7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

You have an excuse for eating junk food though! You can blame it on the baby haha. Me though, I'm just a greedy bitch and I like all the foods that are bad for me!

We do these injections for around 9-12 days. It all depends how my body responds to the meds. I'll be having 2 a day in the next few days.. One to stimulate my ovaries and one to stop ovulation happening early.

We had a great day at the zoo. The weather stayed sunny and then it poured down on the way home! Evie slept all the way home too so I'll be in for a late night tonight! FML

Feeling on a downer tonight ladies

Seriously considering coming off Facebook because I'm sick to death of fucking pregnancy announcements!!!! Not you Betty by the way hahaha.. You know how I feel regarding you being preggers and it's the best news ever ever. Everyone just seems to be getting pregnant at the drop of a hat. Marks cousin had her baby today and you'd think now that marks mum knows we have been struggling for 2 years that she would think twice before talking about babies around me but no.. First thing she says when I walk through the door "Claire's had her baby boy this morning!! Baby jack, 8lb7" I just felt like screaming "I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!" Why does infertility turn you into a horrible person? I sure feel like one anyway. I can't even bring myself to congratulate my friend on her pregnancy announcement because it should be me!!

Sorry girls.. If I don't get it off my chest to you lot then I'll only end up on the phone crying to my mum.. For the 2nd time today.

Oh no tina!!!! I totally understand and have been there, when my cousin (who is basically like my sister) announced her pregnany I burst into tears and was so miserable for weeks it was awful! I felt guilty for feeling that way but I just couldn't understand why it wasn't happening for me :( :( such sad and horrible times. Your time will come I just know it!!!! It's a rough storm you're riding at the minute but soon you will have that long awaited BFP.... Please rant away! That's what we are here for and remember, you're hormones are going to be heightened from the meds, we are all here for you..... Sending you lots of love and big :hug: xxxxxx
Hi ladies. Tina, big hugs. Go easy on yourself. And yes, read inconceivable. It'll give you giggle material for your jabs anyway. Frisky, your sister just needs to know you're there for her. Then when she's ready to make a hard step she'll know you're in her court. I had a similar thing with an aunt. We all knew her husband was a scum bag and she stayed through thick and thin. Eventually she woke up and decided she wanted a happier life. Kicked him out went onto a good relationship, foster son, life is good. If you fall out with your sister though she'll just feel more scared and alone.
Feel you on the early mornings ab. Suckerous! We're travelling at the moment. In Vancouver. We've done 2 long ass flights and 4 epic car journeys so far. I'm shattered and jetlagged babies are no fun!
Betty, you seem really busy. Take it easy and enjoy the junk food while you have someone else to blame it on!
Thanks girls, I feel like all I am doing lately is getting on a downer and I don't want to feel that way but like you said Betty everything is heightened because of the meds so I kinda can't control it really.

Slept terribly for the last 2 nights as well so that's likely not helping. Not due to the fact that I don't want to sleep but because I can't :( I've had a little look on master google this morning and insomnia is a common side effect when taking any fertility drug. I'm so tired. Been waking up between 12 and 1 for 2 nights after struggling to fall asleep anyway and then just not being able to doze off again.

I've got another appointment at the hospital at 11 for my next scan to see how my follies are growing! Quite excited actually :D :D

Edinburgh, sorry that you're suffering with jetlag and lack of sleep. Are you having a fun time out there apart from the sleepiness?

Betty, has viv started school now? How did her first day go??

How did your appointment go Tina?

will catch up properly later,doing a mountain of ironing! !
Hello Edinburgh!!! How are you my lovely??? Other than the jet lag bubbas how is your holiday??? Hope you're having a nice time.... When are you heading home???
Tina.... How did the scan go today???? Keep us posted!!!
AB, can you please come and do my ironing???? I'm rubbish, I just leave it until I need something :(
It was viviennes first day at school today, she skipped in no problem and really enjoyed it, she is such a good little girl :) im so bloody proud of her!!! I'm off to bed, I'm still suffering horrendous migraines and there is nothing I can do about it :( :( paracetamol don't touch it... I have had an ice pack on my head and I have some eye patches that I'm about to use.... Hopefully I will sleep it off but I'm hoping they will go soon.... Nite ladies xxxxx
Sorry ladies, just popped on to say hi, will catch up on posts tomorrow. I've had Joe throwing up over the past 24 hours he's been in bed all day. I'm praying he's better for the morning as its high school day!!
Hope your all ok....Betty, hope viv enjoyed her first day.
Catch up tomorrow xx
Hope Joe feels better soon frisky. Tummy bugs are just the worst!
Tina it's awful you cant sleep. Like you need any more of a challenge at the moment.
I liked For Head betty for pregnancy headaches. Drink lots of water. It sucks. Got to go Leo has a strop on 😉
Leo's gums are bothering him. He keeps waking himself up knocking his dummy out to get his fists in his mouth. I have to feed him into a coma to get him into bed at night. Takes about 90 mins by which point the evening is over.
Canada is beautiful. Vancouver has had a four month drought that ended the day we arrived though and it's been raining ever since. You couldn't make this stuff up! Mia is living all the attention and it's great having so many people to play with her. I'm kinda rellied out though peeps. I miss my own house and being able to eat what I want when I want! Also, I'm a neat freak and my mother in laws house is just grotty! It's really bugging me. Everything I touch is just ganto and Leo just perpetually has dog hair on his face and dummy. God, listen to me. #firstworldproblems... I know. Anyhow, we had a lovely time at the science centre today and hopefully the sun will come out Saturday! Night x
Morning lovelies!

