7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I've not watched it for years lol. Usually makes me mad!!

Still breastfeeding,maybe I should go on the vodka :rofl: see if that helps xx
Morning ladies!

I am happy today, BECAUSE IT IS OFFICIALLY CD1!!!

Was starting to get really down last night because my boobs were still super sore and I couldn't see my period arriving. Woke up this morning and my boobs aren't sore at all and I am spotting woopiieeee!

Gonna call the hospital at about 10am and I assume I will go in for my baseline scan and start injections on Saturday.

Oh my god by the way, having a psychic moment so I must tell you. Just listening to radio 1 and I was thinking "I haven't heard Jealous by Nick Jonas for ages" then it has just come on! I have almost spat out my tea, and choked at the same time.

Think I may put the lottery on for tomorrow...

Haha Tina, share your lotto winnings with us please :)

Woooohoooo to period arriving! Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd say to you! Haha...so it all begins now hey? Hope mark stays away from the beer this weekend, it's bank holiday isn't it? Hopefully the weather will be shit, I don't know what it is, but the sun makes you want to drink more! Haha

Ab, ewww to the 5am wake ups, Oscar has done those a few times and it's a killer, throws you off for the rest of the day. Oscar wakes at 6.30. He was poorly the other night, had a high temp, just slept most the day, not himself at all. He's teething quite alot, so I think it could be related to that.
Talking of teeth, my mouth is healing, still sore though. Tina, did you get white spots on your teeth when you got yours removed? I've been reading they can stain quite badly? So ill have lovely nice straight teeth, but all stained? Haha marvelous x

Oh my god to Jeremy kyle, I can't stand it, makes me want to have a shower after watching the cranks on there!!

Well, I messaged my sisters fella. Told him that I think it's wrong that aren't telling mum, that if they are staying there, they need to be honest. I told him he needs to be honest with jems at what he wants. I told him he's broke her heart and if she's taken him back, he better mend it.
Of course my sister went mad at me. They still aren't telling my mum. I told them both that I'm not happy being involved as now I'm lying to mum, which I don't like.
So, I've done my bit....She's been very silly. It'll soon cause problems.... Of course he's all sorry now, but soon enough, he's gonna want to go out with his mates and when that happens, Jemma will be in bits and all this will be thrown back in his face.

It's out of my hands now, maybe it will work out, we will see xx
The weather is going to be shitty actually, raining all weekend!

I've called the hospital and I've got my baseline scan on Saturday morning at 8.45, all being well then I will start injecting on Saturday night. Mark knows this now and has agreed not to drink, he has to help with my first injection. I can't do it alone! So he has said he will drive.

I'm so excited, but massively fucking anxious about the baseline scan. If cysts are found then I've heard that they will cancel/postpone the IVF until the cysts are gone. I've had cysts before so I am pooing one :( I'm just hoping all is fine. Can't handle another set back, and if we couldn't go ahead we wouldn't be able to do it again until after christmas because I'd end up being too early to fly.

TRY TO STAY POSITIVE!! this is what I should be telling myself.

You've done all you can do now with your sister, some people just won't take advice no matter how good it is. She is obviously too much in love with him to listen to anyone else. It seems like he is her world and she can't imagine him not in it. I wouldn't personally be carrying on a relationship with him but each to their own!

What are you going to do regarding your mum? Are you going to keep quiet or have a word with her?

I can't remember if I had spots on my teeth or not because I had them bleached in the same appointment that the braces came off. We were in a rush because I was getting married a few days later so it was all kind of done in one appointment. Would you get yours bleached afterwards? That way if there is any marks they're gonna be covered xx
Tina!!!! Yeeeeyyyyyyyyy! So happy the witch finally arrived and you can get this ivf party started!!!!! Fingers crossed your scan goes well so you can start having your bum pricked every night, lol!!!! I'm also happy mark saw sense and is giving up on the beers......
Frisky, I would have done exactly what you did with your sis, when your mum finds out (which she will eventually) will she go mad with you not telling her??? I know my mam would! I hope it all works out but as you said, you have done all you can now.... Hope your mouth is getting better, nothing worse than mouth pains! :(
AB, well done for bFing for so long! How have you found it??? I don think I could give up wine for that long (God that sounds terrible doesn't it!!!!)
I have had my midwife app and all is looking well, bloods all fine, I'm not in consultant care anymore..... So next app is on 29th sep for my 20 week scan, eeeeeek!!! I still can't believe I'm pregnant! It seems like a dream! Xxx
Yay for cd1 :happydance:

Frisky,I couldn't have let it lie either.

