7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Haha I know, what am I like?? I was always dubious about moving back,,we had no choice though really. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have family on your doorstep, but to be fair, it's only my mum who bothers really. Nice to see friends too. But thats it...Ive never really felt at home in Ramsbottom as I'm not from here originally. Moving back has made me realise how much I loved living down south. Aaron and I have both agreed that we will move back down there in our older years haha xx
Today I am talking housework..hence me coming on here alot!! It's pissing down here xx
Not stupid at all Tina. We all have hopes and dreams, that's what gets us through half the time.

Glad you both had drunken weekends,I've forgotten what one of them is!! Although I don't envy your hangover,especially your frisky :rofl:

Not long now until your hol Betty. How's the sickness?

Edinburgh, sorry the kids are unwell. I'd be telling your mum to find kennels or someone else to walk the dog. That's taking the piss!!

All good here. Just trying to keep the girls amused. Luckily they are happy with a play park or the garden,painting,picnics and dressing up!!
Tina..... You're not stupid!!! The girls are right!! You must think positve, you have a dream and it's so close now!!! :) when is AF due? Must be soon???
Tina, your mum is the most amazing cake maker ever!!!! Please put a pic on here of Evie's cake so AB can see it!! Does she do it for a living??
Frisky.... I think you do right paying the money to get your teeth done, not selfish at all, far from it! We mummy's need a bit of TLC too! I would love to get my teeth whitened and a boob job (although my boobs are pretty good at the minute! I've gone up over a cup size!!!) :) how is joe??? Any better??
AB, are you managing keeping the troops occupied???
I go away 2 weeks today, I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to it! My mam is in one of her 'dark places' I had a massive row with her today, she told me that me and my sister don't support her in anything and we don't care, this couldn't be further from the truth! It's exhausting, she constantly criticises us and nothing we do it right, I know she is 'ill' but it's almost like she wants to stay depressed, she loves the drama of it all and I HATE drama! She will spoil this holiday, like she has spoilt the last two.... Ugh, sorry to rant, I must sound like a right bitch but my mam wares me down emotionally and I just can't bare it :( :( I'm may have to slip her some Prozac in her fresh orange!!!! :)
I'm off to bed..... Nite girls xxxx
Morning ladies!

ahhh Betty thank you about my mums cakes! Well she kind of does it as a living, she works in the Asda but does her cakes on the side. She would love to open her own shop and do it full time but it's just having the money to. She has no self confidence either, she always criticises her cakes but I suppose that's what makes them so good because she is always improving and won't do half a job. Here it is for AB to see...


My AF is supposed to be due today but I can't see it being today because I think I might have ovulated a couple of days later than normal so I'm thinking Saturday/Sunday which is irritating!!! The one month I want it to arrive on time and it's bloody late!

Nobody thinks you are being a meanie regarding your mum. Depression is a difficult illness to deal with and you often find that people who suffer from it will push the ones who are closest to them away and feel like nobody is there for them. I can only imagine how tough it is on you and I am sending big hugs your way... that and a glass of wine... shit you can't have wine! A glass of non alcoholic wine then haha. Doesn't have the same effect does it?

Good news about the boobies expanding! YESSSSS that's one plus point in pregnancy. Massive bazongas. I bet Chris is over the moon haha. Hows the sickness? Has it subsided yet?

AB it's tough keeping the little ones occupied isn't it! I've got 2 weeks off with Evie from Friday so feel free to throw some ideas my way girls of activities that we can do! I'm the worst planner in the world honestly...

Frisky, I can sympathise with you when you say that Ramsbottom doesn't feel like home! Where I live doesn't feel like home either. We have lived in our house for 8 years this November and I can honestly say that I still haven't made any friends where we live. All of my friends/family live further out so unless I use a tenners worth of petrol to commute every time I feel lonely then it's just me and Evie!

Wow,that cake is gorgeous. I can bake but really wish I could decorate like that. Your mum is very talented!!

I also just spend my days with the kids. My friends live 100 miles away as we moved up here 2 years ago. In the last month or so I have made friends with 2 of Zoe's friends mums,they are really nice but not the same as being with my years long friends.

Hope af comes soon.

I don't have the car as dh uses it for work so luckily the girls are happy walking to local parks,having picnics,playing in the garden etc. They are mucky pups so like looking for worms,making mud potions (?!!??)etc and it's good that they have each other to play with.

Sorry you're having a rough time with your mum Betty. I hope you get on so you can enjoy your holiday.

Got a mountain of ironing to do after breakfast!!!! Been putting it off all week xx
I can sympathise with you AB, I mean I know Mark's friends girlfriends and I suppose they are friends but not the type of friends who you could call up and ask if they wanna do lunch or go shopping. They're the type of friends that I only see if we're doing something as couples if you know what I mean?

I feel a bit sorry on Evie too, the way your girls have eachother to keep them entertained I suppose I am like Evie's substitute sibling haha. I wish she had someone to make mud puddles with in the garden! She may have soon anyway if this IVF works out. Fingers crossed hey!

