7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning girls!

Betty have you thought about trying an incentive with viv? Maybe say that if she hasn't had her dummy by the weekend and she is a big girl then you will treat her to something nice?

Evie likes her happy meals and conveniently there is a mcdonalds right outside her school! Everyday without fail I get "mummy can I have a maccies for tea?" so I've told her that if she stops with the mcdonalds we will put the money that we would have spent into a jar and when we have enough we will go on a "aeroplane holiday" as she keeps requesting haha!
She is more than happy to do so... kids need a little persuasion sometimes :)

It is infuriating, why can't our bodies just bloody work the way that they are supposed to?? Gosh Betty, 3 years already!! I think you will get caught pretty quickly now that you've had the lap. Have doctors ever investigated as to why you miscarry?

Morning ladies,
Great news about your cousin Betty.
I understand about the age thing. I am 40 in June and before I managed to have Zoe I thought I was never going to have any children.

I agree with Tina about offering Viv an incentive.
The girls never had dummies but I stopped Zoe's bottle when she was sick in the summer with hand foot and mouth. She said the milk was hurting her mouth so we just said we had to throw her bottle away. Zara was sick in bed one night a couple of months ago so we did the same with her, she asked for it the next night then forgot all about it.

I can't believe how cold it got so quickly. I love the snow if it is for playing in, but hate it as it is now, not deep enough for a snowman and all icy and slippy xx
We haven't had any snow at all in Liverpool! Just freezing cold, I've just looked on the met office website though and it's forecast snow tonight so we will see!

I'd like it to be deep enough to play in just for one day! Evie loves the snow but every time it "snows" it's gone by the morning!

Can't wait to get home from work!!! Gonna make a curry tonight and relax ahhhhh xx
Hi girls.... Thanks for the advice, we had a couple of painful days but she seems to be a bit better now, she has only given the dummy up during the day (couldn't face going cold turkey!) I will take it off her completely in the next few weeks, I know it's all my fault in the first place! I'm too soft! I should have taken it off her ages ago :(

We had a bit of snow for about 30mins and viv loves it! She managed to build a snowman and everything :) :)

AB, how are you getting on with your little fella??? Hope he is doing well.... The age thing shouldn't be a concern but for some reason I just feel time is slipping away? Besides, I'm not sure how much TTC heartache I can take... :(

I'm 3DPO today, don't think this will be a successful cycle, both of us have been really bad with this stupid cold! We still managed a couple of times, fingers crossed but I'm not feeling it!!!
Ps: meant to say I have my app with the consultant who did my lap next week to discuss next steps and also what they actually did to me during the lap! X
Hey ladies...

Betty, fantastic news about your cousin, bet that's a relief. I'll be stalking about viv & her dummie. I've been having this debate with Az weather to take Oscars off him or not. Joe never had one, but Oscar does. I think he's too young yet to take it off him, but wherever you go, you get folk criticising you. Aaron's dad has been going on,,although I don't know why az is even listening, since the only thing his dad is good at, is being the top dad in the shit dad club!!!
Oscar settles with it, which makes our lives easier, so think we will try and wean him off when he's a bit older.
One of my friends got her little girl to give her dummies to the 'fairys' made some kind of story up how big girls can help the fairy kingdom by giving up their dummies for the big fairy garden....a bit far fetched I know, but it worked. She decorated a plant pot all fancy and told her the fairys had left it there for when she's ready to give up her dummy. Every day she would sprinkle glitter...then a few days after this pantomime, she finally went ahead and put her dummys in the plant pot for fairys! Haha Xx

Endingburgh, that cracked me up "Just gonna pop into my handbag & take 2 orgasms"

Fuck it.....I'll overdose and take the whole box!!! Haha Xx

Tina......Feel for you with the family members getting preggers and Mark being unsympathetic. Big hugs Xx As for a McDonald's near Evies school?? Jeeeez I'd need a shit load of willpower not to be going there for a sneaky burger. Saying that, I normally only ever want one when I'm hungover, which isn't alot at the min! Ha!

Betty, hope your appt goes well.
Can I just say girls, I'm sorry I'm not on here as much....I do however think of you all alot & love you all to pieces Xx

Frisky, I don't think there's anything wrong with young babies having a dummy. Like you said, it's a comforter for them. The only reason that Evie didn't have one was because she simply didn't want one! I bought tonnes of them but she just spat them out otherwise I would be going through the same situation as Betty!

