7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I mean.....who else in the world do I share the ins & outs of my CM to?? :haha:

Betty, every emotion i must be feeling for you. When we lost our twins it was August 19th 2012 and August 28th 2012 so when this happened to you it hit home because i felt like i was reliving all of my emotions
all over again.. I'm just so devastated for you.
I'm 9dpiui and dh basically held me down so i wouldn't go out and buy a test :(
I want to see if and when i can stop the progesterone cream (maybe it's my excuse) but I'm getting anxious.
I don't know how to "hold off"... I'm getting ancy..
Good morning ladies!
So yesterday sounds like it was a tough day for lots of reasons. I'd like is all to take a minute and remember that we are all women before we are/were mothers, and that we are pretty damn great. Being a mother is a massive blessing in life, but it's only one part of all the fabulousness we can achieve.

Frisky, I can't imagine the disappointment of AF arriving month after month. You are courageous for living in hope and all the while being a great mum to your son. Unhappy children do not want siblings to come along and detract from their limited attention, so you are obviously doing an awesome job there despite the challenges posed by your ex's negativity.

I want to share my grandmother's story with you all. She was an army nurse and married my grandad at 19. They never used protection and in the days before fertility testing, by the time she was 22 she assumed she was sterile. She travelled with her husband and they lived all over the world, kenya, cyprus... Then at 30 she had my mum. 10 mnths later she had my aunt. A year later she had my other auntie- then she sent hubby for the chop!

Now I'll admit, she wasn't very scientific, wasn't terribly religious either, but she swore that she didn't get pregnant all that time because she was meant to achieve more first.

I don't mean to make you think you might have to wait 10 yrs to get pregnant, but I do believe in sods law. If you get started on a project that requires you not to be pregnant, then it's bound to happen while you're busy not thinking about it! And if not you can look on it that it wasn't a part of your life you put on hold, but on the accomplishments you took on before you caught.

Betty, it is no comfort to your loss, but everyone I know who has miscarried without a medical condition has been pregnant again within 12wks and had a healthy baby. Something about the hormomes having had practice at aligning right perhaps. I wish you much love and luck.

Hubby and I decided last night that if we are not pregnant this month we are going to postpone trying for a while. I never wanted my children so close together and I had a difficult first pregnancy and a horrible birth. DH starts uni next year and we were going to wait till after he graduated for more children. He told me recently that he didn't want me to be 36 and having another child so we did a 180 and went with right now. These last two weeks when I consider the possibilty I'm mostly just scared - that we won't cope financially, that munchkin is still very young and needs me well, not pregnant and incapacitated, and that I'm screwing with my ability to get a better job and provide for my family while DH studies. It won't be indefinite. We're thinking 4-6 mnths but a year tops, even just time to come round to the idea for me and get some counselling re last experience.

Now that I've confessed all that to you ladies I'll get a BFP and look like a real bitch! But I tested negative this morning and I'm pretty sure I'm out. If a child does pop along we'll be fine and I will cherish it but otherwise I think this is the right decision for now. I want to be 99% excited and only 1% terrified when I get that second line. Like last time!

You're all amazing ladies though and if it's ok with you I'd like to hang to this post and cheerlead for you all, if you'll have me! Promise to cut the novels down to short stories!

Dawn x
well frisky- and ladies-- im out tested bfn right now :( so sad!!!!
now to wait for af..:cry:
Good morning ladies. Sorry for neglecting you all...hope you are all ok & ready to attack the week ahead!

