7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Oh ab... That would be so amazing if me and Tina were bump buddies! God, twins would be such a handful!!!!
If only money was no object hey girls? I would pack in work, holiday somewhere gorgeous at least once a month and would have had ivf 2 years ago!!!!! :)
Tina... We are planning on starting ivf end of sep, I think you have to time it with your cycle... As we are going private we can get an appointment within 2 weeks and start straight away! What are your plans??? When would you consider ivf???
Ab... Are you planning on going to Devon next year??? I have never been but have been to Cornwall a few times and that was absolutely gorgeous! X
Hi girls!

AB, how lovely that the girls are in love with him! he will always be looked after by his big sisters :)
I think you would definitely love Devon Cliffs, I think anyone would really. It has something for everyone to enjoy. AND it has a millies cookies!! You can go for a swim and then indulge in a giant cookie. What is there not to love? haha

Betty, IVF shall be considered for us in 2 cycles time if the clomid doesn't help. I've got the prices and to be honest in my heart I know the likelyhood of it happening is slim naturally so I think we will be both on the IVF this year my dear! How wonderful would it be to be pregnant together??? eeeek I'm secretly hoping that that is the case.

Girls, if anyone is interested I have started writing a journal. I'm going to update it whenever I get the chance to so you can read about me moaning in detail about clomid, CM and sexy time haha. Don't you just love me? the link is in my signature if you find some spare time in your day

I'll follow you. I've got a journal too,mostly filled with crap :rofl:

Dh and I went to Devon 5 years ago and loved it. We've spent the last 2 or 3 years at Primrose Valley but want to go back to Devon and maybe Cornwall do a week in each!!
I love primrose valley too AB <3 I haven't been for years but went quite a lot when I was younger with my mum and dad. Always had a great time there.

Thank you for following me! What is the link to your journal?

Think ovulation may happen today girls, I've woken with EWCM and definite cramping. Didn't DTD last night but did do it the 2 nights before. Going to make sure we fit it in tonight.

It's 5.30am and I'm in work :( I need to sort my life out! I'm doing a 5-1 today so I can get home in time for Evie's sports day... which I thought wasn't happening!! The school have decided to spring it on me with 2 days notice because they're good like that! Of course I can't miss it so instead I shall be there.. but zombified!

I went to the gym last night because I thought I was feeling a bit better after 48 hours on antibiotics, I was wrong! I couldn't breathe the entire time and I think I've made myself worse :( :( I'll never learn.

Yeah we love it at Primrose Valley too but want to go somewhere else for a change.
Link is the pink 2 princesses and a little prince in my sig!
Hope Evie enjoys sports day Xx
Girls..... I can't believe I'm about to say this but.... I've just tested and I'm pregnant! I'm in total shock. I can't believe it and any minute now I'm going to wake up!!! I can't believe it!

My test from just now.... I don't believe it so will be getting another one to make sure!!!
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
OMG OMG OMG . Betty I am so happy for you. I really hope that this is your sticky rainbow baby!!!!
Have you told Chris yet.
Sooooo happy,got a big grin on my face for you xxxxxx
And Wow!!! That test is definitely positive xxxx
I'm 5 days late! Told Chris straight away and burst into tears.... Obviously I'm cautious due to my history.... I'm still in shock, I don't believe it's happening xxx
Here's hoping that everything will go well this time!! Xx
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! Betty I am so pleased for you, sending you all the luck in the world xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks girls.... I'm not getting too excited! I daren't as this could end the same as the others.... I'm praying it sticks tho!!!
Tina.... I don't know what to say to you, I want to say sorry.... I know that you will be pleased for me but I know your heart will break a little... This is a cruel process and I want us to both enjoy getting our BFPs.... I'm praying that this will happen for us both and we will have our much wanted babies in our arms one day.... :hug:
Betty don't be sorry! You more than anyone deserve this baby! Fair enough if it was some tom, dick or Harry who is popping kids out left right and centre but you have been through a lot of shit to have a baby! I couldn't feel more happier for you honestly

I will get my baby eventually, heck look how long it's taken you but just goes to show that it does happen if you don't give up hope.

This little one had better stick around because it will have the best mummy ever!! Xxx
Hi girls.....
Tina... How was Evie's sports day??? I saw the videos! They're brilliant!!! Bless her, she looks so grown up!!! Are you feeling any better???

My doctor has got me in for a scan at the early pregnancy unit on Tuesday (can you believe it!!) they want to check that pip is where it shoud be and not ectopic, I'm really impressed with the care I have been given over the last 3 years by my doctor and the hospital, they have been really amazing! I'm really nervous, obviously I'm ridiculously beyond over the moon but I keep expecting to go to the toilet and find I'm bleeding :( :( im trying to stay positive but I just daren't get my hopes up!!! I'm feeling different this time, I have sore bbs and cramps and I'm so tired it's ridiculous!! I'm taking these as a good sign (fingers crossed) Of course I'm happy to have ANY symptom, I will be praising the Lord when I have my head stuck down the toilet puking my guts up! Anything, just let this little pip stick!!! :)

What's everyone doing this weekend? It's going to be pissing down here all weekend, typical! It's been glorious all week while I've been in work!!! I think I'm going to have a relaxing weekend and get Chris to run around after me! Lol!!! :)
Morning lovelies!

Betty, yes I am feeling much better FINALLY!!! yesterday was the first day that I didn't blow my nose since the end of May, which I think it a massive achievement hahaha!

Evie's sports day was great, though she wasn't the least bit interested about being competitive. Every race when the teacher blew her whistle for the kids to go she would be standing there for about 5 seconds before realising that the other kids were already running!

Good news my dear about the hospital keeping a close eye on you! Just think, tomorrow you could get to see your little pips beating heart for the first time! How many weeks exactly do you think you are? Don't be disheartened if you don't see a heartbeat though... I had to have an early scan with Evie because of the previous molar pregnancy and there wasn't a heartbeat but when I went back a week later it was beating away.

What do you think your symptoms were in the 2WW?

Back to work this morning, think I am about 2DPO. Clomid is so cruel! My nips are a killer to touch! But I know it's only because of the clomid. ARGGGHH this 2WW is going to be brutal

Omg omg omg!!

I'm back, Internet fully up and running here now, can't log in on my phone as its so shit and small....had a nightmare few weeks, seriously thought it would end in divorce (long story)

But sod me, I've just seen this last page!!!
Betty?? Whhhhhat??? Congratulations ... I need to catch up!!
Got Joe off school sick today so will have a read later xx

Love and miss you all Xx
Fingers crossed Tina xx

That's great that you're getting a scan tomorrow Betty. Good luck xx

Hey frisky,hope you and Az are ok now xx
Thanks ab...Yeah it's all fine now, didn't speak to each other for nearly a week...Was horrible. I'm very very stubborn though. We have just had to agree to disagree. Hope all is Ok with you & yours my love xx
I can be a bit like that too,especially if I know I'm right!
We're all ok here thanks xx

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