7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Yes clomid can mimic pregnancy which can be pretty frustrating (although I only managed one cycle on it!) Tina, hopefully you won't need to be on it for much longer xx I'm with you on the holiday! I think we should book one, viv starts school in September which means after that we will have to pay a fortune :( I'm still looking at lanzarote maybe in May/June..... :)
AF quite painful but not as much as I thought it would be.... I'm excited to get trying again, whoop !! :dust:
Hey ladies!, found my kindle under Joe's bed, in all the Xmas madness it went missing haha ! How's everyone?

Welcome back just wanting! :) Xx

Ab? I am dying to hear about your little prince & if you've had him yet, I hope your ok?? X

Betty, that sucks about your cousin, not that she's pregnant, but the heartache of how she wasn't even trying when you have been through so much. It's such a shit feeling. Men can be insensitive, az used to say to me "stop being a dick, our time will come" it used to really irritate me. Obviously I can't say anything now as he was right, but I still remember the utter frustration & sinking feeling. X

Tina, has your af arrived yet? Your cycles seem to be going really fast? Holiday sounds amazing, I so need a holiday.
Seems we all had bad words with our men over the festive period.
Az went out at 3.30pm to watch the footie on boxing day.....he was on call so 'wouldn't be drinking' last I heard from him was at 8.30pm saying he would be home soon. Then nothing....Didn't answer my calls or texts. I text him at 2.30am telling him our marriage is over (bit dramatic I know) thinkin g he would get in touch.

5.30am he came home!!!! *******!!! He had been to a pub where his mate was DJing, then back to his for a house party, then fell asleep in his kitchen . Needless to say Saturday was no fun. He managed to get cover for work but didn't think of telling his wife!! Idiot, I was so cross! I don't mind him going out, it's just when he doesn't get in touch , he did this when I was pregnant, he doesn't learn.

We're fine now, I went out the Sunday with girls , but was home for a reasonable hour. And yes, NYE we were asleep for 10pm... losers! Haha
We are going to a club night in Feb, DJ Paul Taylor is on in a club near us. I'm scared , I'm too old for this shit!! Haha

Oscar is teething at the min, little grump keeps waking through the night the poor thing. He's really strong now, developing a fantastic little personality, every day he amazes me. He's growing so fast X

When is every one back in work? I can't wait for Joe to go back to school, he's getting bored. We need some routine back in our lives Xx
Morning everyone! !
We've been looking at holidays for next year. Think we're going to go to Florida. I suggested Disneyland Paris but dh said that he would rather pay the extra and go to Florida. Going on a forest holiday in june to a cabin.

Still not had this baby. I am fed up today. Having false labour almost every night. I am ready to meet him now xx
Frisky, ab! How are you two ladies!!!! Been so long snice I've popped in. Hope things are well. I'll have to read and catch up :)
So question...

Doctor prescribed me testosterone 3mg, because apparently all women have to produce some.
I just remembered that around dec 19th ish I forgot to take them... Could this cause the missed period?

The doctor when he prescribed them, said that, it takes while for them to work because they are tablets that go on the side of the check and have to dissolve.
Hi Ladies,

Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a fab Christmas! Ours was kinda crazy but then again trying to mix two very different families will always have that outcome!

So this sounds so so stupid but AF finally showed a week or so ago up after a 45day cycle, But I feel pregnant, I know I can't be but it's driving me insane, still not able to get regular and now feeling pregnant, I'm bloated, I have a nasty mood on me and I'm exhausted with on and off sickness……What in the world is going on :(

OH got kidney stones a few days after Christmas which was horrid, I think he is finally on the mend thank goodness!

Sometimes I really don't think men think, They are missing that filter and they are clueless as to why your mad/upset!

AB I hope your lil man shows up soon for you!! Nothing worse than waiting!

I hope everyone is doing good and ready to be back at work and some normality :)
Morning lovelies!

Back to work today for me, sad in one respect because I love being off work with Evie and not having to get up at 4am but I'm also glad because it's good to get back to normality and stop eating hahaha!

Didn't sleep well at all last night. I went to bed at 9pm hoping to fall asleep straight away. I was still awake at 12.30am :-( and my alarm went off at 4am. I feel like the walking dead today! I don't know why I couldn't sleep... I felt so hot. I had the windows open and no duvet on, mark was shivering! I'm sure this clomid is messing with my body on so many levels!

