7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi girls how is everyone.... ? Edinburgh, I agree with Tina, try not to get stressed out about the potty training, I think when kids are ready they will naturally pick it up ans some children are ready sooner than others! :)
Frisky, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, that is very sad news :( there is no understanding on why this can happen to nice people... He always takes the best... Hope you are ok xxx
Tina.... How are you getting on with not trying??? Do you feel more relaxed not having to temp, check CM etc...?

My foot is absolutely fine, just a bit sore but healed up all on it's own the clever little thing!! I have my app with my consultant tmrw to discuss my op and I guess what happens now... Girls, I think I have hit rock bottom :( I'm really struggling at the minute. Everything seems so hard and I'm so sad that this is not happening for us! I cried all the way to work today and looked a bloody mess when I arrived. I'm seriously thinking it may be time to re consider what I'm actually doing. I'm spending so much time obsessing on TTC that I'm missing everything else that is going on in life.... :( god this is so bloody ridiculous! I have an amazing little girl who is healthy and happy, why can I not just be happy with what I have got??? Lordy, sorry for the most miserable post girls..... Someone pls slap me! :)
Hi girls, first of all happy Friday everyone!!!

Betty, please don't feel stupid for letting it get you down.... It's easier said than done saying "be happy with what you have" when you desperately want a sibling for your child. I'm in the same boat with just the one and Evie is constantly asking when she's going to get a little brother or sister. It breaks my heart that she feels lonely and even more so that we can't give her one.
Have you explored the options of IVF/IUI hun? Or would it be something that isn't financially possible for you?
Have you had any symptoms this 2WW?

I feel miserable too :-( I feel selfish more than anything that we're concentrating more on booking a holiday than trying for a baby. But I guess that's where you're right Betty when you say that it can take over your life and you can't concentrate on anything else. I need to remember that I have a little girl who wants a holiday and I feel at the minute I need to concentrate on that.

I'm counting down the days to trying again though. We have been thinking about just biting the bullet when we try again and asking for some information on IVF. The thought of going another 12 months without a BFP terrifies me.

Anyone doing fun things this weekend? I'm going out for chinese food tonight to celebrate my little sisters birthday but apart from that I have no plans! Mark is going out with the boys tomorrow on an all dayer so I plan on going to the Asda, buying tonnes of treats and veging out with my girl

I'm exhausted girls :( Evie's had a stomach bug since yesterday afternoon. We went out for lunch with my mum and dad. Just me and Evie as mark had gone out for drinks with the boys. So we ordered our food and suddenly Evie came to climb on my knee and snuggle into me, which is completely unlike her.. She would normally be off exploring. She said she had a tummy ache so I stood to take her to the toilet and she projectile vomited all over the carpet in the restaurant!
From then on, every 15 minutes.. Sick! It carried on until 2am this morning and she finally fell to sleep to wake back up at 6.30am! No rest for the wicked!

Betty any symptoms to report?

My AF is due tomorrow, right on cue for going back to work

Oh no Tina!!! Sickness bugs totally suck!!! How has Evie been today??? Did you manage to have a disco nap at all today? Hope you don't get it from
Her, nothing worse :(
Tina, I know it's so much easier to tell other people how to feel, try and relax and enjoy this time of not temping or taking tests and stressing about if you have managed to DTD enough, etc, etc.... Just think of that lovely holiday you are all going to have together, that will be so lovely!!! It won't be long before you are trying again...
I had my app with the consultant on Thursday and he went through what he did in the lap... Basically both my tubes and ovaries were filled with endometriosis. Also both tubes were twisted and attached to the ovary and uterus. He has managed to remove all the endo from the tubes and ovaries but my right tube is damaged from the endo and scar tissue so is not working. He said that it is inevitable that the endo will come back. He told me that is I don't fall pregnant naturally in the next 6 months then it's probably not going to happen and the next steps would be IVF.... :( it's a bit crap basically.... Thinking that my TTC journey is coming to an end :(

I've been on a spa break with my sister this weekend so it's been nice to get away from everything, we had a great time and got really pissed (not feeling so hot today tho!!!)

CD30 today for me and tested yesterday but BFN (of course!) no symptoms, AF is due tmrw (we are in sync Tina!) 5 more cycles left!
Evening my lovely ladies.

Sorry to read about you feeling so down betty, it saddens me to think of you crying on your way to work :( I wish I could make you feel better, but I know whatever I say won't help. Tina is right though, don't you dare feel stupid for feeling so down, it's only natural and some days will be better than other's. It's just so shit this is happening at all.
That's hard to hear about the endo, but great he has moved it. I didn't realise it came back like that, you will have to make sure you dtd lots and lots!! What's the hubby Said about it all?? I hope he's ok & keeping your spirits up.
Your spa break sounds fab, does your sister know about your TTC journey??

