7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Ladies I've missed you x
Sorry for not being here, had a crazy few days. Joe loved his first day, I cried the night before but actually didn't on the day. Think I did all my crying when he left primary. Will see how he is at the end of his first full week! Haha

Edinburgh, hope your having a fab time regardless of the rain! As if the drought ended as you got there! Haha Your pics look fab.

Ab, exciting news on the job front. I'm sure they won't mention you being off sick when pregnant, ridiculous if they do. Swimming with Frazer sounds lovely. I need to take Oscar more, just havent had chance as he's always got a cough or cold. Another cold has started today.
Big praise to you for ironing. I hate to iron, I'm shit at it....I swear to god, I'm the worst wife ever. I only iron if I really need to! Haha

Tina, whoaaa... Too much is happening and so quickly. Sounds like your responding well to the treatment. You must be so excited and nervous!! I agree with doing the cheap tests each day...rather than waiting having everything depending on it. When is egg retrieval? It really is amazing. Your bound to have mixed emotions, please rant to us, we're all here for you.

Betty, you're tiny!! Haha Your slimmer than me and I'm not prefers. That's the most beautiful neatest bump I've ever seen!
Viv looked so cute in her uniform, how is she?

Well I went to an access course presentation today. They basically told me I can't do it without my science and maths gcse. So I got sent to see the science teacher for what I thought was a chat. Got in the room, he hands me a paper and says "Here's the assessment, you have half an hour to complete all the questions!! " Haaaaaaaahaaa so I had to sit and do a frikking science test!! I did it though, got enough right. So I start my gcse science on Friday and my maths on the Wednesday.
I must be mental!! Xx
Betty, fat momma pants haha! you look amazing! How do you still manage to look amazing with wild hair and "fat momma pants"?? You're so tiny, looking gorgeous my dear! Can't wait to see the progress as the weeks go on. Have you felt any flutters yet?

AB, I don't blame you for not feeling guilty about having an hour off whilst frazer naps! I used to love getting Evie to sleep on the couch then making a sandwich and a brew and relaxing for an hour. It's no easy job being a parent to a little one, we can all back you up on that front!
I agree with the girls though, no way can they hold pregnancy sickness against you! Sending you tonnes of luck on the job front.

Frisky, does it feel bonkers that you're re-sitting GCSEs?!?! Good for you though lady for getting back out there and persuing what you want to do in life. :D :D I love nothing more than a strong woman who knows what she wants and you are definitely that! Sorry to hear that Oscar is sick again :( Evie used to get sick constantly until she was about 3, I used to worry myself sick thinking there was something really wrong because she was sick so much but turns out her immune system just needed to get stronger!

1 more injection to go now girls, I take my trigger shot at 8pm tonight and then I've got a whole day of no injections tomorrow :D :D

As for my future plans... I will be having 1 embryo implanted back in. The consultant I am under refuses to implant any more than that because I've been pregnant twice before and I am still really young in his eyes so he's worried that if he implants 2 embies then both will stick and I will end up with twins. Good to know that he is optimistic that it'll work though!
Whatever we have left over we will freeze and we plan to have 1 more baby after this one if we are lucky enough to get one! So we plan on using 1 more embryo in a couple of years time to complete our family. We would both like 3 kids and that's our limit!

Not sure why I have to be put to sleep Betty. I know the process would be painful if I wasn't heavily sedated but it just must be the hospitals policy to be completely out of it for the egg retrieval.

By the way... I sooooo wanted the kuga!! But I got the Focus Titanium, which is very lovely but I am insanely jealous! The Kuga is beautiful <3 What colour did you get?

Betty you look gorgeous and your bump is super cute.
It's funny seeing pics as I have an image in my head of what I think each of you look like and I'm usually wrong lol.
I feel like a whale compared to you ladies!!!

I will be working shifts that fit round dh's work so at the moment it'll be evenings and weekends so that we don't need childcare. Hoping to get a phone call today.

That's good that your consultant is very hopeful Tina. You will be preggo soon :happydance:

Frisky,Frazer started with a cold yesterday too. And he's teething, I ended up taking him downstairs at 2am and we slept on the couch as I was fed up getting up every half hour!! xx
I have no idea what a kuga is? I thought it was an older woman who likes younger men? Haha We get out new car in November, can't remember what kind it is though! We get our new kitchen in November too, I'm so excited...detest our kitchen.

Tina, you must be feeling quite relived that your consultant is so positive, that's great. And how wonderful that you get to freeze an egg for the future.

Ab, Hope Frazer gets better soon. Oscar was up a few times in the night, seems to be very rare he actually sleeps through.
I don't think I've actually seen a photo of you? Post one! Haha Just to think we have been friends on here for 3 years now, crazy...love you ladies.

Yes Tina, I think I must be a bit insane to redo my gcse's... But it only takes 8 months. I would just be sat here thinking of doing it and regretting not. I'm really excited at learning again. There are loads of people my age and older doing the same. I did however feel like a granny, queuing up to get into the college! Hahaha xx
haha I just burst into laughter in the middle of the office reading your Kuga comment frisky! It is a bit like a 4x4.

