7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

:hugs: betty,sorry to hear about your grandad.

tina, well jealous of marks birthday present. i loved it when dh and i went to anfield last year xx
So sorry to hear about your grandad Betty, you are in my thoughts :(

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend whatever you may be getting up with your DHs! Mine will be spent with 50 shades of grey, lots of chocolate and a trip to the circus.

Thank you for all the love girls :hug: means a lot.... My mam is taking it badly, funeral is Friday :(

Did everyone have a romantic valentines? We just had some wine and had some nice food at home, was nice and relaxed :)

CD 14 for me... Think we are not going to bother this cycle, it's just all a bit too much. Vivienne has had a terrible infection on her legs where she has eczema so she has been in agony. She's just finished a course of antibiotics and is on the mend now but we have had no sleep for the last 4 nights... Jeez, I look like a zombie!!!

Can't believe it's Monday again tmrw?!?? Where are the weeks going??

Tina.... Tell us all about 50 shades!!!! Was it all you expected it to be?!?!??
Hi girls, Betty that sucks about little viv :( Evie suffers with eczema too, it seems to be a recurring thing in our family. All the kids have had it and my sister still suffers really badly just like viv where she ends up bleeding with it.

50 shades was brilliant though I did feel a little gutted that a few key parts of the book were missed out from the film. I understand though that the book has 24 chapters and to fit every little detail into a 2 hour film is challenging. I really enjoyed what they did show though... Jamie Dornan is HAWWWTTT!!!

Nobody can blame you for not trying this cycle, you've had a lot on your plate. We've still got 3 cycles to go until it's safe for us to try again.. it is going over quite quickly though. We've done 2 cycles already so we're getting there.

How are you all?

Our weekend was good. Took the kids out for a walk on sat with my dad and stepmum then dh and I had pizza after the kids were in bed.
Went to the Singing Kettle on sun.

Just been to doc for our 6 week check. Can't believe that Frazer has been here for 6 weeks already although it feels like he's always been here!

Just getting organised and packing as we are moving in a couple of weeks xx
Sorry for being AWOL girls... Had a manic week, it's just been one thing after another! My grandas sister died this morning so more sadness for the family. I've got a throat infection so a week on antibiotics, you can't make this shit up!

Tina.... How do you guys manage Evie's eczema??? Viv has it badly behind her legs, it's awful seeing her in so much pain and irritation with it!

AB, I can't believe frazer is 6 weeks old already' it's ridiculous how quickly the time passes, hope he is still being good for you!!

It's my cousins 12 week scan tmrw and I think she will be announcing it tmrw too, it's actually going to be some nice news amongst all the bad we have had lately :)
Oh my gosh!! I'm so so sorry for abandoning you all!!
I think about you lots...I've just had a really bad few weeks, I'm really stressed :( I will definitely be here tomorrow night & tell you. And also to catch up. Please forgive me Xx
Betty, just read about your granadad :( :hugs:
I'm so sorry, I lost my granddad when I was 16 and still miss him so much Xx hope your ok

I'm sorry to bail, I really need to sleep Xx
Love you all Xx
Evening everyone...Betty, I hope today went ok as it can do for you & your family. Big hugs to you Xx

Just catching up on previous posts, I've struggled to get on here recently. I normally come on in the evening as daytime is obviously a no go! Haha But I've been so tired recently, Oscar has been full of a cold this past week, so has been waking up crying in the night .Seems to have cleared now though thank goodness. He has also been waking up at around 5am the past week too, I think he's hungry. I will be starting him on solids in 2 week's, so I'm just going to persevere.

Ab, I can't believe frazer is 6 week's old already, where has the time gone? I hope all is good with you.
Edingburgh, again, where has the time gone?? Only 9 week's to go? That's crazy!!

Forgive me if I'm been thick here, but betty& Tina....why can you not get funding for the ivf? Is it to do with you already having kids? 5k is such alot of money, but I think it's good you have had it out with Mark Tina & in agreement to get the ball rolling with it.
Betty, it saddens me that you may give up TTC :( I So wish you both would get your bfp's, it's not fair.

My sister has had confirmation that she is going through early menopause. She has an appt at a specialist at the end of March to see what her options are. She has the go ahead for the ivf, but hasn't had a period in 10 months.

We didn't do anything for Valentine's, just stayed in for a change haha,&#got a curry.
We got rid of our dog last week :( Its so sad. Aaron has given him to his dad, so at least we can still see him. He started growling at Joe & has gone to bite him a few times. Not hard, but it scares me as the 'next time' could be really bad & once Oscar starts toddling, I won't feel safe.