Tina, how's evie doing now?? I saw your rant on fb as Mark was on his all Dayer. Men are shit when football, mates and beer come into the picture. Az would have stayed out too!!

I had to go docs today as I've Been getting terrible pains in my hands, waking me up at night. Tingling and numb feeling . I've Been so scared thinking its a complication of my diabetes, as it can damage your nerves. The doctor is 99% sure it's Carpal tunnel syndrome...if the pain is still here in the next week, I've got to go back to be referred to go and have tests on my nerves in my hand! Told to rest my hands, no lifting!! Haha, Impossible with a 5 month old baby! It's bloody painful though.

I have the funeral on Wednesday, which will be sad. I'm dreading it in more ways than one as Aaron's pyscho ex will be there. Arrgghhhh!

Az is off on a lads weekend on Saturday. We were meant to be going out on a club night , but I've sacrificed my night so he can join the boys....they are making it his belated headwetting. What a good wife am I???
Don't worry...I'm keeping check on all these nights out. I've got a few get out of jail free cards to use in the future!! ;) Xc
Betty no wonder you've been having trouble getting pregnant/staying pregnant with all of that going on inside of you! Good that they've managed to remove most of it though but sad that they've said there's 6 months... Have you spoken to your OH about it? What does he think the best step for you is.... Would you get help off the NHS with IVF?

Frisky, that's good of you to sacrifice your plans to let Az go out! I'd be like ummmm I don't friggin think so!! haha. I hope the funeral goes as well can can be on Wednesday, what is so psycho about Aarons ex? I don't think Mark had an ex before me.. he was going through the sex, drugs and rock and roll phase of his life before I appeared and rescued him!

Evie is much better, I was fuming at Mark though. I asked him not to come home too rotten in case Evie didn't sleep all night and I needed to catch up on sleep the following day. Low and behold he came strolling in at 2am and couldn't even stand up! He just collapsed on the couch with his clothes and shoes on so that's where I left him. I was a combination of an extremely sleepy mummy who smelt of vomit and hadn't eaten all day! Not good.

I feel like all we do lately is argue... He is trying to quit smoking and I know for a fact that he smokes in work during the week but he won't smoke in front of me on a weekend. So as the weekend goes on his temper shortens, he becomes more irritable and that starts to fuck me off so we end up in a full blown argument! I actually dread Friday afternoon arriving lately.
But if I mention to him about the smoking and it being the reason that we're not getting on he dismisses the idea and turns it around on me for being a psycho bitch.

the joys of marriage hey!

Hi girls..... How you doing?
Frisky. Carpel tunnel is not nice!!! Hope you get it sorted, I remember having it when I was pg and it was so bloody frustrating not being able to feel your fingers! It's so difficult to rest as well, especially being a full time mum! Have you asked the doctor for some wrist braces or any kind if support? This can help a bit.... Yes, give us the gossip on Aaron's ex? Why is she a physco bitch??? Hope that Wednesday goes as well as can be for you all :(

Tina... God your hubby sounds like mine! Chris also smokes but he is not even giving up, it's not worth it! He tried before and I almost told him to pack his bags and leave! He was such a miserable *******! I know it's hard to give up (I smoked for 10 years so know exactly how it feels) but really, it's just having a bit of willpower and I wish he would just frigging pack it in! Not only is it slowly killing him but costs a bloody fortune! Men hey!!!
Frisky, what are you saving your 'get out if jail for free cards for?' A weekend in magaluf??? Lol :)
Tina, did your AF arrive? Mine arrived Sunday nite right on time.... Eeeek that means only 5 cycles left, no pressure! I think we are just going to see what happens in the next 5 months and then make a decision then but they way I feel I may just call it a day.... I'm just exhausted by it all now :(
My sister unfortunately know all about infertility too well, she was TTC for 5 years and nothing, she's had 3 laparoscopies and in the end had IVF which she got free and luckily got her BFP from the IVF :) she knows all about what we are going through. We wouldn't qualify for free IVF. I guess it's all in the hands of fate now...
Anyone got anything planned for valentines day??? :drunk:
Just popped on quickly whilst settling Oscar. I'll be back in a bit .

Can't believe I've never mentioned Aaron's psycho ex!! Haha I'll tell you all the juice later Xx
Morning lovelies!

