7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Frisky, we as women are temperamental, hormonal, can be raging bitches and we are all that way! I think like you said because Aaron has been away a lot he has only ever had to see you at your good times when you're both excited to see each other! Relationships are all about the good and the bad. Me and mark must argue EVERY day! I swear.. We're constantly at each others throats but we don't let it break us

Back painting again, my foot is in agony. I'm wondering if I've torn something? I'm sure it'd be possible

Betty, happy birthday!! Are you doing anything to celebrate?

Thanks Tina, glad I'm not the only one.
How's the foot? I'd go & get it checked out if it's no better tomorrow. How are you feeling? Only 2 more sleeps till the 18th now :)

How's everyone else today? It's been lovely here today, really warm.
Happy birthday Betty! Hope your having a nice day xx

Oscar woke up at 4.30 this morning, his nappy had leaked...Bit after I had sorted him out he was well awake. He slept for about another half hour & then was back up at 6.30! I got up and went downstairs with him to give Az a lie in...scrubbed my windows inside & out, cleaned my fridge & the cooker.

I'm bloody knackered now! Roll on bedtime xx
haha the way you went on a mad cleaning spree at 6.30 in the morning! Wanna come and do my house? You're definitely not the only one.. we probably argue more than we get on but it's because we are so different that we just have a difference of opinion over everything! I suppose if we were both the same it'd be boring wouldn't it!

Foot's still sore :( It's not got any worse but no better either. I would feel ridiculous going to the doctors. I need to man up!

Yesssss tomorrow is my appointment :D :D I feel ready for it, prick away haha! I won't be saying that when my stomach is black and blue from the constant injections. I'm about 4DPO today so it's still another 8 days or so till AF arrives. Counting down the minutes literally

I'm off to my appointment this afters girls :D :D I'm excited. But pooing myself too, I'm sure I will be fine though. I'm taking my mum along for support haha!

I'll be sure to update you on whether or not I've survived when I get back.

What's everyone up to today? The weather is glorious again and I'm stuck behind a reception desk covering for our usual receptionist who's off on her jollys! It's alright for some!!

I need to pop out to Smyths on my dinner break. I don't know what your kids are like girls but Evie has a baby Annabelle that she treats like her own real baby. She has nappies for her, changes of clothes, bottles, a cot.. you name it she's got it! Anyway she came to me a few days ago "Mummy baby Annabelle's dummy is missing" So we turned the bedroom upside down to find this bloody dummy to no avail. Tried her nans incase she had taken it there, searched the garden high and low and nothing. I promised I would buy her another one and this was on Saturday but I keep forgetting! I got home last night and she said "Mum, you're gonna have to sort out this dummy situation because baby Annabelle is crying her eyes out!" Well I was curled up in a ball laughing my head off which she wasn't impressed with since she was trying her best to be a grown up mummy. So if I don't go out today and get another bloody dummy I'm gonna be up for the chop! You just wait, I'll get there and there will be none in stock!

Good luck with your appointment Tina.
Lol at the dummy. Zara loves playing with her dolls too but strips them then asks me to dress them!!

You can come clean my house too Frisky :rofl:
Appointment went well girls. I was shown how to give the first lot of injections called Merional, I'll start these on CD3 and go for scans on CD5 and 9 to see how the follicles are growing. It couldn't feel more real now! Just waiting on my AF now which is due in 7/8 days xx
First time in forever that you'll be glad to see af Tina!!
Glad the appointment went well xx
Ooooh Tina, roll on af! How exciting, glad it went well! Feels very surreal that this is happening as fast as it is!

I've been working tonight, going to good old blackpool tomorrow! Decided against Alton towers as its a frikking rip off! 85quid for just me and Joe? Er, no thanks!
Think it's going to piss it down, but will make the most of it!!
Moved Oscar back into his own room tonight. We had him in with us as his cough was really bad and he was up loads through the night with it. I don't like him not in Here with me, but guess it has to be done sooner rather than later.
His room is so tiny bless him.

