7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Edinburgh.... It's still early so please don't get too down!
Frisky!!! Can you post your test on here??? Do you have a morrisons near you? If so go and get their own tests (you get 2 in a pack for about £5) that's what I tested with (never used them before) line came up straight away! If you're seeing a line even if it is faint then it's a positive!!!!!!
Keep us posted and good luck.....
Momwife, your symptoms are sounding so positive! When are you testing????
Ps: frisky, you need to test with first morning urine! Especially this early!!!! :-)
When I take a photo, it doesn't really show up!! I'm going to treat it as a negative and hold out till Saturday. Af is due between tomorrow & Sunday. I won't believe I'm pregnant until there is a big juicy pink line dancing in front of me! Hahaha xxx I've got creamy cm too, Is that what you had before your positive betty? I'm feeling sick this morning, but I know that's just anxiety xxx And yes, I'll pop to Morrison's tomorrow x
Yes I had creamy CM (still have now!) apparently it's your mucus plug forming to make sure nothing nasty gets into your cervix to harm baby.... I was sick with anxiety, especially the night before I tested, got myself all wound up and still didn't believe I was pg even when the line was dancing in front of me (think I'd waited so long that I couldn't believe it was possible!) I really have everything crossed for you!!!! :hug:
Yes I had creamy CM (still have now!) apparently it's your mucus plug forming to make sure nothing nasty gets into your cervix to harm baby.... I was sick with anxiety, especially the night before I tested, got myself all wound up and still didn't believe I was pg even when the line was dancing in front of me (think I'd waited so long that I couldn't believe it was possible!) I really have everything crossed for you!!!! :hug:

Awwwwh bless you :hugs: we have both been TTC for around the same amount of time havnt we? I don't think I will believe it if I am, I'm trying to stay calm & realistic. I'm so used to being dissapointed each month xxx

Are you still exercising and stuff now your pregnant? I was going to do a cardio core workout today, but I'm not going to bother till I know for sure. May just go to the gym on cross trainer or bike xxx
Oooooooh! That's cheered me up - so excited for you Frisky! Betty is right though, you should only test with your first trip to the bathroom of the day until you are about a week past your AF due date, otherwise the hormone can be too diluted to show properly.

Last time for me I had faint lines from AF-1 to AF+2 on the tests with lines, they were so light I was terrified to get my hopes up and DH point blank refused to consider them until they were 'definitive'! AF+2 I finally went out and bought a digital one that gives you the Yes/No Reading and how many weeks - there's no misinterpreting those ones!

I'm with Betty though, a line is a line. No such thing as a false positive, only a false negative. The hCG should double in your system every 48 hours so test again tomorrow or Sat morning and hopefully you'll see more.

I think knowing how long you've waited that I'm more excited for you than I am about the possibility of us falling this cycle!!

Enjoy the last of your quiet time before your house is full again!
Hello ladies!

For the past 4 days I have been having creamy cm. I am now 12DPO with more new pimples on my breasts, and face. It seems like everyday I get more pimples!!!:growlmad::growlmad:Yesterday I had a slight pain in my right breast and no more cramping. I just know AF will show her face on the 2nd.

I think the CM is probably a good sign Momwife, I find things dry up completely before AF (which is what is happening now and why I was in a bit of a flunk early doors). And you don't want the cramping to continue after implantation, things are supposed to settle down once a wee munchkin is settled in to their new home in utero.

You're on no 3, have you ever had any implantation bleeding? I did the first time, and my body is a bit of a bleeder generally (various issues on BC and I only have to think about a smear test and I bleed!) so the main reason I think I'm out is that I haven't had any this time.

Oh yuck, just had a mouthful of tea and think my milk's off! Off to put the kettle on...
Oh frisky, I still can't believe I'm pg, I really didn't think it would happen and I'm still not allowing myself to get carried away just in case something happens! I've had a small scare this week, I've been bleeding for 2 days (not a huge amount) so im having a scan on Monday to check all is ok, ugh, more worry!!!
I'm still exercising, I do an aquajog class twice a week, I absolutely love it!! I will do this for as long as I can as I want to stay as active as possible and from what I've read as long as you are used to exercise its ok to keep doing it throughout your pregnancy. It won't harm baby (as long as you don't all off the treadmill!!!)
Edinburgh is right, hcg levels rise every day so if you can hold out till sat that would be better! I know it's hard!
Edinburgh, when are you testing again????
Oh no, bet you were worried sick!? I'm sure everything will be fine. I believe bleeding is quite common in early pregnancy. But, of course your gonna worry, it's only natural xx
Thanks for the advise ladies. I'm not even going to mention anything to hubby yet. Just gonna wait it out xxx I'm goin to make a brew now....hopefully my milk will be ok ;) Xx
I'll test next Tuesday Betty, that's the latest date I expect AF to arrive. I'm only just off BC so my cycle seemed a bit shorter than my normal 28 days last month but it might have just been things settling down.