Yes Betty, my AF arrived today. A 30 day cycle.. I'm gonna take that as my normal cycle length now. God am I cramping, and I'm in friggin work!!!!! I've just popped 3 ibuprofen which I'm hoping start to kick in shortly or I will be in a ball on the floor crying my eyes out.
We also don't qualify for free IVF :( suckish really but I guess the NHS put their priority as couples who haven't got any children. I think though that if after a certain amount of time that a couple TTC no2 hasn't conceived then SOME help should be given. Christ it's a lot of money to give to the NHS with only a 49% success rate.

I actually spoke to Mark about it last night, I said "I've been having a think... do you think that when we start TTC again that we should look into IVF?" and he flipped! he said "for fucks sake Tina do you genuinely not think of anything but trying to get pregnant???" that was the end of that conversation! I sloped off to the bedroom with my PMS symptoms and had a little cry.

Frisky I hope today goes okay for you my dear, you're in my thoughts. Sending you huge hugs.

AB how's your little man coming on?

Hi girls.... Tina, I didn't see your last post till just now? For some reason it's not giving me an alert when someone posts on our thread like it used to!!! Really sorry chick.... I can't believe mark said that to you :( they can be so insensitive to us.... And YES! Unfortunately that is all we think about as we are so bloody desperate to get that sticky BFP.... I feel for you chick.... If it's any consolation I think all men are the same, Chris is the same with me :( totally thinks I'm nuts and can't believe that I get so upset about anything to do with TTC. If only they could take some of the burden off us now and again....
I think your right about the IVF. It would be nice to have some contribution to it. Especially is you have tried for so long... I reckon it's gonna be about £4-5k and I've already made my mind up that we won't go down that route. I'm going to be 38 this year, we can't afford that kind of money and I would be absolutely crushed if it didn't work :(
Good news for is it that I've booked a holiday, yipeeeee! We can't afford that either but SOD it! I really need a break girls, it's been a tought few months and I have to have some chill out time. We are going to lanzarote for a week. I managed to get a really good deal so I'm super pleased. We go at the end of April so I've got plenty of time to tone up those delightful wobbly bits and it also gives me something else to focus on, I'm not even stressing about TTC this month, I'm just thinking about hitting the gym and what I'm going to need for my hols..... It's so nice. Phew! God, I'm gonna need therapy after all this I tell ya!!!

Has everyone had a nice weekend? Hope you're all doing well.... It's getting awfully quiet on here but I know a lot of you have your hands full with your little bundles and bumps... :)

Morning! bahhh humbug back to reality. Another working week begins. Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

Betty fab that you've booked a holiday!! and it's soooo close too. April will be here in no time at all :) :) I've never been to Lanzarote but I've been to the canaries loads and I love it there. You can always depend on the canaries for some sun no matter what time of the year. Have you told viv or are you keeping it as a surprise?
We haven't told Evie about our winter sun break. We're going to tell her on the day and hopefully she will be overcome with excitement :D

Betty, I can understand where you're coming from with the IVF. It certainly is a lot of money to hand over when there's a high percentage that it won't work. I tried speaking to Mark about it on Saturday again in the pub. I thought, get him merry and he will be in a relatively good mood with a pint in his hand so what better time to bring it up! It went better than the first time anyway... He wants to give it until Christmas time trying naturally and if we've still not caught the egg then we can see someone about IVF. I expressed my concerns that if we do that then Evie could be going on 7 by the time we have another baby and I don't want to leave that much of an age gap. I said that I want to see a specialist this year and discuss what our options are going forward/prices etc... with a bit of persuasion he started to see it from my perspective and we've agreed to finish the 2 rounds of clomid that I have left and then if still no joy we will speak to the hospital.

I've just booked tickets this morning to go the circus on valentines day. <3 We didn't have any romantic plans anyway and we will definitely have Evie because she stayed out last weekend so I thought why not do something as a family together? Evie will love it too, she has never been to the circus.
I've got 50 shades on Friday too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am. I've been counting down to this film for about 12 months. Sad really that that is what my life has become :( We're going to have a girls night with italian food and mummy porn haha.

Is anyone else doing anything for Valentines?

