7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

That's fab news Betty but I hope you get a sticky bfp before then xx
Wow betty, that's big news!
I do hope you get a bfp before then, but so glad you have decided to go ahead with IVF if you don't!!

How glorious is this weather?? Soooo not ready for it body wise, got a stone to shift! Xx
Hello lovelies!!!

So sorry I've not posted this week, Evie's been off school and I've had the week off too so I've barely had the time to even shit haha!! We've been to the zoo, Blackpool pleasure beach, the park, southport fair, a pantomime!!! Totally skint now and still 2 weeks until pay day. All worth it though to see your LO having the time of their life!

Yes I'm totally gym addicted now Betty!! I feel really lazy if I have a day off haha. I haven't been today because it's been the national and there's no way I could have got near it without sitting in traffic for half a hour!

Great news about the IVF!!! I of have a sneaky feeling though that you'll get a BFP before August. Only 4 more weeks to go until we can try again yesssss

Frisky, I would have gone and done the same as you and cleaned up marks sick! In fact I've done it on a few occasions because he is a friggin lightweight!! I even cleaned up his pee once after he took a piss on our living room floor. Classy!!

How's Oscar doing?

I'm glad you and your partner have agreed to try IVF Betty. I know a few couples that it's really torn apart just because of the money and emotional conflicts. Does anyone remember when Charlotte had shots for IVF on Sex and the City and she went mental at her shitty husband in the middle of a ceilidh?? Well, I have a friend who damn near did the exact same thing. Thankfully her friends carted her out of the wedding in question before she could make too much of a scene. So I definitely believe both parties have to be totally for it to make it work. Like the girls say though, here's hoping for a BFP before August!

Tina, I miss the gym! What are you enjoying the most? I used to love Zumba and kettlebells. I just got totally out of breath cleaning my damn bathroom - I can't imagine jumping around with my arms in the air for an hour! I'm longing for the day I can stand at my sink without getting my entire torso wet in the process. And by eck that's a lot of stuff to fit into a week - well done you!

Ab how is life treating you as Mum to so many little people? Are you quite settled now from the move?

Frisky, I can't believe how adorable Oscar is - and he's getting so big and so much like you. And you definitely don't look like you have a stone on you to lose before the summer!

Well, I got done with work yesterday. Whoopee! No more falling asleep at my desk in front of clients from 2pm. My plan is to work on my house in the mornings while Matt studies and then to have a nap so I can stay awake through dinner and enjoy some play time with Mia. It's been rubbish being too tired to function when I get in. I've seen me bathing her with my head on rim of the bathtub, barely awake so many nights. I'm just awake every hour or so at night. If it's not leg cramps it's the loo or braxton hicks. I'm not one of these women who glows in pregnancy, it makes me down right miserable. 37 plus 2 now and this baby is welcome to make an appearance any time from next Thursday. I just really hope he doesn't make me wait a whole month more, I'll be demented!

The weather has turned here today, still getting sunny spells in between hail showers and the wind is bloody freezing. It's supposed to snow tomorrow! I suppose we had a lovely week so should thank our lucky stars. But it seems mean that a Mediterranean weather front be instantly replaced with an Arctic one! Kind of a here's what you're missing all ye Brits that can't afford a foreign holiday this year.

Have a lovely weekend ladies - stay warm and toasty x
Good morning!

Edinburgh it's madness how your LO is almost fully baked already!! I don't miss those 3rd trimester leg cramps and sleepless nights though let me tell you! I suffered badly with heartburn too more than anything. I constantly carried a bottle of milk around with me in case I had an attack! How is Mia feeling about having a little bubba around? Is she the type who would get jealous or do you think she will adjust okay?

I've never tried kettle bells in the gym! I always think that the weight classes will be full of men so I never go... maybe I should give it a try! I like spin classes and I like legs, bums and tums because I really feel like I've done a workout when I go to either of those classes. I'm not into anything jumpy aroundy like circuit training... I just end up a panting mess on the floor hahahaa. I'm having a couple of days off now because my legs are destroyed :( :(

Back to work today after 10 days off :( I barely slept a wink last night, I feel devastated.

