7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hello ladies. Frisky, i'd have been so panicked i'd probably have broken through the windscreen myself! My husband put our daughter in her car seat the other day, gave her the keys and closed the door to help me with shopping. The locks i screamed running for a door, knowing she knows how to push the buttons on the car keys. Thankfully i got it open but hubby just went sheet white. She wanted to play with them and i just didn't think, he said!
Anyway, I'm having a crappy time. I'm in hospital. They don't know quite what's wrong but suspect its my appendix. My bloods are all over the place and the pain is awful. However the ultrasound couldn't conclusively prove it is my appendix. I've said i wont agree to surgery without proof that the baby or i is at risk. I'm 31 weeks and i have this horror that i'd go for a general to have an appendicitis and end up without my baby when i woke up. I know I'm probably just being unreasonable but best case scenario it goes well i have a 6 week recovery followed by delivery, followed by more recovery, all with a toddler at home.
Heaven knows what I'm going to do about work!
i miss Mia and i keep getting all teary, probably through lack of sleep!
moan over, sorry ladies!
Oh god Edinburgh!!! You poor thing! I can't believe you're going through this!!! Is it safe to have surgery at 31 weeks??? Are you having to stay in hospital now??? I really hope they figure out exactly what it is and you and baby are ok. You've not had the best of times through this pregnancy :( please don't worry about work.... They can see to themselves, most important thing is that you and baby are ok!!! Keep us posted my lovely, I'm sending you lots of get well wishes....

I've just come back from one of my gym classes and could barely do the whole class as my boobs hurst so much?!?!?? What's going on girls???? I daren't test and I have two FRER's in the drawer! I can't bare to see a BFN :(

How is everyone else???? X
Oh God Edinburgh, you poor thing! I know it's tough been in hospital when you have a little one, plus your hormonal anyway. But your in the best place. What happens now then?? I don't blame you for worrying, your not been unreasonable, I'd be exactly the same. Can't believe you are 31 weeks already, that's flown by! Lots of love to you. Make the most of rest & try not to stress about work Xx

Ooooh betty, how are the boobs?? That's a major symptom, when is af due for you?? I want you to test, but I don't want you hopes been crashed....try & hold out as long as you can x

Ab, I know what you mean about renting....we are sick to death of throwing our money away each month. We can't afford this house we are in, we are struggling every month, really struggling. Hope your week away will be nice,,at least your still getting away. I used to love going to my aunties caravan as a kid, had my best holidays there.

I am dying today/tonight.....I've never had a hangover this bad. Had a few drinks with az watching the boxing. Then my sister inlaw text asking if I wanted to go to hers for a few drinks. She only lives 2 mins away & I was pleasantly drunk & didn't want to go to bed (Az did) So he told me to go & enjoy myself. Anyway I went & woke up at 7am on her sofa!! Ewwwwwwww, I must have just passed out at around 3am. I've had the day from hell, I've not stopped been sick. Was meant to be at a kids party, but couldn't go. Az took Oscar and my mum had to have Joe for a couple of hours. Today has been a write off, I'm never drinking again!!
The problem is, I didn't eat alot, just my breakfast and I was mixing drinks. I had red wine, then sailor jerry rum,,then vodka!! Ewwwwwwwww kill me now, thank F**K it's bedtime!!

On a more positive note, Oscar rolled over for the first time on Friday. He keeps doing it,he will be off soon!! Xx
Morning girls....how's everyone doin?? Was meant to take Oscar to a baby group this morning, but I've lost my glasses in my drunken state, left them at my sister in laws. So I can't drive anywhere as I'm blind! But Oscar Is loaded with a cold anyway, so probably for the best.

Betty, that pic of Vivienne looks really painful, poor thing.
Aaron has really bad skin at the minute, working with diesel all the time, looks red & inflamed like Vivienne's Xx
Oh no frisky!!!! I feel your pain! I've had plenty of those days :) not good :(
How are you feeling today???

AF arrived this morning (3 days early might I add!!!) I have no idea why my bbs have hurt so much? I've never had this before other than when I was pg with viv????
So it's officially 3 years for us TTC.... Not sure whether to laugh or burst into floods of tears today.....
Ps: can't believe Oscar rolled over! I remember when viv did it for the first time, it's so cute watching them xxx
Morning ladies! Sorry for being awol for a few days, Mark took me away to the lakes for the weekend. Had the most fabulous time, I'd never been to the lakes before and it's like a different world! I could get used to waking up to the sound of ducks quacking in a morning, eating food that's unbelievably delicious and walking along streams to find a pub to have a cheeky afternoon beer.

Back to reality today though! The joys of the dreaded 6-2s :(

Betty sorry to hear that your AF got you :( I have to confess that my body did things like that to me too. I normally have really sore boobs from ovulation day to AF arriving but on a couple of occasions I didn't have sore boobs until maybe 10DPO which made me think "ooohh this is different, maybe I'm pregnant!!" only for the witch to arrive a few days later. I think it's down to more/less progesterone being released at ovulation than what is normal for you.

