7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh god AB, is it that bad??? I hope she is ok, it's not a great situation to be in, hopefully she will find strength to go to the police.... I hope it all works out!

I also hope I get a bfp before then but doubt it :( but I guess miracles do happen, fingers crossed xxx
AB, ahh god I feel for your sister. What a terrible situation to be in. Good thing is that she's got a great support system around her :) So many women go through mental abuse and never find the strength to leave so good for her! What a strong lady

Betty, yey for being TTC buddies again!! What CD are you on? I've got 2 rounds of clomid left (well one after this cycle) then I kinda don't know what to do.... Since we were last trying Mark has given up smoking. He's not smoked for about 4 months now so I'm hoping that there's been some small miracle and his counts have risen.

We were literally told that there's nothing else that the infertility department at the hospital can do and that our next step would be IVF but of course they won't help to fund.

I can see us giving it a few cycles and if no luck then we're going to have to bite the bullet and get some prices.

I feel kind of over it all now... it will be 2 years in July since we started TTC. I could've baked 2 and a half babies in that time hahaha!

Has anyone read in the news about Kim.K being preggers? I assume you will have unless you've been hidden under a rock because it's being broadcasted just about everywhere. Apparently she and Kanye have been using IVF and that's how she got her BFP. If only money was no option hey!

Morning girls....
Tina, I'm on CD25, my cycle is all out due to me taking the notheresterone to stop my period for my hols... I should be due on next tues but I've read that it can delay your period.... We shall see! Yes to seeing that KK is preggers, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest, her and Kanye have more money than sense!!! It's going to cost up £4k roughly.... We are going to try and put £1,000 towards it and then the rest as a loan and we are going to buy a car too....
I'm also quite 'over it' all and less stressed, it's been so bloody long now that i just don't care anymore!!! It's now 3 years and 3 months for us :( :( how did that happen?!?!?!?! I guess I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, if the ivf doesn't work in oct then we are officially done and I can finally move on! Sounds strange but i will be releaved.... :)
The weather was so bad up here last night, I thought our house was going to take off!!!!!
Tina.... How is work???? Not too painful xxxx
ahhh Betty I know exactly what you mean... although you've been trying for a year more than we have! I can't imagine going another year! We have got money saved up to move house so we could use that if we have to but Mark spoke about getting a loan also because if we did get a BFP we would need that money to move ASAP.

I do genuinely think though hun that you will have a BFP before the year is out, I have a good feeling about the IVF and I think it will be just the push that you've needed.

Work is poop :( it's not getting any easier! I think once I've got my first week back out of the way I'll be just fine.

Mark is taking me out on Saturday, we are going to go for a meal and then to see a film. Not had any alone time for agesssss so really looking forward to it.

Eurgh girls I'm so sick :nope: I can't understand why there is so much liquid leaking out of my face! I look like that scene from blair witch project where the girl's nose is dripping haha! I feel like I'm getting worse not better, yippee just in time for the weekend! Cheers immune system :thumbup:

So I phoned our fertility centre yesterday who we would be going to for IVF if it comes down to it. The price of the IVF is £3400 but that doesn't include medication which she said can range from £500 - £1500. I can't imagine I would need much meds anyway because I ovulate naturally... So I got my prices, just gonna try and forget about it for a few months now

Ovulation 10 days and counting!!! eeek xx
Yeah it's really bad. Think I've managed to convince her to go to the police today as they are also picking on my nephew (their own flesh and blood). It actually makes me feel sick!!
Morning lovelies,

AB, how's things with your sister? Some people have no shame... it's disgusting. Hope she is okay <3

Did everyone have a good weekend?

I'm still sick. Making an appointment to see a doctor today because I think I have Sinusitis. My face is throbbing :( I shall be begging him for antibiotics. I haven't been to the gym for about a week because I've just got no energy.

Ovulation is quickly approaching, baby making time is upon us and I couldn't feel further from having sex haha

Betty any sign of AF?

:hugs: Tina. Hope you feel better soon.