Speak soon, just gonna go cry into my coffee

Hi girls how are you all???

Tina, I love that you are addicted to the gym!!! Good for you! Have you noticed a difference?? How is work? I bet it sucks after 10 days off, we need a lotto win on here!!!

Edinburgh, I can't believe you are almost due, eeeeeeeek! Where has the time gone?? I bet it's gone really slow for you, you have had a pretty tough time with it! Won't be long now before little bubba is here! Tina, I was the same, I had terrible heartburn and drank gallons of milk as that was the only thing to ease it, ugh, don't miss that at all!!!

Frisky, how is work for you too my lovely? Is it good to be away from mummy duties?? Where are you working??

Girls I'm having a mad ovulation! I've never had so much EWCM and ov pains, plus really bad heartburn (that's a new one for me!!) Me and Chris are having a month off as I've been prescribed a drug to stop my period this month as I'm due on when we are on holiday. So we basically haven't DTD but now I've just spoke to the doctor and he said that I can still TTC while taking this medication :( blah!!! Wish I'd have known sooner, think I'm passed OV now so will be too late, God damn! Only 2 weeks to my jollys, I'm so bloody excited!!! :)
Hello ladies!

Betty, well jealous of you jetting off on your holidays soon!!! No sun for me until December, hopefully though we will have some kind of UK summer. I'd be happy if the wind would ease and the clouds would part to reveal some lovely sunshine! I'm not asking for bloody bikini weather, just a little warmth will do me!

I have noticed a difference since joining the gym... I think so anyway... maybe I'm just wanting to see a difference and nothing has changed! I wish that I had measured myself before I started because I'm convinced that my thighs are slimmer but because I didn't know what they were before I don't know if I'm imagining it!!!

Are you all ready for your hols Betty? Have you started packing yet?

Evening girls, not been on here as I've been crazy busy, I'm literally collapsing in bed each night. So glad Joe is back at school, just to get some routine back in my life. Had a lovely time with him over Easter though.
Tina, your half term sounds action packed! I hardly took Joe anywhere, only because we are skint at the minute. I did take him to a funfair, one of those cheap ones run by gypsies! HahHaha had a great day though. We ended up on the lake in a rowing boat, but Joe had to take control of the oars, as I was shit & kept going around in circles!!
Tina, your gym obsession is making me feel fat and guilty! I need to get stuck in....I love the kettle bell, gives a really good workout.

Ab, how's all with you?? How's Frazer coming along??

Edinburgh, how fast has your pregnancy gone? Any sign yet? How are you feeling? Urrghhh I don't miss those leg cramps at all, I do however really miss been pregnant, and the boobs that go with it!!

Betty, when is your holiday? Bet you can't wait! Is your ovulation still being a bit crazy? Are you still doing juice plus?
Work is ok, it's only a few shifts in a wine bar. It's great to socialize. It's where I worked before so it's all familiar territory. It's a young persons game though. Although my main priority is Oscar, I really need to have a good think at what i want to do. I don't know where to start. I'm 35 & have no career, I've not really been able to as I brought Joe up on my own. But ive got Aaron now, it's the perfect time to try & do something. I've always fancied nursing or even just Been a health care assistant& working up from there, but I don't know where or how to begin!