12DPO today, nipples still very tender to touch but that's my only symptom. No signs of AF showing just yet but she didn't show until 14DPO last cycle.

Frisky, I also don't have a problem with Mark going out for drinks but I think it's a case with men in general that once they're in the pub with a pint in their hand that they don't give their woman a second thought. I always ask Mark to just give me a simple text so that I know he's okay... does he??!... NO!! NEVER!! then I look like a crazy mad wife for ringing him.
Good to see that little Oscar is coming on well! He's pretty quick for teething bless him! Evie didn't have a single tooth until she was 10 months, I didn't think she was ever getting teeth and I'd have this gummy 4 year old haha!

AB, I don't envy what you're going through... well I do.. but I don't if you know what I mean! I wish he would just decide that's he is ready though and make his way out for you. I think if we were to choose between disneyland paris and florida I would spend the bit extra and do florida. If you're going to do it you might as well go all out!

Wantjust... have you done another test?

xstwx... have you done a test? Don't forget you can have a period and still be pregnant.. maybe do one to put your mind at rest. Sorry to hear about your partner! There's something about the Christmas period and being sick, our LO had 2 sickness bugs in the space of 2 weeks!

Betty, how are you my dear? Has your period eased at all? Get a bloody holiday booked!! Everyone needs a break xx
Happy New Year ladies! Yes, I'm still alive. Everything just kinda got too much before Christmas. It doesn't help that I don't have my own computer and my new phone doesn't like this website. OH was sitting exams most of Dec so I was on permanent Mia entertainment when I was home, MIL came for a two week holiday on not much notice and my own mum collapsed at work because her gall bladder went bang almost causing multiple organ failure. (She's fine now.) All good and exciting. it's just manic and it's non-stop and when I get a minute I go to sleep. I kept thinking I'd catch up with all the posts here over Christmas and between catching up visiting relatives and a damn head cold the holiday flew by and it's back to work today!

So we had a blizzard the day of my 20 week scan in December and despite being soaked to the skin and freezing I did make it to the appointment and it's a boy. I'm delighted, especially as we can't really have any more after this one. I'm 23 weeks now and huge!

Want1 I'm sorry you still don't have the answers you need for your daughter. I agree with the ladies that you're attitude toward your new daughter is miraculous and goes to show what a wonderful, giving and strong person you are.

Betty, I'm so glad that you had your op - I know you were really stressed about the procedure. Did you get answers about why they didn't look into the secondary procedure for you? I think men deal with TTC stress and disappointment through avoidance, to such an extent that I don't think it even computes for them how it affects us emotionally. After all, we're sensitive to all these miniscule changes in our bodies month to month. All they can really do is eat well and ejaculate and I think that leaves them feeling a bit out of it and somewhat sidelined. Alcohol never helps with being articulate over emotional subjects. You're not a bad person because you want a baby. You're just in a difficult situation and that's what's upsetting you really, think of it that way instead of in terms of jealousy.

Tina, just lovely that you've booked your holiday for this year. Just remember to be strict with yourself if you decide to take time out of TTC! We were supposed to do that from July-Oct but then thought, 'what the hell, it's just once or twice, we won't catch' and now low and behold, this baby is due right at the start of OH's first year exams!

Frisky, don't let anyone tell you how much to cuddle your child. That nonsense really pisses me off. Everyone reads a book or two and becomes a convert of a particular way of thinking. I purposefully don't read parenting books. Do what feels right. You can never love a baby too much. It's so bizarre, when I had Mia the weight fell off, all 3 stone of it, until I got to 10st2. Then I just got stuck. I'm normally 9-10ish and it's the last half stone that's a pain in the toosh. If you normally keep fit you can excuse yourself from being a 'January Gym Bunny'.

Ab - where is this baby! If I was you I'd be just about demented! You have to let me know if you get your home birth and how it goes. I've asked for one as my hospital experience was awful last time and we live right over the road from the hospital anyway.

Hello to Xs and again, hope you all had a lovely holiday and New Year. We should definitely try to work in a 7DPO thread get together in 2015! And I have a bunch of ovulation predictor strips and HPTs that are free to a good home if anyone wants them. You can PM me somewhere to post em to.

I'm about to start shifting off some of my baby girl stuff. A friend gave me 5 bin liners of boy clothes in all sizes and took me about 8 evenings to sort them all and get them put away in my attic. I'm frightened the weight of baby clothes is going to bring down my ceiling. Yet I'm hesitant to get rid of all Mia's stuff as a little voice says what if the sonographer made a mistake - could be expensive if I get rid of everything girlie and have to start again!