My sis is ok. Still very anxious but she is getting her new flat organised and her and my nephew are happy. Says she feels free. She went to the police and reported everything so she is on rapid response, if she gets any hassle she's just to phone 999. She's going to a solicitor tomorrow

Just been to nursery sports day. Zoe came 3rd in the flat race. :cloud9:
ahhh well done to Zoe! Evie never had a sports day which is a bit odd... every other class in the school took part apart from Reception. I have to accompany her to a school trip in a couple of weeks time. A whole day at Knowsley Safari Park with 30 odd 4 & 5 year olds... and BREATHE! haha. I must remember to put a bottle of wine in the fridge on that day.

Good news about your sister that she has support there whenever she may need it, I mean odds are that things will start to settle down but it's great that she has peace of mind that if anything was to kick off that the police would be there in a jiffy.

Lol,remember that you are only allowed the wine after you get home from the safari park! ! You'll definitely be needing it after a day with all those kids.
We're going to the safari park 3 weeks today for my birthday. 40!! I'm getting old :rofl:

Yeah I don't think she will get any hassle but better being safe. He did say he would stalk her and make her life hell but he'll hopefully get bored soon enough .

That's strange that Evie never had a sports day but everyone else did! Xx
Hi lovely ladies how are you all??

Ab, your sis sounds like she is having a pretty tough time! I hope he gets bored of stalking her, he needs to get a life (or someone needs to kick his head in!) im glad she is settling into her new place.... I really can't understand some people? She is so much better off without him!
Wow, the big 40!!! Are you doing anything Wild for your 40th? Other than the safari park??? I'm not far behind you chick, 37 in august, who cares! It's only a number!!!

Tina, bless you! Sounds like you have sinusitis and that's not nice!!! Hope you get it sorted ready for your baby making! :) it's good you have some prices, I wonder why the cost is different across the country??? Mine is slighty cheaper at £2,900 for the ivf and then £500-£1,000 in meds???
I'm CD31, I have sore bbs and AF type cramps but no af, I reckon she will arrive tnrw, I've been really tired over the weekend! Managed to do a car boot yesterday (I'm on a money saving mission!!!) I only made £50 but the weather was terrible (was ridiculously windy) I am going to do one every month, every little helps right?! Need to get £1,000 saved up for outer ivf! Eeeeeek! Won't be long before I will be pumping myself with all those hormones!!! Can't wait!!!! :) :) xxx
Well Betty, you are in the wrong occupation haha. You should have been a doctor. The diagnosis is Sinusitis :cry:.. I'm on a 7 day amoxicillin course so no vino for me this weekend. Just glad though that it's getting sorted out, I've felt like shite for 2 weeks!

Every little does help Betty! I've never done a car boot but I sell all of my old clothes etc on ebay and I can make anything up to £200 in the space of a few weeks. People will buy ANYTHING! :thumbup: So have you been given an exact date of when the treatment will begin taking place? I'm so super excited for you eeeeeeeeeeeeeek :happydance::happydance:

CD12 for me.. (I think) normally ovulate around CD15/16 but because I've had clomid this cycle I'm not chancing waiting until then to DTD even though I'm sick. It was so funny last night, I knew that we needed to do it but I felt so ridiculously unwell, had a temperature and was sleepy from my first 6-2 get up that it was like Mark was having sex with a corpse!

Betty did you ever feel really hot off clomid? I don't know whether it's because I'm sick or because I've taken the clomid but I feel boiling all of the time. It's not like me at all, I'm usually wrapped in layer upon layer of clothing and I'm still complaining that I'm cold!

AB, hows your little man doing now? I bet he isn't so little any more! Any new picture updates to share?
Happy birthday in advance for your 40th!! You are only as old as you feel my dear, age is just a number. I'm getting old too... at the grand old age of 28! haha.

28.... and we can't have a baby. What the hell??? It's so funny that we are always the youngest couple in the infertility clinic. Funny, but shocking too. :growlmad:

Hope you're feeling better soon tina. I had to laugh at your sex with a corpse comment. The cycle I fell pregnant with Frazer I was so hungover on the Sunday but had to DTD. It was as quick as dh could do his thing and jump off again lol.

No great plans for my 40th , having a bbq at my mums the day b4,safari park then Frankie and Bennys for dinner. Dh is off all that week so we're just going for day trips and picnics.