Oscar is great, although he is really grumpy this past week as he has tteeth cutting through bless him.
We move house yet again in a few weeks.
3 bed semi, with a garden, 200quid cheaper a month! Can't wait. It's not very nice inside, needs repainting in every room & New carpets upstairs. But I don't care, it's on a nice culdesac, we can make it look nice. And we have our own DRIVEWAY!!!
Yessssssssssss!!! :) Xxx
Frisky, made up for you that you're finally moving house!!! Any house can be made into a home, as long as you're willing to put in the hard work to make it the way you want to then all is good! Yes it's nice sometimes to move into a house and not have to do a single thing to it but it's also lovely to be able to transform it into your dream home :)

I too don't really have a career, it's only an admin job. I do love it and it pays the bills but it's definitely not what I imagined myself doing when I was a kid. I wanted to be a vet all the way up to leaving school but sex, drugs and rock and roll took over! You know how it is haha :wacko:

What lovely weather we have been having this week! I've heard that it's going to be pissing down all weekend though, just my luck! :growlmad: would've loved a weekend chilling in the garden with a vino in hand.
Haha Tina!! I wanted to also be a vet, sex drugs & rock n roll also took over!! And I wouldn't change any of it!! Hehe ;)
I've just finished work...I've had to remove my wedding ring as it's really loose on me & has fallen off a few times. Out of all the places to lose weight, I looss it off my frikkin finger!!!! Very unfair !

Rubbish if it's raining at weekend, so much more to do when it's sunny. Was hoping to nestle down in a beer garden somewhere with a few shandys.
How's the ttc coming on Tina? Are you starting again after your break?

I know I keep saying this, but I think we should arrange to meet up in the summer. We could go on a day sesh somewhere Haha Xx
Frisky that's great that you're going to be moving and that it's cheaper.

Tina,not long now until you are back ttc.

Edinburgh,hope you are managing to get some rest before lo arrives.

Betty,Sooooo jealous that you'll be jetting off soon. Have a great time.

Not much happening here. Been amazing weather so just been enjoying the sunshine. Girls are happy as they get to play outside every day. Frazer is getting so big xx
Awwwwwwwwh ab, he's so cute!! Look at that smile :) What does he weigh now? I'm going to get Oscar weighed tomorrow, he was 18lbs about 3 week's ago. We too have had gorgeous weather, unfortunately I was working today. Xx
Thanks frisky. He was 15lb 5oz 3 weeks ago. I'll get him weighed next wed when he goes for his immunisations.
That's crap that you've been working and missed the sunshine xx
Hi girls I'm so sorry I have been AWOL for ages.... Had a hectic week and it was vivs 4th birthday at the weekend! She had a whole load of fun bless her!!!
How lush has this weather been (not that I've seen much of it!) can't believe its going to piss down all weekend, that's so bloody rubbish, I also fancied a few chilled glasses of vino out in the sun :)
Edinburgh, how are you doing? Now long now! Are you having any twinges???
Tina.... Are you back on the bonking band wagon yet??? God, it feels like you have been on a break for ages!!!
Frisky.... How is the job going? I loved working in a bar! Always helps if you're allowed a few free drinks too!!! :) can't believe your fingers are getting skinny! That's too funny! :)
Not much to report my end other than IM GOING ON HOLIDAY NEXT WEEK, whoop!!! Can't bloody wait girls :) xxxx
AB..... Frazer is gorgeous!!!! Look how big he is now! How are you finding 3 kids?? Are you coping ok and how are the girls with frazer???? Xxx
Happy friday beautiful ladies!!!

the weekend is finally gracing us, and it seems that the weather isn't going to be as bad as first predicted (in the north west anyway!) a couple of showers but it's looking dry for some of it too YESSSSSS :) :)

Frisky, totally hilarious that you're losing weight off your fingers! Are you back to your pre pregnancy weight yet or do you still have some work to do? You never looked big anyway, even when you were heavily pregnant with Oscar!
I agree, a meet up should definitely be on the cards, I think we just need to bite the bullet and organise something!

Happy belated birthday to Viv Betty! I saw the pictures on facebook of her little party, her birthday cake was fabulous! Did she get spoilt rotten?

Still won't be back to TTC for a few more weeks.... It's looking like after our little break in Devon in May. It'd just be too risky if we started again now and got caught, knowing my bloody luck I would and then 3 grand will have gone down the drain because I wouldn't be able to fly.

