7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

AB!!!! Your kids are too cute!!!!! What a gorgeous photo and how big is frazer now???? Jeez!!! Where is the time going girls????

Tina.... I posted a pic on your FB page for some smoothie recipies.... Honestly try fruit and veg together it's actually really nice!!! :)

Frisky, great news az only got a fine but I would also be the same about the ban.... Chris isn't bad actually, he is not into football (thank god!) but my ex from a long time ago was and seriously, it ruled our life!!!! I bloody hate football now!!

I have a busy one this weekend but looking forward to it! We have viviennes gymnastic awards night tonight and tmrw me and Chris have a stall at a Christmas fair selling our homemade stuff and then a family night with his cousin and their kids on Saturday.... Sunday I want to stay in my pjs all day!!!! :)

Have a lovely weekend guys.... XXXX
Brilliant news Ab! That's a massive relief.
Frisky, glad Az didn't get into too much bother. Alcohol is a bit of a bugger for invoking stupid shit really isn't it ;)
Betty, you look amazing! I just went out sideways from the chest when I was pregnant - both times. Of course, I didn't keep up with the gym. I get so sick to start with then can't find the energy to resume at 4 months.
Tina an Frisky, I'm so jealous for your Christmas holidays. I can't be bothered this year. It just feels like more work, despite being more organised.
I've just joined another Dietbet. This one is 100 USD so there is no way on this earth I can afford to not finish it! But, I really need to get down these last 5lb so that I can fit into some of my work wardrobe by Jan. Just going to do Slimming World and make sure I make it to the pool at least 3 times a week.
I haven't been on much as have had a horrid stressful fortnight. New employer insisted on a ref from my current employer. Who promptly went nuts when I resigned. Insisted on a face to face meeting - which I had to take Leo to as no-one could help me out. He tried emotional blackmail, pleading, trying to tempt me to stay but ultimately, my mind was made up. Trying to handle it all in way that would mean I could get something of a reference from him has been bloody awful. He's a temperamental old bugger at the best of times.
Gotta go - Leo's yelling... just for a change!
Brilliant news Ab! That's a massive relief.
Frisky, glad Az didn't get into too much bother. Alcohol is a bit of a bugger for invoking stupid shit really isn't it ;)
Betty, you look amazing! I just went out sideways from the chest when I was pregnant - both times. Of course, I didn't keep up with the gym. I get so sick to start with then can't find the energy to resume at 4 months.
Tina an Frisky, I'm so jealous for your Christmas holidays. I can't be bothered this year. It just feels like more work, despite being more organised.
I've just joined another Dietbet. This one is 100 USD so there is no way on this earth I can afford to not finish it! But, I really need to get down these last 5lb so that I can fit into some of my work wardrobe by Jan. Just going to do Slimming World and make sure I make it to the pool at least 3 times a week.
I haven't been on much as have had a horrid stressful fortnight. New employer insisted on a ref from my current employer. Who promptly went nuts when I resigned. Insisted on a face to face meeting - which I had to take Leo to as no-one could help me out. He tried emotional blackmail, pleading, trying to tempt me to stay but ultimately, my mind was made up. Trying to handle it all in way that would mean I could get something of a reference from him has been bloody awful. He's a temperamental old bugger at the best of times.
Gotta go - Leo's grumpy
Oh dear Edinburgh, I hope you got your reference off him?? He has to give one doesn't he? I suppose it's nice that he still wants you there so much? Haha
What's a dietbet? Do you lose money if you don't lose the 5lbs? Good for you getting to the pool. I do love swimming, it's just the faffing around & Getting cold in the changing room after that I hate!
I'm really not ready for Christmas, I too cannot be arsed. I'm never like this about Xmas. Not sure if it's because I know we are going to be away. We can't afford to buy any presents until December, which means it'll be ME running around like a dick having panic attacks in all the shops! Urrghh
Not gonna lie though, I'm looking forward to waking up on Xmas day, having a huge breakfast with a cold beer!! Haha

Ab, that's great news on your hubby's job, what a relief hey? Your kiddies look adorable in their pudsey outfits! Frazer has grown so much!

Betty, how did your Xmas stall go?? Bet you sold loads. I've still got the card you made for when Oscar was born, in a frame in his room....it's adorable xx

Tina, how are you? Hope you've had a good weekend.

I've not done much over the weekend, the weather has been shocking. I nearly killed Az yesterday though, he went to get Oscars hair cut and he's cut it ALL OFF!!! Whhaaaaaa! He looks about 12 years old! My poor baby xx

Awful what's happened in Paris, just awful. Im actually scared for our babies in this big bad world. Crazy it is xx
AB, great news that your DH didn't get made redundant! I bet it's a relief that you can look forward to Christmas time now knowing that he will have a job to return to afterwards!
The kids look gorgeous in their little onesies, Evie's school didn't do anything for Children In Need which I was quite surprised about!

Edinburgh, I am pretty sure that it's against the law to give a bad reference unless you have done something REALLY bad. Surely he can't give a bad reference because he didn't agree with you leaving??
I too am dieting so I feel your pain :( I only want to lose about 6-7lbs before my hols but it's so bloody difficult!!!

