7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning lovely ladies!

Girls, it's good to know that we are all on the same wave length with organization! haha I love that you're as scatty as I am. If there's one thing about me that Mark and his family could change I would say that is it. Mark and his mum are both OCD freaks! Honestly his mum lives her life by routine.. everything has a time and place. She's never late for anything.. I'm doing 90 on the motorway everyday because I am gonna be late for work due to having to re-do my eyeliner 15 times! She has a lever arch folder which all of her bills go into colour coded and in alphabetical order. My bills are scattered into drawers, behind photo frames and on table tops.

Ahhh well... they should accept me how I am or not at all! :)

I think drinks is such a good idea, it will calm any nerves as well if we're meeting eachother for the first time. A glass of vino or 2 (to start with) will do the trick nicely. We need to choose a city or something that is central to everyone... Frisky and I are both north west, Betty you're in the East, AB would you be up for organizing a meet up? (Though with our organization skills it's likely never to happen hahahaha)

Betty, I couldn't be more jealous that you're jetting off on your jollies! With no period either ahhh it's gonna be pure bliss. Have you checked what the weather is like out there?

Talking of periods.. my AF arrived this morning. I was shocked! I haven't kept track of my cycle this month and I was convinced that I wasn't due on for another few days. She is 1 day early though, CD27 today.

Bank holiday this weekend yesssss!! An extra morning in bed. What's everyone got planned? I am going to have to go into town at some point and start getting some bits and bobs for our week in Devon.

Frisky, we have paid just over £1000 for a week on a Haven site. Devastated doesn't even begin to cover it! The school holidays are just a friggin rip off.

Morning, as much as I would love to meet up with you all,I'm so far away. I'm about 6 hours drive from Betty so too far for me to be away from my little man. Sorry.

We usually go to Haven. Frisky you should look at John Fowler holidays. We are going to book with them for next summer for 2 weeks split between Devon and Cornwall. Cheaper than Haven.

When are you away Betty? Bet you can't wait.

When are you back ttc Tina?
Saw you mention Edinburgh? Did all go well with her delivery? Xx
Hello Ladies!! I am glad to be back!! I had to get another computer and you know computers are very expensive. I miss you all sooo much! I will be on here all the time now.
Hello girls how the bloody hell are you all???
I'm back from my holiday and GOD! It was amazing! I really can't tell you how much we enjoyed it, it was one of the best holidays and vivienne had a total blast! Really didn't want to come back home :( if you can go out of season then I reccomend the hotel we stayed at, it was 5* spa hotel all inclusive and was £1,400 for the 3 of us.... I've ate and drank so much! I need to get back to the gym and detox!!!

Momwife!!! Welcome back, how are you my lovely?

Anyone heard from Edinburgh??? I want to know all about her birth and see pics of baby Leo!

I have to say, I didn't think about TTC at all on holiday, it was so nice!!! My AF arrived yesterday but I think my cycles will be all messed up now due to me taking the tablets to delay my period :(
Glad you had a good time on holiday Betty xx
Hello ladies!

Betty, I'm so glad that you had a lovely holiday. Everyone needs a break away from the stress and worries of everyday life now and again :plane:
I had a look through all of your piccies that you posted yesterday, Viv is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Every time you post pictures I'm always showing Mark and he's like "Oh my god you need to get a grip!" haha

Won't be long and I will also be going on my jolly bobs. Only to Devon like but it's still away isn't it! I actually don't think I would care if I was going in a caravan at the bottom of my road haha Just need a break from work.

This is officially our last cycle girls of no TTC. Mucho sexual activity shall presume in approximately 30 days time eeeek! I'm saying eeeek now but give it a month or 2 and I'll be back to stressing over it all.

Hi ladies,
I'm sorry, I'm so bad for not posting. I do read all your posts every day, I just hate trying to type on my phone with a passion and I don't have my own computer at the moment. OH takes his to Uni with him so can't even jump on his during the day, and he studies at night!
Your holiday looked amazeballs Betty, so jealous! I'd settle for a caravan away from the daily grind but OH prefers to be at home. In fact, he's petitioning for a staycation next time we feel we need a holiday. That's not relaxing to me! I'd be cleaning the house, doing the shopping and laundry and generally picking up after the little people. Anyway, jury is out on whether we have to take the brood to Canada in the summer for a month to get round all the grandparents. Depends on the outcome of some job interviews he's had for summer internships.
Tina, you on FB?
Welcome back Momwife, how's your little girl?
What's the weather been like up your way AB? We're getting really mild overcast days and then sunny freezing windy days. It's just bizarre - never know how many clothes to put on.