That picture of viv made me wince! Evie's isn't quite that bad, that looks really painful! Bless her :( :( Have you tried changing your washing powder? My sister swears by sanex shower gel too because it's the only one that she finds that doesn't flare her eczema up. I've just bought some for Evie. I will ask her if she knows of any little hidden remedies that could ease it a bit.

Frisky, how you stayed calm and rang the fire brigade I don't know!! I think I would have been a quivering wreck looking for something to smash the window with. That's a scary situation to be in!! It doesn't bare thinking about what could have happened.

Well done to Oscar!!! *does a little victory dance* haha he is growing up fast!! You'll have to video it and post it on facebook so we can have a nosey.

Edinburgh, any more news on your possible apendicitis? I'd be the same as you, as any heavily pregnant woman would I expect. It's a scary thought being put to sleep and their life being in a surgeons hands. I'm hoping it isn't apendicitis and it's something that they can easily fix for you sweetie.

2 more cycles to go for us until we officially start to try again. Can't wait now! All of this waiting around is driving me bonkers. My AF is due in the next couple of days, oh lordy.. it'll be period pains in work again god help me! xxx
Ah girls last night was a toughie for me...

Mark's cousins wife had her baby boy yesterday, Harry Joseph. He is beautiful, the perfect little bundle of joy. I got home from work yesterday afternoon and my house phone was ringing non stop, I saw it was Mark's mum and I knew what she was ringing to tell me because I'd already seen it on Facebook. Am I a horrible person for ignoring her calls?
Mark came home from work and she must have rang his mobile. He said "Tina why have you not been answering the phone?" I made up an excuse that I'd been in the shower. I couldn't face her beaming down the phone about a newborn.. I know it's lovely news but it's made me feel low.

Another of his cousins is going in for a cesaerian on Thursday to welcome her little girl into the world.. I'm going to have to hide again aren't I haha.

I feel awful :( I want my baby

God Tina.... I totally understand, it's not fair!!! I wish we could announce our BFPs! You're not a horrible person! big hugs to you :hug:

Girls, I need your advice?!?! My period has arrived 3 days early, this morning I hve had terrible shooting pains and cramps which are different from my normal AF pains. I went into town and all of a sudden I had terrible pains and then I passed a huge clot?!?!?! I'm attaching a photo (I'm so sorry because this goes beyond tmi but I really don't know what to do!!) what is happening?

Look away now if you don't want to see this.....


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Betty,I have no idea. If it had been your 1st cycle after your lap I'd say it was because of that but it's not. Chemical? Implantation? I really don't know but it definitely doesn't seem right! !

Hugs Tina,you're not a bad person. Understandable that you feel that way. I used to be the same xx
Betty, I agree with AB it doesn't look like a "normal" period.... this isn't your first one after the lap is it?

Have you taken a test?

p.s.... don't be sorry! that is what we're all here for... the good, the bad and the ugly! x
Betty, this thread wouldn't be the same without a bit of TMI;) Xx

I agree with everyone else that this doesn't look normal...But as Tina said above, is this the first after lap?? What is considered 'normal' after that?
Is it worth seeing a doctor about?? Hugs to you sweetie....It's just shit when our body teases us with symptoms too, it's not bloody fair. :(

Tina, I LOVE the lakes.....It's beautiful there, amazing that it's literally like a 45 min drive away from us, yet like you said, seems like another world.

Your not bad for ignoring your mother in laws calls....I did the same when Aaron's sister's had their baby's.....I said my mobile was playing up.
It's tough.....I know it's easy for me to say, but I remember it well.

Harry Joseph??? My Joseph is Joseph Harry :)

I'm up at a ridiculous hour as Oscar full of cold...It's rubbish, he would be sleeping through otherwise.
I've taken a break of fb for a bit girls, I was on it all the time, getting on my nerves. Tried Oscar with Weetabix, he loved it! I'll post some pics when I upload them. Very messy...but great to watch.

So much for me not drinking again, it's my sister in laws 30th at weekend and I know I'll have a,few vodkas even though I said I wouldn't. My sister is babysitting.
I'm booked in to get makeup done too....all MAC products used, can't wait! I have a bit of a make up obsession. I'd be devastated if my make up bag got robbed!! Haha Xx
Betty, any update on the clot situation? Hope you're feeling okay sweetie.

Frisky, hahaha I would definitely be the same if my makeup bag got robbed. I have a bit of a makeup obsession too. I think I probably spend more money on makeup than anything else.. I'm like a magpie! Someone was selling chanel testers in work the other week, they were genuine.. old stock so going cheap. I bought 6 glosses! pahaha I think I need help.

I'm glad that someone has said that I'm not bonkers for ignoring her calls. She called me yesterday when I was in work and I answered, she was ringing AGAIN to tell me about the baby. I just quickly said that I had saw pictures on facebook and changed the subject. She probably thinks I'm a weirdo not wanting to talk about it but she has no idea what we've gone through over the last 20 months... it's not her fault. I feel cruel :(

So glad that the feeding with Oscar went well! ahhh I can just see him now covered in weetabix haha. You should give him an entire victoria sponge... I bet he would love that more! LOL

Morning girls..... How is everyone? I passed some more 'whoppers ' yesterday and last night (I'm talking the size of an orange!) it was pretty scary. I've called my consultant and left a msg.... This is my second period after lapsroscopy so I'm not sure if it's normal (it doesn't feel normal let me tell you!)

