Tina..... You're not stupid!!! The girls are right!! You must think positve, you have a dream and it's so close now!!!

when is AF due? Must be soon???
Tina, your mum is the most amazing cake maker ever!!!! Please put a pic on here of Evie's cake so AB can see it!! Does she do it for a living??
Frisky.... I think you do right paying the money to get your teeth done, not selfish at all, far from it! We mummy's need a bit of TLC too! I would love to get my teeth whitened and a boob job (although my boobs are pretty good at the minute! I've gone up over a cup size!!!)

how is joe??? Any better??
AB, are you managing keeping the troops occupied???
I go away 2 weeks today, I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to it! My mam is in one of her 'dark places' I had a massive row with her today, she told me that me and my sister don't support her in anything and we don't care, this couldn't be further from the truth! It's exhausting, she constantly criticises us and nothing we do it right, I know she is 'ill' but it's almost like she wants to stay depressed, she loves the drama of it all and I HATE drama! She will spoil this holiday, like she has spoilt the last two.... Ugh, sorry to rant, I must sound like a right bitch but my mam wares me down emotionally and I just can't bare it

I'm may have to slip her some Prozac in her fresh orange!!!!

I'm off to bed..... Nite girls xxxx