Still cramping but still no AF, it's taking its time! If she doesn't arrive today I won't be able to call the hospital because they are closed on a weekend and I'm supposed to call on CD1! Stupid hormones messing up my plans xx
Can you not call and get your meds, tell them you're due on af on Saturday?
I am lucky that the girls play with each other xx
I don't think they would prescribe unless there was proof of your period arriving because the meds cost £750 :(

I'm hoping it'll arrive in the next 24 hours!

Evening girls, how are we all tonight?

Ab, awwh its great your girls have each other to play with. I've always felt guilty on Joe growing up for not having a sibling, but I guess he didn't know any different really.
Gets me thinking though now, if I would like any more. I really would love another for Oscars sake really, as Joe is 10 years older. If I was going to do it though, I'd have to do it very soon as I am getting older. Az says no way, maybe in a few years, but I wouldn't want to in a few years. It's the whole ttc again too. Think we should just be grateful & stay as we are xx

Tina, bet your climbing the walls awaiting af! Take a pregnancy test, she's guaranteed to show then hey? Haha

Your mums cakes are truly amazing, so talented xx

Betty, bless you...I'm sorry to hear your mum is being difficult again, must be so hard. Is she going on holiday with you?? I really hope you can just try and chill out & look forward and have a good holiday. You've been through so much and this holiday will do you the world of good. You can relax, recharge your batteries (and emotions) and look forward to your baby. Xx

We are looking at going away over Xmas. I love Xmas at home, so would be perfect if we flew out on boxing day...one of the Canary Islands. Does anyone know where it's hottest in December?
Joe not been too bad, hes slightly bored as we haven't done much today, but we have a few fun days planned next week.

I had my period finish last week..
But the past 2 days I've been cramping, went to the loo before and I'm losing lots of blood. Urrghhh why's that then? Just want to curl up and sleep.

Oscar will be 1 in 2 months!! Where has the time gone? He's so funny when he eats, he eats bloody loads. Tonight he was in carb central, he had cheesy mash with beans and tuna (sounds rank, but he loves it) then he had loads of Joes garlic bread, followed by a full banana! Haha

No idea what to do for his birthday? Any ideas girls? Bearing in mind our house is still upside down from moving, so having people here isn't an option xx
Happy friday girls! The weekend is upon us at last yessssssss and I finish at 2pm for a lovely 2 weeks off!

Frisky, I am going away at Christmas, we're going to Tenerife. We are flying out on Christmas Eve as we wanted to go for 10 nights and the only way we could without taking Evie out of school was to fly on Christmas Eve. Anywhere in the canaries will be nice and warm :) We can do a holiday countdown together haha!

As for Oscar's birthday it's tough really because he's only 1. I think we just had a little tea party in my mums for Evie's first birthday. What about the zoo? Rather than having a party you could take him on a day out instead.

CD29 today - period's still missing in action. I knew it was gonna be late to spite me! Looks like I'll have to make the phone call to the hospital on Monday now.

What's everyone upto this weekend? A pretty uneventful one for me, just going to enjoy my first weekend off by relaxing!

Morning girls and happy Friday!!

Tina yes, I was thinking of the zoo actually. Did that for Joes first birthday too, so why break tradition?
Yeah, I've been thinking of flying out the 24th for 10 days too. Started looking last night and it isn't cheap is it? Would be worth it though. Xx Maybe I should sack the braces and just book a holiday instead? Haha

Can't belive the witch hasn't shown for you yet!! Such a bitch xx
I know, it isn't cheap at all but yes it will be so worth it lying in the sun with a cocktail in one hand and a magazine in the other taking in the views! Whilst everyone else is in cold miserable Britain eating leftover turkey.

Think we have paid £1500 for flights alone between the 3 of us. Then we're gonna need a fortune in spends because we are bed and breakfast only.

The zoo is a good idea! He will love it. We may just go to the zoo, weather permitting over the next couple of weeks.

I let curiosity get the better of me girls and went to buy a pregnancy test. Negative obvs! Where is this god damn period arggghhhhh!!!

Oh dear Tina! Any sign of period yet??

It's lovely here today. Az has just gone off on a bike ride, hes out this afternoon on a private ju jitzu lesson AND he's on call. So really, it could just be me with the kids all day! Not happy... I don't mind being with my kids, obviously. It's just I never get to just bugger off out and do my own thing! Pfffftttt

Anyway... Looking online,, knowsley safari Park looks quite cheap. It'd only cost 26quid for Me to take kids. But I'm just thinking it may be a bit of a nightmare on my own, with Oscar in the back?
Think I will think of something else to do today! Haha xx
You could've called into mine for a brew if you were going to Knowsley! I literally live 5 minutes away!!

Still no sign of my period, CD30 today. Haven't taken another test because I don't feel pregnant. I'm thinking I just ovulated later this cycle. I was looking back over my posts and I mentioned on CD20 that I had tonnes of EWCM so that could've been ovulation day. If that's the case then my period would be due in 2 days. We shall see!