Edinburgh, I was just looking at the pictures of the science museum. Looks like you all had a great time! I'd love to take Evie to something like that, she loves dinosaurs <3 Anyone know of where there's a science museum?

Betty, the only thing I take for migraines that I find that works is high strength ibuprofen but I don't think it's advisable during pregnancy :( And I REALLY sympathise with you. I suffer with migraines and there is nothing worse, I end up vomitting and being confined to a dark room all day until it passes. Sleep can help too!
I saw little viv on FB yesterday, ahhh she is so bloody gorgeous!!! I'm glad that she had a great first day. Evie had her first day in year 1 and I couldn't get any pictures because I start work at 6am. I wanted to do her hair all pretty for her first day in school :( I hate these shifts

AB, the way you iron everything! ironing is my worst household chore... I tend to iron as I wear because I don't think I'd have the patience to stand and iron everything only for Mark to throw it back on the floor anyway!

Frisky, how's Joe bearing up this morning? Hope he is well enough to go to his first day in high school! and how's your mouth? Has it calmed down a bit now?

My appointment went well yesterday. My womb lining was 8.1 after 4 days of stimming and ideally they would like it to be 9 by egg retrieval. I have 17 follicles, 1 at 14mm, 6 at 10.5mm and some smaller ones. They need to reach between 18-20mm in an ideal world to be perfect sized and to make great embryos so we are getting there! Follicles grow between 1-2mm per day so by Monday when I have my next scan the 14mm ones should be around 19mm and the 10.5mm ones should be at least 15mm or even more depending on how they react to the rest of the stimming. Sorry I bet I've baffled your heads with all the measurements there but the important thing is that things are moving in the right direction!!

I started my next lot of injections yesterday too. They're called cetrotide and they stop ovulation happening early. It was definitely more harsh than the stimming injection. It bled quite a bit and left a bruise, and I've about 6 more to take so I'll have a lovely purple belly by the end of it!

Starting to feel some side effects now as well. Suffering with nausea and cramping which are both to be expected but I'm plodding on with it!

Hi everyone happy weekend! Whoooop!!!!

Tina, your follicles sound 'juicy'!!!! That's great! When is egg retrieval my lovely??? How you feeling now??? Still quite emotional??

Frisky, did joe manage to enjoy his first day??? Hope his sickness was just a 24 hour thing.....

My cousin had her baby girl yesterday!!! On my grandmas birthday too which is just so lovely, she must have been looking down on her! We are going to see her today and I can't wait although I think I will burst into tears, I'm so bloody hormonal!!! Had the midwife round yesterday, I have a really bad infection down below :( I've been given a pessary and cream but I can barely sit down it's that bad! IDo it hasn't eased by Monday I have to go and have swabs taken.... At least it's taken my mind off my migraines!!! :) :)
Me and Chris are going car shopping today, whoop! We have had the same car for 10 years and it's a proper banger now and all bashes up from us living in London, I've never had a brand new car before so I'm rather excited!!!

Have a good weekend girls xxxxxx
Ahh Betty I feel for you! It was only a couple of months ago that I too had a bad infection down there and it's bloody awful! I ended up having the tablet and that was the only thing that cleared it up.

I saw your cousins baby on Facebook.. What a little stunner! Gorgeous baby <3

Did you end up getting a car?

I'm okay, on day 8 of stimming and having side effects now from the meds. I've got constant cramps and feel like I can't handle any more injections or else my ovaries are going to explode out of my vagina haha! Tonnes of EWCM like the niagra falls and just general grumpiness.
Next step is my last scan on Monday and all being well then egg retrieval should be planned for Wednesday ish eeeeek!! I'm super excited but pooing one too, I have to be put asleep for the procedure and I'm terrified of it xx
Morning girls,

just to update - I'm going to my final scan this morning! I've completed 9 days of stimming and preparing my little womb for the arrival of an embryo and with any luck I will get a date today for egg collection.

Can't believe how quick it is all flying over!