AB, I keep forgetting that you have never seen any of us because you don't have a facebook! I second what Frisky said, let's see your beautiful face missus!

Here I am, with Evie....


It is super crazy how long this thread has been going! I don't know what I'd do without you girls and I truly mean that <3

Please tell me that they are false eyelashes???

Gorgeous xx
My god, 3 years we have been on here??? Wow!!! Seriously don't know what I would have done without you girls Over the last 3 years!!!! Love u all xxxxx

Tina, you always look gorgeous! I can barely get makeup on on a morning!!! My hair is always wild, lol!!!!
Frisky, good for you going back to collage, I bet you love it!!! Sorry that both babies are poorly :( not nice! AB, it's good you won't need childcare, I think that's the hardest thing when going back to work....

Ha frisky! I'm like you with cars! As long as it has 4 wheels and moves I am happy!

My bump seems small at the mo but I think I was like this with viv and then I woke up one day and I was HUGE!!!! Expecting the same to happen with this one.... I'm totally convinced it's a boy!!!!!

Tina.... When does mark do his sample or has he already done IT??? It's great you will plan on having another after this one :) we would have loved 3 kids but I don't think I could go through TTC again after this, it's too draining xxx
Oops sorry ladies ... It's only 2 years & 2 months Haha 3 years next July! Xx
Congrats on studying Frisky. You're quite right doing that if it gets you the career you want.

I will post a pic.....sometime lol. Most days my hair just gets tied up and I'm not feeling happy with myself these days so I'll take a pic when I lose a bit more weight!! xx
Just had a phone call, my references are back and all good. Going for a tour of my work tomorrow evening and getting my badge and rota etc :happydance:
Well done ab!!!!! Congrats to you on your new job! Are you looking forward to getting back to work??? :) x
Thank you. Yes I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope I'm good at it,totally new to me so I've a lot to learn but that'll be good. Can't wait lol xx
Woohoo AB!! Congratulations my dear! It'll do you good to get back to work, it's tough leaving our babies but it's good to get back to normality too sometimes!

You have a lovely neat bump Betty. I remember going to my 20wk scan with Evie thinking I was going to be huge and I was tiny! Are you finding out the sex?

Mark doze his business in a pot on Thursday morning just before I get put to sleep. He's been abstaining for 3 days so he isn't best pleased lets put it that way haha!

I have my trigger at 8pm! The final injection I have to endure. Feel like I've conquered something already. Injecting is a massive hurdle in itself and I feel proud to have gone through 17 injections!

Eeeek tina, how are you feeling my love???? What time are you at the hospital tmrw???
Sending you all the luck in the world, keep us posted when you can xxxxx

AB, what is the new job you are doing and how did your tour go??? When do you start???
Congratulations ab, how did it go? It's great you have this to look forward to. It is tough leaving babies at home, but it's also good to get stuck into something else apart from being a 'mummy'

Tina, hows everything? Are you at hospital tomorrow? Keep us posted. Well done on injecting yourself. Ive Been injecting myself 4 times a day for the past 27 years! Although I'm used to it, Belive it or not, I'm still scared of needles, especially when I get my bloods taken! Haha

How are you feeling Betty? I can't remember if your going to find out the sex at your 20 week scan or not?? How does this pregnancy compare to viv?

I'm whacked today, worked till late last night, Oscar up at 5. I've been running on auto pilot. Went to a playgroup this morning which was good. One of my friends was there with her little boy and she annoyed me a bit. I was telling her about me going bk to study and my plans. She basically dismissed it, said it was going to be tough, how I must be mad. Really negative about it. Shouldn't let it get to me, but it did.

Oscar will be 1 next Friday girls. Whhhhaaaaaaaaa :(
Where has the year gone really?? Xx
Ignore your friend frisky,you do what's right for you.

Good luck tomorrow Tina :hugs:

Tour was ok. Job is a support worker for adults with special needs. I met a few of the service users and I didn't have a clue what most of them were saying tbh so hopefully that will get better. I'm working with someone else tomorrow night for 3 hours then on my own with a service user on sat. Shitting myself!!!
Morning girls!

AB, glad your tour went well! Every new job takes some getting used to. You wouldn't be human if you weren't a tiny bit scared. Is it a full time position you're doing or just a few hours a week?

Frisky, never mind your friend! You do what's right for you, at the end of the day no matter how hard you try you'll always have that one who doesn't support/agree with what you're doing.
What are you doing for oscars birthday? You're not wrong about time flying! I still remember you finding out you were pregnant with him!

I'm on the way to the hospital for my egg retrieval now girls. I'm so scared, I get put to sleep at 8am so should have an update by lunch time once I'm awake and functioning normally!
Fingers crossed that they get lots of juicy eggs!!

Lots of love & luck to you Tina xxxx

Glad it went well ab, nothing like throwing you in at the deep end! Haha xx you'll be great x
Hope you're recovering now Tina and they got some juicy eggs.

Thanks ladies. I'm contracted for 20 hours a week but can pick up extra shifts if I want/can xx

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