That's great news Betty. Any inclination to what you are having?? Does Viv know you are pregnant ?

I breastfed both girls too (Zoe self weaned at 11 months,Zara was about 18 months but I had to go cold turkey on her as she was waking every 30-60 mins just wanting me). I do miss my vodka on a Saturday lol but it's not a long time out of my life. I'll get back to my drunken sat nights soon enough xx
Omg Betty, can't belive you will be halfway through your pregnancy at the end of next month ! It's scary how fast time goes. Have you felt any movements or flutters yet?? Are you going to find out the sex??

Wow ab , hats off to you on the breastfeeding!! I did Joe for 8 months...but only managed 7 weeks with Oscar. Strange to think he will be able to drink whole milk in a few weeks, it'll be alot cheaper too haha xx

Tina, your bound to worry about the cysts, it's literally out of your hands now though. Lots of positive thoughts go out to you. Glad Mark has seen the light & decided to drive!

As for me telling my mum....I'm going to leave it for now, as Jemma did say she would tell her in her own time. But if they keep coming up here and taking the piss, I'll just say 'it's either me who tells her or you' . My mum rang me earlier saying she thinks Jem and Mark are having problems with marks mum, hence them staying here so often......I was dying to tell her, but I need to give Jemma a bit of time to do it. She's acting as though nothing has happened, which worries me as I know she's just going to explode one night. She's trying to hold it together. Its sad really.

Got a Hendo on Saturday night, at my friends house. Naked butlers and all that jazz! Haha xx
Betty, I can't believe you will be 20 weeks at the end of Sept! It's flying by don't you think? We still need a bump picture lady! Get posting pleasseeeee :) :)

Frisky, I am kinda very jealous about the naked butler hen party. I was secretly hoping that the girls would've got me a stripper/naked butler for my hen and it never happened! No nakedness at all, gutted :(

AB, hats off to you with the breastfeeding! I didn't even do 1 day with Evie. I did try but I don't think I produced any milk at all so I just went on to bottle feeding and she has turned out just fine. I think I would do the same if we are lucky enough to have another.

Had a terrible nights sleep last night, stupid period cramps kept me awake on and off. I feel a little drugged up this morning I've taken that much meds to keep the cramps away whilst I'm at work!
One more day to go until our scan eeeek! Crossing my fingers tightly that everything is okay to proceed with the injections. I've been working out some dates, thinking optimistically and getting ahead of myself but I can't help it. If this does work then my due date would be 26th May and I'd be exactly 17 weeks to the day pregnant when I go on my holidays. ARGGGGHHH canny cope with the feelings of being up and down!

Oh Tina, sorry you had a shit nights sleep. Hope your cramping has eased off a bit. You must have so much going on in your head too with everything! I think it's perfectly normal to get ahead with yourself, we would all probably be exactly the same in your situation. What time is your scan??

Just finished off Joes school uniform, footie boots!! Secondary school has skinted me!! But at least I've got everything now . Can't belive my little man starts high school on Tuesday! ! How the fuck has that happened?? Haha

My sister text me earlier, she's been to the doctors, they say she's very depressed...No shit!!
She suffers from it anyway, even more so with her infertility. So this has tipped her right over the edge.
I'm worried . .She's just blocking it all out and acting as if nothing has happened. It's weird . I told her again to tell mum and she just ignored me and spoke about something else.