I think if we had another though that I wouldn't even buy them... after all if they have never had it they won't miss it will they!

Betty, what date is you appt? Don't be feeling negative about this cycle! it only takes one time :) I will be thinking of you and crossing my fingers!

I've been having a bit of trouble with my passport girls. It expired last year and last week I went to get new passport pictures taken and sent them off. I got a letter back yesterday saying that my head was too small on the photographs! haha.. this made me chuckle. I can't make my friggin head bigger! So I went again yesterday and sat reaaallllllyyy close to the camera. That's a tenner now I've spent on photographs!

Can't wait to get back to TTC. Roll on April! xx
Oh tina.... That did make me chuckle!!! How can you're head be 'too small'??? Don't all photo booths just take standard pics of your head???
Frisky, I think it's absolutely fine for babies and toddlers to have dummies, it's a massive comfort for them and some babies need them and some are just not bothered.... My mistake was that I should have taken vivs dummy off her when she was two, I'm just being soft!!

I wanted to start a bit of a survey on when everyone got their BFPs and under what circumstances.... When I got my first BFP (viv) we only DTD 2 times that cycle as we had lots on that month (and I was basically pissed every other night!) we also caught eggy from morning :sex: 2nd BFP we DTD CD14, 15 and 17, that's all and 3rd BFP we DTD CD12 and CD19 we weren't trying at all that cycle. some cycles I've literally DTD every bloody day and nada! This cycle we have managed CD9, 12, 14 and 16....
Can you all remember yours????

I've been in A&E all night with my mam, she has a head cold so I told her she should take night nurse, I took some round for her and it nearly bloody killed her! She was in hospital all night with a severe reaction to the stuff, whoops!!! She is fine now but was slightly scary...... !!
Hope your mum feels better soon betty.
i think dummies serve their purpose. We gave them to Mia as she wanted to cluster feed for 5 hours every evening when she was tiny and i just couldn't stand it. From there she would only gt them when she was due a nap. When she was about nine months she was put in the cot and didn't look for it, went to sleep and we just never gave her it again. We were lucky. Not having as much luck with potty training, it just upsets her. Any tips?
I know this might not be well received for some reasons but this time we did the deed only once, mid morning, in my birthday while i had a chest infection. I was literally sick all month and we assumed we wouldn't catch. First time we were just two of us in the house after lodger moved out. At it like rabbits!
Edinburgh.... I hated potty training!!! We did it in the summer so that viv could run around in the garden but naked and when she did a wee we told her what she had done and sat her on the potty and then have her a treat for going.... Took a while but we got there in the end.... We also had a chart so she could put stickers on every time she went but she wasn't too interested in that, she just wanted chocolate!!!

I'm asking everyone about when they conceived as I think it's quite an interesting topic.... From my experience I have got a BFP when I've not really been trying so I wondered if everyone was the same and if it really is true that if you don't try so hard and relax a little it happens!!! I'm genuinely happy for everyone on here who has their babies and their BFPs, we have all had a journey and it would be pretty miserable if non of us had the joy of getting that sticky BFP. :)
I fell pregnant on my 2nd cycle trying for Evie. I specifically remember we were at it every minute of the day! I didn't expect to get caught so quickly. I don't know what approach to take anymore.. we've tried sex every day, sex every other day, keeping my legs in the air afterwards, not going to the loo for a couple of hours, preseed, clomid, vitamins, medication, temping, cervix checking ARGGGHHHH!!! Where do we go from here... haha!

Edinburgh, I tried to make the move from potty to toilet pretty quickly. I bought a little step and a kids cushioned toilet seat and got her her own little hand wash. Tried to make the idea of going to the toilet for her exciting and she made the transition from nappies to the toilet easily. What is she afraid of?

We're off to my mums for a roast tonight then I'm having lunch with my sisters tomorrow. I haven't had a girls day for sooooo long!!

What's everyone upto this weekend?

We got a toilet seat and step for Zoe too and kept a potty in the living room. I just used to try her every half hour or so and read her a story or do something to amuse her while she was trying.
We have been really lucky with Zara, she decided herself about 3 months ago that she didn't want to wear pull ups anymore and has only had a handful of accidents. She even goes shopping etc now wearing her big girls pants. Still in pull ups at night though.

Enjoy your weekend!!

