7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

CONGRATULATIONS AB!! He's bloody gorgeous, love the name, it really suits him too. I hope you are both doing well......Massive respect to you for your quick delivery and zero stitches! You ARE wonderwoman! ;)
I had no idea you could do a journal on here, kind of wish I had done one now.I class this thread as my journal though! Haha

Sorry again for the absence, my days are rolling into each other, I'm losing track. I'm having trouble with my mum being immobile, she had a full ankle replacement a few weeks ago, it's wearing me down girls. I'm sure she is losing the plot a bit. She's really down about the the whole thing, but it's bringing me down....everything I say or do, she brings it all back on her and her foot....I can't explain it, it's really exhausting.

Anyway,,enough about that, how's everyone getting on? Tina, great news about evie, bet your so relieved, bless her.

Betty, how's things with you since the op?? I tried getting you a sales pitch in fb the other day, my friend was asking about JP....but other people got in there like vultures! Haha

Tina , what round of clomid are you on now?

I'm really sorry betty your feeling down about it all, it's a horrible position to be in, but just remember you ARE moving forward with it, you have been through alot, but I'm sure it will happen for you soon, big hugs to you xxx
I would really love us all to hook up before you get your bfp' s though so we can drink! Haha ;)

Justwanting..where are you up to ? When do you get results?
Edingburgh, how are you getting along? I hope you have slowed down & taking it a bit easier Xx

I'm awake as Oscar woke up and has only gone bk off.....we thought he was teething, but the hv checked and couldn't feel anything , she reckons he's having a growth spurt. I think he is at the beginning stages of teething, his gums could be throbbing. He has the rosy cheeks, dribbling and fist permanently in his mouth! He now weighs 14lb 12oz around the same amount of weight I'd like to loose! Haha Xx
Oh I forgot to say, my appeal to get section scar redone has been declined. Going to fight it further, how can they make these decisions without even meeting me or seeing my scar? It's ok for the nhs to do a botched up job, but not ok for them to fix it?
Az thinks I'm being ridiculous, as no one can see it anyway. Well I can see it & HE can see it, I hate it X
Hi girls,

Frisky, we have stopped the clomid because we've been our holiday. If I carry on with it and get caught pregnant then it could be dangerous for me to fly. So we've made the decision to stop TTC for a few cycles and then when we do start again and if I did get caught I would be okay to fly.

Betty... I can sympathise with you 100% dear :( as we all can in this thread. It definitely starts to get you down after a while and I know you're probably sick and tired of hearing "it WILL happen" because it doesn't make you feel any more optimistic about the situation but I do strongly believe that we will get our BFPs. Whether it be in the next 6 months or in 12 months time we WILL have our babies.

want just .. any news?? xx
Hi ladies! My new year cold started clearing up then came back with a vengeance today! I had to do one to ones with my whole team sounding like a cartoon character with a box of hankies on hand. Funny a bit i suppose but I'm kinda done having NO immune system. And it's snowing and Baltic up here, not helping with the spirits. I think 70% of the Scottish population gets SADS and doesn't know it �� winter needs to be over!
Betty, want1, Tina, you ladies are so strong and wonderful energetic mums to boot. Want1, i really hope you get your good news. I had one of those damn annovulatory cycles last year and it did my head in. Was convinced i was pregnant for 3 weeks in spite of countless tests. Our bodies are amazing but also a bit scats at times, especially if you're under some stress with your daughter.
Tina, so great to hear evie has settled in now. Frisky, how's Joe settling since the move? Watched What to Expect when You're Expecting and i think I'm the woman from the breast feeding shop! I call bull£*-\ on the whole pregnancy glow thing. I have piles and stress incontinence and i hate maternity bras. They should teach these lovely side effects to 16 year olds as a contraceptive! Might be effective... The end result is worth it but pregnancy can be damn embarrassing. I think i told my immac story here, i found it in my shower bag the other day and decided to pass till the cold's gone. So come on, january cheer ups, embarrassing pregnancy/ttc stories? X
Morning girls.....
How is everyone? It's freezing here up north.... I think the snow is on it's way!
Frisky, how can they decline re doing your c section scar when they haven't seen it?! That's ridiculous! I would try and appeal if I were you.... Sorry your mam is a bit down, is she not able to walk around yet? It must be frustrating for he being stuck in if this is the case... I know what you mean when you say it's bringing you down too, unfortunately my mother makes me feel depressed most of the time.... Try and take a step back, you can only do what you can do... Hopefully she will be back on her feet soon and back to her old self xxx

Want1..... Any news on your results????? Hope you get some answers x

Edinburgh.... Can't believe you're still under the weather, your immune system must really need a boost! Have you tried juicing for a few days??? It works wonders!!

