Antibiotics betty... as an excuse! You can't drink on them so make out that you've got some horrible genetalia infection which I'm sure they won't ask you to go into detail about! haha ... oohh that's me, my bad!
I am 6DPO today, of course I have pregnancy signs but I am becoming wise now to the symptoms that you experience when on Clomid so I am guessing that the symptoms are due to that and not because I'm pregnant.
Mega sore boobies and nipples, tiredness, hungry...
One more round of clomid to go after this one and then it's straight in to discuss IVF. I can't wait around any longer it's becoming too emotionally draining. I'm tired of seeing scan pictures on facebook and bumping into pregnant mums in the playground. I am sick to death of hearing about how women have fallen pregnant so easily and they're popping kids out left right and centre. How much are we supposed to be able to take before we end up in a psychiatric ward?!?!

My sister had a quiet little word with me a couple of days ago, I could tell that something was bothering her as she wasn't herself so she finally confided in me that she and her boyfriend want to start trying for a baby. There is only my mum and sister who know that me and Mark are trying by the way... She didn't want to tell me in case I was upset and because all she wants in the world is for me to fall pregnant.
I told her that I am over the moon that she wants a baby and that she can't put her life on hold because of my troubles. Evie would love a little cousin, she's the only child in the family at the minute so it'd be amazing if she had a play mate. I'd love it if we could be pregnant together but the odds are she will be preggo before I am!