So yes, Leo arrived on 24th April at 39 weeks. It was the perfect storm - I changed the bed on the Wednesday and on the Thursday we had an amnio level scan at 9, M had a driving lesson at 12 and an interview at 3. May as well have waved a red flag at a bull really. Water broke at 1am on Thursday morning. I was terrified we were in for a repeat of last time with the mandatory monitoring and 'risk of infection'. Thankfully this time though I could feel tightening (not painful) within an hour or so. I couldn't get back to sleep because of the seepage. Called triage and they informed the community midwife team. They were really relaxed about the premature rupture of membranes. One came out to see me around 7.30am and checked baby's heart rate and my temperature/BP etc. All was fine and she went off to handover to next lady who was on call on the Thursday. Contractions got sore around 9am but they were all over the place, 8mins, 20mins and then I sat on birth ball to watch a movie and they stopped completely for over an hour! Midwife came back out early afternoon and said the baby's head was in a strange position which explained the start stop issues. So we went on best we could. Couldn't rest because if I lay down the contractions jumped to every 6 mins. At around 9pm I had a 5 minute contraction. Ladies, the air was blue. After it I called the midwife and said I wanted her to come check me. I was already really tired and just thought that if the cntx of the whole day hadn't done anything to move things along then we'd have to re-think the home birth. I really couldn't have gone another 12-24 hours. She agreed reluctantly to come out, thankfully, because from that point on they were every 4 mins for 2 mins. She came through the door and rapidly suggested we try the TENS machine. M was explaining how it worked after putting it on my back and accidentally turned it on. I nearly hit him I got such a fright. Midwife was killing herself laughing. That helped a little for a bit and she suggested we fill the pool. When it was ready she was happy for me to get in without being checked but I wanted to know where I was at. I was at 8cm so waddled through to Mia's room and got in the pool. Cntx started and midwife went to get her stuff from the living room but as soon as it finished it felt like a bowling ball was moving through me and I totally panicked. Midwife came running back and assured me that it was OK for things to have jumped like that with getting in the water. From there on out we were just having him. Midwife, Ruth, was a real ball buster when it came to blowing slowly through cntxs. But as hard as it was not to push/grunt/scream/cry etc, it worked because I got away with a 30min birth and no tears (despite having an episiotamy last time).
It was just amazing having him at home in the water in comparison to Mia's birth. I was still recovering and unable to sit straight 6 weeks after she was born. Lunchtime on Friday I was up and pottering around my kitchen. Didn't need any painkillers afterwards. I did graze a bit which made going to the loo unbearable for a couple of days but it was a small price to pay for feeling human generally.
He's great. He was 7-14 (bigger than Mia despite being 2 weeks earlier) and has already well surpassed his birth weight. He's a bit of a milk monster! Feeding has been a challenge. I seem to have thrush again. It hurts for about 15-20 secs when I start feeding him then it becomes bearable. Hoping we get over it soon so that feeding becomes less of a drain and more relaxed.
The last three weeks have been a bit of a blur of sleep deprivation, visits and working with Mia who's great with Leo but has had a few almighty tantrums over nothing really.
Mia finishes nursery tomorrow full time and goes a day and a half from next week. God knows where I'm going to find the energy to negotiate two of them without my afternoon nap!
Don't know how to put photos on here but I'm Dawn Pianosi on FB if anyone wants to add me (just let me know who you are in the invite ;)) There's photos there.
Hello ladies....again sorry for the absence, we have moved house and my whole time has been taken up by that. I swear to God, I'm never moving house again . Ever!! Haha Its a bombsite, shit everywhere..rooms need decorating, the bathroom is tiny!! ....But it feels like home, we will get it really nice. :)
Oscars been poorly the last 2 week's, full of a cough & cold, it's literally been impossible to get the house straight. I've Been doing it whilst he's asleep, but I'm having a break tonight.

Edingburgh, Leo is gorgeous....What a great birth story..the tens machine part cracked me up! Haaha. I hope you are all ok & the feeding is now better for you.

Tina, when's your holiday? I'm gonna look at caravans I think, I'll try where you suggested ab.
How is your little Frazer doing?