Tina, did you find a dummy for baby annabelle ? Haha so funny that xx
Morning girls!

haha Frisky YES I did get a dummy, she was over the moon and I even got "you're the best mummy ever" which is a rarity with Evie so I am feeling like I've done something right!

85 QUID?!?!?! Don't blame you for going to Blackpool, after all the palava that went on there you'd think that they would've halved their ticket prices! Normally around summer time you see the 2 for 1 vouchers on cereal boxes and washing powder but I haven't seen anything! Blackpool will be fun though, just hope the rain holds off for you

AB, anything new at your end my dear? What've you been upto?

Betty any news on Chris? Hope everything is okay at your end

Haha good work on the dummy !
Got absolutely drenched yesterday at blkpool, it started off really sunny, then went drastically down hill. Still had a great day though. Apart from the car journey home. Oscar threw up all over himself, think he was Carsick bless him.

I'm off to get my teeth pulled out in about half an hour.I'm so nervous, braces get fitted tomorrow. I'm hoping to lose some weight seeing as I won't be able to eat much! Haha

Betty, your quiet... Hope all is ok xx
Good luck at the dentist Frisky.

Not upto much here. Girls started back nursery yday. Zara loves it and goes in no bother. So its just me and my little man in the morning now. It's good getting one to one time with him.
He's trying to crawl but just either goes backwards or looks like a frog out of water :rofl:

Haha ab, I remember Oscar going backwards, then forwards like a worm. He's almost walking now, he can stand on his own for a few seconds without holding anything.
Will be nice for you to get some alone time with him.

Mouth is in agony now, had 7 needles of anesthetic, it's worn off so I can feel it. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be actually. I'm bloody proud of myself.

Didn't get a badge off the dentist though, which is a bit dissapointing xx haha
Ouch frisky! Doesn't sound good :( How many teeth did you have pulled out??? You're a brave lady! Braver than me.. I'm terrified of having 1 injection in my mouth let alone 7. It'll all be worth it though when you have beautiful straight teeth in a few months time! Did the dentist say how long you'll wear your fixed brace for? Think I wore mine for about 12 months.

AB, ahhh I can only imagine how much more relaxed it is in your house now the kids are back at nursery! And like you said you are getting some alone bonding time with Frazer now, it'll be good for you both. Either that or you'll find yourself bored to death without the girls around haha!

I'm getting concerned about Betty because she hasn't posted since the news about Chris last week... Sending all my love at this stressful time and I hope you're okay if you read this sweetie.

CD26 for me today, my period would normally be due in 2 days time but think I ovulated late again so I am thinking it's more likely to be 4 days. We watched the DVD last night in bed that they sent us with the meds. It was showing us how to inject Merional which is the first medication I will be taking. Mark had found courage from somewhere and had agreed to inject me... before we watched the dvd!!!! Afterwards he said "I don't think I'll be able to do that you know, like I'm being serious" Thanks for deciding that when injections start in a week!!!! It does look scary though.. I think it's the whole breaking the skin part that frightens me, once it's in it's in, it's just getting it in that's the terrifying part!

Oh no Tina, he will have to find the bloody courage and just do It!! Bless him, bet he's just scared of hurting you. So it's countdown now for period to arrive, for the first time in ages! Haha

I'm worried about Betty too. Not see her on fb either. I'm praying everything is ok xx

I had 4 teeth out Tina & I'm going to be wearing the braces for 18 months - 2 years. A lonnnnnng time. Had a painful nights sleep, my pillow was covered in blood when I woke up....nice.

Had a bit of a shock last night. My sister came around. Her & her fella are taking Joe out for the day today, so are staying at my mums.
Anyway, Mark wasnt with her, she looked like something was wrong. She basically told me that one of her friends had told her that Mark had slept with someone else. He went missing one night a few months ago, out partying...turns out he slept with a girl he works with.
I felt sick for her, they are supposed to be starting ivf soon. They have a wedding booked for 2017.
Her heads in bits.
She's also asked me not to tell our mum as she doesn't want him being judged by her.... He stayed last night and they are still both taking Joe out today.
How do you get over that though. Just the thought of Aaron doing that to me makes me feel sick xx
Definitely not bored Tina lol.

