7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning girls,

Frisky, I had a great time at the wedding! Well when we finally got there that is. We were going with our friends Thomas & Joanne who also came on our honeymoon. Thomas is Mark's best friend, they've known eachother since nursery. We had arranged to be ready and leaving for 7.30, I knew there was no chance of us leaving at 7.30 because they are late for EVERYTHING!!! When we were on honeymoon we would arrange to meet at 7 for tea and wouldn't get out until 9 because they had fallen asleep! So we got to the wedding at 9.30 and it finished at 12! There was no chance I was going home sober so I started drinking the wine like it was water and before I knew it I was rotten! haha love it <3

I saw a picture you had posted on facebook of yourself with a guy, I assume this was your friend? He was HOT by the way.. thought I would just put that out there!

Betty, sorry to hear my love that you're suffering with morning sickness. Well I am sorry but kinda not too because it's all good! Your little one must be snuggled in nicely to its new home for the next 7 months and the hormones are producing nicely!! eeekk I couldn't be more happy for you that you're finally getting your miracle. What date is your next scan?

AB, your girls are on their summer hols already?? Evie still has 2 weeks left in school. What have you got planned for the holidays?

Only 4 days to go girls till our appointment! Mark's mum transferred 5k into our account yesterday so for the time being we are rich!!! Sure that won't be the case in a couple of weeks time once the NHS have had their wicked way with us. We are going to get some passport pictures taken today to attach to one of the many forms we have to take in. Honestly I'm surprised they don't want a friggin blood sample.. they want just about everything else!!

Haha Tina, yes Andy is very hot! But one of my best friends, he's also not gay as everyone assumes! I used to work with him, he is hilarious, we never stop laughing! Last time I saw him was at the airport when Az and I flew to Gibraltar to get married, he was there going to dubai, so we had a drink at the bar, like you do. :)
Glad you had fun at the wedding, when you got there eventually! What time is your appt on Friday?

Hello ab, lovely to hear from you, hope you are well. Glad your sister has settled nicely, that must be a relief.

Today I will be trying to get my housework done, which is next to impossible with a little man exploring and trying to climb every single thing he sees.

Bit of an awkward situation, just to add to me falling out with Aarons cousins. His dad has been calling around alot to help do odd jobs such as the gardening. But last week it was EVERY single day, just turns up with the dog, let's himself round the back. He is nice, but he's hard work as you cant just leave him too it. He doesn't shut up, it's full on. On Friday I was in the garden with my magazine, Oscar had just gone off. I was looking forward to half an hour of peace in the sun, when he walks in the back!! Arrrghh...I told him I was off to have a,shower and just left. Anyway, Friday afternoon, we walked home from Joes summer fair, about 5pm, I was exhausted as I'd been out the night before. Walk up to the house and Aarons dad is there, shirt off mowing the lawn, using next doors mower and electric!!!!! Give me strength!
Anyway I told Aaron that night that his dad needs to just text or ring in future to see if it's ok to come round. It's not just that, his dad doesn't talk to zoe Aarons sister, they Hate each other. I'm friends with zoe, imagine if zoes round and he just turns up?? It will be so awkward.
Az told me that he doubts his dad will call whiIe I'm here as Joe said to him "my mum doesn't like you or Want you here, she likes to be on her own "

:rofl: out of the mouths of babe's!!!!
Everyday would do my head in too xx
hahaha kids have no fear do they! The way he just came out with it and told him to fuck off basically :haha:
I can understand where you're coming from though! I hate anyone turning up at my house unexpected, whether it be my mum or a friend. I think it's always polite to call first, what if you and Aaron were getting up to some rudies why the kids were having a nap and his dad just walks in on you hahaha!

I know he is only trying to help bless him and I'm sure you appreciate it greatly but a woman needs her space!!

My appointment is at 3 oclock on Friday, had to get a later appointment so I don't have to take any time off from work.