Want just1more, sorry to hear you are out, I know how you are feeling. I know it's hard, but please try & stay strong & ready to go for your next cycle. Lots of love to you. Xx

Edinburgh (I'm sticking with that...I've tried real names on here before & things get confusing haha) Thank you for your post. I'm sorry to hear that you had such a difficult pregnancy & birth....Maybe you are right to try the counselling in preparation for baby number 2. After my daughter was born stillborn, my pregnancy with my son was far from enjoyable....I was terrified every step of the way. I know I will have the same fears again if & when I get pregnant again. But I'm also hoping I will enjoy it more, as everything was ok with my son, and it was 10 years ago.
It's good you & DH have so much ambition, going to uni is a big deal. I'm sure it may be scary, but if by chance you do get your bfp....you will fit baby around you. Rather than fitting other things around baby.
My life kind of took a standstill jobwise when I had Joe. I was off work with post traumatic stress, then fell pregnant again, but never went back to work. I then spent 7 years bringing Joe up on my own. I worked part time around school hours when he was 5 and met my husband 2 years ago. We then made a massive decisions & moved from Manchester to Portsmouth to be near hubbys base in the Navy x
Best decision of my life, I have got a little job down here and we have fitted in nicely. However, I would myself like to go back to collage to learn to do something to better myself & my job. As I never had the opportunity before as I was a single mum.
I guess I'm scared as I'm no spring chicken....I'm 33, 34 in December. I really want to be pregnant before then. Dare I ask how old everyone else is? Haha x

Betty....good luck today with your scan x
Let us know how you get on.

Sorry to rant on.....bloody hell edingburgh....I'm taking the spotlight off you & your novels here! Sorry! Haaha Xx
Morning ladies,
:sick: Munchkin is sick. Not sure yet if I'm sick too or just feeling the after effects of getting in and out of bed like a jack in the box all night. Poor wee lamb had to sleep upright for a bit every few hours to help the congestion clear. It's Daddy's turn to go to work today. Think shortie is also going for an award for number of dirty nappies in one morning and we use real nappies. Usually our Mondays together are all about swimming and softplay. No such luck today. So far have endured about 600 cups of imaginary tea. May have to break out Button Moon. Thank god Daddy took her to restock on library books on Friday. AF due today/tomorrow just to add insult to injury.

I'm thinking in such extreme circumstances it's OK to have a muffin for breakfast right? :dohh:

And I'm 31, feeling about 42 today.:nope:
Morning ladies,
:sick: Munchkin is sick. Not sure yet if I'm sick too or just feeling the after effects of getting in and out of bed like a jack in the box all night. Poor wee lamb had to sleep upright for a bit every few hours to help the congestion clear. It's Daddy's turn to go to work today. Think shortie is also going for an award for number of dirty nappies in one morning and we use real nappies. Usually our Mondays together are all about swimming and softplay. No such luck today. So far have endured about 600 cups of imaginary tea. May have to break out Button Moon. Thank god Daddy took her to restock on library books on Friday. AF due today/tomorrow just to add insult to injury.

I'm thinking in such extreme circumstances it's OK to have a muffin for breakfast right? :dohh:

And I'm 31, feeling about 42 today.:nope:

Awwwwh, hope she's feeling better soon Xx

And yes....a muffin is perfect acceptable in these circumstances ;) Xx
Oh, I'm trying so hard to stay strong. I don't think we are going to do anymore iui. I feel so helpless. I was cleaning yesterday and found ultrasounds of when we lost our pregnancies 2 years ago. Man, emotions really got the best of me. I really don't want to it the 3 year mark of ttc. I feel so hurt inside, i can't explain it really. I've read so much on progesterone cream, i thought for sure this would help. But with no bfp, I'm so discouraged.
People tell me "it'll happen when you least expect it"... That's the problem i know my body to well. I know that the clear cm, time bd, the cramping, the twinges, etc is all knowing all to well. It drives me crazy to know my body, and to "let it happen seems impossible"...
I'm so lost for words, what to feel, what the next step is.
I read an article on another website a lady took royal jelly, and progesterone cream and after 16 months ttc, she got her bfp but at 15dpo, any days leading up to that were bfn. So do i have hope, or should i just kick the bucket??
Why does this have to be so difficult.
maybe my one tube wonder.
Hello ladies..... Well my worst fears have been confirmed today, I have miscarried :-(
We are obviously sad but it just wasn't meant to be.

