7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Betty, you're not making a fuss at all. Knowing your circumstances, they should at least give you a call back & talk to you. And rant away....that's what we are here for!

Yeah, Aaron thinks because I'm not working at the min, I've got it easy. I would never moan about having Oscar, I cherish every moment, but I don't like to stay in the house with him all day, i love being out & about at baby groups, walking and stuff. I don't agree with Just plonking him infront of the tv all day! I don't think it's healthy, my friend does that with her baby, she hardly ever goes out!!
There are literally not enough hours in the day!
To be honest, I'm that unhappy in this house, I've lost any motivation to make it look nice, you know what I mean? We don't live in a shit tip & have rats running around or anything! Haha I just don't enjoy it, I took pride in our last house...loved getting it all tidy & buying things for it, Ivboved that house. I can't do that here, it just depresses me so much Xx

Tina, good on you joining the gym! I love going to the gym....I've not been in weeks though as I've had no childcare, I'm gonna start tomorrow. I've got serious wobbly bits...6 months on & I've still not lost my baby weight...I've got loads of cellulite too :(
Jeez, I'm a barrel of laughs today aren't I!!??

Oscar had cheesy mash for tea last night. His diet is still mainly milk & will be for a while until he gets the hang of eating the food. It's so hard baby led weaning, as you are tempted to help them eat, put food to their mouths
But it's all about them doing it all themselves! We will see how he goes on.

Got a letter this morning, Joe has been accepted to the high school I applied for!!! Whhhhaaaaaaaaaa HIGH SCHOOL?????? What the hell?? How did that happen?? I'm very emotional about this, he's not a little boy anymore :( Xx
Seems like all our fellas are the same girls.... It's a good job we have super human powers!!!! :)
Tina.... I bloody love the gym, I go 4 times a week but would be there every day if I could... I find its the only time when I can just zone out.... I still have wobbly bits and fear they will always be there unless I get it all sucked out (then put in my face to straighten out the wrinkles! Lol)
Frisky, I think you're doing the right thing being out of the house.... It's no fun being stuck in with a 6 month old and it gets so lonely if you don't mingle with other mums... When are you able to move out of this house??? Hope you get somewhere you like very soon :) congrats on joe getting into the high school you choose, wow, that's a big step!!!! Eeeeek!

Tina, yes I did test yesterday and bfn so defo not a MC. Thank God, I don't know what is worse, thinking I had another MC or my ovaries coming out of my wohoo hooo! :)

Girls.... I'm gonna get steaming drunk this weekend and I cannot wait! I'm going to get my nails done, wear something fancy AND heels!!! Whoop! Bring it on!!!
Yessss betty!! I like this positive post! Its cheered me up! I too am getting steaming drunk. Ive got ridiculosly h
Pressed send too soon! Haha....High wedges & a jumpsuit! Im gonna dance and not care about my fat bits! My bingo wings will be flapping around everywhere ....drunk!! Haha!! X
Yes frisky!!! I'm all for getting sloshed and dancing like I'm 16 again!!!! Bring on the high heels and lots of hairspray :wine:
haha girls your posts about going out have put a smile on my face as I sit at my desk barely functioning at 7.30am!

I didn't sleep well last night, I think because I went to the gym it took me AGES to wind down when I got home and then when I finally did get into bed which was past 9.30pm I was thinking about my alarm going off in 6 hours! I can't bloody win haha

The gym was tough! I went to an abs class and the instructor didn't hold back let me tell you!! We started with planking and then crunches and various types of sit ups with weights and I kid you not I thought I was going to pass out right there in front of a room full of 30 people. I must have looked ridiculous! There's no way my bum AND my legs were rising off the floor, my insides were giving up haha.

BUT I've booked myself in for a spin class tonight, I will not be beaten! I will get fit even if it nearly kills me doing so. :) :)

Betty, good thing about the BFN. Have the pains calmed down now? you thoroughly deserve a drunken night out at the weekend. Put some lipstick on, stick some high heels on and loosen those hips baybbbeee!!