I'm feeling pretty crap myself! Full on head cold and now I have ear ache and it's all blocked... We are supposed to be DTD but last night I had to go to bed as I felt so ill.... It's not really going to plan!!! Let's hope I perk up otherwise there will be no chance of a BFP this month! :(
Ps: not sure what I would do without you girls.... You keep me sane! I've felt pretty miserable these last 2 weeks but then I read your posts and I feel normal again :hug:

Pps: funny TTC story, mine has to be the parsley up my fu fu!!! Won't be forgetting that in a hurry!!! Xxx
hahaha Betty you sure know how to cheer everyone up! That parsley thing is quite possibly the funniest story I have ever come across on any TTC board. Sorry to hear that you're full of a cold hun :-( That's one thing that I haven't had yet this winter, I think my immune system must be pretty top notch because I rarely catch bugs/viruses

Edinburgh, I haven't seen what to expect when you're expecting! Sounds funny though I'll have to give it a watch. I'm sure I've got it downloaded somewhere. It's not quite started snowing in the north of England yet, I'm quite thankful actually because I cannot be arsed with de-icing the car at 5am every morning haha. We are actually going to Scotland for a weekend in July, Aberdeen to be exact. We've been invited to a wedding so it'll be my first ever time in Scotland!

Frisky, hows your mum doing? Is she feeling any better? That's a shocking decision about your section scar!! What's the next step now? I can't understand how they can just refuse it if they haven't even seen the scar!!

I feel really strange being out of the TTC loop!! Ovulation is approaching and we CAN'T do the deed haha! I think we're planning on getting back to it in April.

Hi girls.....
My cousin (who announced her pregnancy 2 weeks ago) has been to A&E tonight because she is having a heavy bleed! Im so sad.... They sent her away without a scan (of course!) told her to go home and if the bleeding gets worse or more painful to go back. She is booked in for a scan on Friday.... They've told her it's a 50:50 chance she is miscarrying! How awful, I feel fucking terrible! Excuse my language but I feel so bad for being 'jealous' of her.... I'm praying that it's just a bleed and nothing more.... Pls keep your fingers crossed girls xxx

Tina.... I'm sure it's going to be so frustrating for you over the next couple of months, what are you going to do regarding 'protection'?? When is it safe for you to start trying again?? Just think if that gorgeous holiday you are all going to have!!! That's something really lovely to look forward to!!! Xx
Oh no betty, how awful...I hope this has a happy ending. I remember feeling the same when Aaron's sister told us last Xmas she was pregnant, I was jealous beyond belief, then at his mum's the next day , she rang to say she was in A&E having a heavy bleed. You do feel fucking terrible, thankfully everything was ok. Don't beat yourself up over it, it's a natural feeling to have when others fall pregnant. I hope your cold clears up soon... lucky too in that respect, very rarely get colds.

Edingburgh, how's the weather up there? Are you snowed in yet? Haha I've not seen that film either. Watch knocked up, that's hilarious!

Tina, I'm not sure what to do next, I'm going in to see my doctor again and I think I'm going to email my consultant back in Portsmouth where I had it done, see if they can suggest anything. It really is getting to me...I feel if I had stayed down there, there would be no problem.

Ovulation approaching hey?? Are you gonna 'bag it up' ha ha ;)

Oscar had his jabs today, really sad, I hate those needles.
It's really windy here right now, it's howling out there. I've done loads of exercise this week and cannot move...My whole body has seized up, I'm like an old woman! No pain no gain right? Urrrrgghhhh Xx
Oh yes, on the funny stories....While TTC, I really wish I hadn't of told my husband of the term 'Cervical Mucus'
He nearly threw up!!
He finds it hilarious now, asking me 'hows your cervical mucus is today?' Ha ha oh dear Xx
And answering the door to the postman after feeding Oscar

And completely forgetting to pull my top back up over my maternity bra!!!
Oh frisky.... Yes, those are funny TTC stories! Especially the CM one!
I felt terrible yesterday and prayed that everything will be ok with my cousins little bean.... She was sent away from A&E and told that there is a 50:50 chance she is miscarrying and she is booked in tmrw for a scan so she is just in limbo now... The good sign is that she had a big gush of blood and no pain and she is not bleeding now and has no pain.... I'm hoping it's just old blood that has come away as when I've MC I bled heavily for a week and had pretty bad pains..... Fingers crossed xx

OH has this horrible bloody virus now so we are both loaded with cold, sore throat etc.... Not the best timing in the world so I'm not holding out much hope for this cycle, neither of us are up for anything other than hot liquids and paracetamol!

How is everyone else today??? Come on, more funny TTC stories please xx
Betty, hopefully everything will be ok with your cousin. I always had pains with my miscarriages too so hopefully her not having pain is a good sign. I know how you feel about feeling guilty. Think we've all been in that position.

Tina, whereabout in Aberdeen are you going?

Frisky, thats terrible that they refused to redo your scar without even looking at it.