My sis and bro in law are coming up tomorrow and taking the girls to Burger King and ten pin bowling while dh and I go shopping. I need jeans and tops. Then they are staying over and having an Indian takeaway and a few drinks(no alcohol for me though lol). We are all going for breakfast on sun morning and the girls are going to soft play for a little while before my sis goes home xx
That sounds like an amazing weekend AB! I have weekend envy after reading that haha! We ended up going to watch the 3rd hunger games movie and I was totally disappointed! The first 2 we're great but this one didn't have any action in!

Just climbed into bed, watching take me out and Evie's still awake!! Xx
Hi girls... How is everyone? Hope you all had a good weekend. AB, how was your weekend??? How have you got the energy to do all that?!?! Hope little frazer is still being good for you :)
Tina.... I love the hunger games, can't believe the 3rd one is not very good! I hate it when that happens!
I had a relatively quiet weekend although I was feeling a but down on Saturday so me and my sis decided to go to the pub for a bottle of wine (each!) felt rather naff yesterday!!! I also smashed a plate before bed last nite in my hungover state and then stood on a shard which went right into the sole of my foot.... What a loser, doh! I prob need stitches but no way I can go to A&E as I'm not booked in for my leg wax till thurs, lol! No-one is seeing these hairy Mary's!!! :( :)
Ouch, sounds painful betty.
Lol I was in bed and asleep by 8pm last night. I am ok if I keep on the move but feel my eyes going together when I sit and feed Frazer. He is an amazing little boy. Feeds and sleeps well. Xx
Ouch betty, that sounds painful, hope its sorted. Although I'm sure your hangover was just as bad!!haha..I polished off half a bottle of red on Friday and felt as rough as a lizards Willy!! Ha!
How's your mum doing?

Tina, I've never seen hunger games! A girl's day sounds fab, I need one of those. A few of us are looking at booking into a spa for one night soon, cant wait.

Ab, you have been busy. Hope Frazer is doing well.

Az has been working loads recently, he's never home. He's on call for 2 week's and has been called out every night and weekend days. Saw him more when he was in the bloody navy! He's off call Friday, so hoping to go out Friday for a bite to eat, if we can get a sitter for a few hours.
Oscar is deffo teething, but it's his bottom fangs!!?? He's gonna look like a baby vampire! Haha

I dont know if you remember me telling you a while back about my friend who got diagnosed with terminal cancer, was given 6months to live??
Well he died early hours of this morning (sorry yesterday morning) :(

I knew it was going to happen, but I'm devestated....a part of me hoped for some kind of miracle.I can't sleep, I keep crying.... I'm finding it very hard to comprehend I will never see him again. Xxx
Frisky sending you big hugs :( sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. We're going through the same situation at the minute. My dads sister was diagnosed with terminal melanoma about 12 months ago and we think she's nearing the end. All she does now is sleep and when she is awake she's in excruciating pain. It's unfair :( Why are the best ones always taken?

That made me giggle about little Oscar being a vampire baby haha! I can just imagine him with 2 little fangs. Can you feel them coming through?

Betty you're a nutter!! the way you would rather put up with glass in your foot than let the doctors see your hairy pins :) get the immac out and get to the hospital lady!!

I've not been up to much :( I am back on my diet, want to lose about 6lb. I've purposely avoided getting on the scales for about 6 months and knew I'd put on a few pounds so I finally bit the bullet on Sunday. I'm trying my best to cut out sugar but my cravings for chocolate and biscuits are too much haha

Frisky, I'm sorry you lost your friend. It's awful when someone ages with you passes away, really makes you focus on what's important.
Ab, where do you get the energy!
Tina, awful to hear your auntie is also suffering. I hope they can at least take care of the pain.
for the 3rd time my cold was just starting to shift and it's come back again with serious sinus pain. That's a month now. So fed up.
i think Mia doesn't like the bathroom because it's cold in there but she seems to prefer the stepped seat on toilet to potty. I think she just needs a bit more time. Might take a few days off work to work on it together.
bed calls, night peeps!
It's not an overnight process Edinburgh, it might take her a little while to get a grasp of it. I remember that we initially tried Evie with potty training and she wasn't getting the hang of it at all so we left it for a few months. When we tried again she took to it like a duck to water. She just mustn't have been ready the first time around!

Betty, did you get the glass removed and your foot stitched up? xx

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