7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

haha AB you've just terrified me!!! 2 I can handle... 4?!?!?!! Who can handle 4 in their right mind haha

Just getting ready for work but wanted to pop in to say hope all went well Tina.
How many did you go for???
Hi girls!

Well it's official! There's a blastocyst in my uterus!!

We transferred one blastocyst and so far we've got 1 to freeze. There are 2 more potentially freezable blastocysts but they're still developing so we will know more in a couple of days time

I'm on some serious rest time now! My mums taken Evie for a few days and I'm not back in work until Monday :) I'm currently lay in bed with some magazines whilst marks making a fuss over me. Ahhh this is the life!

Tina tina tina!!!!!! Oh my god!!! I'm so excited for you!!! Let that little eggy get nice and snuggled inside you!!! Wow, it really is amazing isn't it!!! I am wishing you all the luck in the world my lovely.... Keep us posted and look after yourself!!

Frisky, I also saw you guys have the sickness bug, ugh!!! Feel for you!! Hope it clears up soon xxx

I felt baby kick for the first time today, I have had a smile on my face all day :) :) long may it continue!!!!! Xxxxx
:happydance: Yay for blastocyst and :happydance: Yay for baby kicks.
You two must be feeling on :cloud9: right now.

Enjoy the fussing Tina,I really hope that your little blastocyst burrows in deep. When can you start testing????

How far on are you now Betty? Will you be finding out gender?? Sorry if you already said.

Work is good. I'm loving it,got a lot to learn but I'm not "just" a mummy anymore,I've got something else to talk about and I love it xx

Frisky hope you feel better soon xx
Tina.... How you feeling today????

Ab, I'm so pleased you are loving the new job!!! Its great to be at home with the kids but it's also nice to get yourself back and be able to mix with grown ups xxx

I'm 19 weeks on Saturday... Go for my scan in less than 2 weeks and I'm undecided as to find out the sex... I obviously don't care if it's a boy or girl so it works be nice to have a surprise at the end.... Chris wants to know though and I guess the good thing about finding out is that you can get organised... I think I will decide on the day.... Did everyone else find out what they were having???? X

I'm a bit of an emotional mess this morning girls. I've had a couple of little cries already and it's not even 10am yet!! I'm just so scared.. The uncertainty is getting to me already. My mums just been to make me breakfast and give me cuddles and I've just unloaded everything on to her. I'm so fortunate to have her by my side.

As for testing, it definitely won't be for another week at least. Marks going to benidorm on Friday for a stag doo and he's not back until Tuesday so I've promised I'll wait for him so we can test together.

Betty I'm so delighted for you!!! I remember feeling Evie's first kick and it was the best feeling ever ever! Long may it continue

We found out what we were having, I'm too impatient not to and I wanted to be prepared but I can understand why people don't also.

Have you thought of names yet?

AB I'm overjoyed that you're enjoying your job! You're right, it's great to be a mummy but concentrate on something else too. Long may it continue my dear!

Thanks ladies

Tina you're bound to be scared,you've invested a lot into this whole process :hugs:

I didn't find out with Zoe but did with Zara and Frazer. It was nice having the surprise but I like to be organised lol xx
Hey ladies! Sorry for my absence. I literally lost a day of my life yesterday. We went to a kids party on Sunday & half of those who went have had the same thing.
Oscar started being sick on Monday night about 11pm. Then I followed at around 1am. Honestly, I've never been so sick in my life. I didn't know weather to sit on the toilet or put my head in it. Bad times. I've stopped throwing up now, but my body is acheing & I feel weak, horrible bug xx Anyway, less about me.

Tina!! Woooohoooo!! How amazing you have a blastocyst in your uterus!! It's no wonder your an emotional wreck. Make the most of resting and make sure that little blastocyst beds in nice & snug! Can't belive in just over a week your gonna test! It seems to have happened so fast xx

Ab, great your loving the job & your finding something else to talk about other than sleep routines, baby poop etc etc haha xx

Betty! Yeyyyyy for the first kick, best feeling ever :)
We found out what we were having with Oscar as I'm too impatient & it was nice to choose a pram, clothes etc.
However, if I ever got pregnant again, I'd definitely not find out, only because I think the surprise at the end would be wonderful. Let's face it, your never going to get a surprise like that again. It's each to their own xx
Hi girls..... Tina.... How are you feeling today???? Hope your hormones are settling down.... Take good care of yourself and make sure mark is running around after you!! :) :)

Frisky, how are you feeling now? Nothing worse than a sickness bug!! Viv had one last week and it's a miracle I didn't catch it as she threw up all over me!!! Oh the joys!