Tina.... Please know you are NOT cruel at all.... The news of someone's pregnancy or birth is of course wonderful and we are genuinely happy for the person involved but at the same time it's crushing as we want it to be us so much.... It's so bloody hard, give yourself a break, you've been through a lot and you're well within your right to be sad :(

Frisky... So glad Oscar enjoyed his weetabix.... I started uv on baby rice and she loved it!!! God, seems like a lifetime ago now!
I'm also going out this weekend and intend on having myself a jolly old time! It's been 2 weeks since I had a drink, I'm desperate!!!

I need to start wearing make up, I'm terrible, I just can't be bothered putting the stuff on! I always wear mascara and eye liner but never foundation as its just a pain putting it on.... Now nail varnishes are a different matter! I have about 100 bottles in ever shade and keep buying more, love the stuff!!!! :) :)
Haha betty, I don't even wear make up these days....I'm still obsessed with it though...love to load it on, the rare occasion I go out!
I went to new York years ago and bought loads of Mac over there as it's really cheap. I made the biggest mistake of putting it ALL in my handbag on a night out, and my bloody bag got nicked in a bar in Manchester!! *******s! Were talking years ago, the days when you could smoke at the bar! Haha
I am looking forward to getting ready on Saturday and not having to worry about my make up! Saying that, it could really go the other way & I could end up looking like a drag queen!! Haha

Betty, hope your ok....Will your consultant ring you back today?? It doesn't sound good at all :( Xx

Tina, big loves to you...It's tough when nobody knows just how long you have been trying and all the shit that goes with it!!

Az came home last night and went mad at me because of the state of our house. Bearing in mind it's mainly all his shit cluttering up the place!! He thinks it's ' easy' to tidy the house with 2 kids. I hate been in this house at the best of times, I'm out doing things with Oscar most days. So today I'm gonna try and get it spotless just to shut him up.
He pisses me off though, he goes to a martial arts class 2 nights a week, he's out on call alot, went to the football last night. Then he expects me to do it all, with Oscar and Joe to sort out??? Gets on my nerves...I never get to just fuck off out & do my own thing!!!
Sorry to swear, he's great really, just annoys Me how he thinks it's 'easy' grrrrrrr xxx
Weetabix face! Xx


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Just looking.....in July, we will have Been friends for 2 years!!!

It's mad isn't it?? How you can get close & share so much....class you as friends, yet we have never even met!!

Love you girlies xxx
Oh my god, 2 years!!! Where has the time gone? Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without you girls over these last two years! I think I would have been taken away and sectioned under the 'TTC mental health act'!!! :) I know we will all meet up one day.... What a journey hey???

Oscar looks adorable! Such a good age, he will be talking next!

Frisky, I think all men are the same, well Chris is anyway. He will come in and start crashing around and tell me what a mess the place is, I normally show him where the rubber gloves and cleaner are and tell him to 'crack on' he lives there too and we both work. Chris tells me I only work part time so should do all the house work too (and look after a highly strung 3 year old!) er.... I don't think so matey! Bloody men hey!

I don't think I will get a call this week from my consultant, I feel like I'm always bugging them (even tho I'm not) I feel like I'm making a fuss. I got really upset last night, I passed what I can only describe as my liver! It was huge and hurt. I just thought, I'm supposed to be 'fixed' now, not worse than I was. I just don't think my insides are in any fit state to carry a baby :(
Sorry girls, I hate to rant but I feel like I'm totally desperate at the minute :(
Bring on my holiday!!! 8 weeks tmrw and I cant wait!!!! :) :) :)
Betty rant away my dear... what is happening to you certainly isn't normal and it's only natural to want to talk to someone about it. It's not healthy anyway to bottle everything up inside, you'll end up in a mental asylum if you do that. Did you take a test? I hate to bring it up but are you sure you're not having an early miscarriage?

Frisky, he looks like he is having the time of his life haha! "YESSSS NO MORE MILK!!!" Have you tried him with anything else today?

Mark wouldn't dare bring up about the house being a mess since I'm the only one who friggin does anything in there!! He thinks because he works until 6 oclock that when he gets home he can put his feet up whilst I run around after him because I finish at 2... I'VE ALSO BEEN AWAKE SINCE 4AM!!!!!

It's safe to say we do have a lot of rows about the housework because I feel like I'm constantly asking for help.

Guess what girls? BIG news! I've joined the gym :) :) I've never stepped foot in a gym in my life haha. I'm going to my first class tonight with my sister, we're doing an abs class then depending how I feel I may do a spin class tomorrow.
I seriously need to tone my wobbly ass up, that and my mummy tummy. Project bikini body begins today. I am determined


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