7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hello ladies! How muggy is it tonight ? The bedcovers are sticking to me, I've got the fan on full whack !
Happy belated birthday Edinburgh! Hope you had a lovely day. Urrghhh I would love to be 33 again!
Beach sounds like fun, good you will have support there with you too. Hope the weather stays nice for you . Leo sounds like Oscar , Aaron is 6'2, Oscar is really long, he's in bigger sized clothes. I'm only 5'5 so look tiny next to Az, have to get on my tiptoes when Im having a full on snog! Ha
I'm so glad I'm not a teenager anymore, worrying about boys and virginity...I was the same age as you, not a nice experience, was very drunk & it just kind of happened. Wish I could tell my teenage self not to do it, but hey Ho!
Well done on the weight loss too, bet that's made you feel a bit better in yourself! I seriously think I have spent the majority of my life on a bloody diet ! I did have some cheesecake tonight though , was yummy x

Tina, you have your meds now? Not long to go till you get shown how to do it, it's going very fast...probably not for you though.

How are you ab? How's Frazer & the girls?

Betty, I hope your having a nice relaxing holiday xx

I'm really struggling with the fact Oscar will be One next month . Seriously, I keep crying...I just want to press pause and keep him little for longer . Wtf is wrong with me? Aaron keeps encouraging him to walk & to feed himself with his bottle..I'm like NOOOO!! Time has gone to fast, my little baby is growing up & Its too soon. Am I crazy? Does anyone else remember feeling this way? To the actual point of tears though? I'm going to be a mess on his birthday, I need to sort my head out xx
ahhh Frisky, I didn't go through it with Evie but I have heard of others going through the same thing. One of my friends has 2 kids the youngest being 14 months and her fella has just had the snip. I remember a few months ago she was at breaking point because she was so upset that she was never going to experience having a baby again. So you're not alone! I'm sure loads of mummys feel it.

Don't you think this is your body telling you that you want another?!?! What does Aaron say about having more?

Yes my meds have arrived! Here's a little sneak peak...


And here's what I'll be sticking in my stomach...


It feels very very real now... my next appointment is on Tuesday, 5 days to go. Still waiting for ovulation though!!! Stupid ovulation is delaying everything. CD18 today and though I have EWCM I'm not cramping yet and my boobs aren't sore so it's not yet happened. It didn't happen until CD21 last cycle :growlmad:

Hope Betty is enjoying her holiday! Did anyone see the picture she posted on FB of her flawless face with the scenery in the background? What a beautiful lady!!

Oh bloody hell Tina!! Look at those meds! It's officially REAL! Trust your ovulation to be late!...Yes I saw that photo of Betty, she is gorgeous, natural beauty, it's not fair! Whaaaaaa

Tina, I'd love another. But Aaron won't let me, We have no room and no money :( Xx

Bit traumatized this morning...Went to brush my teeth, Oscar was safe playing in his cot. Came out, he had pulled his nappy off, face covered in poo! Ewwwwwww!
Poor bugger!
Had to throw him in the shower, swill his mouth out and brush his teeth! Haha xx
Hey ladies, how are we all?? I'm pooped, had a well busy day at work & my period is here with a vengeance!! Urrghhh

Just putting a question out there.... How old do you think is 'too old ' to have a baby? Xx
Oh god! Just read the story of Oscar with the poo incidence!! I hate poo.. Think id rather deal with sick than poo!

As for the too old thing... I don't know really. When I go to the fertility clinic there's tonnes of couples in there who look 40 odd and I don't look at them and think "you're too old to be having a baby" I mean 50+ I'd say that's definitely too old but maybe early 40s is okay. Why are you asking?

Yes it is definitely real now!! Tonnes of EWCM today so I'm thinking ovulation will happen in the next 24 hours!

I'm just making a lasagne and having a glass of wine! Might as well make the most of it before a potential pregnancy!
My sister has taken Evie to southport for the afternoon, last I heard they were on the fair so I'm going to relax for an hour or so before she's home!

