7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi girls how is everyone? Did you all have a lovely Mother's Day??
Ab, how is the new house? Did you get moved ok???
Morning, yes the move is done. I bloody hate moving but everything is where it should be and we are settled in. Can't wait until we can buy our own place again instead of renting as I never want to move again after that lol. It was tiring as we done it ourselves,with the 3 kids in 2 days. Zoe has settled in at her new nursery and is enjoying it.

Mother's day was good. Got my breakfast made for me and we went to the park.
How are you all doing? Xx
God ab how did you manage to do all that, by yourselves with 3 kids in tow??? I would have had a nervous breakdown! I hate moving! Hopefully you will be in your own place very soon xxx how is frazer? You need to post a pic so we can see him!!! :)
I honestly don't know how we managed lol.
Here's my little man xx

2015-03-13 15.18.51.jpg
Oh my god!!!! Look how he's grown!!! He's absolutely gorgeous!!! X
Morning girls!

AB, Frazer is gorgeous ahhh just look at him! Betty is right, he is growing quickly! He doesn't look like a newborn anymore. Good on you for managing the move with all of the kids in tow! How are you settling into your new home?

I didn't do much on mothers day, Mark took me to town on Saturday to get some new clothes because I was in desperate need of a new pair of jeans and then on Sunday I went to a spin class in the morning and took Evie swimming. By the way big news! My big girl swam for the first time on Sunday!!! No floats or anything, I'm so proud. She's only had 6 lessons so I see this as a massive achievement.

What did you get up to Betty?

Have you ovulated yet?

Thanks girls, he is getting so big.
We are settled in well, its a nice little town we are in and everything is within walking distance so hoping I lose all my excess weight soon lol.

That's fab Tina. We're going swimming again on sunday and I'm going to put the girls names down for lessons.

Hi girls.... Tina, how is the gym treating you now? Still feel like throwing up in spin??? Lol!
Bless Evie for swimming without floats! I bet she was dead proud of herself!! Viv goes to lessons but she has only been doing it one term and is just getting the hang of things, I wouldn't say she is a natural 'water baby'! She hates getting her face wet (ha, just like me!)
I'm CD 15 today, we have been doing what we normally do, BD every other day. Not using opks as I just can't stand the stress of it all! :(
Tina, I'm just watching the new 'one born every minute' and its set in Liverpool, do you talk like that??? It's so strange, I all imagine you to talk in a Geordie accent like me!!!! :)
I guess we all have thick accents, AB and Edinburgh, Scottish. Me, Geordie, Tina, Scouse and frisky manc!
AB glad you're setting in in your new home.... Don't worry about your baby weight, that will go when you're good and ready!
God it's almost the weekend AGAIN!!! Where is the time going girls?? X
Hey ladies, happy friday!!!

Betty, I thought I was finding the gym easier until I went to legs, bums and tums last night and today I'm back to walking like John Wayne hahaha. 50 minutes of squats is hard going on the old bum and thighs! I'm loving it though, it's right when people say that it becomes addictive.

I haven't watched the new one born, I've got them all recorded for when I get pregnant. Probably sad of me but I can't bear to watch them :( So I'll have a one born fest when I do get my BFP!

But yes Betty that's how I speak haha! I didn't know that you were geordie?? I love the geordie accent. I'm probably not as scouse as some of the women on one born, it depends on where in Liverpool you are from. Some parts are really scouse but I don't think I'm as scouse as some are!

I'm CD15 today, you're 2 days ahead of me I think.. do you think you've ovulated yet? I think I did today because my boobs are going sore.. not that it makes a difference!! It's driving me mad now this TTC break. I need to get back on the horse!

You excited for your holiday??

Ha Tina! Squats are a killer! I went to kettlebells last night and I can sit down today it hurts that bad! It's very addictive, I love going now.... It's a real stress release for me! You will be a badass squatter very soon!!

