7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Can't believe it's the last week of the holidays next week! How fast has that gone though? Xx
Ahh chick I can totally sympathise with how you're feeling :( like I said though, it goes get easier and it'll get to a point where you barely even realise that they're there. Then the only time they'll hurt is when you get them tightened. Have a bowl of soup for tea instead haha!

I've been at my mums again, had ANOTHER takeaway.. I really need to sort out my eating plans. I've eaten nothing but takeaway for the last couple of weeks and I know I've put on weight. Gonna oh for another run in the morning and then operation healthy eating starts in the morning!

Not up to much this weekend really.. No plans, mark is working tomorrow so might see if my sister is free for a catch up

I agree with you, the school hols have flew over! I'll be glad when they're back so I don't have to find someone to watch Evie every day! Feeling so sorry for my parents and my mother in law!

Urrghhh, don't talk to me about healthy eating. I got back into the gym a few weeks ago & now stopped again, eating crap....although I can't eat anything right now! I'm wobbly, need to tone. I feel so much better, in a better mood & everything when I exercise & eat healthy. Need to get back at it xx

Hows your mum now Tina? Is she still down?

My sister & mark are at my mums tonight, she's just text saying they will be staying tomorrow too. I think she's trying to put off the inevitable of going back home and having to deal with it. He's back in work Monday with that girl ffs!
Going to try & speak alone with her tomorrow xx
Hello braces.... Forced smile as I'm in agony xx


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Braces or not, you still look sexy!! And you'll look even more sexier once they're taking effect!

I'm so drunk girls.,. Been to a barbecue and drank my body weight in wine. Head is spinning like a bitch!

Speak tomorrow ladies xx
Hello my lovelies!!! So sorry for being AWOL!!! I've just had a lot on and when I'm not rushing around like an idiot im in bed! I'm so bloody tired girls!!!
God, I've missed loads on here!!!
Frisky.... You look gorgeous!!! And well done to you for having that many teeth pulled out! I am not a fan of the dentist (who is?!) you've done well my love! Did they not give you any pain relief??? Go and get some extra strength Ibruprofen and some co-codemol and a bottle of wine!!! That will work wonders!!! I'm really shocked to hear about your sister.... It's such a difficult topic and we would all handle it differently. I would be gutted if Chris ever cheated on me. On one hand I could NEVER forgive him or allow him to touch me again after he had been intimate with someone else but then I think how devastated viv would be if mummy and daddy were not together! Your sis is obviously still in shock and will be devastated.... The other girls are right, if he is capable of doing it once there is a good chance he will do it again :( she has to make her own mind up as to what she wants to do... I hope it all works out for her xxx
Tina.... Can't believe you will be starting your ivf journey so soon!!! Eeeeek! Can't believe mark is still being a wuss! What are they like hey? It's you that has to go through the bloody pain!!!! Lol! I'm sure you will get into a routine and will be pros in no time at all!!! Very exciting stuff!!!
Ab, how lovely that you have some time with your little fella on a morning.... Viv starts school in just over a week!!! I can't believe it! What am I gonna do without my little buddy???? :( :(
Chris has been back to the hospital as he was coughing up blood the other day, seriously, he has been stressing me right out!!! It sounds like he has had a very bad chest infection that has turned into pneumonia and he didn't get it treated. He's finished his antibiotics and is now just waiting for his next scan which is in 3 weeks.... I'm sure he will be fine, the doctor said that if they thought it was anything sinister that he would have been scheduled for a biopsy straight away, phew!!!
I've been feeling rather shit most days, just with tiredness and headaches ans feel like I have a hangover (without the wine how awful!!!!) but it's all good, I have a bump now which is just too lovely :) its starting to feel a little more 'real' now.... :) let's hope all stays well xxxx
Edinburgh has arrived in Canada! Hope you have a fun time chick xxxxx
Right, I'm off to go and buy all vivs uniform.... Is everyone else sorted for school????
Oh Betty, that's a relief...bloody hell, we were all worried about you. I'm so glad it's nothing sinister. Awwh bless your little bump, pregnancy agrees with you, you look flawless and glowing on all your recent photos on fb. Beautiful lady xx

Tina, how's your hangover? I think I'm out this weekend, well in...it's a friend Of a friend's Hendo, they are having it at her house...20quid each for drinks and nibbles. A few went to Dublin last weekend, so this is for those who didn't go.
If I feel like this, I won't be going anywhere. The braces are cutting into my cheek like you said Tina, I've got the wax though to ease it. Aaron is laughing at me and how much im 'milking it' haha

I took Joe swimming last night at 8pm...we watched the lightening whilst sat in the hot tub, was lovely.