Oh lovely, we're having lasagne too, not homemade though I'm afraid, I'm not that good of a wife! Ha x

No, I'm just asking about the age thing out of curiosity really. When I was at my maternity appts in Fareham, the majority of women were older, much older. I guess it's how you feel in yourself. For Az and I too have another, we would have to wait a few years...but I'd be nearer 40, so I don't know. Just asking in general. I forget how old I am sometimes haha xx
I had Frazer in Jan and was 40 in June! !

Look at those meds Tina!!

Hope you enjoy your hols Edinburgh.

Been away for a few days. It's been good. We just had a bbq for dinner. Frazer was eating burger and mango chilli chicken fillet. That boy eats anything lol.
Dh has got a new job that'll fit in better with my new job,things seem to be looking up.

Eeeeewwww at the poo episode :rofl:
Really ab? That's fabulous :) Xx I think It's definitely more common now for women to have their babys Older.

Frazers tea sounds fabulous! Haha alot better than Oscars breakfast! Ewwwwwww

I'm really upset, Joe has just had his friend round, playing on the ps4 downstairs . Obviously unaware that I'm in the kitchen, I've just overhead him swear, really badly. Think of the worst 2 swear words you can imagine? I'm mortified :(
I've just sent his friend home & Joe to his room. It's not just that, he tried to deny it....when I KNOW he said it.
I don't know what to do now. I mean, kids will swear infront of their mates, it's bravado, I'm fully aware of that. But to do it at home?? Then lie? That's just stupid!

Arrrghhhhhhh xx
:( Sorry to hear about Joe swearing hun, I agree with you he shouldn't lie about it. I guess you'd respect him more if he said "yes mum I said it, I'm sorry and it won't happen again" type thing but he's making you out to be a liar. Why is it that kids think it's big and clever to swear? It's an odd thing.. I did it when I was a kid yet now I'm grown up it sends a shiver down my spine when I hear kids swear.

Back to the too old to have kids conversation.. I think you're right. Lots of couples are having kids later in life now. The reason being that everything costs so bloody much so couples are concentrating on their career before having kids. I don't think it's a crazy idea if you and Az were to have another in a couple of years time. If you think 3 kids would complete your family then go for it! Oscar would have a sibling around the same age then too!

AB, great to hear that you've had a lovely few days away! And amazing that Frazer has a good appetite! I literally couldn't get Evie to eat ANYTHING at his age. She still doesn't now, what am I talking about haha. Her diet mainly consists of dry cereal, happy meals and pizza. Can't get her to eat anything with flavour on it or anything in a sauce. It drives me mad!!!!!

I do believe girls that I am ovulating today, I've woken with cramps and still loads of EWCM and the boobies are starting to become sore. YESSSSS come on ovulation!!!!

what's everyone upto this weekend? xxx
Yesssss to ovulation Tina!! So it begins! :)

It's freezing & wet here today, roll on December holiday time!

I hate kids swearing, hate it . In Fareham they all swore, I could hear it all as our house backed onto the field. I remember swearing as a kid, but not that bad and definitely not that young. It was Aarons nephew who was around. He's older, Joe always shows off infront of him. It's a bit of a love hate relationship as they are very similar. He stayed in his room all night, just went to brush his teeth, slamming the door like Kevin the teenager. As though it's my fault?? pfffftttt
I'm supposed to be booking tickets to Alton towers today for next week, really don't feel like doing it now, but I'm going to as I want to have a fun day with him, we've not had a proper day together since Oscar was born. My mums coming too with Oscar, otherwise she would be stuck at home with him all day. So she's going to walk Oscar around & take him In the cbeebies land, whilst Joe & I hit the big rides! Xx

I also think people have kids later as when your younger, you think your missing out on things...you've pretty much done it all when your older & are more relaxed. I'm not sure, Oscar is such a good baby, he's a delight. I'll probably change my mind about wanting another when the terrible twos start!! Ha xx

We are painting the house this weekend, Aarons so busy at work & me with the kids, doing this house up has come to a complete standstill. My sister is up tomorrow, so I'm hoping to grab some tea with her and a few beers xx
Tea and beers sounds like a plan! I have no plans for this weekend... Think I'm gonna be helping out more in my mum and dads new house tonight and me and my sister are going to buy them a chinese.
Alton Towers sounds great!! I haven't been there for years, I love it <3 <3 It's just because it's quite a way away from mine that I never book to go. I always end up going in to Blackpool and doing the same bloody things every time!!

