7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Frisky! You haven't spoken in a week???!!! What did he do? See I'm a pushover, I can't not talk for longer than about 10 mins! :) lol! Tell us all about it!!!

I have my scan at 9am tmrw, shit! You think that it will be the happiest moment when you get your bfp (obviously I'm more than bloody happy! I'm ecstatic!!) but im scared to death! I really don't know what I will do if I have another miscarriage! I'm trying to stay positive and not think about it... At least I will get over one hurdle tmrw. Finger crossed everyone xxxxxx
Tina... My main symptoms were my boobs, very sore (I currently have then strapped up in a sports bra!) and also tiredness, I'm exhausted! I could sleep for a week!
Tina, did you manage to DTD through your illness??? When is AF due for you? I will of course be praying for us both this cycle :) :) xxxxxx
Frisky, lovely to see you back my dear! What's gone on between you and Aaron? I am also like you Betty... there's no way I could go a week without speaking to Mark, I end up agreeing to disagree and moving on with it.

I will be crossing my fingers tightly all morning for you Betty! I do think everything will be just fine though, I have a positive feeling about this one :) :)

See I have super sore boobs but I have every cycle that I've had clomid so I can't go off that really. Trying my hardest not to symptom spot but it's so bloody difficult!!

Yes we managed to DTD LOTS! I persevered through the illness and did what I could so here's hoping! It'd be nice not to have to carry on for months on end and to have a lovely little surprise at the end of this cycle.

Make sure you update us lady as soon as you've been!!! xxx
Hi girls.... They couldn't see much on the scan today... They said my womb lining is thick suggesting pregnancy and that there is a dark patch suggesting a sac but cannot be confirmed, they are slightly concerned that I have fluid round my ovaries so cannot rule out ectopic.... I've had bloods done and will get the results later today and have to go back on Thursday to repeat them, if they are rising like they should I will be booked in for another scan.... I feel a bit down, my boobs don't hurt as much today as they have done this last week and I think I'm just preparing for the worst!
I'm praying tho.... Keep everything crossed girls xxxx
Betty, I understand how worrying it must be for you :hugs: how many weeks & days are you? Did the hospital say what they should be able to see according to how far along you are?

Like I have said before, when I went when I was just 5 weeks and there was barely anything on the scan.

I know it's easier said than done but try not to think the worst... I bet your LO is developing just fine and its just that you aren't far enough on yet to see anything on a scan.

sending you massive hugs sweetie, try to keep positive! xxx
Betty I agree with tina,probably just too early to see anything yet. Got everything crossed for you xx
Yes, they said it's about right and I have an inverted or retroverted uterus which made it difficult to scan (I didn't even know I had one!! Lol!!) trying to stay positive, just fearing the worst... At least on Thursday I will know if my levels are rising like they should be :) :) thanks girls.... Love you all xxxxx
I will be crossing my fingers for you that everything comes back okay :) I was told that I have a heart shaped uterus! haha crazy that we have no idea what goes on inside of our bodies isn't it

love you loads chick xxx
Got my results from today and the levels are 3154 which the nurse said was good but obviously won't be able to have any answers until Thursday when we see the next results..... I'm staying away from Google and going to try not to think about it till Thursday.... What's meant to be will be!!!

Tina.... How are you feeling??? Are you infection free now??? Are you having strong symptoms from the clomid???

Frisky..... Come on, tell us all about what your fella did to deserve the cold shoulder for so long!!!

AB, that's really cute you have a heart shaped uterus!!! Ha! We really have no idea what the hell is going on inside of us!!! Xxxx
Awwh Betty, I can completey understand you feeling a bit down, I'm sure it will all be fine. When I first went to the hospital when I found out I was pregnant, they advised against me having a scan as it was so early and they rarely pick things up. Looking at my history, they didn't want to worry me. Sending lots of positive hugs your way.