I know first hand how scary any kind of bleeding can be during your pregnancy and although it's hard you have to stay relaxed, super positive and just look after yourself ok? I had a lesion at the implantation site with my first pregnancy (I told you I was a bleeder!) and so after the initial IB passed, at about 5 and a half weeks I started bleeding and it was bright red and copious. I thought it was all over and was devastated. The early pregnancy teams are brilliant though and they finally found out what the problem was and that the little bean was where it was meant to be. The only thing we could do was wait for week 8 so they could scan and check for a heart beat and make sure that despite the blood loss, bean was developing OK. Goddamn slowest, hardest 3 weeks of my life. Everything you read says blood, particularly red blood, is bad and that bleeding is a sign of bad things. But what no-one tells you is that actually about 25% of all women get some kind of bleeding in the first trimester as things settle into place, your blood volume increases and that umbilical chord really establishes itself.

So, try not to panic and if you can see the bright side, you should get to see your little bean a bit earlier than you would otherwise.

Frisky, exercise as normal for as long as possible, it'll help you feel good, relax you and fill you and any potential beans with lots of happy endorphins. Just don't lift heavy weights, do any inverted yoga/pilates poses or go mad with the Ab stuff. Cardio is totally fine, especially if your body is used to it. Just drink lots of water, listen to your body and remember to obey if it's telling you to stop!

I too am off work today, hence the mini-novels. Mum usually has shortie on a Thurs as my DH works today too but she's on hols at the moment so I'm home. DD is napping and then we're off out to enjoy some cake and (decaf) tea with a friend. Would be better if the weather was less gray and drizzly but that's Edinburgh for you! It's just nice to not be at work.
Thanks Edinburgh, such lovely words! I'm not feeling over stressed to be honest, what will be will be and I don't have cramps or heavy bleeding so that's a good thing!!!
My OH is off work this week so it's been nice to have a bit of help with our little girl and means I've been able to chill out a bit (love an afternoon nap!!!!)
Have a lovely day ladies..... X
I'll test next Tuesday Betty, that's the latest date I expect AF to arrive. I'm only just off BC so my cycle seemed a bit shorter than my normal 28 days last month but it might have just been things settling down.

I know first hand how scary any kind of bleeding can be during your pregnancy and although it's hard you have to stay relaxed, super positive and just look after yourself ok? I had a lesion at the implantation site with my first pregnancy (I told you I was a bleeder!) and so after the initial IB passed, at about 5 and a half weeks I started bleeding and it was bright red and copious. I thought it was all over and was devastated. The early pregnancy teams are brilliant though and they finally found out what the problem was and that the little bean was where it was meant to be. The only thing we could do was wait for week 8 so they could scan and check for a heart beat and make sure that despite the blood loss, bean was developing OK. Goddamn slowest, hardest 3 weeks of my life. Everything you read says blood, particularly red blood, is bad and that bleeding is a sign of bad things. But what no-one tells you is that actually about 25% of all women get some kind of bleeding in the first trimester as things settle into place, your blood volume increases and that umbilical chord really establishes itself.

So, try not to panic and if you can see the bright side, you should get to see your little bean a bit earlier than you would otherwise.

Frisky, exercise as normal for as long as possible, it'll help you feel good, relax you and fill you and any potential beans with lots of happy endorphins. Just don't lift heavy weights, do any inverted yoga/pilates poses or go mad with the Ab stuff. Cardio is totally fine, especially if your body is used to it. Just drink lots of water, listen to your body and remember to obey if it's telling you to stop!

I too am off work today, hence the mini-novels. Mum usually has shortie on a Thurs as my DH works today too but she's on hols at the moment so I'm home. DD is napping and then we're off out to enjoy some cake and (decaf) tea with a friend. Would be better if the weather was less gray and drizzly but that's Edinburgh for you! It's just nice to not be at work.