Having a nightmare at home at the minute girls, I wouldn't normally speak to anyone about this kinda thing but you are a special bunch and I tell you everything else!
My grandma died when my mum was pregnant with me, she was only 17. My mum also has a younger sister who was just a kid when her mum died so my mum took on the role as "mum" to her little sister and of course because she lived with us she has always been like a big sister to me.
She is married now with 2 girls one of whom is only 18 months old and out of the blue about 8 months ago she decided she didn't want contact with anyone any more and it broke my mums heart. She couldn't understand what she had done but my mum respected her wishes and gave her some space.
Yesterday after not hearing from her for 8 months she turned up on my mums doorstep looking like nobody owns her. She has left her husband because he has been beating her up for 2 years and she can't take any more of it. :cry: :cry: :cry: We had no idea, obviously there was something not right but not for a minute did we think she was being abused.
She is as thin as a rake, I would say a size 4. It's horrible to say but she looks like a cancer patient. To name a few things that he has been doing to her... he shoved a tv remote into her mouth and started to punch her in the face, he stamped on her head, he has hit her with a belt, he threw her down the stairs whilst she was pregnant!!! He also threw Jessica who is 10 on top of the baby bruising her face, she had to take a week off school.
So now she has nothing, no clothes, no money, no home. She's moving in with my mum but literally only has the clothes on her back to her name. She's gone to the citizens advice today and the police station to confess everything that he's been doing to her and fortunately she has Jessica to back her up if he was to deny any of it. There is no denying it anyway, she is covered in bruises.
I've just been out on my lunch break to buy the kids some clothes, underwear and pyjamas and my sister is out now buying some clothes for Caroline.
I feel devastated for her and so fucking angry, I want to send someone around there to give him a taste of his own fucking medicine!!! What a coward to hit a woman, but I bet you any money he wouldn't stand up to a man!

:hugs: Tina. That is awful. I hope she is strong and gets him charged by the police. Dirty scumbag xx
Oh god Tina,

This made me fill up. That poor girl, her poor kids. What a fucking shit excuse for a man!!! Thank god she has had the balls to do something about it!! She may have nothing, but 'nothing' is better than that. Makes me so mad. Xxx
Thanks girls, I went to see her last night after work. She confessed that the reason she cut all ties with her family was because she felt ashamed that she was letting it happen to her but she felt at the time that she couldn't leave him so she didn't want anyone to see the bruises. It breaks my heart to think that she has gone through all of it by herself. I told her how much of a strong woman she is and her reply was "I'm not, I don't feel strong, I feel weak" weak?? you've finally put 2 fingers up to the man who has been abusing you for 2 years and shown him that you won't be beaten! To me there's nobody stronger.
The police are going to my mums today to take a statement from her and from Jessica and then I guess they will proceed with charging him. One thing the police did say to her which I think is pathetic and has really angered me is that because she didn't report it when it first started happening then they can't take it as seriously as they would if it had happened yesterday. So a woman who has finally found the courage from somewhere to report her abusive husband gets told basically that there's probably little they are going to be able to do... good old british justice system right there. Fuckwits

Is anyone else on countdown to the weekend?? I've had enough already and it's only bloody Tuesday!

Hey ladies, what a shitty day. I've been up since 4am with Oscar, he had a coughing fit and his nose was just leaking snot, he was so upset, he's not himself at all today. I'm knackered.
Tina, how's things? Have the police been to your mums yet? Makes me so mad, weather it happened yesterday or last year, it doesn't make it right. I hope they are nice to her, poor thing. It must be awful & so hard for her Xx thank god she has made the right decision xx
Hi girls.....