My sister is trying to act as though it's not happened. Hes not going back in work, they have been at my mums all weekend and now she's saying they are moving here?? I told her, it's not going to go away by staying or living here. Give it a few days back in reality, she will crumble...and she still hasn't told my mum. So my mums all nicey nice with Mark, clueless to what he's done. When I went around yesterday, he wouldn't come downstairs.
I know it would be hard to throw it away, but she could at least make him sweat for a few days, stay at mums on her own! But she doesn't want him out of her sight.
Sorry for going on, just makes me so mad. How dare he do this to her xx
Thanks frisky that's very lovely although I feel like dog poo!!!!

I'm afraid to say it but your sisters fella does not deserve her at all!!! Nobody deserves being cheated on! The problem she will have now is that she will always be paranoid of what he is up to or what he could get up too! It's just so unfair!!! It must be really hard for her.... You just be really mad! I know if it was my sis or cousin I would go absolutely off it!!! Hope she is ok xxxx
Sending big hugs to your sister once again Frisky. It's a tough situation for her to be in.. choosing between her heart and her head. I think she should tell your mum. I know if I was in her situation I'd need my momma to speak to about it.

Betty! great news r.e Chris!!! I am over the moon for you that it was nothing serious. Hope he makes a speedy recovery soon. :D
I saw your picture last night on FB of viv with your scan picture! How do you feel now that it is all out in the open? I think we need a bump picture lady! Are you finding out what you're having by the way?

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the minute girls. It's a very odd situation to be in this IVF lark.. I know it's only natural to be feeling the way I am but I just feel completely head fucked. Yesterday I felt upbeat and positive, today I feel low again and negative about the whole process.

Still waiting for my period to arrive, CD29 today.. she must be just around the bloody corner now! Come on woman!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend xxx
Tina.... It's going to be a tough ride for you guys! You're going to be flooded with hormones which will heighten everything you are already feeling, but! This is the start of something that will hopefully change your life :thumbup: have you joined any forums on here where other women are starting ivf at the same time as you? Might be a good idea to see what other women are feeling too! You're totally normal honey.... Also we are all here for you through it all! So when will you actually start injecting? On CD1??? Also when do they do egg collection and fertilisation etc...?

I won't lie, I'm still very nervous about my pregnancy, I'm glad that people know but I still don't want to get too carried away as I'm so scared that it could all change in a heartbeat! Hopefully I will relax a bit more after the 20 week scan :) bump is coming along nicely, I'm taking photos every week so I can look back on them later on, I never did anything like that with viv and I really wish I had! However I'm at that awkward stage where I don't look pregnant I just look like I've scoffed a load of pies!! (Oh pies, yum!!!!) :) :winkwink:
I have spoken to a few ladies who are going through IVF at the same time as I am and it does seem that what I am feeling is very normal. It's bound to be a stressful journey, like you said I'll be pumped full of meds and then there's the uncertainty at the end of it. It's not going to be a walk in the park!
Injections start on CD3, I have to call the hospital as soon as I come on my period and they will give me a time to come in for a baseline scan. I then have scans every 3 days to check how my ovaries are reacting to the stimulants and egg retrieval normally happens around CD15 and are then inserted back in between CD18-20 once they've developed into a lovely little embryo/blastocyst.

I didn't mention this morning but I am fucking fuming girls!!!