My cousin who had her little girl 2 weeks ago has been admitted into hospital due to a 'serious' infection! They cannot say how she has got it (she ended up with an emergency section) she has to stay in hospital for at least 3 days on IV antibiotics, doesn't sound very good does it!!! Make me want a home birth even more than I did!!! AB, Edinburgh.... Any advice or info you can give me on home births??? I need to start considering my options xxxxx
Oh god Betty, I hope your cousin is ok?? That's worrying with a new baby to look after too. hope she's on the mend soon. So your really thinking of a home birth?? Wow! Well ill leave ab & Edinburgh to advise you on that one as I'm queen c section! Haha x

Im up as Joseph now has the bug, he's not stopped being sick. My house feels contaminated! Poor Joe, it's just awful isn't it? Aaron also stated with it last night, hes Been off work today.
It's Oscars birthday today....not sure how I feel, I'm very emotional about the whole thing. Wish I could freeze time and keep him little.
However, I can't wait for him to get stuck into his presents and cake!! :) Xx
Happy birthday to Oscar!! My god I can't believe he is 1 already, where has the time gone??
What did you get him for his birthday in the end? Sorry to hear that you've all been sick :( good thing is though.. There's nobody else to get it now, so with any luck you'll be bug free in a day or so!

Betty, good on you for considering a home birth! You're braver than I am. I think I'd need to be in a hospital environment to feel safe.

I'm lay awake in bed at 10 to 4 in the morning. Mark has just left for his 4 nights away in benidorm with the boys. I'm massively jealous!!
My mums picking me up at about 9 o'clock so I should try get a few more hours in really.
My aim for today is NOT to cry! I had an awful day of it yesterday. I've been a massive Debbie downer and believing that this can't possibly work. I need to give myself a good slap and buck up my ideas.

I haven't seen Evie since Tuesday either so that's getting me down, can't wait for cuddles tonight

Hi ladies! We got back from Canada week past Friday and haven't stopped since! Matt's back at uni and I've still got suitcases in my living room (albeit unpacked)!
I think home birth worked well for me betty because I knew I'd feel safe and relaxed but I didn't fixate on it. I tried to go with 'plan for it but accept I might not happen'. If you plan a him birth you can always change your mind and turn up at the hospital but not the other way around. I got two midwives for Leo and I and got to have a shower in my own house after and they made me a cuppa tea. It's the small things! Lol. I don't think I'd have been in such good chip after without the birth pool. It really helped with pain, positioning and I didn't tear despite a previous episiotomy. Cant recommend it enough if you're low risk. I live a stones throw from the hospital so felt comfortable with transfer times if things had got tough.
Tina I have everything crossed for you dearest. I can't imagine how stressful this must all be but the reward will be amazing I'm sure!
Frisky, Oscar is so adorable. And so photogenic. I swear Leo frowns everytime I switch on my camera! Face like a crumple zone on a Volvo! Love him to bits though, in spite of it taking an hour of singing and rocking to get him to sleep at night. Grr.
Goodnight lovelies x
What's your new job ab? Sorry if I've totally not registered a previous post. Still catching up a bit! Enjoy and good luck anyhoo!
Edinburgh, thank you my dear for your good luck wishes! I'm the same when it comes to unpacking. I'll have suitcases in my living room for about a month before I feel up to actually sorting them out!
Have you got any more little holidays planned for this year or are you home for good now?

Marks still away with the stag do, I'm missing him so much. It's very odd being alone, even for 3 days. Think he's having a whale of a time though, he posted on Facebook at 4am this morning so I imagine he will be paying for it today!

I've got the day to myself today. Evie is off to a christening with her nan. I couldn't bare to go.. Too many new babies and I don't think I'd cope very well. Back to work tomorrow too after my lovely little 5 day break. :(
Hi girls..... Welcome back Edinburgh..... Hope you had a lovely time and the kiddies enjoyed themselves. Is it good to be back in your own home??? I still have stuff unpacked from Cyprus! I'm terrible!!! :) thanks for your home birth advice, I'm certainly going to look into it, just a tad worried about pain but I'm doing yoga and will do another hypnobirthing course.
My cousin is still in hospital, she has now had 4 different lots of IV antibiotics and she still has an infection, they don't know where it is (I'm guessing internal from the section) she will be in for another few days, I feel so sorry for her :( she is miserable!

Tina.... How are those hormones doing??? How are you feeling?? What is your plan now with testing??? I bet you can't wait for mark to get home....

Frisky, I can't believe Oscar is one already!!! Where has the time gone??? Hope you had a wonderful day with you family xxx
Morning ladies,
Welcome back Edinburgh. Hope you had a fab time & are getting back to normal after jet lag.
Tina, how are you feeling? Is Mark back yet? When are you testing? Do you feel any different? Sorry for all the questions xx
Betty, hope your cousin is on the mend.
Oscar had a lovely birthday, it was all a little overwhelming. We didn't have a party, just went out for dinner on the Friday, then the zoo on Saturday. Was nice, but Joe was sick all the way home. Hopefully now we have all had the bug, it won't come back. I'm unsure if you can carry on passing it to each other.
We got Oscar a ball pool & some other bits for his birthday. Can't quite belive he is one already. Fastest year of my life xx

Pissing down here today, roll on holiday xx
Hi girls,

Well I've been up and down over the past 24 hours.

I took a test this morning because I couldn't wait any longer. It was 5 days and 12 hours past transfer and I used one of those internet cheapie strips and it came back stark white negative.
I know I should have used a first response if I was going to test early but I didn't want to waste one because I only have 2. So I've been on a downer all day thinking it hasn't worked.

Then at 2pm just as I'm leaving work I go to the loo for a wee and I'm surprised to find this when I wipe

Could this be what I think it is? A tiny bit of hope has just come back

Sorry for the TMI girls but if I can't share it with you who can I share it with haha!


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