7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Tina!!!!! That's too funny!!!! At least he still has his head!!! lol! :) :)
Ps: beans and omelette yum!!! I could just eat that now!!!! X
I'm also checking in for news Betty. Hope your numbers were high xx
Hi girls.... It's good news!!! Levels are at 9354!!!! Can't believe it!!! I get a date for my next scan tmrw but I'm still in a bit of shock! This is really happening!!! Please stick!!!!!

Frisky.... How are you my lovely....???? :hug:

Everyone else ok???? Xxxx
Whoop whoop Betty. That is amazing!! Sooooo happy for you. Maybe 2? Lol. I hope this is your rainbow xxx
Thank god!! You has me worrying that you'd had bad news because you hadn't posted all afternoon

Amazing news!

Think I've got a yeast infection girls :( I say think because I've never ever had one in my life but the past 2 days my foof feels sore, itchy and swollen and it's starting to burn when I pee

Has anyone had one before? Does this sound like a yeast infection?

Been applying cannisten tonight but gonna make a doctors appointment tomorrow to be sure because I've never had one before

I've read they're quite common when taking clomid! Just another one of the joys haha xx
Thanks girls.... Taking each day as it comes... I daren't get my hopes up just yet!!!

Oh no Tina!!! That sucks! Is it really a side effect of clomid?? Did you have it on your last round of clomid??? I will have to google it! :( you're in the wars at the minute :( :(
Well I put into google "yeast infections and clomid" and there's tonnes of women who all seem to get a yeast infection after taking clomid, I also found out that it's common after taking antibiotics because the antibiotics kill all of the good bacteria in your foof meaning that bad bacteria takes over.

So I'm guessing it's a combination of the 2... but I feel like someone has taken a blow torch to my vagina. I really am having a tough time this round! :(

One good thing though is IT'S THE WEEKEND BAYBEEEE!!! One more shift to get through then I can officially relax.
What's everyone upto for fathers day? I'm taking Mark/my dad out for tea tomorrow night, we're going to a protuguese restaurant. Mark wanted a new aftershave for fathers day so I took Evie to pick one yesterday in Boots, lets just say she doesn't have the greatest taste in aftershave smells! I couldn't buy the ones she was picking, it would have been cruel on her poor dad! So I got him Ralph Lauren Blue, it's gorgeous girls if you're looking for a smell for your man!

Ah yes, antibiotics can often cause yeast infections :( you poor thing!!! You need to go and get some fluconazole, it's just one tablet you take orally and it should clear up straight away.... Did you manage to see a doctor today??? How many more rounds of clomid do you have?? Other than your fanny on fire do you have any other promising symptoms??? What dpo are you???

I am booked in for another scan next Tuesday... Praying all will be well :)

We have s really busy weekend (typical!!) we are out tonight for our friends 30th birthday and then I'm out with all the girls tmrw nite as my Bessie mate from London is home for the weekend! I'm still figuring out my excuse as to why I'm not drinking :)
We don't have a lot planned for Father's Day due to us having a pretty busy weekend but I'm sure Chris will be happy to chill out at home eating his very large bar of galaxy me and viv have bought him!!! :) he's such a pig!
Antibiotics betty... as an excuse! You can't drink on them so make out that you've got some horrible genetalia infection which I'm sure they won't ask you to go into detail about! haha ... oohh that's me, my bad!:blush:

I am 6DPO today, of course I have pregnancy signs but I am becoming wise now to the symptoms that you experience when on Clomid so I am guessing that the symptoms are due to that and not because I'm pregnant.
Mega sore boobies and nipples, tiredness, hungry...

One more round of clomid to go after this one and then it's straight in to discuss IVF. I can't wait around any longer it's becoming too emotionally draining. I'm tired of seeing scan pictures on facebook and bumping into pregnant mums in the playground. I am sick to death of hearing about how women have fallen pregnant so easily and they're popping kids out left right and centre. How much are we supposed to be able to take before we end up in a psychiatric ward?!?! :growlmad::growlmad:

My sister had a quiet little word with me a couple of days ago, I could tell that something was bothering her as she wasn't herself so she finally confided in me that she and her boyfriend want to start trying for a baby. There is only my mum and sister who know that me and Mark are trying by the way... She didn't want to tell me in case I was upset and because all she wants in the world is for me to fall pregnant.
I told her that I am over the moon that she wants a baby and that she can't put her life on hold because of my troubles. Evie would love a little cousin, she's the only child in the family at the minute so it'd be amazing if she had a play mate. I'd love it if we could be pregnant together but the odds are she will be preggo before I am!