We were told at our last appointment that neither of us should drink any alcohol once our cycle starts until further notice (it'll be after embryo implantation for Mark and god knows when for me) so I had my last drink on Saturday and Mark also had a couple of beers.
Now he was at the appointment... he heard what the nurse said, yet last night he dropped this bomb on me. "Um.. I'm going out to town on Saturday with the lads if that's okay? Gonna watch the match and have a few pints". I replied with "Yeah that's fine, though will you be drinking pints of coke? Because you can't drink?" Well it was like a volcano had erupted inside of him. He made out that I was the worst wife in the world for making him follow THE NURSES instructions. I didn't tell him not to drink, medical professionals did. Professionals in IVF for crying out loud!!
He doesn't think it's important not to drink, he doesn't think it will have an effect on his sample. So I had a look on the internet and found a study that has been done on the subject. 4000 couples took part in a questionnaire which asked did you drink during your IVF cycle, did you drink before it etc and the results were astounding. They found that those couples who drank 4 or more drinks prior to an IVF cycle had a 48% high risk for failed fertilisation. So I printed it off and shoved it in his face.. He didn't speak to me for the rest of the night. Probably because he knows I'm right.

It's 4 weeks! Can't he give up alcohol for 4 measly weeks and do everything we can to have the best possible embryos, and the best chance at kicking infertilitys butt?

:( :( Feeling on a downer

Oh bloody hell, I hope he has seen sense Tina. Men are like babys sometimes aren't they? I'd be fuming too. can't you plan something over the next 4 weekends where drinking isn't involved? In the grand old scheme of things,,4 week's isn't long. It's pretty selfish of him to sacrifice something you have invested alot of time, money & emotions on, just for the sake of a couple of pints!! It's not easy for you either. Xx

I'm glad you have found other people going through the same as you at the same time. Like you said, it seems pretty normal to be feeling like you are, so don't worry xx

I've just come back from the dentist,,my gum is infected now, so I'm on antibiotics. Honestly girls, I know I'm moaning. But I feel awful...my mouth is killing & I feel really woozy from all the pain killers, I'm out of it xx
Arrghhhhh I need to have a rant .so I've just had it out with my sister... She's coming to stay at my mums tomorrow night, incase you didn't know, they currently live at marks parents house and they know the situation. She said she's staying there as its the only place she feels comfortable....I basically told her that mum needs to know. It's the only place that MARK feels comfortable morelike. I told her that he doesn't deserve to be let off lightly and he certainly doesn't deserve to feel comfortable or my mums niceties whilst staying there. It's all a lie. I told her it's hurting me, watching him get away with it. She basically said she can't throw 8 years away & he isn't getting away with it as he has to live with it for the rest of his life!!

It's BOLLOCKS!!! I'm so cross at her for letting him get away with it, what does that tell him!? Something isn't right if he can do that in the first place! They are supposed to be starting ivf soon ffs!! He slept with this girl 2nights before their main appointment at the hospital,,which they had to cancel as he was too hungover. I wish she had never of told me because I'm bound to slip up when I talk to my mum. I see my mum everyday, she will know something is going on.....She's been walked all over because shes scared of being alone.
I hate him. I feel like messaging him..But she will kill me xx
Ignore me....it's not my problem and certainly not yours. Aarons told me to wind my neck in about it and he's right! Haha Xx
Ahem don't be so silly you silly lady! That is what we are here for, hell if you can't talk to us then who can you talk to haha! We will always be here to listen no matter what the problem.

I agree with you, she should definitely talk to your mum. It's putting you in an awkward situation as well now because you're going to have to pretend to your mum that everything is okay when in fact your sister is going through the worst time of her life.
I personally tell my mum everything, she may not agree with my way of thinking sometimes but she doesn't judge and I always feel better once I've spoken to her. I think she would be more angry if I kept something from her and then she found out that everyone else knew apart from herself.
As for him, the dirty scum bag!! As if it's not bad enough cheating, cheat on the eve of your first IVF appointment and then have to cancel it because of your stupidity! Kids are a big commitment, a HUGE one in fact and I think she should have a good old think about what she is letting herself in for.