Tina.... That's terrible about your auntie!! What are these men like? It makes me want to go round there with a metal baseball bat and see how he likes it!!! How is she doing? I can't believe the police said that either, that's absolutely shocking!! Who cares if it happened 10 years ago or 10 days ago??? So if someone was abused as a child and only reported it when they were an adult does that mean that it doesn't count? It's bullshit!!! I hope that she can finally move on and the creep gets what he deserves!!!
Frisky, poor Oscar!!! Is it the after effects of the croup??? Hopefully he will be feeling better soon....
Ab, can't believe your girls have broke up already! Viv finishes next Friday! I need to figure out what I'm getting her teachers! (There's about 10 TA's!!!)
I'm feeling pretty rotten at the minute, I'm just about to go to bed (unheard of at this hour!!!) I can't stomach anything other than potato, bread or pasta, lovely! All the wrong things! I normally eat really well and mainly fruit and veg but the thought of eating any veg makes me want to vomit! Bork!! It's all good as it means baby is settling in so I'm happy, never been so happy to be ill!! :) :) let's hope it stays like this till I'm in the 'safe zone'!!!
Edinburgh.... How are you my lovely???? Xxxxx
Hello ladies! Been cleaning and cooking up a storm since Saturday as we got a short notice flying visit from matt's dad and partner. It was lovely to see them but I'm knackered. My 'day off' today while Mia was at nursery was spent cleaning rather than snuggled up chilling with Leo and I'm really feeling it!
Betty, I'm with frisky, sympathy on the nausea front but it's a great sign. I had rampant 20hr a day nausea 6-13wks both times. With Mia couldn't eat and with Leo could only eat plain cheese sandwiches and pasta. You'll get back to your veggies and neither you nor button will take any harm from a temporary deviation from the 5 a day!
Tina, that's so awful for your auntie. Better to start again from scratch though than for any permanent damage be done to her or her babies.
Ab, glad to hear your sister is in a better place.
I have had two nights now where Leo has slept from 11pm till 5am! So excited! Mia couldn't do that till bout 7 months. He does nurse every hour from 4pm in order to do it so I lose my evenings entirely but I don't think I mind!
Frisky, Oscar is just adorable. Love the pics you post of him. Is he any better?
Good luck for Friday Tina if I don't get back before then x
Tina..... Just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow!!!! Please update us all as soon as you can!!!! :) :)
Edinburgh.... Are you feeling any better??? How is Leo? We need to see pics of him!!!
Frisky, I've been meaning to ask you for ages about Oscar and how he's getting on with baby led weaning??? How's it going? Also, what's happening about your section scar???
Friday tmrw guys!!!! And I have the day off whoop!!!! :)
Hey ladies.!

Betty, I'm so glad your not feeling well! Haha As Edinburgh said, lack of veggies won't do you any harm. Eat what you want & feel like, your allowed! ;)
I have an appointment at the end of this month with a plastic surgeon. They have to basically assess it & make a decision as to weather or not fixing it will benefit me. They will send their report to the other people & then they will let me know. It's funny you should mention it, it's been hurting tonight. I'm on my period, which is horrific. My stomach is all bloated, so I'm not sure if that could affect my scar?
Oscar is still not too good, it's been going on since may now this cough and cold. Really feel for him. He fell over before and didn't half crack his head off our wooden floor . I'm watching him like a hawk. He's standing up and walking along furniture, trying to climb everything. He's always bumping his head, but this one was really hard. Can't believe he will be a year old in just over 2 months'! Where has the time gone?

Edinburgh, congratulations on the sleeping from 11-5 .. I bet your ready to drop if your nursing every hour bless you . No housework tomorrow, sleep when baba does xx

Tina, tomorrow is the big day!! Good luck my love, I'll be thinking of you xx

What has everyone got planned for weekend? Im off to the Trafford center tomorrow to get an outfit for next weekend. It's the boxing night , staying over in a hotel!! I want to get that tomorrow so I can get my accessories to match & so I'm not running around like a psychopath next Friday because I've nothing to wear!
It's Joes leaving disco tomorrow night, so I'll be off to that. One of our friends is having a bbq on Sunday, I dont particularly want to go. I'm hoping it rains so it's canceled!!!

What a bitch!!!! Haha xx
Betty, the baby led weaning....We kind of did a mixture of the 2 and it's really worked for us, he loves his food and will eat anything. He's had chilli and rice with us tonight, although I made his sauce separate as ours was a bit spicy.
He does have jarred food now and again. They are handy if your in a rush..were a life saver when we moved house. We have never pureed anything, Oscar went straight onto normal and finger food at 6 months. Which is great, as he really is good at eating. Anything goes :) Xx
Good luck today Tina.
Hope Oscar is ok Frisky,poor baby. It's great when they get mobile but not so great that we can't take our eyes off them for a second,Frazer has just started to roll although he wriggles his way over the floor too,never stays still for long.