My sis went to uni at Liverpool hope so I spent a lot of time there and absolutely LoVE Liverpool, haven't been for years tho! I'm sooooo gonna have to make a trip and meet up! Yes, I'm a Geordie (well, not as harsh as we are about 25 miles south of Newcastle) my accent is not as thick as I lived out of the North East for 16 years :)

I'm CD 19 today, we have been :sex: since CD8 and we should do it tonight for good measure but GOD I'm exhausted! Don't think I can face it! Don't think Chris can either!!!! Seriously, if I don't fall this cycle I don't think I can carry on!

What's everyone got planned this weekend???
Hi girls... How is everyone? Hope you all had a good weekend (they are never long enough!!!)
Can anyone shed any light on my symptoms recently??? I have sore boobs again!!! I'm CD21 today, think I ovulated CD14 my right boob feels like it's been punched it hurts that much (same as last month)??? Why would my boobs all of a sudden start hurting me during my cycle??? I've never had it before (apart from when I was pregnant?) really confused! Could it be something else? I'm worried?!?! Xx
I had to get 7dpo bloods done after my last mc to check my progesterone levels. So I'm guessing your boobs are sore as your body has ovulated and produced progesterone. Maybe more than usual if you aren't normally sore.

My weekend was ok. Visited family on Saturday and took the kids swimming yesterday but like you said,weekends are never long enough xx
Good morning!

Betty, I would suggest that since your lap you're obviously ovulating again and maybe getting a stronger progesterone surge which is a good thing!! I'd be worrying if your boobs WEREN'T sore. I know it's cruel because having something different than you had before makes you wonder if you've caught the egg but as long as those progesterone levels are high there's a good chance of you conceiving!

I had a good weekend, didn't do anything particularly exciting mind you. Had a girls day on Saturday with my 2 sisters because Mark went out on the ale all day. We just lazed around and ate far too many carbs whilst watching chick flicks. Perfect Saturday if you ask me <3 Yesterday was spent with Mark being on a downer all day because Liverpool lost. God why do men get so affected by the football?? It pisses me off!!!

I know we keep saying in conversation Betty that we should all meet up but we genuinely should! I think we could all be really good friends in real life, okay we might not be able to meet that often because of distance but we obviously get on well :) :)

I think Frisky has lost this thread! I have it set up on my browser to automatically go to it. Looks like from facebook that she's been super busy with little Oscar.

God I can't believe I have never had sore bbs before! Jeez, they are absolutely killing me! Is this what everyone else has every month??? I reckon I'm 7dpo and of course, I've immediately got my hopes up! Fingers crossed hey girls! We did everything we could this cycle (every other day) after this month I'm having a break! Can't take the stress anymore!
Tina, your weekend sounds FAB!!! I love it when I get together with my sis and cousin, it's always the best nights, food, wine and general girlie chats!!! We should DEFO meet up, I'm totally up for it and I don't think its too far, we could all try and arrange a place that is central to us all and we could meet for the day, would be great!!!
Tina, when are you back to trying again???
I am lucky, Chris is not into football so I escape all the mood swings that goes with that sport! That's why I love him :) he's a bit of a girl really!!! X
AB, how are you doing my lovely? Have the girls settled into their new house?? How is frazer? Are you still breast feeding (I don't actually know if you are BF'ing)

Right.... Im going to go and cradle my poor boobs!!! X
Ps: meant to say I had spotting on CD9 anyone had this before???? X
Lol at you cradling your boobs.
Yes I'm still BF'ING. Fed Zoe until she self weaned just before she was 1. Had to make Zara go cold turkey when she was about 18 months or else she would still be bloody feeding yet lol.
They have settled in well. They adapt quickly.
My dh was also in a foul mood because Liverpool got beat. He got up and walked out the room when Gerrard got sent off and never watched the rest lol.
I never get sore boobs unless pregnant !! Xx
AB, I'm glad that someone can relate to the "football mood swings". Honestly I feel like I'm living with a grumpy teenager and our plans always revolve around football. If Liverpool are playing on a Saturday then we can't plan anything or if we do it has to be after/before the match. I wouldn't begrudge him having a hobby but sometimes I wish that he wasn't so obsessed!

Betty, yes I have sore boobs every month from ovulation day until my AF arrives. Weirdly some months they're a lot more sore than others. I guess it just depends how strong your progesterone surge is. I am sending you all of the luck in the world for this cycle, I have my fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed for you haha!