My friends funeral was sad to be expected. Hundreds of people turned up though, he had an amazing send off. I still have texts off him in my phone, seems so weird I'll never see him again. I didn't stay all night at the wake, I had 2 drinks then drove home. I'm glad I did. Drinking all day, upset....would have been horrific. Ewww
Aaron's ex was there too, bitch. Haha I still need to fill you in on her.
To cut a long story short, she came to our wedding party, got pissed & kicked off with me. She is a proper dick! Then had the cheek to message Az to tell him that I'm 'Odd' haaaaaha there's more to it than that, but I'm too tired!! Xx
Morning lovely ladies! Frisky, lovely to see you back on here chick!

Little Oscar as ever is still gorgeous, I still coo at the pictures you post of him on facebook. He's going to be a little heart breaker, I can tell!
Evie was 16 weeks when she started on solids, I only know because one of my friends who has a baby girl asked me if I could remember.. so I trawled back through my facebook pictures and I had posted a picture on the first day that she tried solids, she was 16 weeks old. All babies are different though, there's no "right" time in my opinion. I think it all depends on how easily your child is satisfied. How many weeks is Oscar now?

Sorry to hear that he's been full of a cold! It's awful when our LOs are sick, even more so when they're as young as Oscar and can't tell you how they're feeling. I'd take it away from them in a heartbeat if I could. Evie has been really sick too, she started last Tuesday complaining of a headache and a sore tummy and it kinda went downhill from there... from Tuesday to Saturday she couldn't even get off the couch because her little body was so weak, her eyes and nose were constantly streaming and she just felt really unwell.
Thankfully she started to pick up on Saturday, I swear I had it in my head that she had meningitis and everything! We took her to Knowsley Safari Park on Saturday afternoon because her whole half term had been ruined by a nasty virus!

Betty, I have a steroid cream for Evie as well as a double base moisturiser. I coat her whole body in it when she's been in the bath because she comes out all dry. When she's hot and especially in the summer she suffers badly with it in the creases of her skin and scratches it so much that it bleeds. I don't think there's anything that can manage it if I'm honest after seeing how my sister has suffered with it over the years. She's tried EVERYTHING to keep it at bay and nothing works, it's that bad that she can't wear make up or use any fragranced shower gels. I feel sorry on her :(

Frisky, we can't get funding for IVF because we already have a child. It sucks but you can also understand that the NHS have to stop at some point and their priority is helping couples who haven't got any kids and still can't conceive naturally.

Only 2 more cycles to go until we can get back on the wagon! I canny wait :) :) :)

Hi tina, yes..I thought it was something like that about the ivf, I remember someone mentioning it on a previous post. It does suck, but I know what you mean, it's such a shame though :( Xx
How is Evie now? And how was Knowsley?? I remember taking Joe there when he was about 4. We went through the monkey enclosure....most people had tiny little monkeys jumping on their cars....not us! We got the biggest baboon of a monkey, I'm telling you now, it was fucking HUGE!! He jumped on our bonnet, ripped off the window wipers & just sat there! Joe screamed ALL the way round & home, he was petrified! Never liked monkeys since! Haha

Wow, 16 week's seems early for solids..but as you say, everyone is different. Oscar will be 23 week's on Thursday. We are going to try the babyled weaning, where they basically feed themselves, it sounds a great way for them to discover food & I really want oscar to know what food looks & feel like, rather than having it all pureed up. Doing it this way, you can't start it till 6 months (or there abouts) so we are going to start next week. It's gonna be a messy affair, but I'm looking forward to it.
He's great, getting a right little character to him, he's so laid back like his daddy, but has My temper when he's tired! He's just started grabbing his own feet! I LOVE it when baby's do that!
Az pulled a sicky today, he's been working his arse off all weekend, covering for someone else,..So we went for a pub lunch then took Oscar swimming for the first time, he loved it! :)

Still hate the house we are in...I ended up calling the police on Saturday night. Our house is on the main road in ramsbottom, so come weekend you can hear all the pissed up people walking home. On Sat, two guys were outside our house, kicking off, screaming at each other, then they started screaming at people walking past them. They started shaking the bus stop sign, trying to break it. Joe was crying as he was scared . It was awful, I felt threatened in my own house especially as az was out working. It was only about 9pm.
Anyway, by the time the police came they had gone! Idiots Xx
Hey girls,

Frisky, Evie was the exact same with the monkeys! She screamed the whole way around and because it was busy it took us about 20 minutes to get through the monkey part. Every time one of them even came near the car she clung to me like a baby monkey haha and screamed her lungs out! It's safe to say that if we go again we will NOT be going through the monkey part

What kinds of food will Oscar be able to try on the babyled weaning? I've never heard of it! God so much has changed since I had a newborn, I feel like I wouldn't know what to do now if we had another. Don't health visitors advise now not to make bottles up and put them in the fridge? I don't think I'd change a thing, I mean what did women do 100s of years ago??

That's shitty about the drunkards outside your house!! I'd be fuming too, it makes me angry enough when there's kids under my front window so I don't know how I'd react if there were pissed up men. The police are a waste of time though aren't they??? They're more bothered in stopping someone for not having a seatbelt on than turning up to your house when there's a disturbance!