Just bought a contouring kit today , has anyone actually tried doing this?? Gonna have a play later. If I don't end up with a sculpted face like Kim kardashian , I'm asking for a refund !! Haha xx
Urrghhh , I've woken up today and my mouth on the right, the lower gum is all swollen where the infection was. My antibiotics have ended, but I think I'm going to need more, but cant get there till Tuesday now. I'm not going to the hen party tonight , really don't feel up to it with my mouth like this. She's not a close friend , she's more of a friend of a friend. She won't miss my presence. Xx

Seen one bum, youv'e seen them all! Haha xx
I had my baseline this morning and all went well! I was sure that he had found something because the scan took ages and he kept printing pictures off!

Turns out he was printing off pictures of my follicles. He wants me to lower the dose of merional from 3 capsules to 2 because my left ovary has 24 follicles! He is concerned that I might over stimulate if I start on 3 so I've got another scan on Wednesday to check how I'm reacting. He said I will definitely react well though which i guess is a good thing! Just hope I don't over stim. My first injection is tonight yeyyyy!!!

I've just been shopping for a school coat for Evie and now I'm in the maccies stuffing my face! I'll never learn haha

Frisky do you think your sister is staying with her fella because she's desperate for a baby? I do feel terribly sorry for her.. What a situation to be in, especially if she suffers with depression too the poor soul :(

Who's watching X factor tonight? I'm well excited!

Yaaaaaaayyyyy Tina. That's great that everything is ok. You're gonna end up with twins!!

I need to get the girls their winter coats but haven't seen any that I like yet.
I'll be watching X factor,dh isn't too chuffed but he's just opened a bottle of wine so by 8pm he'll not be giving a shit what we watch :rofl:

Sorry you're not feeling well Frisky and are missing the hen do xx
Hey ladies.

Tina, how did injection go?? Great news on the scan, imagine if you got twins!! Haha
Everyone needs a maccies now & again! I love maccies chips when I'm hungover..chips and a cheeseburger! Mmmmmmm

Ab, haha to the wine & xfactor comment. I didn't watch it, but saw loads of people saying stuff on Facebook about cheryl coles weight loss?? Is she that skinny now ? There was nothing of her in the first place.

Well so much for tonight. I've stayed in and Aarons gone out! Hes still not home. . One of the lads is having drinks at his as all the girls are on the hen do (bar me) so hes gone there. I kinda wish I had gone now, but I'm also ok I haven't. I'm not 100% and I really can't deal with a horrific 5 day hangover when I've got Joe starting school on Tuesday.
As for my sister , yes it's sad. I think she is so desperate for a baby. But in the same breath I'm angry & think she is letting herself down by staying with him. They have enough problems now as it is. Add on the pressure of IVF & the emotional rollercoaster that will be, I don't think either of them is ready. He certainly isn't.

I got Joe a telescope for Xmas...a bloody good one. Not used it yet. So tonight we attempt to drag it downstairs. Nearly knocked the tripod off as I smashed it into the door. Then Oscar decides to choose the moment I'm lugging it down the stairs, to wake up crying!! We finally get it into the garden, made hot chocolates and sausages and sat outside. Beautiful full moon....Go to set it up and a big fat ******* of a cloud covers it up!!
When the cloud finally moves, I cannot see bugger all through the thing! I can't do it...surely I've not been sold a dodgy telescope? So frustrating! The cloud came back, so we just gave up and came in.
Will try again tomorrow.

I'm just watching telly in bed, I can't sleep when Aarons out.
What's everyone up to tomorrow?

Saw some pics of Edinburgh in Canada, looks like they are having a good time xx
Yeah Cheryl looks very skinny,not nice imo.
Good luck with the telescope tomorrow night.

Hope the injection went well Tina and that Mark managed to do it for you. (the injection lol)

Frazer has decided to be wide awake! dh has had a few kicks and prods as he is snoring. I just want to be asleep!!
Oh no, poor you ab. Hope you have managed to get a few hours.
Oscar had a bad night last night sleep wise , he is teething. I'm knackered .. Az got in around 2am & was trying to get it on with me, stinking of beer! Ewwww needles to say he didn't get his wicked way, he was asleep in 2 minute's always , so would have been pointless! Hahaha xx
Hahaha what is it with men turning into super horns when they've had a beer? Mark is the same! Then in the same breath as asking he is fast asleep!