I have been in 2 minds about what to do about testing when the time arrives. Before embryo transfer I have to have a shot of HCG to finalise the process and turn my womb into a "5 star hotel" (the doctor actually said this!) HCG is the pregnancy hormone as I'm sure you're all aware so after the embryo transfer I would still get a positive on a pregnancy test for a few days afterwards.

I was speaking to some ladies on the assisted conception forum who have been through IVF and their advice was to buy cheapies and test from the embryo transfer day. That way I should see the pregnancy tests gradually get lighter as the HCG leaves my system and then get darker again if the embryo implants. I think I'd rather do this than test 5 or 6 days in and it be positive and then wondering is it positive because of the shot or because I am actually preggers. So I have ordered loads of cheapies off amazon and 2 first response tests for around official testing day.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It's been very quiet the last few days, where is everyone hiding?

Good luck Tina.
I know a few ladies who test out the trigger. Hopefully it will go super dark again for you :hugs:
Eeeeeek tina!!! Wow, that's rather exciting! So did you get a date for egg collection???? I can't believe how quick the process is.... How are you feeling now??? I think it's a good idea to test the trigger out, that was you will not be second guessing a bfp when AF is due! Wow! This is all pretty exciting! :) :)
Sorry for being AWOL but I spent the whole bloody weekend looking for a car and this was made even harder by the stupid bloody car salesmen that just like to confuse you in the process! Seriously, it was easier buying my house!!! We have hopefully managed to buy one, Chris is just over at the showroom now finalising all the paper work (I couldn't face another trip over there!!!) my first new car!!! Whoop :)
I'm working full time this week and seriously I'm over it already and it's only Monday! I got a bloody £50 parking fine too, grrrrrrrrrrr! I have a permit but there are not enough staff spaces in the hospital so we get told to park on the double red lines if we can't get parked in the car parks. So that's what I did today and got a ticket! I'm hoping I can appeal as there is normally about 200 cars parked everyday along the double Reds and I seemed to be the only one with a bloody ticket! Ugh!!!
Eurgh, traffic wardens piss me off!!! It's like they go out in the world precisely to just piss people off! No need for it

What car did you get?? I just got my new car, there's no better feeling! That lovely new car smell and everywhere is clean and sparkly! Doesn't last long though haha. I've had mine for about 2 weeks and there's been a food ban in there... Until today when Evie sneaked a packet of cheese and onion in!

Yes I got a date for egg collection! It shall be happening on Thursday morning at 8.00am. I have to be at the hospital for 7.30 where I assume they will gown me up in one of those horrific things that show your arse to the entire hospital and get me ready to be put to sleep. Gotta admit.. I am crapping myself! This is the scariest part for me, I hate being put to sleep.

My scan went great! My lining had increased from 8.1mm to 11.2 which the nurse said was nice and thick. She was also happy to how I've responded to the meds. I have 17 follicles on my left ovary which I though as much because it's been throbbing!! And 8 on my right. Seems like my left ovary is the dominant one. So we have lots to play with! Just got 2 more injections and then the trigger and we are ready to go!

Frisky, how was joes first day in high school??

AB, how are you enjoying some alone time with frazer?

:happydance: Tina that's great news. So exciting. Are you hoping for twins or will you go through the embryo transfer again in the future or do you just want one more pregnancy???

I'm so excited for you.

Betty :hugs: traffic wardens think they are god lol. You'll probably be able to appeal it.
How's you and bump?
bump pic plz ??!!??

Hope Joe is liking school Frisky.

I'm really enjoying mummy and Frazer time. We go to his swimming lesson on a Monday and a baby/toddler group on a Tuesday. He usually has a nap in the mornings too so I get some time to myself to chill a bit which is good. I don't even feel guilty about sitting on my arse and doing nothing for an hour.
My new employer received my references today so hopefully I'll get a start date soon. Hoping that my time off sick when I was pregnant doesn't go against me. Shouldn't though as it was pregnancy related xx
Eeeeek!!! Tina!! That's fab! Don't worry about being put under, just think that when you wake up all your juicy eggs are ready to be fertilised! How exciting! Have they said why they are putting you to sleep for the process??? Are you taking some time off work for all this?? When do they put the eggs back in??
What car did you get tina??? We have got a Ford Kuga Titanium... I won't dare drive it!!! :) we pick it up late next week....
AB, oh your time with frazer sounds so lovely!!! Don't ever feel guilty for sitting on your arse!! Enjoy while you can! What hours will you be doing at your new job and what will you do for childcare?? Why would your sickness go against you?? I really wish we didn't have to work, I could quite easy be a lady of leisure!!! :)

Will post a bump pic but excuse my fat mamma pants! I have been taking a pic every week since I found out. It's still so unreal to me!!! X

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