I agree with everyone else Betty,eat what you can. Baby will be fine.

Edinburgh, hope the sleeping is still going well. Frazer is up 2 or 3 times through the night and up for the day usually from between 430-5 these days. It's hard going sometimes.
Schools always break off end of june/beginning of July here,they start back on the 19th of August. Don't have much planned,dh has a week off in Aug so we'll go day trips then. Other than that it's just going to the park and play dates with their friends!!
Happy friday girls!!! :happydance::happydance:

Thanks ladies for your well wishes for today! I'm excited but feel kind of sick at the same time. I've written down a huge list of questions for the consultant, I'm going in there like a woman on a mission. A mission to get preggers!!! My appointment is at 3 so I will update you as soon as I can but it'll probably get around tea time.

Betty, sorry to hear that your bubba is making you feel icky! You're a skinny minnie anyway so eating pasta and bread for a few weeks will do you no harm! I craved freshly made cakes and lasagne in the first trimester with Evie, I had my poor mother baking me a cake every couple of days. No wonder I turned into such a heffer when I was pregnant! What other symptoms are you experiencing apart from the sickness?

Frisky, poor little Oscar! It's terrible on the little ones because they haven't built up an immune system yet so it literally feels like that are sick forever when they do get sick. Sounds like you will be having a fabulous weekend!! Shopping, barbecues and drinking, sounds perfect to me! Good news that your section scar is getting sorted :thumbup: Only almost 12 months on like!!! The NHS are a bloody waste of time.

Edinburgh, I second what the girls say! We are long overdue a picture of Leo :baby: You seem to have a very manic life hahaha so I'm really happy for you that he has started to sleep through the night. Evie got into a routine pretty quickly, I think she was only a few months old and we started to get back into a humanely normal sleeping pattern!

Girls I was so naughty yesterday.... I spent £250 in the River Island sale. Well I say spent, I just put it all on the credit card haha. I'll worry about the money when the bill comes in. I bought loads of things for me and Evie for our holiday. There I am buying size 10 skinny jeans and pencil skirts and didn't even think that I could be almost 20 weeks pregnant at Christmas if the IVF works and it goes ahead in August. Good luck squeezing your fat arse into those skinnies Tina :dohh: I hope that is what happens anyway! I'd be so happy to feel too fat to wear skinny jeans as long as there was a little one settled into my uterus!

Off out for drinks tonight with an old friend, going to drink enough wine to intoxicate a small country and dance the night away!

Tina!! Haha how good is the sale in River island?? I've just got a new dress from in there 25 quid in the sale, got to the till and it was 15!! But I took a vest top back, so only cost me a fiver!! Had my outfit planned, but then tried this dress on and actually felt fab in it!! Damm it! Haha ill have to post a pic of both outfits and you help me decide xx

Good luck for later xx
Hi girls, let me apologise for not messaging yesterday! Didn't get home until about 5 and then I rushed straight out for vino with my friend.

All good news though!! The consultant had already looked through our notes and had a treatment plan all ready when we got there. He thinks the best option for us would be ICSI rather than IVF because of marks low motility. It's exactly the same as IVF apart from one step. With ICSI the sperm are injected directly into the egg rather than letting them find their own way into the egg. It's going to cost us an extra £1000 so we are looking more towards 6 grand now than 5. He seems quite optimistic that it should work, he said because of my age and the fact that I've been pregnant twice before that the odds of it happening first time will be around 65%.

We had bloods taken yesterday to test for HIV and treatment starts on the first day of my next period which should be in about 12 days time! I have to call on day 1 of my period to order my meds then I'll have to go to the hospital so they can show me how to inject

I really can't believe any of this is happening!! Let the excitement/stress begin

By the way...I'm dying a slow death today. NEVER mix wine with cocktails then with vodka.


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