Have you noticed any more symptoms apart from the sore boobs?

I have never had spotting so I can't offer any advice on the CD9 spotting :(

Where is central to us all that we could meet? I'm so shit at Geography I don't know where anything is!!

1 more cycle to go until we try again :) :)

I know how you feel though when you say that you just feel fed up with it all. Evie will be 5 this year, I feel like time is slipping away so fast. I can't see us getting a BFP this year, I just have a feeling that once we start trying again nothing will have changed and we're going to encounter the same problems

How does Chris feel about giving it all up?

Hi girls.... Ab... You're anazing for BF'ing that long!! Wow! I managed 2 months and it was horrendous! Looking back now it was prob because I didn't have a clue and she was obviously not latched on properly! I ended up with mastitis in both boobs and ended up in hospital :( wasn't very nice!
Boobs still hurting now but not as bad as yesterday. No other symptoms :(
Tina... Not long now before you can start again! Eeeek! Hopefully you will catch that little eggy straight away!!! God, fingers crossed for us both!
We haven't really talked much about what happens when I'm told ivf is the only way. Chris is really positive and is adamant that we will get a BFP! I know he will be gutted if we can't have anymore as he wanted 3 kids :(
I don't know whether I mentioned before but I have now been discharged from the ARU dept as there is nothing more than they can do for me (unless I do IVF) so I'm back in the care of my GP.... Seems like it's well and truly slipping away!
What were your thoughts on IVF Tina? We just cannot afford it! It's going to be approx £6,000 and we don't have this kind of cash so it would mean a loan. We also need a new car as ours is on its last legs and I work 20 mile away and Chris has to go to London every other week so we need to get a good car..... I really don't think we can go through with it, and then what if it doesn't work? All that money and just more heartache???? What's everyone's thoughts on IVF???
I didn't breastfeed with Evie, I did have a go but I'm pretty sure I didn't produce any milk.

We've got quite a bit of savings but it's to move house as that's our priority at the minute so if we were going to do IVF we would get a loan. We have discussed it and Mark wants to continue trying naturally for the rest of the year and if still no luck then we can enquire about IVF but I don't want to wait that long. I've got 2 rounds of clomid left and if they don't work then I want to enquire about it in the summer. It would be an emotional fuck up if it didn't work but I personally feel like if it's the only option then it's another avenue that we should try...

just the cost though! it's ridiculous that a chance of having a child can cost so much friggin money.

We paid £200 to see a consultant to get clomid and that made me feel sick enough handing £200 over!! imagine the feeling of handing over 6 grand!!!

We have also been discharged from the hospital unless we wanted to go ahead with IVF. They know that the problem is Mark's low counts now it's up to us to decide what we want to do I guess.

When is your AF due hun?

I was so embarrassed picking Evie up from school yesterday. Her teacher asked if she could see me for 5 minutes, she had bitten somebody!! She's never done that before. I was so angry with her and boy did I make sure she knew it. She said she did it because someone snatched something off her. Has anyone elses LO bitten before? I'm scared in case she does it again.

Parents evening tonight, wish me luck! think I will need it haha xx
Tina,,, how was parents evening? I wouldn't worry too much about the biting! Viv went through this and it was down to frustration, she soon snapped out of it once I explained that it was really naughty etc...

We could be ivf buddies Tina!!! Who'd have thought it would come to this? I think I would like to give it a go but it's just getting the cash, I know I would kick myself if we didn't try it, not sure if Chris will feel the same though? It's a tough one! What price would you pay for a baby???? Surely £6,000 is nothing if you could potentially get everything you always wanted!!

My cousin is currently in A&E waiting for a scan as she has started bleeding (she is currently 17 weeks PG) she was really worried, naturally! She has no pain so hopefully it's nothing to worry about....

I'm going out with some friends tonight and I can't wait! I really need a drink! God I sound like an alcho!!! :)
AF is due next tues, I did a FRER this morning as I was desperate to POAS! Was negative (no surprise there then!!!)
What's everyone doing this weekend??? X

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