I've had some horrible news this morning :( My mum has always suffered with depression on and off for as long as I can remember. Lately I can tell that there's something wrong but she's not the type of person to unload her worries on to anyone so whenever I ask she puts on this "Oh I'm fine" type of attitude when I can tell that something is bothering her.
My sister called just before to say that my mum had just broken down on the phone to her and told her that she's been feeling depressed for a while but didn't want to tell anyone. She's been to the doctors this morning and they've signed her off work for 2 weeks and put her back on medication.
I hate knowing that she's feeling that way and there's nothing I can do about it. So I'm going to treat her to a takeaway tonight and I've booked her in to get her hair done, I'm going to pay for it for her as a treat. I just want to do whatever I can to improve her mood. Worst thing is that she doesn't even know why she's feeling so low, she's got everything to look forward to.. a possible new grandchild, a new home, a holiday yet she feels miserable.

Ovulation has deffo happened, boobies feel very tender now. So I'm predicting my AF on 26th Aug!

Hello ladies I'm back!!!!! Whoop! Had a great holiday... Wasn't totally stress free but it was lovely all the same!
So much to catch up on on here!!! How are you all??
Tina.... That's a LOT of meds but it's very exciting that your ivf journey is about to begin, eeeeeek! I'm with AB, you have to think positive! This will work and you will have your baby very soon!!! Xxxx
Frisky.... The poo story is very funny! Make me chuckle... I'm sorry about joe swearing like that! It must be so frustrating for you. It's just a phase and it will pass, hang on in there...
Edinburgh, great news in the weight loss.
AB, glad you have had a nive few days away, how do you manage it with 3 tiny kiddies?!?? Also well done on the job front, when do you start and how many hours are you doing???
Just to chip in in the 'how old is too old' debate.... I'm going to be 37 this weekend! Sounds ancient but I don't feel that age at all and I believe it's hoe you feel, age is just a number, if you really want another baby then don't let your age put you off, my great grandma was 52 when she had her last child (yes that's right FIFTY TWO!) and that was 65 years ago!
I seem to have come back to quite a lot of stress! Chris went out with his friends while I was away and ended up in a fight in one of the bars, our town is horrible, it's really rough and I hate him going out on a night here! He has a black eye and a cut on his face... I want impressed to say the least! He has had a cough for about 5 weeks now and I've been telling him to go to the doctors about it, finally he went while I was away and the doctor send him straight to the hospital for a chest x-Ray, he got the results back today and he has a 'shadow' on one of his lungs. He has to go for further scans in 4 weeks time but it's left him (and me) feeling a bit numb. The doctor he spoke to today was useless and said it could be bad or it could be nothing, oh well that's ok then!!! Needless to say he has quit smoking immediately! I am just quite stressed and am trying my best to stay calm.... Oh the joys hey???
On a brighter note I have told all my friends and family that I'm pregnant today! I was really nervous about it but feel good telling people, seems a bit more real now....
Ps: tina.... I'm sorry about your mam, you're so lovely to treat her like that! Hopefully that will make her feel better. It's such a cruel disease with no explanation. Your mum has lots to look forward to but depression takes over you even at your happiest times. I have mucho experience in this due to my mam and her depression although my mam seems to suffer from angry depression and is just awful to me ans my sister when she has her turns....
Hope she is feeling better soon xxxx
Welcome back Betty! Hope you had a lovely time, the photos looked fabulous. And you are looking amazing by the way, gorgeous girl xx How are you feeling? Any more symptoms?
That's a bit of shocking news to come home to, how awful for you both. I would like to say 'dont worry' but of course your going to worry. :( Is there nobody else he can see before the scans, just to talk things over With? Can't believe the doctor was so aloof when you spoke to him. Idiot. It's going to be a hard few weeks for you both then whilst you wait hey? Just try your hardest to stay positive & calm, as your little baba bean needs you to be xx As for him getting into a fight, I know how you feel. It's not that nice around here either, always kicking off. Scares me to death when Az goes out , as he can be a dick after a few drinks & one day will offend the wrong person.
At least it's nothing too serious, people can end up getting glassed, stabbed & alsorts. It's a horrible world out there xx

