to another week off whoooooop!!!
Welcome xs :) :)
Morning girls!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend :) :)

Frisky, sorry to hear that Joe dropped the H word :( I'm sure though that he hasn't said it because he means it has he, I bet he loves his little brother to the end of the world but it's just difficult for him too because he's always had all of your attention.

You're doing a brilliant job! Considering that you've moved house, had issues with your scar, your mum's been sick. You deserve a bloody medal woman!

Betty, good to hear that you're starting to feel better! I told you you would be right as rain in no time at all. Did you hear any more on what they found inside?

AB any signs of your baba?

I had my birthday this weekend girls, Mark bought me some lovely gifts. I got Chanel perfume (which is my absolute fave!!!), a Marc Jacobs perfume and loads of makeup. I feel truly spoilt and blessed to have a wonderful family around me <3

Went out for drinks on Saturday night and toddled home in Mark's socks because I couldn't handle wearing my heels anymore hahaha! I can't actually believe that I made him take off his socks. Had a sore head yesterday but had to go to the shops to get Evie a cardigan to wear with her little dress for her school Christmas party today.

I was gutted that I had to come into work, I really wanted to get her dressed up and do her hair pretty. Damn these 6am starts!!!

It's 5.10am and I've already been in work for half an hour... what road is my life going down at all?!?!?!

I think I might have an infection in my belly button girls.. yesterday I noticed that my belly button was really sore to touch and the tissue feels quite swollen inside. I can only describe the pain as the same pain you would get if you touched an open wound. Like a smarting pain every time I touch that area. So I went to the walk in centre, waited for 2 hours to be seen to be told that there's nothing wrong. Well there clearly is!! I couldn't even sleep on my stomach last night it was that painful.

Gonna book in with my own doctor today.

Ordered my OPKs yesterday, haven't started temping though because I am getting up at mad times anywhere between 3.30-6.00am so it wouldn't be accurate.

Tina, why the hell are you in work at stupid o'clock??
Hope you can get a doc appointment.

37 weeks today, allowed home birth from tonight. Whoop whoop. So glad I made it this far xx
Oh congrats AB!!!! Yeah!!! Not long now.... So exciting xxxx

Tina, sounds like an infection! Have you got a piercing in your belly button??? If not it seems strange you would be sore there unless you have been poking around there??? Did you get to see your doctor??? Do you have anything coming out of the area where it's sore (puss, blood etc...?) hope you get it sorted.... I can't believe you start work so early, I really don't know how you do it! I just could not get up that early every day. Could you change your hours for even one day so it would allow you to take Evie to school or just to have a morning of not getting up so early???? X
AB that's great news!! Have you had any signs of your little man making an early arrival yet? Would you rather he came before Christmas or not?

Betty, I went to see the doctor and he said I have an infection. I am on antibiotics for a week which finish on Christmas Eve just in time for the festivities to begin haha. I haven't got my belly button pierced and I haven't been poking around so I have no idea what has caused it. It wasn't weeping or anything like that, just quite red and painful. I already feel a little bit better this morning after just 2 tablets :)

I wish I could change my hours! The work that I do has to be done before 8.30am so I couldn't come in late even if I wanted to. The nature of my job is everything has to be done early in the day. It sucks massively but it pays the bills!

How are you feeling now Betty? Have you been enjoying your time off work?

I thought that he was coming yesterday but everything eased off!! Never mind,lol. I would like him to be here for Christmas but just a waiting game now. Midwife was here yesterday delivering drug pack and I am 3/5th engaged.

Glad you got antibiotics.

Hope everyone else is well xx
AB..... Eeeeek! Were you getting labour pains yesterday???? Keep us posted!!! Are you going to video the birth? I really wish I had more photos, videos from my birth but I don't even have one picture of me with viv after she was born :(
AB how exciting!!! I will make a prediction and say that he will be here before Christmas day.

I also didn't get any pictures of Evie's birth. I kinda wish now that we had took a video of the birth, as gross as it sounds it's also the most magical experience ever and since I was so doped up on diamorphine I barely remember much of it haha

So I jinxed myself with the "my belly button wasn't weeping" I woke up this morning and I thought my belly button had exploded :( :( It's weeping pretty badly now, I guess though that's just the infection making its way out. GROSS!!!

I spent last night building a wooden dolls house, I had a phone call yesterday morning to say that we had won it in Evie's school raffle. I was going to save it and wrap it up for Christmas but she also had a nasty fall in school yesterday and has cut her forehead and nose so it was the perfect thing to cheer her up. It's lovely! a great big dolls house for a £1 raffle ticket. Can't be bad :)

Hi Ladies,

Sorry to introduce myself and then disappear! Had a whole load of end of year things to get done before Christmas and then we had a nasty surprise with my Step son and his living environment! Gotta love the unexpected stress before Christmas!

So I have only had one AF since I came off the pill and that was the beginning of November and nothing since&#8230;.I never thought I would want AF to show more than now! It is so frustrating and OH has no idea bless him&#8230;. He keeps asking me when I am going to give him a baby!

Tina-Happy Birthday even though it is a little late, I hope you had a great weekend!

AB- Good Luck with the baby, I hope everything goes smoothly!

Betty- I hope your feeling better after your surgery!

