Hello my lovelies!!! So sorry for being AWOL!!! I've just had a lot on and when I'm not rushing around like an idiot im in bed! I'm so bloody tired girls!!!
God, I've missed loads on here!!!
Frisky.... You look gorgeous!!! And well done to you for having that many teeth pulled out! I am not a fan of the dentist (who is?!) you've done well my love! Did they not give you any pain relief??? Go and get some extra strength Ibruprofen and some co-codemol and a bottle of wine!!! That will work wonders!!! I'm really shocked to hear about your sister.... It's such a difficult topic and we would all handle it differently. I would be gutted if Chris ever cheated on me. On one hand I could NEVER forgive him or allow him to touch me again after he had been intimate with someone else but then I think how devastated viv would be if mummy and daddy were not together! Your sis is obviously still in shock and will be devastated.... The other girls are right, if he is capable of doing it once there is a good chance he will do it again

she has to make her own mind up as to what she wants to do... I hope it all works out for her xxx
Tina.... Can't believe you will be starting your ivf journey so soon!!! Eeeeek! Can't believe mark is still being a wuss! What are they like hey? It's you that has to go through the bloody pain!!!! Lol! I'm sure you will get into a routine and will be pros in no time at all!!! Very exciting stuff!!!
Ab, how lovely that you have some time with your little fella on a morning.... Viv starts school in just over a week!!! I can't believe it! What am I gonna do without my little buddy????
Chris has been back to the hospital as he was coughing up blood the other day, seriously, he has been stressing me right out!!! It sounds like he has had a very bad chest infection that has turned into pneumonia and he didn't get it treated. He's finished his antibiotics and is now just waiting for his next scan which is in 3 weeks.... I'm sure he will be fine, the doctor said that if they thought it was anything sinister that he would have been scheduled for a biopsy straight away, phew!!!
I've been feeling rather shit most days, just with tiredness and headaches ans feel like I have a hangover (without the wine how awful!!!!) but it's all good, I have a bump now which is just too lovely

its starting to feel a little more 'real' now....

let's hope all stays well xxxx
Edinburgh has arrived in Canada! Hope you have a fun time chick xxxxx
Right, I'm off to go and buy all vivs uniform.... Is everyone else sorted for school????