I will fill you in on "The row" Later! Haha I'm just getting ready for work. Bit of a nightmare day today, been in A&E with Joe, hes fractured his leg...so is now In a cast and could be for up to SIX WEEK'S!!! Arrrrrrghhhh!!!! Poor thing, hes so active, hes bored already . At least it's before the summer holidays though hey? Xx
I can't believe how had broke his leg!!! That is some cast he has got on!!! Bless him!!!! X
Hope Joe is able to get about soon.
Those numbers sound great Betty, hope they've gone up by Thursday xx
Betty, those numbers sound great!! Here's hoping it's a sign of things to come and they will have doubled by Thursday!

Yes I'm having horrible clomid symptoms. Sore nipples since ovulation day, can't even touch them they're that sore, hot flushes too all of the time, clomid is wicked.. Infertility is cruel.

I'm infection free now too! Went for a run today for the first time in 2 weeks. Only managed 3k when I normally do 5k pretty easily so my body isn't back to fighting fit just yet. Gonna drag myself to boxercise tomorrow though, as much as I don't want to!!!!

Frisky how did joe fracture his leg? I saw the pictures on Facebook the poor thing! Bet he's loving being waited on though isn't he haha. You're gonna have a busy few weeks ahead of you :(

How's oscar coming on?? Is he trying crawling now? Seriously can't believe how quick everything is going!!! It'll be you next Betty :)

Tina..... I remember having hot flushes and I was really bloated, wasn't very nice :( are they monitoring you on clomid??? Are they scanning you to see how many follicles you have etc....? Or have they left you to get on with it yourself?? What DPO are you now??? You're right, everything about this process is cruel and stressful and pretty bloody rubbish!! :( :( BUT!!! Hopefully it will all be worthwhile and we can all look back and laugh about it all!!!! Over wine of course!!!!
You're doing well with the gym, you're a proper gym bunny now I love it!!!! Have you caught the bug??? I've cancelled all my classes until I'm in the safety zone, I just don't want to risk it, it's pretty hard as I normally do 5 classes a week so I don't know what to do with myself now!!!! :)
Can't believe are half way through the week already!!!!
Hey girls , how are we all?
Tina, are you back ttc now?! How long have you been back at it? I've heard a few people have horrible side effects of the clomid, hope your Ok.
Time is flying fast, Oscar is 9 months old tomorrow!! It would also be Eves 12th birthday, can't believe it!

Oscar is crawling and climbing up on everything!! Can't leave him alone for a second...he will be waking soon I reckon, hes so strong on his legs. Proper chunky legs like his mum, sumo legs! Ha x

Betty, how are you feeling? What's the next stage for you now? ? Bet your on pins!!

Well a few weeks ago, over easter, we went to a family do. Aarons cousin Ste was there with his girlfriend Victoria...ive never met them before. Ste is a semi pro footballer, very good looking....so you can imagine what Victoria looks like. Proper Wag! Anyway, I didn't really take to her as she didn't bother talking to me, I ended up leaving the party early with Oscar as everyone was getting drunk, so I left them to it.

Anyway, az and I went out for a meal the other bank holiday weekend. A group of guys walk in the restaurant and sit at the table next to us. One of the guys was this ste's best friend. So we get chatting , I've never met him before. He then starts taking about Ste & Victoria and how we met her at the party....He then goes on to tell me, how she wasn't impressed with Aaron as he was 'perving on & touching her boobs'

Obviously I was like WHAT??? This guy has never met me before and said that. Aarons face dropped... I had tears in my eyes, the guy starts laughing and just kept saying 'sorry Az' then Aaron starts laughing!
I told him it's not funny and what the fuck is this guy going on about?? And his reply was this 'Dont you dare embarrass me' Seriously girls, I felt sick. So I stood up, called his mate a wanker and left.

As the story goes, Ste & Victoria were In the kitchen at the party and told az that she had been abroad to get a boob job. Ste said they aren't that big and the only way you can tell is if you feel them as they are rock hard , to which he said to Az 'go on, have a feel ' So Az poked them.. ..That's his side anyway. Which is fine.
What pissed me off is the fact , he let that prick in the restaurant speak to me like that, he didn't have the balls to tell him to shut it, when I was visibly upset!! He just sat there and laughed!!