Haha my husband got the train up to Edinburgh last week, his ship was alongside there. He said it was bloody freezing and he could see his breath, he got there quite late. We are on the south coast, so we have really good luck weather wise, think it was a shock to his system! Haha

I like your 'novels' and your advise....it calms me, which is what I need at the minute! :wacko:

Yeah, I think with you just coming off BC, your body will take time to adjust. So, if you are out this cycle, please don't get too disheartened :hugs:

Life certainly does test us doesn't it? Things are never simple, Edinburgh is right betty. Stay relaxed & look after yourself :hugs:

I've not exercised for 7 weeks as I broke 3 bones in my foot! It's all healed now thank God, so was first time back in gym last week. I've gone wobbly all over through not going, so I'm gonna get right back at it! I'm normally very active.
Although I have read stuff about not going mad on the crunches or ab work, I'll skip that for now until u know for sure x haha any excuse hey? :haha:

Enjoy your day & cake xxx
I'm just wondering when I Dtd with hubby later :sex:
If it will bring af on seeing she is due?? Haaha I can't say no to him, I've not bloody seen him in over a week!! :wacko: Xx
I'm just wondering when I Dtd with hubby later :sex:
If it will bring af on seeing she is due?? Haaha I can't say no to him, I've not bloody seen him in over a week!! :wacko: Xx

Well that cracked me up! DTD now and enjoy - some men can get a bit weird on you for a while when you tell them you are carrying their munchkin!!
Hahaha...I know, I'm daft arnt I!?
Feeling a little deflated now, just Been reading about evap lines on tests? I always thought an evap had no colour to it? But I've been reading different things today :(
Oh well, not gonna get overly stressed over it. Time will tell xxx
Ugh ladies i really want to test but i know it's to soon!! Only 7dpiui :( waaaa!!!
Hello ladies!

For the past 4 days I have been having creamy cm. I am now 12DPO with more new pimples on my breasts, and face. It seems like everyday I get more pimples!!!:growlmad::growlmad:Yesterday I had a slight pain in my right breast and no more cramping. I just know AF will show her face on the 2nd.

I think the CM is probably a good sign Momwife, I find things dry up completely before AF (which is what is happening now and why I was in a bit of a flunk early doors). And you don't want the cramping to continue after implantation, things are supposed to settle down once a wee munchkin is settled in to their new home in utero.

You're on no 3, have you ever had any implantation bleeding? I did the first time, and my body is a bit of a bleeder generally (various issues on BC and I only have to think about a smear test and I bleed!) so the main reason I think I'm out is that I haven't had any this time.

Oh yuck, just had a mouthful of tea and think my milk's off! Off to put the kettle on...

When I was pregnant with my last DD's I did not notice it since they were not planned. TMI: Around 5 a.m. I went to the bathroom and I was spotting. It was light pink and I am still spotting but it's very light. Starting last night I have been having achy legs. Maybe these are the signs that AF is about to start. I did not have any of these signs when I was on BCP. If AF does not arrive on Sept 2 I will test on Sept 9th since I want to give AF time to arrive.
Momwife, could it be a late implantation bleed maybe? Let's hope af leaves you alone xxx
Justwant, try and not test....I've got myself in a right state and feel foolish because I tested. Yesterday on 3 different tests, i saw the faintest of faint lines. Today I tested, I Said I wouldn't but I did :( and I got nothing....not even a faint line. So I'm guessing that's me out......I said I wouldn't test, and I have. Feel like I've ruined everything :( Xx
Oh ladies.... I've not had a very good day today!!! I've just got back from A&E, I'm bleeding heavily and passing clots :-( it's not looking good! They sent me away without a scan and told me that if I'm miss carrying there is nothing they can do... I called my midwife and she was shocked that they sent me away so is going to try and get me an emergency scan tmrw...
I don't hold out much hope, I'm bleeding pretty heavy :-( so sad right now.....
Please all keep your fingers crossed for me xxxx

Frisky, don't feel down, if AF isn't due till Monday you are still really early!!!! Don't test again till Saturday xxxxx
Oh ladies.... I've not had a very good day today!!! I've just got back from A&E, I'm bleeding heavily and passing clots :-( it's not looking good! They sent me away without a scan and told me that if I'm miss carrying there is nothing they can do... I called my midwife and she was shocked that they sent me away so is going to try and get me an emergency scan tmrw...
I don't hold out much hope, I'm bleeding pretty heavy :-( so sad right now.....
Please all keep your fingers crossed for me xxxx

Frisky, don't feel down, if AF isn't due till Monday you are still really early!!!! Don't test again till Saturday xxxxx

Betty, that's awful, I'm so sorry - and I cannot believe they wouldn't scan you! That's disgusting. I just want to give you a huge HUG! Is your partner with you?

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