Edinburgh, I hope you're going to stick around with us even if you do chose to wait a little longer TTC???? I enjoy reading your novels!!!!
Frisky, how you feeling chick??? You sound more positive.
Want1more, I'm so sorry it didn't work for you this cycle. It's so deflating not getting that BFP but you have to keep positive because it will happen xx hugs to you xx

Looks like we are all around the same age... I turned 35 two weeks ago and OH has just turned 34 (my lil' toy boy, kinda!)

So I guess my periods will be out of sync for a while until I stop bleeding (I've passed the sac, which was the most hideous thing ever!) but I still have more tissue left that should come out within the next 2 weeks (so barbaric!) we are going to try as soon as we feel ok, I'm hoping as soon as possible. And the journey begins again..... Lets hope we get those sticky BFP's next cycle xxxxxxxxxxx
Awwwwh betty :( Xx I'm so so sorry, that must have been awful for you. I hope your getting lots of love & cuddles xxx
I'm unsure of how long the healing time is...physically or mentally. Let's just live in hope these things happen for a reason & your time will come soon :hugs:

I hope we all stick together on this thread x

I'm ok, period is here with a vengeance....I've caved in & ordered a thermometer today off Amazon. I'm not gonna lie...last cycle I said I was going to take it easy, not think about it & not test early. I only lasted so long..... Haha. I WANT to conceive...so I guess taking my temps won't hurt, I may have more of an idea the actual day I ovulate then, which will help. Rather than testing & testing & testing!! It'll keep Me occupied when hubbys away too ;) Xx

Betty, my DH is also my toyboy by 1 year! Haha.
Let's all keep strong...and be here & ready for next cycle!

Much love Xx
Wow! A lot has happened around here. I'm sorry ladies, i havent been around lately. I admit i had been avoiding going online to read on posts and google stuff as I felt i've become obsessed and this is adding more stress in TTC. But please know my lovelies that you are in my mind and i keep praying we get our bfps if not this cycle then soon.

today, im 10 dpiui and i cant hold on much longer! AF is due on the 5th. I want to test so bad but so afraid to get disappointed. So i now go online because I realize the support and positivity around here is exactly the distraction i need to stay sane.

How are you all?

Frisky, im so sorry to hear that you're out. But it's good that your cycles have become more regular. I also have irregular cycles, between 29-35 days and most of the time anovulatory. Good luck with temping!

Betty, im so affected by your MC. It's devastating because you have been waiting so long for that bfp only to be taken away a few weeks after. On the other hand, think of it as a trial period or maybe the little bean is not a healthy one and would cause problems later on so it's better he let go now than later.

Edinburgh, i truly enjoy reading your novels and i hope you stick around despite postponing TTC. Your stories are such a fun read!
Hey Betty. Just wanted to pop in and say I can relate. I had bfp in july and in aug and lost both. I was devastated. Still am. Dont give up!!
Hey kitty.....and welcome back! :) Well done for holding out testing, wish I'd have done that!! Fingers crossed for you my lovely x

Welcome poppy. So sorry to hear of your losses. Glad to see your not giving up & your staying strong :hugs:

Betty....big hugs to you as always :hugs:

Well, I'm a zombie this morning....son up half the night with a cold. I feel sick as I'm that tired. I've got work in an hour....which I'm dreading. I'm getting bullied a bit of another woman, who just 'doesn't like me or like working with me!' :( the way I'm feeling today, I will end up punching her on her nose.....Do not mess with Me when I'm tired bitch! Haha ;)