No snow here thankfully. Don't know how we have managed to miss it!!
Frazer is a really good baby. Feeds and sleeps well. Got weighed yesterday and he has past his birth weight. Little chunk lol xx
Betty your funny one with the parsley definitely wins! I see what your hubby means though frisky, that term is just awful. DH only thinks about it in terms of wetness, consistency is for us to worry over it seems! I suppose we're unlikely to examine their semen for sport. Fair dos. I've only been in Aberdeen once with work Tina, the coast on the way up there is pretty but Aberdeen is a bit industrial for me. Edinburgh's a pretty city though so we get spoiled. Snow didn't hang around but this darn cold definitely went full sweep then came on a second time. Thankfully its nit just me. My mum and brother have had the same thing.
I've never tried juicing, betty. Looks tasty but a lot of work!
i hope you hear good news from hospital. I bled a lot in both pregnancies, it doesn't always mean miscarriage. Unless there's cramping it's more common than people talk about. But it is horridly stressful.
ab I'm so glad frazer is doing so well, it's great when they feed well from the start.
Tina, it may be weird but apparently after TTC periods some couples get really worked up over sex just for the sake of sex! I have a friend who when ttc was a bit distracted by it and started taking orgasms. They took a break while she took some medication and knowing she wasn't potentially making a baby, she got the big o back.
That should read faking! Faking them! Imagine you could take them like vitamins. World would be a cheerier place!
Hi girls..... How is everyone??? I'm still totally loaded with cold, it's ridiculous! I haven't had a cold for years and especially one this bad! Chris also is loaded so it's been a real effort to DTD! I got a positive opk yesterday but absolutely no signs of ovulation :(

Just an update on my cousin.... Everything is fine with baby, she has a bleed under where bean is and she has been told she could bleed again but they are not concerned and just as a precaution see is having another scan in 2 weeks... Phew! Such a relief!!!

Has everyone had a good weekend??? Xxx
Hi girls, Betty that's great news about your cousin. Bleeding without cramps is surprisingly common! Get doing the deed lady, whether you've had ovulation signs or not, a positive is a positive and your body must be preparing for the egg!

Edinburgh that made me chuckle about the orgasms! Imagine if you could buy them in pill form! I don't think we would ever leave the house haha! I might have to look into that... You'll see me on dragons den in years to come

AB, how's your little man doing? No idea where in Aberdeen we are going. I'll ask mark the hotel name and let you know!

I'm on a downer today :( :(

I swear all of marks family and friends are at it like rabbits. Yet another pregnancy announcement! That's 4 in the space of a few months. 4 newborns in the next 9 months. The green eyed monster is out in force... Wish I didn't feel like this

Oh Tina..... I'm with you on that one!!! It's such an awful feeling as, of course we are happy for them, but it's still so painful it not being us! :( it's really bloody hard!!! Tina, how long are you taking a break?

We have just DTD every other day since CD9 and will continue till CD19 but to be honest I have coughed and sneezed most of OH :spermy: out :(

Need a bit of advice in regards to dummies... My little girl still had a dummy, she tends to not have it during the day but certainly every night... I've totally cut it out during the day and she is devastated! The last few days have been really hard as she is broken hearted! Anyone got any advice??? X
It is tough :( I was in the worst mood all day yesterday after Mark's mum told me that her niece is pregnant. Makes it worse too that "they've only just started trying and got caught straight away" niiiiceeeee. Like a stab to the heart! Of course I'm delighted for them, everyone deserves the happiness of having a baby but it breaks my heart at the same time.

I spoke to Mark about it last night and he had a huge go at me for being so jealous...

We're planning on starting TTC again in April Betty, that way if we got caught this year than I can still fly. It's ruined our sex lives already haha! Of course we have to use something now and Mark hates condoms!

I can't give you any advice on the dummy situation Betty because Evie never had one but she did have a bottle until just before starting school and I went cold turkey with it. Completely took the bottle away and though it was hard for a few days because all she did was cry I found that she soon forgot about it.

How cold is it today girls? It was minus 4 in the car this morning!!! ouch xx
Tina.... It does seem at little but unfair when you hear people only 'did it one time' or people who have just started trying get pregnant straight away! It does feel like a kick in the guy, more because I question why it's taking so long for us!!! It will be 3 years for me in a couple of months :( how did that happen???? I'm 37 this year, there is going to be a point where I'm going to have to say enough is enough!

Tina, I'm sorry mark had a go at you, same as what Chris did to me, they obviously don't understand how we feel about it all which i find totally infuriating as they are with is every day and see the disappointment every month when AF arrives! Jeez! Bloody men hey???

Viv still has a bottle too, she loves her dummy, bottle and blankie! The bottle I'm not so bothered about as she just has it before bed. Her dummy is more if a problem, this weekend has been a bit tough as she has cried for the dummy all weekend.

It's cold here, it snowed yesterday and through the night... Nice and slippy for nursery run later today!!! I do love the snow but only to look and play in it, when you have to be places it's not such a good thing!

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