7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Frisky, have you or Aaron tried asking him what is causing his anger? Or has his teacher spoken to him? Try not to let his words upset you, there's been many times when I was younger that I've told my mum that I hated her and wished she was dead because I was a horrible teenager but I didn't mean any of it! Kids can be hurtful with words and don't realise that they are our everything and for them to say that they hate us it really hurts. :( :(

Edinburgh, I saw a picture on FB last night of your LO asleep on the couch. Is Leo managing to sleep through any more now? Good on you for losing a few pounds! How much do you want to lose?

CD20 today for me, just had to work it out because from my symptoms I feel like I'm only just ovulating. It's been a weird one this cycle... I noticed my boobs were sore about 4 days ago which would work out with my normal ovulation day (CD15/16) but yesterday on CD19 I started to notice tonnes of EWCM which has continued into today. Like my underwear is constantly wet, sorry for the TMI there girls! oh god, my body is fucked up! haha

Hi girls how is everyone??? Tina, happy 5th birthday to Evie!!! Hope you guys are having a lovely day celebrating! How are you feeling btw? Any sign of AF or any promising symptoms?????? :) :) :)
Frisky, I'm sorry you are having a tough time with joe, sounds like those dreaded 'hormones!!!' Obviously he doesnt mean the nasty things he is saying to you, you are a fab mammy and he is obviously going through that akward time! It might improve when he hits senior school :) fingers crossed hey!!!
I've had a busy few days, Chris' birthday, was pretty low key but we had lovely family time, I hosted my cousins baby shower yesterday which was so lovely but I was absolutely shattered after!!! Everyone asking why I'm still not drinking (everyone suspects!!!) im feeling ok, nothing to complain about! Feel more tired than anything and suffering from terrible headaches that tend to come on mid afternoon and are killers!! Maybe I need to drink more?!?! Don't feel so nauseous, nothing like when I was PG with viv, I threw up everyday for the first 14 weeks, awful!!!
Will post pic of jelly baby in next post :)
What has everyone done this weekend? Frisky! How was the boxing? Looked like you guys had fun!!! AB, you need to get on Facebook!!! :) :)
Edinburgh, hoe you doing missy???
Aawww look at that cute Lil baby.
I'm guessing boy!!
AB!!!! Ha! I'm thinking that too as I feel so different!!! :) praying so hard that this all ends good!!! :)
Frazers pregnancy felt different to the girls. I'm sure you will be fine now :hugs:
Awwwwww Betty, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen! As to weather it's a girl or boy, I've no idea! Are you going to find out??... Glad Chris had a nice birthday. Have you told any family your good news yet or are you waiting till 12 weeks?
Tina, hope evie had a great birthday. When is af due for you now?

Thanks for your words regarding Joe. I do think it's alot to do with his hormones, I've spoken to a lady from a parents forum, she said alot of them are like this at this age, the 'tweens' they call it. I've adopted a different tactic with him now, where before I used to fly off the handle and it end in a screaming match. I'm just trying to ignore the little things and stay calm...It's been hard to stay calm. But he seems to snap out of it. All the shouting isn't good around Oscar either . When I went to his leavers assembly, I cried like a baby, he looked so grown up, but still my baby. His reaction to leaving shocked me. He actually cried!! Said he didn't think he would feel sad but he did. It was a very emotional day on Friday.

Today I am dying, boxing last night was fab. Ended up taping a bottle of vodka to my inner thigh and getting past security and body searches with it!! Had to walk up loads of stairs which was quite amusing to say the least! Haha
Good job we got in with it, was a fiver a pint in there. Got absolutely sloshed, went back to the hotel for my injection and we didn't end up going back out. We just stayed in the apartment drinking vodka and listening to music till 4am! Ewwwwwww!!
Didn't even get a photo of me in my outfit after all that! Oh well xx

Today has been mainly spent throwing up and eating junk food!! Xx
Happy Monday girls!

Frisky, I saw some pictures on FB of you and Az at the boxing. You did by the way my dear look absolutely stunning! the story about the vodka taped to your thigh tickled me! I do the same thing every time I go to the M.E.N, I didn't however know that they've started body searching! Last time that I went it was just a quick look in your bag jobbie then let you through. Just shows how long I haven't been to see anything for!

Betty, ahhhhhh I am massively cooing over the picture of your jelly baby! The way it looks like a proper baby now <3 you must be so happy. Have you told viv? I think you're right about your friends and family suspecting.. it's the first thing that I think if someone isn't drinking and there's only so long that you can blame it on antibiotics! How long till your jolly bobs now?