Hope everyone has a good day.
I'm off to get a large coffee xxx
Hi ladies..... All good my end, just thinking positive and looking forward to getting back to normal and starting my wonderful TTC journey again!!!!
Frisky, that's awful that you're getting a bit of grief at work! I find that there is always someone who doesn't quite like me for whatever reason even though I always try my best to be nice to everyone and I'm quite a positive person. A the end of the day it always boils down to either jealousy or that some people are just miserable *******s! Excuse the language!
I bet youre tall, skinny and gorgeous! That's probably why you're getting grief! :-)
Kitty! How you doing???? When are you testing??? Fingers crossed for you, we should get at least one BFP this cycle!!! Hope all the other girls are ok, we haven't heard from irts, mango or kat for a while.... I think it does get a bit painful coming on here and seeing other people getting BFP's and then you get landed with a bfn, it can be a bit soul destroying at times....
Welcome poppy and sorry for your losses, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and hope I don't have to go through that again..... Xxxx
Betty I am happy to know that you are thinking positive!!:hugs::hugs:

Ladies, I started AF on the Aug 31st and now I am spotting, should I be worried? or maybe AF will be this short for now on. When I was on BCP AF usually last between 6 to 7 days. Before I started taking BCP, AF lasted for 7 days. Maybe this cycle is not normal. I have an Dr. appt to see my primary care physician on Monday. I will ask her what can cause this. Tomorrow I will set up an appt with my gyn to tell him that I stopped taking BCP in July. Maybe he can tell me some things that I will experience since I been on them for almost 6 years. I have research on the internet about this, but you can find sooo many things that may make you nervous. Maybe I am getting scared of every thing that is going on with me since I want to have another bundle of joy.:shrug:
Hi ladies..... All good my end, just thinking positive and looking forward to getting back to normal and starting my wonderful TTC journey again!!!!
Frisky, that's awful that you're getting a bit of grief at work! I find that there is always someone who doesn't quite like me for whatever reason even though I always try my best to be nice to everyone and I'm quite a positive person. A the end of the day it always boils down to either jealousy or that some people are just miserable *******s! Excuse the language!
I bet youre tall, skinny and gorgeous! That's probably why you're getting grief! :-)
Kitty! How you doing???? When are you testing??? Fingers crossed for you, we should get at least one BFP this cycle!!! Hope all the other girls are ok, we haven't heard from irts, mango or kat for a while.... I think it does get a bit painful coming on here and seeing other people getting BFP's and then you get landed with a bfn, it can be a bit soul destroying at times....
Welcome poppy and sorry for your losses, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and hope I don't have to go through that again..... Xxxx

Awwwwh, I'm so glad you are thinking positive thoughts betty :) Obviously some days Will be better than others & you will never forget your little bean....but I'm sure all this will make you stronger if not more determined :hugs:

Haha..I'm far from being tall,skinny & gorgeous. I'm a very outgoing, happy person at work...I try & enjoy myself. She is just miserable. She's been there for years, I don't think she likes the fact that I get on with everyone better than her! So, yeah...Maybe it is a jealousy thing in that respect. But I'm not changing my personality just to make her happy....silly bitch grrrrrrrrrr!! She goes on holiday tomorrow for a week! :happydance:

Momwife? Try not to get yourself in a panic about the spotting. I'm sure your cycles are still probably trying to get bk to normal after coming off BC. Mine were all over the place for months. Unfortunately not all women are the same & some of us have a worse time adjusting than others. Fingers crossed all is ok x

Well, this will make you laugh!! Because we can't book hubby in to get his sperm tested, due to him always been away. We have ordered, a home test of Amazon!! That should be fun! It'll be like an x-rated science experiment!! :haha: Xx
Hi All,

Not much to update with my end. Monthly monster arrived on cue: at least the mini-pill didn't screw with my cycle too much. We're only pausing the TTC for a few months so I'm not going to go back on it for now, much as I despise condoms!!

My whole household is ill. I even took a day off work today because I literally have no voice. The only thing worse than a sick little one is when you both get sick at the same time... and then your post-childbirth mega period arrives.

Lovin the positivity ladies... it's gonna be a good month. Things can only improve!

Right, now where did I put that blankie?
Hi ladies. 7 dpo today. Bbs and nips are so sore and sensitive. Super crabby, moody. Been cramping non stop since o. Temps I think look good, this is my forst cycle temping. Anyone know?

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