We've been to a place called windmill farm today. Evie is currently fast asleep on my bed because she's worn out. We've had a great afternoon. Evie bottle fed baby lambs, mark held a python (A Python on a farm?!?), we fed baby deer and OD'd on chips haha! Could do with a little snooze myself

Morning girls!!! How are you all? Has everyone hd a lovely weekend? Tina, yours sounds great! I love going to the farm!!! Viv is really allergic to animal fur tho so we have to ply her with portion before we go, lol!!!
Frisky, men have got it so easy! I made Chris take viv to gymnastics yesterday morning (9am!) so I could just stay home and chill.... He was so tired later in the day he had to go for a lie down! You can't make this shit up! I took viv out to the park in her bike while he had his beauty sleep! Lordy!!! God help them if they ever had to go through pregnancy and childbirth!! What have you decided to do for oscars birthday? We also just had a little tea party for vivs which was really nice.... I can't believe how gorgeous Oscar is!!!! He is such a beauty :)
I would totally say fuck it and book a holiday!!! Going to lanzarote was the best thing we did, we had the most amazing time and it was so relaxing :) do it!!!
Tina.... Any sign of AF??? What is going on? You're never this late?!?!
I'm still sat in bed!! We have all had brekkie in bed and just watching tinkerbell, I love Sunday's!!! :)

Had quite bad pains the last few days (like period pains) so have been feeling a bit nervous but I'm hoping it's just growing pains as I seem to have a bit of a 'gut' on me!! Can any of you remember when you started showing with your babies? I can't remember with viv and I didn't document any of my pregnancy :( wish I had taken more notice.....
Awwwh Betty, bless you. I'm sure all is fine, your bound to be nervous though. If your worried, just pop to see your doctor or give your midwife a ring.
I actually remember having pains myself & freaking out! I probably told you on here. My midwife told me it's because of the growing going on. I remember mine being quite painful and quite low down.
As for showing, I seemed to get a gut on me straight away, I was really bloated. Then it went down a bit...I must have been around 9 weeks as I only told work and the girl at work patted my tummy and said 'awwh, look at your little bump ' haha xx
Pains can be good signs too Betty, I know it's no consolation because you're going to worry with the amount of shit that you've been through but as long as there's no bleeding then it'll be your uterus expanding and your organs shifting I assume!
Can't remember when I started to show with Evie, I also didn't document anything but I'll be sure to do so next time!

Nope, my period is still not here. Cd31 today so 3 days late. Mark thinks I'm late because I'm stressing over it coming so much. I took another test this morning, negative again. The 2 I've taken have both been pharmacy cheapies. I don't at the least feel pregnant.. Unless you count massively overeating as a symptom! I feel like such a fatty I've been starving this weekend! Literally dying to get started on this IVF cycle so I just wish the bleeding would begin!!!!!!

Any tips girls to bring on a period?? I've heard sex can because it stimulates the cervix so I may just have to climb on the horse tonight! Ha

Morning girls and happy Monday!!! It's like a bloody winters day here! What s going on???? I had my heating on yesterday! Tina, I sae you had yours on too, ITS JULY!!!
Tina.... Has AF arrived yet??? What CD are you now??? It's bloody typical that she is being a pain and not arriving on time. Did you DTD? Apparently it's something in the sperm that relaxes the cervix. Worth a try hey!?
Only 3 days at work for me this week, whoop!!!!
You really don't have any joy with the witch Tina! Jeez. At least if she comes from today the hospital will be available to get your meds started at the right time.
Frisky, when you consider what you can spend at Christmas time on food, alcohol, presents and all the other shit that comes with the holidays (nights out, taxis, Hogmanay tickets and stuff) you probably spend less going on a holiday!!
With Leo I was wearing maternity jeans from about 7 weeks Betty! Everything is more relaxed with your second and subsequent babies so yeah, I had a proper pooch on by 9 weeks. I had to eat toast or pasta several times a day to quell the nausea so I also put on quite a bit of weight early on. Like the other ladies between 8-12 weeks I got a lot of sharp and crampy pain in the lower sides which was just ligaments pulling and my uterus expanding. I used to find exertion would make it worse so be careful if you're lifting shopping and stuff. It's easy to forget that you're pregnant when you're doing mundane things like shopping and stuff.
I've got a nasty ass cold which is moving into my chest. Both the kids were sick last week and I was like death warmed up during Mia's birthday party on Friday. On the plus side though Leo has self settled in his new cot at 8.30pm the last two nights!! Maybe finally time for a bedtime routine and me getting my evenings to myself. It does mean he's up at 2am and then 6 but it's a small price to pay for some quiet time to get something done in the evening. Might even be able to get swimming or something as soon as I shift this lurgy.
Fingers crossed (for the first time ever) for your witch making an appearance Tina and not keeping you on tenderhooks.
This weather is shit. It's cold and miserable here. Poor Mia got a new scooter for her birthday as she was desperate for one and haven't been able to take her out on it yet! She's practicing in my hall wee sausage.

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