Frisky- My Step son yelled that at me the other day, we have joint custody of him, His mother told him to tell me that he hated me and then I might leave, Slightly different situation but still hurts to hear it even when they don't mean it or understand it!

Thank you for the warm welcome Ladies!!
Thanks xstwx. Just waiting. ....impatiently lol.
Gotta love ex's!! My stepson hardly talks to me now as he has been told so many lies. Shame as we used to be so close.
Good luck with af. Hope she hurries up for you xx
Hi girls, how's everyone doing this weekend? Chocker busy I imagine getting all ready for Christmas!!

AB any more signs of pending labour?

Ovulation is due any day now for me, had a very very light pink line on an OPK this morning.

Frisky, how did your birthday go? And your date night? Hope your 3 men treated you like the princess you are!

Hey ladies, sorry for absebce, been rushing around like crazy trying to get ready for Xmas!

Tina, hope your belly button is better, how random x
Betty, did you find your phone? Must have been a messy weekend! Haha How are you feeling?? What's the next step for you now?

XS My son has said things like that to my husband, so I can totally sympathize. His dad poisons his mind against us. It's pathetic. X

My birthday was good thanks, went for a tapas with Az, his sister collected us so we could have a few drinks. We got Oscar from his mum's on way home, got him to bed.....Then sat drinking vodka & listened to some tunes. Great night, horrific Saturday....was Ill all day, ewwww so not worth it! But no doubt I'll be doing it again! Haha

I got a letter last week off the medical board, saying I've been refused the funding to get my scar refashioned :( Really upset to be honest, as it's horrible & it's not my fault. I've been back to the doctor to appeal the decision, so we will see. I'm not going to hold my breath though. They just see me as a statistic, they haven't met with me to discuss it, they haven't even seen it.

Is everyone ready for Xmas? Think we are pretty much. Aaron wants us to go to his sister's on Xmas night, I really don't fancy it. Joe will not wanna go as he will want to stay at home with his toys & who can blame him?? I like to snug in Xmas night as I'm usually knackered & full...the last thing I want to be doing is getting ready to go and drink and EAT more somewhere else. I sound a right scrooge don't I? Haha

Ab, any news?? Good luck my lovely, can't wait to see him.

I went to see my cousins baby yesterday, 7lb 11 and she's tiny next to Oscar, this makes me quite sad. Aaron is also putting his cot up now, so tomorrow he will be sleeping in that......whhhhaaaaaaaa he's growing too fast!! Xx
Hey Ladies,

I can't believe it is Christmas in just a few days! I have spent the last few days sick with a nasty chest cold and rushing around trying to get everything done! We are off to my Mums tomorrow and then OHs family on Chritsmas day! Busy Busy! I hope everyone else is all ready and able to relax and enjoy!!

I have had minor cramps and achey boobs on and off today, I'm hoping thats a sign for something&#8230;..Whatever it may be at least a sign haha

Frisky I'm sorry they won't redo your Scar, Hopefully your appeal will get you somewhere! It sucks to want something so bad and feel completely ignored with it! Fingers crossed for you!

AB, I hope your doing really well!!
Happy Christmas Eve beautiful ladies!!! Sending well wishes for everybody on Christmas Day, I hope you all have the best day possible because heck we've been good girls and deserve it haha!

Frisky, I'm disgusted that they've refused to redo your scar!! So are you telling me that they can practically sew you back up however you like and you're expected to be okay with the results? I think you're doing the right thing by appealing it, sending you good luck

Xstw, any more symptoms of AF arriving my dear? Are you feeling any bette after your chest cold?

CD16 for me today, ovulation is definitely happening. I had an almost positive OPK yesterday and then a definite positive today and awful cramping! We've done the baby dance twice today. Mark must think all of his Christmases literally have come at once haha

Girls sorry for bring AWOL but I've been hectic......

Just want to wish my wonderful BnB buddies a very merry Christmas.... I love you all :) :hug:
Enjoy tomorrow xxxxx
Merry Christmas. Hope you all have a fab day xxx
Merry Christmas girls! Hope Santa brought you all some lovely gifts and you had the best day possible xxx
Hey Ladies!!! I feel so bad for not coming to say hey! at least! Betty i'm so sorry for everything. Lots has happened. I feel so bad, I am so busy in nursing school. It really keeps us busy. I had clinicals this past week and let me tell it's really hard to see what people go through and sometimes how patients are treated. My first day one of my patients past away, nothing like watching something so sad, yet you have to stay so strong and not show emotions. It's really hard. I felt so bad for the family. I come home to love my family and kids and to know I'm thankful to be with them each and everyday.
As far as ttc goes, Im really disappointed it's going on 4 years. However, there's a time and place for all events, (I'm trying to keep telling myself) when all else fails, I just keep pushing along. I really feel out of the loop here and with friends that I've had to say "no" too for ladies night, these past months have been so rough with school, and kids.

On another note, we might have another daughter! Might not have came out of my vagina, but we are waiting to see what happens. I'm over the moon, however, the mom doesn't seem like she's too happy. Will see what happens in court, however if the balls rolls, we will fight to have our visitation rights. :) I"m so happy, my daughters room is ready for her and everything.

How are you ladies?

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