Tina what holiday park were you just at? We want to go back to Devon next year. Been looking at South Bay Brixham or Devon Cliffs but not decided yet xx
2015-05-31 18.10.10.jpg

2015-05-27 15.41.33.jpg

2015-05-10 13.47.41.jpg

Here are some pics of my cheeky crew xx
Oh my god AB!!! Your children are gorgeous!!! I can't believe how big frazer is! He's only just been born!!! It's so true how quick it goes! Wow!
Sounds like your 40th will be lovely, I love having day trips out, hopefully the weather will stay nice! It's gorgeous in the north east at the minute! Just makes me want to sit in a beer garden and drink wine :) :)

Tina.... I can't believe you managed to actually DTD with a sinus infection and having been up since 4.30am! I would have been asleep! AB is right tho, the time you least expect to catch that eggy is the time you do! Look at me! The last BFP I got we DTD on cd12 and then again cd20 and we didn't do anything in between! Then when we at at it like rabbits NOTHING!! It's such a lottery! I'm CD32 today and no AF, expect her any minute tho, I'm emotional and tired. We have had two lots of new born twins in the pharmacy today and I just wanted to scoop them up and squeeze them :) :)
Tina, your antibiotics should kick in soon and you will feel better, sinusitis is not nice you poor thing! No wine!!!!! Gutted :( :(
Ps: Tina.... You're so young (bitch!!!!) you will get your bfp very soon, one way or another it will happen.... Keep the faith my lovely xxx
Lol thanks Betty. He is 5 months already. Time is going too quickly.
Lovely weather up here today,here's hoping that it lasts.

Hopefully you'll both get your bfp soon. I'm sticking around until your babies are born!!
OMG AB!!!! frazer is gorgeous :) :) His bright blue eyes and little smile ahhh he's gonna break some hearts one day. Your little girls look so grown up next to him, are they loving being big sisters?
We went to Devon Cliffs, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone. There is a private beach there so if you're lucky enough to get the good weather then you can have some great days on the beach and there's a little cafe overlooking the beach where I must admit I sat and drank many a glass of wine overlooking the sea. You just have to don't you! It's a huge park too with loads going on for the kiddies. We are going to go back next Summer for sure.

Day 2 of the antibiotics and fingers crossed I have woke up feeling more human! HOORAH!!! Don't get me wrong I've still got tissues at the ready but I feel more energized.

:( new born twins! I'd take twins right now, me and mark discussed this the other day. I said I would be happy with twins for sure, he said he would be terrified if we were having twins! It will definitely be a possibility for you Betty with the IVF! How would you feel about the prospect of 2 babies? Is it something that you've discussed with Chris?

Evie had story club after school yesterday. The kids stay and read a story after school and we pick them up at 3.45, so I arrive a little early and I'm sat in the reception area when one of the mums comes to sit next to me.... With a HUGE pregnant belly. She then begins to tell me how she's going into be be induced tomorrow which would be today and gushing over how excited her little boy is to be a big brother. Ahh it was lovely hearing how their little family was going to be complete but of course the green eyed monster set in too. I want a fat belly!

Managed to DTD again last night, again probably the least sexy sex I have ever had. I'm getting niggly pains down there so I think ovulation is definitely upon us. I'm scared ladies for my first 2WW in 4 cycles! God help me haha

Thanks ab!!! I hope you're right and me and tina get our babies soon!!
Tina.... I didn't answer your question about clomid, yes, I did gave hot flushes and headaches with it... Can't remember what else I had too, you can get some pretty tough side effects, all that resemble pregnancy, how ironic hey?!?!?
Don't worry about your TWW! It's exciting!!! Have you got a plan for DTD this cycle? Every other day etc...? Or just when you feel like it???
I think twins would be so bloody hard but seriously, I would be happy with anything right now!!! :)
Everyone seems to be either pregnant now or just given birth!! My cousin is now 28 weeks and she is having a little girl :) :)
Cd33 today for me.... No AF but I'm really very tired and have AF cramps so expect her at some point today :(
Ooohhh that'd be exciting. Imagine if you were both twinny bump buddies. That would be amazing!

Yes the girls love being big sisters to Frazer,they are always playing with him and fussing over him He laughs and squeals at them too cute.
Thanks for recommending Devon Cliffs, not ready to book yet as dh has lost night shift so therefore lost money so we'll need to see what happens re next year's holiday xx

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