I've got a child free evening tonight :) Can't remember the last time me and Mark had some us time without Evie clinging to one of us. We are going for an Indian with a few friends and then on to the pub for a few well deserved drinks. I plan on eating onion bhajis and curry until I pop!

Got so much coming up over the summer time! I need to get myself an organiser or something. I swear girls you will have never met a more disorganised person than me! I don't write anything down, everything gets shoved into a drawer and forgotten about. I suppose I have an attitude to life that's like "ahhh fuck it, you only live once, spend it having fun!"
We're going to Devon for a week at the end of May, only a week in a caravan on a Haven site but I can't bloody wait!! A whole week of no cleaning, running around the Asda like a mad woman searching for ingredients for tea, the school run, sitting in crazy Liverpool traffic YESSSSSSSS. It's right on a cliff top overlooking a private beach, what more could you ask for?

Thanks Betty. He's getting so big. He's a really good baby and the girls are always fussing over him. He is always laughing at them xx
Haha Tina, I am exactly the same as you in the disorganized fashion! I forget apptointments or get the wrong days, I mislay things in drawers, I once threw away 200 quid. I had put it in an envelope 'safe' behind my Mirror on fireplace...Forgot all about it. But also behind there was a load of old letters I had saved for the previous tenant in case he needed them. Couple of months down the line, I had a spring clean & decided to bin them all, along with my envelope of money....I had totally forgot about it. I only realized the next day, it suddenly hit me & the binmen had already been a few hours earlier! I cried my eyes out!
Honestly, I'm useless.....Az calls me a 'Clusterfuck' Haaaha
Devon sounds fab, if you don't mind me asking, how much is it costing for the caravan? I'd love us to do something like that this year. Bet it goes up loads over summer holidays! How was the child free night? My mum's having kids next friday so az& I can go out for a few drinks & meal, can't wait, we need it. Then he's on an all day session at the football in Tranmere on the Saturday, he's going out in Liverpool Tina!.....I'm tempted to lock him out, I'm dreading the state he will be in when he gets home,,IF he gets home. On the plus side, it means I'm owed a whole day & night out. I'll use it to meet you ladies Haha we need to think where is best, will it be a civilized coffee, or wine wine wine? (Think I know the answer already) If it's drinks then we need to think about location & transport home or b&b' s and stuff x

Betty, hope Viv had a great day, she's a cutie! Joe will be 11 next week! Bet your mega giddy for your hols.
Tina last time I weighed myself I was 10st. I was around that before I got pregnant. My ideal weight would be 9st, any less I look too thin. I'm quite big boned, so always sit between 9& a half & 10.
I don't go off weight anyway, I go off how my clothes, fit. I'm back in a size 10, but I'm wobbly....Need to get bk to gym, not been since before Easter holidays. Our new house is a 3 min walk from the gym, so I've no excuse! It's my arms I want to tone the most, I hate them! My fingers need to give my arms some weight loss tips! Haha

Oh yeah.....My appeal for my section scar to be redone has been a success. I have to go and see a plastic surgeon, who then has to tell them weather it would be beneficial or not . Depending on his/her professional opinion, I could be getting it redone, so fingers crossed :)

I'm working tomorrow so I'm off to bed now Xx
Lots of love
Hello girls how is everyone??? Did you all have a fab weekend???
I can't believe Edinburgh has had her baby!!!! That's 3 babies we have now!!!! Edinburgh, huge congrats to you, desperate to hear all about it and see pics of bambino!!! Xxxxx

I've had such a lovely weekend, just getting all ready for my holidays and drinking wine (it's like I'm on holiday already!!!)

Tina/frisky.... I'm also the same with disorganisation! Every important letter is stuffed in a draw somewhere, my wardrobe is a total disaster area, everything is just stuffed in! I even lost vivs birth certificate because I put it somewhere safe (and then forgot where that safe place was!!!)

frisky, I would have cried too if I threw out £200! Gutted! :(

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