I was wondering how Betty and her hubby were too.

Ouch Frisky. Dope yourself up on paracetamol or something.
Sorry about your sister. My ex was like that, still is as far as I know. I lived like that for a long time until I realised that he would never change. I would never be able to live like that again as it wears you out,constantly wondering what they are doing. I hope in your sisters case that it was just a one off and that he can build up her trust again xx
I know, Im not sure if I could forgive so easily. 8 years they have been together, he is her world. It's a horrible situation for her. He seems sorry, he's not stopped crying. But what gets me is that he denied it when Jemma asked him months ago, made out she was being paranoid . She had an Idea something had happened when he stayed out, I remember as it was me she was on the phone to crying in bits. He even denied it yesterday.....until Jemma told him she had been told by a mutual friend. That's when he broke down , saying it was a one off, blah blah blah. I think Jemma hasn't told my mum as she is gonna stay with him. My mum would just make it difficult & within reason! Thats her little girl at the end of the day.

oh god Frisky, sorry to hear about your sister. I also wouldn't be as forgiving in that situation. I have always told Mark from day 1, if he's going to cheat then have a bit of respect and come and tell me you're not happy and leave. The thought of him being with another woman intimately turns my stomach... for that to happen then to get back into my bed, not okay, and not forgivable! I just think it'd change your relationship forever. Your sister is never going to be able to trust him again, she's gonna be on pins every time he goes out, wondering who he is with, what he's doing etc... it'll be tough for her but each to their own. Why do some men feel the need to stick their wick into everything??!

Braces are tough, I won't sugar coat it for you because you'll see for yourself in a no time at all. If I can give any advice, make sure you get something from the dentist to cover the sharp parts on your braces. I got some like red wax which you can mould around the sharp parts otherwise you'll be left with cuts all over your inner lips which isn't pleasant when you're trying to eat :( But bare with the pain, it will subside after a few days

Oh god Tina, that sounds painful, thanks for the advice, I will ask. I'm just waiting to go in now.

I agree completely with what you are saying regarding my sister. Once that happens, that's it as far as I'm concerned. How can she let him touch her or anything again? It doesn't bear thinking about. Thing is, I know how much she loves him. I'm not sure if I've mentioned their relationship before, they literally spend every minute together. They, until a few months ago worked together, live together and never go out on their own. He's very much into his Partying, he's 5 years younger than Jemma, I said to my mum ages Ago that I don't think he's ready for kid's, I still don't. Then the one time he has a night out without Jem there. He sleeps with someone else?? Fucking idiot.
She's making excuse saying they have been going through alot, his head is messed up with her fertility problems, her being ill all the time. They had a row before he went out, she was being a bitch to him, blah blah.
I don't care....no matter how tough things get, you don't do that do you?

Anyway....best go, it's ugly Betty time! Eeeeek Xx
No you don't. I hate when people use drink as an excuse, if anything when I have a drink I think about mark more. Drink brings out your true colours, so i think if he's going to cheat once then it will happen again. It's difficult when you love somebody so much but if it was me I think I'd rather be alone and know that I've done the right thing than stay and be a walk over.

How did the dentist go? Let's see a picture of your sexy new teeth! Hope it's not too painful for you xxx
Exactly Tina.....It's making me really mad . She's told me not to tell mum as she doesn't want her to be horrible to mark?! He deserves it, it was hard today as my mum was chatting away about them both and I couldn't say anything . He's a dick. I'm a pretty jealous person at the best of times , so not a chance I could take someone back if they did it to me. It's humiliating, my ex did it. He denied it, but I found out moths later after we had split. I was pretty much over him by then, but it's still not nice.

Teeth are killing. They only put the top braces on, the bottom ones will get fitted in 6 weeks . They do it that way to get you used to it, plus my gums are really raw from teeth getting pulled. I'll take a photo tomorrow when I've got some make up on. I'm gutted as I've made a lovely curry for tea and can't have any :( oh well, wine will be getting sipped through a straw to knock me out! Ha xx

What's everyone up to this weekend?? Xx

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