Tina, I'm sorry to hear about your mum feeling that way. You must be worried sick. Any idea what's brought this on or Is it things that have built up over time?? Bless you...such a horrible thing to see somebody go through. I hope she feels a little better after you treating her xx

Can hear Oscar talking, well babbling in his sleep. He is so cute , love him so much.

Joe was very very apologetic today, I didn't scream at him. I told him that I never ever want to hear those words spoken again & how it broke my heart.
So, we will see.
Aaron found it hilarious!
Typical man xx
Betty, can't believe your great grandma was 52!! That's amazing. I truly believe it depends on the individual, the major of the women in Fareham at the antenatal clinic , they were older than me, either that or pregnancy really wasn't agreeing with them ! Haha xx
Glad you're back safely Betty.
Hope Chris is going to be ok.

Tina sorry about your mum,that's nice of you to treat her.

Frisky I'm glad Joe apologised.
I love baby babbles lol.

Betty. It doesn't feel any different going away with 3 kids than going with 1,just need to make sure I've packed everything for everyone lol.
I don't have a start date yet,need to wait on my new PVG coming through and references so they reckon 3-4 weeks. I will be contracted to 20 hours a week but can pick up extra shifts if I want.

Got my mum and my sis coming today and I can't be arsed now. Had some bloody idiot outside last night shouting about jesus and football!!! I want to sleep lol.

And Betty, 52!!!!! Wow!! Xx
Oh no ab, that's all you need when you've not slept! I'd feel exactly the same! Wonder if he had been watching the untied match ! Ha xx

I've done something to my back, pulled a muscle or something...hurts when I do anything , even breathing in or coughing. Getting on my nerves now xx
Evening girls, Betty lovely to have you back and I'm so glad that you had a great holiday!
Sorry that you and chris are going through worrying times. Like frisky said it's easy to say don't worry but it's only natural to worry until you get the all clear. If it's any consideration.. My dad had "spots" on his lung, multiple ones and of course we thought the worst. They turned out to be nothing serious though he had to continue getting scans to make sure they didn't grow and they didn't. I suppose it's like finding a lump in your boob and it turning out to be a cyst. It doesn't always have to be bad news. How long will it be before he gets a scan? I'll be crossing my fingers that everything turns out okay xxx

Frisky, I can sympathise with you my dear :( I've also pulled something, but in my foot. I can barely walk on my right foot. I've got myself back to the gym but I think I've done too much too soon and I've properly damaged my foot whilst running this morning. I don't know what's brought my mums depression on... She hadn't seemed herself for weeks. I don't even think she knows herself

I've been in my mums all day painting her living room, just got into bed.. I'm exhausted! Back to it tomorrow too, don't know where I'm getting the energy from!

Evening ladies .How are we all?
Wish I had your energy Tina , we were meant to paint today, but didn't get it done . Got as far as clearing the room out & scrubbing the skirting boards clean, but thats it! Will have to start it tomorrow instead.
Aaron told me tonight that he's sick of my 'mood swings' & how I wasn't like this when we lived down south :(

I do get moody, I've always been a moody person...take after my dad . The thing with living in Fareham , is that he was away with the Navy alot , so when he was home, it was great haha...Plus now we have the added pressures of a baby & tiredness, so I do get moody. Also, with my diabetes, if my sugar drops it gives me mood swings & makes me irritable.
I'm not sounding great here am I? Haha I'm not bad all the time, but have been more recently. I really need to chill out or Aaron is going to just go!!! :( X

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