Betty, your holiday looked fab...great pics on fb. You have such a gorgeous family.

What's everyone's plans this weekend? I'm staying at my old school friends tomorrow..theres about 6 of us just staying in with wine & food. It's about an hour away from me, but I can't wait. These are the friends I don't see in years, but when I do, it's as though we have never been apart :) Xx
Happy friday girls!!

Edinburgh, ahh I loved reading your birthing story :baby: I don't know how you did it at home though. Both you and AB have more guts than I do. I don't cope well with pain so I would definitely need to be in hospital being pumped with drugs.
I've just added you on Facebook, it should come up as Tina O'Toole. Can't wait to see some pictures of your new little man.

Frisky, sorry to hear that little Oscar has been unwell. Your plans for tonight sound amazeballs. What I wouldn't do for a night in with chinese food, laughs with the girls and lots of alcohol! Sounds pure bliss :)

I'm off on my jollys next Saturday, 8 days and counting. Evie is on count down too.. she keeps asking every day how many more sleeps we have to go. Love seeing her at this age when she feels excitement about everything. She's gone into school today with a superhero mask on.. I will put a picture on my FB later. Mark sent one to me and said that she won't take it off haha.

I have stocked up on alcohol for my week off work, I've got my 3 bottles of prosecco for night 1 haha. I don't even care... I deserve it!

I'm getting some new hair put in next week so I'm off to town tomorrow to buy it. I've had to sell literally all of my possessions so I can afford some because Mark isn't too happy about it.

Congratulations Edinburgh. Glad you got the home birth that you wanted.
Frazer is doing well thanks Frisky. Glad you are settled in your new house and sorry Oscar is unwell.
Enjoy your hols Tina!! We're not off until the end of June! ! Seems ages away xx
Tina, where do you get your hair from??
Mines a mess at the min, would LOVE to get my extensions put back in. Are you using clips or glue??
Az hates me with my extensions in, but I love it, feel so much more glamorous.
Night in was fab....drank far too much vodka. Died a death yesterday. We went to an all you can eat Chinese buffet for tea last night though, sorted me right out!
Oscar still bad, he now has a bad cough. Not slept really xxx
Morning lovelies

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend

Frisky, I get my hair from Paul's Hair World. I think there is one in Manchester in the Arndale if I'm correct.. I get the remy gold it's £150 for 18 inches but you get more grams per packet than any other remy hair.
I get them sewn in, my hairdresser said it's better than gluing them in because it won't ruin your own hair as much.
I can't imagine being without them now! That's the only problem :cry: they cost so much to look after. But like you said.. they make you feel constantly glamorous, even if you wake up and don't have time to apply makeup you can still go out knowing that your hair is flawless! :happydance:

4 more working days to gooooooooo!!! I'm so keen for this time off you wouldn't believe!

Bless little Oscar :( it's awful when our little ones are sick. Especially at Oscar's age because it's not like he can tell you how he is feeling he can only cry and hope that you understand! Have you taken him to see a doctor?

AB, June will be here before you know it! Where are you off to?

Hi girls how are you all.... Sorry I've not been on here, I'm in post holiday depression!!!! Lol!
Edinburgh.... Wow!!! What a birth, I think the same as Tina, you and ab are so brave to do it at home!!! I love the thought of a home birth but I am also not great with pain and would prob be asking to go straight to the hospital for an epidural after about 10 mins!!! So do they provide you with a water birthing bath or do you hire them??? Where was Mia during all this??? Xxx

Frisky, how is the new house?? I hope you're more settled than the last one! I hope little Oscar gets better soon bless him, I can't believe he is 8 months old! Where is the time going??? It's crazy!!