Frisky, I'm with you on getting out of the house with a newborn.. it doesn't do anyone any good staying in 24 hours a day. Fresh air is good for Oscar too, it will do him wonders! I never did any of the baby groups with Evie because we were in a new town at the time and I didn't know a soul but I was always out and about with my mum because she was a summer baby.

Hi ladies. Betty, i had a similar problem with clotting bout 5 years ago. Like you i saved one and went to the doctor but he wasn't interested in taking a peak! I've always had monster period pain which only gets better on the pill. However on the advice of a friend i started taking evening primrose oil and general supplement and the clotting did ease over time. I think its probably triggered by your lap and might be a good sign, your body having a big cleanout and laying down new tissues. Sore though so take it easy.
At the risk of being hit with several shoes/handbags my husband is great. I often have to ask him to do something as it wont bother him till things are minging, but he never complains. Sure, i get sensitive about feeling like a nag, but he just laughs at me and gets the hoover out. Get them trained ladies!
i got out of hospital on Monday night. It was a bowel infection/inflammation, probably due to reduced circulation. Was hoping to try going back to work today but I'm so nauseous i cant stand up. Even when it eases two mouthfuls of anything and I'm queasy again. So very bored and frustrated. Frightened I'm going to be assigned mat leave early by boss and watch the walls the next 8-10 weeks. 32 weeks today and i am grateful baby is still inside cooking!
Hope you all have wonderful weekends. God i miss the gym but time and energy aren't my playmates. I'll worry about the wobbly bits once button is cooked. Have a spin session and a glass of wine for me!
i cant get over how long this post has been running. And to think betty's TMI post about cm was what started it all; there's a story for grandkids!
Edinburgh, I'm relieved for you that the problem was nothing that required being cut open and that you're feeling better-ish now!
Have you suffered with sickness right through your pregnancy or does it only seem to be getting worse again in the 3rd tri?

I think it's amazing how we have all carried on the post and genuinely become friends who we can speak to about anything without the risk of being judged! I genuinely love you all immensely!!!

I had nausea 24/7 till week 12, but not since. Hopefully its just some symptom of coming off the painkillers and will pass. Mia got sent home from nursery with chicken pox. Poor matt is having to look after both of us. I'm in need of a sense of humour change. Cant catch a damn break thus week!
Oh Edinburgh.... You poor thing you really have been through the mill!!!! I hope you are all feeling better soon and please don't rush back to work, look after yourself and take some time off to get back to normal health :)
Oh I'm so pleased I started this thread! Can you believe how close we are??? I love you all, you have kept me going through the last couple of years xxxxx

I've just got a random letter through from my consultant to say that I am at high risk of having an ectopic pregnancy due to peri-tubal adhesions and that is I do fall pregnant I have to have a scan at 6 weeks to rule out ectopic.... How random is that?? This have never been mentioned to me before??? The plot thickens!!!

Tina, you're funny!!!! I can't wait to hear about spin!!!! Hope you didn't flake out and fall off the bike halfway through!! :) lol:)

Happy friday girls! Wahooo 2 days off from work looms :) :)

Betty, bloody hell if it's not one thing it's the other isn't it! How do you feel about it?

The spin class nearly killed me off. 30 seconds into the class I thought oh my Jesus Christ there's no way I can do this and for a second I was going to give up but I found the strength from somewhere to finish the 45 minute class. There was a point about 30 minutes in when I nearly vomited :( But I feel a mega sense of achievement that I completed the class considering that I have NEVER done exercise. I think I have a bruised foo foo, seriously I can't sit down without wincing

Next up - kick fit class on Monday... I hope it starts to get easier. I dread each class at the minute haha.

What's everyone's plans for the weekend?

My AF arrived this morning so I'm just dosing up on painkillers to get me through this 8 hour shift and then I think we will do something fun with Evie tonight since we didn't see her last weekend.

I've heard the weather is going to warm up a bit tomorrow, might look into going to the zoo or something.