Thank you for your well wishes regarding Evie's birthday! :)
Had a super crazy weekend, I kind of feel glad today to be back in work and to normality. We went out on Friday night, I had my makeup done and everything and also didn't take any pictures. It was my sister's boyfriend's birthday so we went into town for food and drinks and ended up in a gay bar called The Superstar Boudoir. If you're ever in Liverpool on a night out girls I highly recommend! Danced all night long to cheesy favourites like The Spice Girls and drank far too much wine. Stumbled for a taxi at about 4am when it was starting to become light outside! Haven't done that for YEARS!!!
So I spent Saturday dying a slow and painful death and still had loads to do for Evie's birthday. We had the best day, she was over the moon with every bit of it. She went to bed last night and said "Thank you mummy for the best birthday ever" I may have shed a little tear... just maybe haha.

CD25 today, the witch is due in about 3/4 days time. No suspicious symptoms so I'm guessing I'm not preggers which is totally fine with me because that means that in a few days time I can make the phone call for my meds!

We got an official quote through the other day by the way, don't think I mentioned it. It's costing £4200 for the IVF/ICSI, £700 for meds and then I got another invoice through the post for blood tests which is £280. 280 quid for 2 blood tests!?!??!

Hello ladies! My your weekends were much more exciting than mine. Frisky I can't believe you passed a body search with a naughty bottle! Hilarious. Evie's cinderella cake was amazing Tina. Very jealous. I've got so little energy Mia is getting a Sainsbury's Minion job for her party on Friday. Betty, how many weeks are you now? When do you think you'll want to tell people?
My Mum is driving me nuts guys. She shows up yesterday and asks for two favours. One is to bake cakes for her works fundraiser to which I flatly refused. Not making Mia's cake I'm not making them for strangers! THe second is to traipse my two children to her house every day for 3 weeks to walk her dog while she goes on holiday. I've hardly seen hide nor hair of her since Leo was born and she just doesn't seem to acknowledge I've had a baby at all. So tempted to say help me out or get out of my face and stop making more problems for me!
Families. Grr.
Mia is sick today and is doing a great job of waking Leo every single time he closes his eyes. Two grumpy babies and never a hot cup of tea in sight. Sigh. Love being a mum.
Girls you're so bloody reckless!!!! Fancy getting in at 4am!!! I'm sooooo bloody jealous! I haven't been out that late in a long time! I struggle to stay awake past 9pm at the minute lol!!! :)
Edinburgh.... You poor thing, you must be shattered! I hope Mia feels better, especially for her birthday! What have you got planned??? Has your mum not helped you since having Leo??? Oh that's a shame! How come she has done that??? I think that having to walk the dog every day is a bit much, especially if she doesn't help you at all!!! She can't really expect you to help her out when you have two little ones to consider! Is there anyone else to walk her dog for her? I know how it feels, my mum is VERY temperamental and we have a very rocky relationship. What are you going to do???
I'm currently 10 weeks 2 days and I'm sooooo bloody tired and these headaches are awful :( I'm sure they will pass soon!!! At least I'm not sick.... I may tell people at 12 weeks but I'm thinking more when I'm 14 weeks and I have my dating scan... I'm in no rush to tell anyone to be honest... I'm too scared!!! My close family know but that's it....
Oh blimey Edinburgh. ..I too agree that the dog walking is too much. Fair enough if it was just a few days, but everyday for 3 weeks?? That's expecting too much at the best of times, let alone with 2 young children. I couldn't do it with our dog.
Why is your mum like that with Leo? Does she have a good relationship with Mia?? It's a Shame that she doesn't help you, even just an hour here and there so you can get a break.
I'm very lucky with my mum, she helps me out so much. Aarons mum however, is a different story xx familys hey??
Hope Mia feels better soon and you get some sleep.

Betty, hows the tiredness? Those pics of viv on fb were so cute, beautiful girl you have there. I can understand completely why you are cautious of telling people your news, whatever feels right for you xx

Tina, hahaa your night sounds fab!! I remember drinking, then going outside for a cigarette (only when I drink do I smoke) and it was light!! It kinda sent me under, I told myself I MUST go to bed! Haha
Hangover day 2, just about recovered. Although I've eaten more in the past 2 days than I'd normally eat in a week!
Found some pics on Aarons phone that we took when we were drunk, they are hilarious! So bad, but funny. Had a fab night together , just like the old days it was!

I've not told you, I recently got some compensation money through From a dentist who messed my teeth up. I need an implant to replace a tooth that has been damaged.
Anyway, my teeth are awful. Overcrowded & crooked, I've wanted braces for years, but could never afford them. Anyway, we have decided that I'm going to use the money to get my braces. I will need 4 teeth removing to make room! This means I won't have to have an implant as the gap will be closed with the braces. Altogether it's costing £3,800.00

I know it sounds selfish, but this is something I have always wanted to do and an implant would cost just under 2 grand on its own anyway. It's the most money I've ever spent on anything, but I'm not looking at it as 'my money' as I already had it in my head it was going to get used for braces.
I hopefully start treatment before the end of this month. I will be having clear ceramic fixed braces for 2 years!! ! Ugly Betty or what??? Xx
Edinburgh, sorry to hear that you're having a tough time at the minute with the kiddies. Hope Mia is feeling better again soon and that Leo doesn't catch whatever it is she has! I agree with the girls though on the dog walking front... a mother/daughter relationship works both ways and if she can't be arsed to help you out or simply show her grandchildren some love and attention why should you do it for her?? Surely she has a neighbour or a friend who can walk the dog... or even put it in kennels why she is away!