OK, OH wants his laptop back and I need to drum up the energy to play with Mia for a bit. Trying to give her as much 1 on 1 attention as possible before button arrives.
Congrats on the boy Edinburgh.
I am about demented now. I need him to come out now.
I will definitely let you know. Petrified now of going 2 weeks over and not getting my home birth xx
Well Took another test and BFN--- so will see when af arrives.. oh well i don't know what the heck is going on but damn this is so frustrating-- i'm going to request provera!
Hello, hello!!! Edinburgh..... I'm so happy for you, one of each how lovely!!! God, I can't believe you're 23 weeks already!!! That's gone so bloody quick!!!! How are you feeling (other than running around like a mad woman!) you really do a lot! Will you ever be able to not do so much?!?! I love that you put men only have to eat well and ejaculate!!! Might remind Chris of that next time he pisses me off!!! Lol!!!

It's good to know all our men are a little bit 'arsey' at times.... I'm not alone on that front! Frisky.... I know where you're coming from. Chris does that all the bloody time! Says he is going to the pub for 'a couple' them rocks home at 3am and hadn't answered a call or text from me! :) all good fun hey girls!!!

Want1, how come you have been prescribed testosterone? Have they done blood tests to check your levels??? Clomid is prescribed to increase progesterone so it's strange that they have now given you something that would counteract the progesterone????

Xs. Welcome back.... Have you tested again??? Do you normally have such long cycles???

My AF is pretty harsh but I totally expected that and I'm just glad she is here so I can crack on with TTC again, whoop! Let the craziness begin!!! Girls who are still trying, I've just downloaded an app on my phone called 'female fertility' is basically fertility hypnothearapy which I'm going to start listening to in a night before bed. I did it during my pregnancy and it really helped. Won't do any harm!!! :)
AB.... Meant to say... Have you gone over now??? What is your cut off point with the home birth??? I'm sure you have tried everything!!! Sex? Pineapple core? Getting on all fours and rocking? Birthing ball??? Ahhhhhhh I remember all that very well.... :) xxxx
Betty-- Well he gave it to me becuase he said that it was low, so he prescribed me 3mg... I'm so confused. I was scared to take it but now i'm thinking it really jacked me up. I'm so sad, and confused. This just totally sucks balls.
Hi want1.... I'm sure your consultant knows what is best for you and has therefore prescribed you the testosterone, personally I would just ask him what all your levels are as it seems strange that you have been prescribed clomid (which is used to promote progesterone) and now you have been prescribed another hormone that is the complete opposite to progesterone.... It's more for your own clarity.... :)

I'm tired today.... LO was up 3 times in the night, Tina.... Does Evie still wake up in the night? I'm seriously sleep deprived, she wakes up most nights :( I have broken sleep almost every night :( boring!!!
Betty, I have an appointment on Friday I will ask him and see what he says ... thankyou for explaining, because when it comes to hormones I am confused...
I did ask him if the testosterone would make me miss a period if I was inconsistent or didn't take them regularly and he said no testosterone doesn't have any effect on a period un less I was taking an estrogen so now I'm confused on why my period is acting up... ugh so frustrating girls...
Yes Betty, today is my due date. I can go to 42 weeks for my home birth depending on growth. I have a growth scan on thursday and I am shiiting myself in case they say I need to be induced.
Had pineapple, curry, sex, EPO capsules, bouncing on a ball, walking. Getting castor oil tonight. Been cramping all day but nothing is happening. I am just wanting him here now xx
Exciting times ab! Hoping he shows up shortly and you get the birth you hope for.
Thanks Edinburgh. I am hoping the castor oil does the trick and I would rather try that than induction meds. Plus if I get induced I can't have a home birth xx
How are you? Xx
Excited but also terrified of the birth. Didn't have a good experience last time so I'll do everything to have a home birth this time. There's no info available up here on home birth, did you get any?
Frazer was born at 00:56 on 7th Jan. He is 10lb 7oz of perfect boy. Had a few niggles so mw came out at 1130pm to check me. Said i was still 3cm so i started pacing the floor. Had a few pains as he was back to back. Labour was 26 minutes. No pain relief. No stitches. We are so in love with our gorgeous little boy. Xx

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