Haha Tina, I had the same reaction about the baby led weaning. I've never heard of it before until I went to a weaning talk at my health center.

I remember weaning Joe, having to puree all his food, I'd freeze batches of it in ice cube trays....looking back, it was pretty stressful trying to get him to eat it, worrying if he didn't eat it all or didn't like it!

Baby led weaning basically means baby is in charge. It works on the concept that they eat what you eat. So no having to puree food. So next week I will start Oscar off on porridge or weetabix. But instead of ME spoon feeding him, he will attempt to do it himself (we load the spoon though) then any other food you just pop on his tray and let him go for it.
Obviously more will go on the floor or in his hair & face. But as the weeks progress, they learn to eat themselves. The idea is they get the feel, smell of food, they discover it themselves rather than just having mush.
Because they still have the milk feeds , it doesn't matter if they don't eat it all, it's meant to be a fun way of learning to eat.
It has benefits as it causes babies to be less fussy eaters & meal times enjoyable rather than a battle. It's really interesting.
So if I want to give him some Apple, rather than boiling it & mushing it up....I will just grate it & let him tuck in! Haha X
Oh my God girls! I've had the worst afternoon!
Went to do my shopping with Oscar, had to park on the side street as there were no spaces outside my house. As I was getting Oscars car seat out, a car tried getting past, so I closed the door & leant back so it could pass....Went to open car door again and it was LOCKED! With the fucking keys inside and Oscar!!! Oscars car seat was all pushed forward as I was in the process of unhooking the seatbelt from the back of it. Oscar was at a funny angle, his hood had fallen over his eyes so he couldn't see me! He was screaming his head off!! I totally panicked...anyway, I ended up calling 999 & had a fire engine come out to rescue him. Sirens on & everything!! They had to smash the back window of the car!
Oscar was distraught, but when I got him out he was smiling at all the firemen!
I swear to God , these things always happen to me!! FML!

Pass me a vodka!! X
Girls I am so sorry for being AWOL!!! I've not had two mins to get on here these last few days :(

Frisky food to hear from you and OMG!!!! I can't believe that happened to you! I mean, it's a funny story to tell people but I bet you were absolutely FRaNtIC!!! I bet it happens all the time, bless you!!! Any hunky firemen come to your rescue???? :) lol!!!

Tina.... It sounds like Evie has the same kind if eczema, it's so awful, viv has been in such pain and didn't sleep for a week as she must have been so itchy! The steroid cream has worked and it has cleared up loads but she just keeps get wetting really bad flare ups! I can't believe your sis has still got it so bad! Bless her, I really feel for her because it's such an awful thing to have!

Not much to report with me, my mam decided that after my grandas funeral she would book a holiday for us all so we have booked to go to Cyprus in august.... Two holidays this year!!! Lordy! I haven't been abroad for 5 years! Very exciting!!!
9DPO for me, I think my dream is slipping away girls :( I've started to try and get my head around it as I know I'm going to be deeply disappointed when it gets to June and my next app with the consultant... We also don't qualify for IVF and I totally understand and agree with this.... :( eeeeeeeeek

Anyone got any plans this weekend??? No alcohol for me for 2 weeks as I'm on bloody antibiotics ggggrrrrrrrrr :( desperate for a wine tooooooooo !!! :wine:

Here is my poor baby's legs 2 weeks ago!! Bless her, it's so much better now tho :) xx
Poor Vivian, that looks so sore. Wow for 2 holidays,have fun!!

Lol frisky,I done the same with my nephew years ago. Never had central locking then,opened the door to put his car seat in and threw the car keys onto the drivers seat. For some reason I then put the button down on passenger door and closed it!! My sis had left 2 mins before lol I had to knock on her neighbours door and use her phone to call police who got him out!!

Are you looking forward to Sunday Tina?
Not much happening here. We are moving next week so just getting organised for that.
Cancelled our forest holiday as we want to save for a deposit for a mortgage as I am pissed off renting. Much preferred when we had our own place before. Feel like we are throwing money away renting. Going to my sisters caravan for a week instead. Xx
Hi girls.... How are you all?? Hope everyone has had a nice weekend, they're never long enough for me!!!

Frisky, meant to say I've heard lots of great stories from baby led weaning, I didn't know anything about it when viv started on solids so never did it. My friend did it though and it was amazing to watch her 8 month old tuck into a lasagne all by herself! Keep us posted on how it goes.... Tina, when are you back to TTC again??? How has it been these last few months? Have you enjoyed not stressing about getting your bfp???

I'm 13dpo today. I have had some major symptoms this cycle, I've had nausea, dizziness, extreme hunger but most of all, sore boobs which I NEVER get! First I thought it was from the gym but it's defo not!!! Trying not to get my hopes up but I can't even imagine I could possibly be pg. Just not sure why I have such sore bbs??? Anyone else had this before???? :)

AB, I can't believe your moving, it's so stressful, are you going anywhere nice???

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