Frisky, I have had fixed braces. I got them fitted about 3 years ago to get my teeth straight for our wedding. I didn't get the fancy ones though that you're getting, mine were the ugliest of ugly metal ones that are definitely associated with ugly betty! If you're getting the clear, ceramic ones you will barely notice you've got them on. Well... apart from the pain! I won't lie to you, it does hurt but the results are completely worth it.

Betty, you're more than a quarter of the way through your pregnancy already!!! Nobody can blame you for waiting to tell people after all that you've been through. I would do the same if I'm honest. Better waiting until you know that your pregnancy is at the "safe" part and you feel comfortable that everything is okay and then you can celebrate your good news with others!

CD26... want my god damn period to hurry up!!! I freaked myself out a little yesterday girls. I did A LOT of research on each step of IVF and it's all started to scare me a little. I'm terrified of injections, terrified of being sedated, terrified of waiting to see if I'm pregnant, terrified of getting a needle pushed up my foof. I'm scared of it not working, I know I shouldn't even be thinking that far ahead yet but it's always in the back of my mind. I foresee an emotional breakdown if we put 6 grand into this for nothing.

Girls... I'VE GOT PERIOD PAINS!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS hahahaha did you ever think you'd see the day when I'd be celebrating my period arriving?

Haha Tina, brilliant! What happens now when it arrives then?? I know it's hard and it's only natural, but please try and not to worry. All this will be worth it in the end
Easier said than done I know xxx

What's everyone up to today? It's day 2 of the holidays and Joes bored!! Haha only 6 more weeks to go! X
Well when it arrives I have to phone the hospital to inform them that I'm on CD1 and they will issue me a prescription for my meds along with an appointment to be shown how to inject. I think I'm gonna be going through A LOT of wine.. how can I possibly inject myself whilst sober? Come to think of it.. how can I inject myself after a few glasses of wine?!? haha. I'm fucked to put it politely!

Aren't you going away for a few days or anything over the hols? Evie breaks up today. I've got next week and the week after off with her then she's got 4 weeks with nanny and grandma! My parents are gonna love me hahaha. Gonna try get a few days out planned if the weather improves. It's been shitty here the last few days, really overcast and windy.

Hmmmm, that's a tricky one!! There is no dressing it up really is there, wine or no wine!! I think once it's in, it'll be fine...It's just the whole getting it in!! Pretend it's Christian Grey! He was into kinky shit! Haha Xxx

No, I'm not going anywhere, we may go away for a few days, but nothing planned as yet. Ended up at Heaton Park today, where there was a funfair on....bloody skinted me, they don't half charge a fortune! Joe enjoyed himself though, so we'll worth it. Off to work in a min, really can't be arsed. still rough xx
hahahaha the way you're still rough 3 days on! Mine wasn't quite that bad but still bad enough that it's made me realise that I can't party like a 20 year old any more :(

I saw your pictures of the fair, looks like the boys had a fabulous time! I'm gonna have to get to a fair of some sort, Evie loves it.

Woke up at 2am with a migraine, took some ibuprofen and managed to fall back asleep but it's still lingering and I'm in work. Fuck my life :(

As for the Christian Grey needle malarkey... I don't mind trying kinky shit but sticking a needle in me during foreplay? Not quite sure I'd be okay with that like! I managed to persuade Mark last night to at least have a go of injecting. He is terrified of needles, you should have seen him when we got our HIV blood test. Thought he was gonna shed a tear at one point.

So close now girls till it all begins. I keep having lovely thoughts that when I'm on my holidays at Christmas that I will have the start of a little bump, I was even thinking of names this morning.. because I would be due in May I was thinking "ahh how lovely would May be as a middle name if we have a girl"

Honestly girls.. am I stupid thinking all this stuff? I feel like I am getting massively ahead of myself but then at the same time the consultant did say there's about a 65% chance of it working first time.. that's better than 50/50. ARGGGHHH!!!

The last thing you are is stupid Tina, I think it's perfectly normal to think these things...and what lovely thoughts they are too.
I'm sure you are going to have alot of thoughts and different emotions xx remember we are all here for you and behind you 100%

Hangover seems to have gone now, thank fuck!! Haha

Really missing it down south at the moment , miss having the beach on my doorstep. Booooo xx
Thank you my dear, I am so glad that I have you girls supporting me otherwise I think I would end up having a nervous breakdown. Even though you haven't done IVF you have all been through struggles with TTC and I know that I can speak to you all about anything that is worrying me and for that I am hugely thankful.

haha you will never be happy whether you're up north, or down south. When you're in the south there will be things you miss about the north and vice versa.. it's swings and roundabouts I suppose. Are you not feeling settled?

What are you getting upto today? xx

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