Shitty news about the telescope! It sounded like it would've been a fab evening too! Sausages and hot choccy yummmaaaayyy! Didn't it come with an instruction manual? Sounds like you was sold a dodgy one!

AB, hope you managed to get a little sleep last night. Mark pretends to be a heavy sleeper I swear! If Evie wakes in the night I am always the one to jump out of bed because I'm a really light sleeper whilst lazy arse is snoring away next to me! He must think I'm fucking stupid haha
As for Cheryl Cole... She looks like a bag head! Her heads massively too big for her body now. She needs to eat a good maccies!

My injection went well.. When we finally got it in (story of my life haha) mark was shaking and I couldn't stop giggling so not a good combination really! When he finally managed it though I didn't feel a thing! But it does sting afterwards for about an hour. First one down, the rest will be easy peasy!

Hi girls.... Hope you're all having a fab bank holiday weekend!! We have had a hectic one but it's been so much fun!!! I was off work on Friday so spent the day with my cousin who is now 39 weeks pregnant and about to pop!!! Saturday I hosted one of my best friends baby shower which was so lovely (surrounded by baby mamas!!!!) and yesterday it was the towns raft race, Chris and his mates go in it every year, you have to make your own boat, dress up and have a race in the sea, they were all pissed and came second last!!! It was funny to watch! I'm shattered so looking forward to a relaxing day today :) :)

Tina.... Great news your scan went well and injections have started, eeeeeek!!! It's all happening so quick now!!! I can't believe it.... Have you ever read 'inconceivable ' by Ben Elton? It's very funny! Your injection story reminded me of that book.... Hopefully it will get easier now!
Frisky.... I can't believe your mouth is still so sore, is that normal??? You will have to get yourself back to the docs (or dentist) tmrw to see if you need more antibiotics. So will this be joes first year at secindary school? Jeez, how you feeling about that? Viv starts reception on Wednesday, I'm gutted!!!
AB, 18 months breastfeeding! Wow! You deserve a medal, I did 4 weeks with viv and it was the hardest thing I've ever done, it did not work out at all! Not sure what I'm going to do with this one???? Prob try breastfeeding and see how I get on!
I'm 16+2 at the minute so it does seem to be flying by.... I am just focusing on getting to 20 weeks at the minute... Have a small bump which gets bigger as the day goes by, not sure how big I was with viv at this point!! Determined not to put on 4.5 stone this time tho! God I was HUGE with Viv. Will post bump pic later girls.... Have a good bank holiday Monday xxxxxxx
Morning girls!

Betty sounds like you've had a crazy few days! I saw the pictures of the raft race on FB, it looked fabulous!! I always thought viv was the same age as Evie for some reason but she's a year younger. It's such a big thing both as a parent and a child when your LO starts reception. I cried my eyes out leaving her because she was so scared :( but before you know it they love being there!

Frisky how are you feeling today? Hope your mouth is behaving itself more than yesterday!

Had my 2nd injection last night and it was worse than the first one. Don't know what mark did differently but it hurt and bled :( no side effects as yet.. I've heard you can end up with major bloating but so far so good.

We're on our way to Blackpool Zoo! Decided to take Evie out for the day since it's back to reality tomorrow! Just hope the rain holds off for us

Oh no tina, back to reality indeed!!! I'm really miserable today! Im going to have to start setting my alarm on a morning!!! Ha, first world problems!!!
You poor thing, did mark hit the wrong spot??? How many days do you have to have this injection? Can you believe all the men have to do is have a little 'fiddle' in a cup! It's not fair really! Yes, viv is 4, she will be 5 in April. She is not bothered one way or the other about school, she is pretty easy going. It's me that's going to find it hard! Ugh, my baby is growing up way to fast :( :(
I'm sat on my sofa in a food coma after eating the biggest fish n chips... Such a fatty!!! X

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