Tina.... Not long till your holidays, I bet you can't wait!!! Are you all packed and ready to go?? How are you getting down to Devon?? Is it just you mark and Evie going?? It will be so nice to get away and not have to get up at stupid o'clock every morning :)

Have an amazing holiday Tina! How long are you away for?
I don't envy you Frisky, moving with a small person in tow. Is it far from your first place? Does Joe like the new house? Hope Oscar feels better soon. Poor wee lamb. Leo has caught my cold and it's making feeding him a nightmare. It's currently like sleeping in a train station in our room with the three of us snoring a coughing away!
Betty, your post makes me laugh. I love going on holiday but am the same, I hate coming home! I was lent a birth pool by my yoga instructor and I bought sterile hoses, liner and an extraction pump. Cost me a little less than to hire a package but the NHS don't give you them for home births. You get a box delivered full of stuff for the midwives, resus kit, local anaesthetic, vit K for baby etc and gas and air cylinders. Mia was at nursery and with my Mum from the Thursday morning to the Friday night.
I could probably manage a meet up somewhere north England ish. I'd have to bring Leo for feeding (no booze for me... sigh) but could probably swing an away day. If we pick somewhere pretty we might make a weekend of it with the kids and I can escape for a ladies afternoon.
Right, we're all sick at the moment and I have to find something to entertain Mia with today. I'm thinking of taking her to messy play and then finding a quiet corner to cough myself into oblivion in.
Morning girls,

Betty, how are you feeling now? Are you finally getting over the holiday blues? :coffee:

There really is no worse feeling! and I shall be experiencing the same think in T minus 8 days. I hate that feeling too when you're mid way through your holiday and then you start counting down how many days are left till you have to go home. It puts a downer on the second half of my holiday every time! I need to get a grip haha

only 1 hour to go girls then I am ouuuuttaaaa hereeeeee! :headspin::headspin: get me some tequila! I've got a jam packed day of nail painting, body tanning, food shopping, hair cutting and packing ahead of me then I'm off on my travels tomorrow.

Edinburgh, is Leo feeling any better? get some rest mummy and put your feet up this weekend if you can!

Anyone up to much over bank holiday?

I'll try my best to post over the week that I'm away but you know what it's like once you're in the countryside... you might as well as bury your phone underground!

Hi ladies,sorry I've not been on. Had my sis staying with me as her and her husband have split up.
Hope you are all ok.
Enjoy your hol Tina xx
Morning lovelies!

AB, sorry to hear about your sister and her husband :( Have they managed to sort things out or is it still over?

Girls I am back from my little holiday :( :( I felt so sad when my alarm went off at 4am for work this morning. Sad and losing the will to live... Had THE BEST week away. The weather was glorious for most of the week, I drank enough wine to keep a small country happy and ate the most delicious food.
I don't think I've ever mentioned... when I was 15/16 I had a slight obsession with Gareth Gates. Little did I know that he was going to be performing at the Haven we were at. I only had 2 bottles of vino and jumped on stage with him didn't I! hahaha Managed to bag myself a photo too.

BIG NEWS too... we are back to TTC YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I'm on day 3 of clomid and so super excited to get back to trying. Not going to temp or anything just taking each day as it comes. I say that now but give it a couple of cycles and I'll be back to obsessing again.

Where is everyone hiding by the way? It's been surprisingly quiet on here for the last week!

:rofl: Tina that GG story really made me laugh! ! Glad you had a great time. It's always shit starting work again. Hopefully you'll be breaking off on maternity sooner rather than later! !

My sis has been mentally and emotionally abused for years so I am glad that she has finally found the courage to leave as he is a total dickhead. She signed for a flat on Friday and everyone has been really good to her. She's been and got pretty much everything that she needs thanks to very generous donations from our dad and our grandad! ! She's still anxious due to threats but not as bad.

How is everyone else? It is very quiet here xx
Hi girls.... How are you all???
Tina, booooo that you're back to reality, that sucks :( hope you're first day back at work is not too painful! I saw your fab pics including the one of Gareth gates, you're too funny!!! :) :) :)
Fab news you're back on the TTC wagon, I have my buddy back, yeah!!!! Fingers crossed you are getting a BFP in the next couple of cycles! How many rounds of clomid do you have left???
AB, God im so sorry about your sister! Good for her to have the courage to leave him! That is not an easy thing to do! Hopefully her life will turn around now she has left the dickhead and she can move on and create a beautiful new chapter in her life :)
Ab, are you on FB???
Nothing much going on my end, we are going to get a loan in September for the ivf and hopefully start in October all being well.... We are on a money swing mission now as we have some debt to pay off and we also want a new car... Tighten those purse strings and maybe sell a kidney or something???? Lol!!!! The things we have to do hey???
I'm not on FB Betty.
Yeah I hope my sis is going to be ok. Getting more hassle today again. I'm trying to convince her to go to the police.
That's great that you're working towards ivf. I hope you get a sticky bfp before then though xx

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