Oh my god Tina!! That's so funny how your boss thought you were joking about his bird!! That's cracked me up, I read this yesterday, but didn't have time to respond!! 😂😂

Yeast infections suck! Get the cannesten pessary, gets rid straight away. I was going to ask you who knows about you ttc? But you have answered for me! Awwh , it's nice your sister is going to try too & it's nice of her to approach you first. I really do hope you get to be bump buddies xxx I know it seems like it will never happen Tina , but I know it will!! I have a gut feeling my dear! X

Betty, that's amazing news! 😃 I've told my mum all about you girls and our thread!....She passes on her congratulations congratulations. Bet you can't wait Tuesday's scan!

SCAN!! Can you believe it? It will feel more real then x

I'm sorry to cut this short, but I've just tested my blood sugar and it's 2!! Which is really low ,so I need to fix myself girls ... I'll be back tomorrow xx

Love you all Xx
Morning girls!

Frisky, thank you for your kind words sweetie! It does start to feel impossible so I'm incredibly grateful that I have you girls to talk to! Don't know what I'd do without this thread

Oh girls what a weekend I've had with this bloody infection!! I took the pessary on Friday night and by Saturday night I still wasn't feeling any relief, so I went to get the tablet which Betty suggested and took that so waiting to see if it works. I literally cried myself to sleep last night I was in that much burning pain :( the can astern cream doesn't seem to be giving me relief, it's making it worse! So I tried some of Evie's water based moisturiser after I saw online that it can help and it did!!! Soothed it straight away so I could go to sleep

8DPO today, went out for food last night for Father's Day and I was a miserable bitch! I was in super bitch mode yesterday, I actually felt sorry for mark. My hormones are up the wall. This clomid is driving me insane... Still hot all the time.

Oh no Tina!!!! I can't believe you're fanny is still on fire, lol! Sorry, I do empathise with you, it's not nice and sounds like you have it pretty bad!!! Has the fluconazole worked at all?? Try some natural yoghurt, that works really well (yes, I mean rub it where you are burning and you can also soak a tampon in some yoghurt and insert it, this should really help!)
Clomid is not being very nice to you this cycle :( :( when is AF due for you??? I'm hoping she doesn't arrive at all!!!! :dust:
It was nice of your sister to come and have a chat to you about TTC... I really hope that if she does get an early bfp that you already have yours and you can be bump buddies together :)

Frisky.... How are you and az now?? Have you kissed and made up now???

I have a scan tmrw morning to see if we can see little pip, fingers crossed xxxx
Thanks ab.... I will update you all as soon as I can... Just trying my best to keep my eyes open, I could go to bed now I'm so tired, lol!!! I'm hoping that's a good sign xx
Morning girls!

Betty, again my dear sending you tonnes of good luck for you scan this morning!! Not that you will need it, your symptoms are all sounding promising and your HCG levels were great :thumbup: Hope you get to see your LO today

The infection is more or less gone yesssssss:happydance::happydance: the tablet you recommended has got rid of the majority of the burning just waiting for the tail end of it to go now then I'll be right as rain.

My AF is due in 2 days time, I think I'm about 10DPO today. Can't be exact because I didn't temp or OPK so just going off ovulation symptoms. Still having clomid side effects...boobies and nips incredibly sore, hot flushes continuing, mild crampy sensations last night but that could be due to impending AF. I'm not under any illusions girls, I know that the odds are slim and my AF is likely to show on Thursday :cry:

AB how's your little man and the girls? Did you manage to book a holiday?

Hi girls..... How is everyone??? I've had my scan and little heart was beating away :) :) can't believe it!!! Baby is measuring just under 6 weeks which is still so early!!! I'm still very nervous! I have another scan in 3 weeks to make sure everything is still ok and my first midwife app next week.... Fingers crossed this baby stays put!!!

Tina, glad you're feeling better.... Xxxx
Aawww that's fantastic news Betty. Fx pip is sticky!!

Tina we are going to book at the end of July I think for next year xx

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