It sounds petty now , but it was really bad . Didn't help that I went on twitter and tweeted this guy....I put "I would like to say it was a pleasure meeting you last night , but it really wasn't . Hope I don't see you anytime soon #DICK "

Aaron went mad, saying I was out of order . I don't think I was, still don't.. ..Anyway, we are Ok now. I won't be invited to any partys with his cousin there anytime soon. As I told him on twitter too and his bitch girlfriend !! If she doesn't want guys perving on her boobs, then WHY tell guys she's had them done?? She's obviously said something about Aaron & caused aload of shit. This is how rumors start!!
God, I'm getting mad just telling you about it.
Honestly, I was smoking that week we weren't taking...told him I don't trust him. Stupid guy made it out to be alot worse than it actually was. Xx
Frisky, firstly sending you huge hugs regarding Eve's birthday :( I can't even begin to imagine what you go through every year at this time. You're a strong lady.

Now on to the Aaron fiasco... he was totally in the wrong and you were well within your rights to flip out like you did. You are his wife, he should always stick up for you if some knobhead is degrading you like that! It pisses me off how "boys will be boys" and they always seem to stick up for eachother!
Mark did it a couple of years ago... we were at a party and his friend (who had a girlfriend at the time let me point out!) came on to me when Mark was in another room. He started touching my leg and telling me how he had always had a thing for me... I panicked and took Mark to one side as it had obviously upset me and Mark DIDN'T believe me!!! All he could say was that Craig was happy in his relationship with Sarah and I must have took his friendliness the wrong way. He never said anything to Craig even though he came on to his Wife.

Men can be absolute pigs!!!

As for the girl... I don't care who you are or how fabulous your boobs are. You certainly shouldn't be asking men to feel them, especially married men! Trampy bitch!! haha

So had Aaron admitted that what he did was wrong now? Or have you just decided to move on but not forget type of thing?

5DPO today girls, clomid still being evil. Feeling particularly tired today but I'm guessing it's due to Evie waking me twice in the night because her cosy was lost! My mood is horrendous too, I can see me ripping someone's head off today.

My sister sent a text to me last night saying "Tina I've just seen 3 magpies, it's a sign" .... probably not dear!

Betty, sending you good luck for your next round of bloods today. Let us know when you've got an update

Frisky.... I'm thinking of you today... Like Tina said, I don't know how you cope! You are so strong.... :hug: do you do anything on her birthday?

Ok where do I start with the Aaron situation?!?! I would have also totally flipped out!!! How dare that other bloke start saying things like that in front of you when he doesn't even know you! What a knob head!!! Aaron was totally in the wrong to not stick up for you but I think that blokes don't like to make a scene and he was prob trying to look cool in front of them which doesn't really help you does it??? She is also a proper tramp for letting men have a feel of her boobs, she obviously craves the attention! What a bitch!!! So did you say #dick to az's cousin or his mate??? Either way that's hilarious!!! What did they say back??? Also, never mind you not getting invited to any parties, they should be the ones embarrassed!!!
So have you made up now???

I've had my bloods done, will get results later so fingers crossed, they need to be around 6,000 xxx
Tina.... 5dpo, sorry you're feeling crap!!! Clomid is a fucker! Please try not to rip anyone's heads off :) :) fingers crossed this is the one xxxxxx
Thinking of you frisky :hugs: xx

Tina, count to ten lol xx

Betty,good luck,I hope your numbers are super high xx

again good luck for today, I think your bloods will be fine you know! You're not having any signs of miscarriage or anything being wrong so I think your bubba will be all good.

So I very nearly ripped someones head off... my boss went to my dinner "yuk what is that? to my beans and omlette! Firstly how rude, I have to eat this food. His girlfriend works here too and she is a pig! So I replied "Yuk to your bird" shouldn't have.. I know. But I'm hormonal. He just laughed, and I made it out to be a joke. Secretly though it's not!
pahahahaha How do I still have a job??!?!


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