Hi ladies! How are the hangovers?
Betty, i suppose it's at least good to be forewarned of potential complications but have they given you a complete diagnosis and results of how the treatment went?
girls a weird one but why the hell has our thread been moved?!?!?! xx
Hi girls.... So what is going on with our thread???? Has it been moved? I have this thread open on my phone all the time so I can't tell what's happened (I'm a total saddo!)
God I had a shit day today girls! I had my own stall selling my bits and pieces that I make, I did it in the hospital I work at (it's one of the biggest hospitals in the country) what a bloody disaster! I was there for 10 hours and I made £10!!! Soul destroying!!! :(

Edinburgh, how are you doing? Are you feeling any better? What are they doing about your pain and how is your little girl???
I was told in my consultation that my tubes were damaged from the endometriosis and scar tissue but that the endo had been removed giving me more of a chance to get PG but he never mentioned that I am high risk ectopic at the time, he must have assumed that I would know this was this case if my tubes are damaged???? It's just another hurdle, my dream of having a second baby is slipping away from me :(
Hello ladies!!

I'm worried that this thread is going to slowly slip away now that baby and bump have just decided to move it!!! It's made me angry... we know where to find the thread so why just move it to another forum?

Betty, I can't understand how you only made a tenner!!! the items that you make are beyond beautiful, I think I'd spend more than a tenner myself if I came across your stall. Have you ever looked into opening your own business? You're a talented lady :)

Where in your cycle are you? Is ovulation coming up in the next few days?

Can't wait to get home from work this afternoon. My plan is take Evie for a haircut, go home lay on the couch and then not move a muscle for the rest of the night! I need some relaxation time
Hi ladies, doing much better. Back at work. Mia is getting there, should be back at nursery on Friday. Pretty tired but 4 day weeks from here on in. 33 weeks tomorrow. Do not feel prepared at all.
Don't lose heart yet betty. You only had the lap a couple cycles ago. Just give yourself a little allowance for healing time. I agree with Tina, your crafty things are lovely, just a bad venue/day. Have you tried an online shop with etsy or ebay? It's where i go for handmade things for gifts etc.
Tina, this thread is so huge now they probably just needed extra server space for it ��
I love that our thread has over 1000 replies! God, we all know how to talk!!!
It was just a bad day at the hospital (when I did my stall) on Monday, who knows, just one of those things! I would love to start my own business but between looking after viv and working 5 days a week I just don't have the time (or money!) one day tho girls!!! :)
Edinburgh, glad you guys are on the mend, won't be long before you're on maternity leave and you won't have to worry about work. When is your maternity starting??
Tina, did you have a nice relaxing night tonight? I'm just sat with a glass of red (so much for not drinking again! Lol!)
I'm trying to stay positive but I feel like I need to start thinking this may not happen, just so I am prepared, I'm cd 10 today and had spitting yesterday and was exactly the same last month and before that I've never had this before?!?! Not sure what that is but SMEP starts today and that's about all we can do to cover ourselves.... Fingers and toes crossed xxxx
Tina, where are you in your cycle? We are about the same aren't we now (in sync!!!!) when are you back in the wagon???
Hi girls,

CD7 for me Betty, we're almost in sync!! We won't be trying until May. 2 more cycles to go :) That way if I got caught in May (unlikely I know but hey!) then I would be a maximum of 28wks pregnant when our jollybobs come around so I could still fly.

Feel like I'm going doolally anyway thinking that I could possibly get pregnant this year, I can't see it happening without professional help.

Yes I had a wonderfully relaxing night :) Mark came home and cooked us homemade chips with fish and mushy peas, it was yummmmyyy. I lay on the couch like a sleeping dog and didn't move until Evie went to bed at which point I transferred myself from the couch to my bed haha.

Did you just stick to the one glass of wine Betty or did you end up having a bottle?

Edinburgh, good news to hear that you're getting over the worst of it! Like Betty said though only a few weeks to go and you can hopefully rest with your feet up and take it easy before your bubba arrives. It'll give you some time to get prepared as well. Have you decided on a name hun?

Just shows how long we've been trying! Momwife, AB, Frisky & shortly Edinburgh will have all had babies!!!

Hi,how are you all doing. Sorry I've been awol. Moved house last week and have been busy settling in xx

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