Hi ladies. How are we all? Frisky was the funeral uneventful? Nothing worse for bringing out the worst in people than heart break. My family is terrible for falling out big style at weddings and funerals. Tina, betty, just want to give you both a big hug. IVF sounds really tough and i can imagine the prospect must be awful if your partner isn't 100% behind you.
My other half is engrossed in his studies and so there's not much baby engagement this time round. I go to bed at least an hour before him everyday which doesn't help. I had bloods and an anti-d injection today. Bloody sore bum let me tell you. I'm o-neg though and Mia is a-pos so its important to have it. Stings like no-ones business.
work is getting tough. I'm just so damn pooped all the time. 9 weeks left and counting! Have had a foot in the ribs all day today.
no plans for valentines. We need to save some money. Circus sounds fun! I didn't like 50 shades. Just wanted to slap the female character &#55357;&#56836;. Any kind of pain or massive show of dominance just turns my engine off though. You guys enjoy! Give me superhero movies any day. Actually, i watched warm bodies last weekend and loved it. Zombie movie with a happy ending... Genius! X
Edinburgh nice to hear from you hun! How many weeks are you now? I can't believe that 4 of you ladies have been and had babies since I've been posting in this thread!! All little boys too... did you find out what you were having Edinburgh?

I love 50 shades or anything of that genre... I must have read about 50 erotic romance novels :) Give me a insanely rich man with a BDSM obsession any day haha. I do quite like zombie movies too! I love the walking dead.. which started again last night eeekkk!!

Eurgh I'm tired today girls. And I need sugar :( I have been doing the atkins diet now for 9 days and when I weighed myself on Sunday I hadn't lost a single pound. I was gutted after only eating meat and vegetables all week! I'm gonna stick at it though. A friend of mine lost 4 stone in a year from cutting out carbs. Not that I want to lost anything near that, I'll be happy if I can lost 6-8lbs.


I hope you don't have to do IVF and both get your BFP's sooner rather than later:hugs:

Hi frisky and edinburgh:hi:

All good here, time is going by quick. Can't believe my little boy is over a month old already. Going to get him weighed this afternoon.

We're getting my dad and stepmum up to visit on valentines day. Think we are taking the kids swimming in the morning then they are visiting in the afternoon. dh and I will probably just get a pizza or something when the girls are in bed. Taking the girls to the Singing Kettle on sunday.
Enjoy the circus xx
Hi girls....
Tina, you do make me laugh!!! I read the first two 50 shades book and quite enjoyed them, did our sex life the world of good as I was horny all the time!! Lol! Don't think I'm up for the film though.... Tina, you will have to let me know what's it like!
Edinburgh, I cannot believe you only have 9 weeks left!!! What is that all about? Where is the time going???? Eeeeeek!!!
AB, I also cannot believe frazer is a month!

Sad times in my family I'm afraid, my Granda was put on 'end of life' care yesterday, he doesn't have very long. I've been by his side all morning but have to go to work now (nice red baggy eyes!!!) he's old and had a good innings but all the same, it's still very sad :(

We have no plans for valentines. Prob a pizza and a DVD, can't get more romantic than that!!! :)

Edinburgh, are you all set for LO's arrival? Have you thought of names etc....? When are you starting your maternity leave??? Xxx
Ps: Tina.... Think that you are doing the right thing by talking about IVF sooner rather than later, that way you have all your options in front of you and you know what your next possible steps are.... Hopefully it won't come to that and we both get our BFPs very soon (fingers and toes crossed!!!) or we can be IVF buddies and sell a kidney or something to raise some funds!!!! :)
Sorry about your grandad betty. Even when they are ready its hard for us peeps left behind.
I'm 29 weeks on Thurs. Just 9 weeks to finishing work. It's supposed to be a boy this time.
If you like horndog romance Tina you should read some hunger games fan fiction!
ab that's a lot to get through in a day with multiple children and a new baby, take it easy!
Betty, sorry to hear about your Grandad hun, I am thinking of you and sending big hugs :(

I am having a little giggle about your comment about raising funds for IVF! haha I can just imagine us in a busy town centre busking for baby money! Stranger things have happened I'm sure....

It's Mark's birthday today, we're both working so not really got any plans. Think we're just going to get a takeaway tonight. I've bought him tickets for the Liverpool v Man City game for his birthday. Frisky I'll be thinking of you when I'm there haha!

Edinburgh, your pregnancy sure is flying by! Another boy!!! there hasn't been a single baby girl in this thread has there! I think they're saving themselves for me and you Betty :)

Morning ladies....
A sad post today I'm afraid. My Granda passed away last night. He died peacefully and we were there till the end :( it was very sad but at least he is at peace now... I'm still kinda shocked even though I knew it was coming. I'm not going to work today.

Tina.... Happy birthday to mark, you are a very good wife getting him such a good present! Top marks! And yes, it may come to us busking down the royal Albert docks! Lol!!! :)

Catch you all later xxxx

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