Sorry to hear that your mouth is causing you problems. What has caused the infection, the braces or the tooth removal? There's nothing worse than pain in the mouth is there! I sympathise with you :(

I spoke to Mark again last night regarding the drinking. I simply asked "So have you told the lads that you won't be drinking on Saturday?" he said "No, I might be able to drink anyway as long as you don't start your injections before then won't I?" NO!!!! NO YOU WON'T!!! why can't he get it through to his thick head that it's not okay to drink? Am I married to a complete and utter moron?? God give me strength ladies

Still no period, CD30 today... definitely not preggers because we've been using protection all month. Just delayed... and I'm getting irritated which is likely to be delaying it more.

and breathe....

Hi girls..... Bloody hell where do I start??? Tina, jeez! What is mark thinking???? He has clearly lost his mind!!! Does he not realise that the alcohol will have a massive impact on his sperm??? That's the whole point! He and his spermies need to be in prime health for this to be a successful a can be!!! If it's any consolation Chris would go on exactly the same! It amazes me! They seem to go brain dead every now and then! Can you calmly explain to him that having invested a lot of time, emotional energy and not to mention the money! You just want to give this the best shot you can???? I really hope he sees sense otherwise I may have to come to Liverpool and give him a slap myself!!!!
Frisky, on the way back from Liverpool I will spot by yours and give that Chris a big slap too!!!! I totally understand your position but it IS your problem! She is your sister and you care for her very much so this is bound to have an effect on you, you can see he is hurting her and of course you want to stop that! I would be exactly the same. At the end of the day he does not deserve her and their relationship will never be the same again, the trust has gone... Tina is right, we all know what a strain having kids puts on your relationship so having ivf and possibly a child will only test their relationship more.... I hope she sees sense and does what is best for her xxxxx

I really can't be arsed to move off the sofa today but I'm going to have to! I haven't washed my hair in a week (can't be arsed with that either!) need to get my mojo back!!! X
hahaha Betty you sound like me! I haven't washed my hair in a week either. I just keep giving it a blast with dry shampoo and putting it in a ponytail. My hair takes about an hour to dry after washing because I've got a huge mane of extensions haven't I!

I am about to slap Mark silly honestly, the boy just had no clue of what I am going through emotionally. He thinks this whole thing is a walk in the park for me... he must do anyway if he isn't willing to follow my advice. I was going to mention to him this morning that it's probably not the best idea that he drinks anyway because he will need to inject me in the evening and I am not letting him near me with a needle after a few pints!!

Where the fuck is my period by the way? I am stressing out and I know I shouldn't be because it's not going to make it arrive any faster but I'm panicking. I don't know about Mark but I could do with a friggin pint!!

Have you got a date for your 20wk scan Betty?

Morning girls,

Hope everyone is well today?

I've been doing some research into my cycles this morning because my period still isn't here and today is CD31... I've gone right back over the last 12 months through the thread to see what CD my period has started on and here's the results from last Sept onwards

CD32 Sept 14
CD31 - July 15

Seems that my cycles aren't as regular as I thought they were. No cramping or anything.. it's getting me down now.

Made cakes with Evie last night as I'm sure you will have seen on FB. I promised I would take her to the park after work but it was pissing down so we went to Asda instead and got some cake mix, my kitchen was a shit hole but she enjoyed herself and that's the main thing!

I have a child free night tonight, Evie is sleeping over at my mum and dads so it's a takeaway and chill night. I would normally include a glass of wine but that's off the cards! I was desperate to buy a bottle in the asda last night but I refrained! Hope you're proud of me girls haha

Well done for not buying wine!!!! :rofl: Sorry Mark is being an arse about having a few pints. Hope you manage to talk some sense into him!!

Frisky, hope your mouth is better.
I agree that your sis is being too soft on her man. She can't live with never letting him out of her sight. And what a dick for doing it just b4 their ivf appointment then having to cancel it!!

Betty,glad to hear all is well. You deserve to have a sofa day :hugs:

Frazer has been waking at 5am every day. Think he has an inbuilt alarm!!
I'm going to sit and watch Jeremy Kyle :rofl: Girls are at nursery and Frazer is sleeping xx
Mark loves Jeremy Kyle, I just think it's the funniest thing to have ever been on TV!

I think you should put some whisky in with frazers bottle haha, god do I remember those constant 5am wake ups! Evie went through that phase for a while, he will soon grow out of it!


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