Betty, I saw that you were doing a little stall on FB. I sooooooo wish I lived closer to you because I'd be snapping everything up! The items you make are seriously so so beautiful.

Frisky, I can't believe Oscar has had all of his hair cut off!!! He had beautiful hair :( You'll have to post a picture of him now that he is baldy, the poor little thing. Good thing though is hair grows back! He will have his full head of hair back in no time at all.

Had a busy weekend too girls. Tried to get the majority of my Christmas shopping out of the way then I can start to concentrate on the holiday. Evie is almost done now, just have to pick up something for my dad and my sister and then I'm finished. It'll have to wait until pay day now though, SKINT!!!

Think I'm about 4-5DPO today girls, zero symptoms suggesting I'm pregnant. I'm probs not after all!

Hi girls.... How is everyone???? Enjoying the weather???? It's been really bad up here, windy and flood warnings from all the bloody rain!!!

Tina.... How many DPO are you??? Any promising symptons???
Edinburgh.... Did you get everything sorted with your ex boss??? Hope he is not going to be too much of a pain in the arse!!!!

I had my midwife app today, all is well with baby, I'm measuring exact for how many weeks I am even though I feel HUGE!!!! 12 weeks left, eeeeeeeeek!!!! Cannot believe IT!!!!
Can't believe that you only have 12 weeks left Betty. Are you organised for baby coming?

I've been busy with life and work. Got whacked in the face at the weekend so had slight bruising to my eye!! The joys!! I'm ok though.

Going back to where we used to live this weekend to take some Christmas presents and visit relatives. Staying with my sister on fri night so that'll be good then she's coming to stay up here from fri to mon the next weekend. Dh and I are going out for dinner and to the Proclaimers concert on the sat and then me and my sis are going into town shopping on the sun. really looking forward to spending time with dh then my sis!!

Hope you are all well. I can't remember what I was going to reply to you all as it's stupid o'clock and a certain little boy has been awake for almost 2 hours!!
Oh god AB I don't know how you do it! I'm exhausted too, this holiday can't come soon enough. Hope he fell back to sleep and you managed to get a few more hours in. Your weekend sounds great! We are off to the races this weekend so I am child free all day on Saturday! The wine shall be flowing freely haha

Betty, it's crazy thinking your little man will be in your arms in 12 weeks time!!! 12 weeks is nothing, how are you doing with preparing for his arrival?

No symptoms or anything, 7DPO ish today. Fully expecting my period to arrive in a few days.

What the hell is going on with the weather by the way girls? I've had my heating on all night every night. It's properly turning into winter now, and I don't like it!!

12 weeks left?? That's crazy Betty, it's flown by!!

Weather is so shitty, it's non stop rain...I've currently got the heating on too.

I'm gutted, I've lost my wedding ring :( noticed today at work. I've been meaning to get it adjusted smaller for ages as its always sliding off my finger and now it's too late.
I've looked everywhere xx
Oh no frisky!!! Have you found it??? Have you told az??? I really hope it turns up :(
AB, I can't believe you were writing your post at 4am!!! Ugh, what is sleep hey girls??? Who gave you the black eye??? Your weekend sounds great! I love spending time with my sister, it's so lovely! Is she older or younger than you??
Tina.... I LOvE the races!!! Where are you going? Aintree? Hope the weather is good for you.... It's been shit up here for weeks and I always have my heating on!!
I'm totally not prepared for this baby! Considering how long I have waited for this I'm super disorganised!!! I called HR today with my MATB1 certificate details and they told me that I have missed the deadline as you have to inform your employer 14 weeks before your due date! I was like 'eeeeeeek!!!!' Totally blamed baby brain and made a load of shit so hopefully it will be ok but can you believe I did that??? The nursery isn't ready and the pram, Moses basket and all baby stuff is still in the loft. I'm really useless! I was totally prepared with viv... I guess it will all just come together, no point in worrying :)

Edinburgh, how are you my lovely???? Any news from your old boss re: your references???? X
Oh no Frisky :( I really hope it turns up somewhere. I don't have that problem, mine is moulded to my finger. It's literally stuck on there and I can barely move it. God help me if one day I needed to remove it because I think we'd have to get the bolt cutters out haha

Betty, to put it into perspective... this time around you have a young child to keep you on your toes whereas when you were pregnant with viv I bet you had all the time in the world to plan. I'd be the same if we were to have another, I just about have time to take 5 minutes to myself in the afternoon let alone plan for a baby to arrive!

I feel a crazy day coming on for me. We are at the races tomorrow as I said (it's Haydock by the way Betty!) and I've got so much to do. Evie is at a birthday party tomorrow for one of her friends in school so I have to go out today to buy him a present and then rush home to shave, exfoliate, tan, hair wash and generally preen myself so I look partially presentable because I am off to the pictures tonight to watch the new Hunger Games movie so I won't have the time tomorrow. We're getting picked up at 11am! I swear I am going to be pissed as a fart by tea time haha

Morning girls, no I've not found it :( I'm so sad about it. I'm going to go into the gym today and see if it's been handed in there, I've also been swimming there a few times the past week. I'm certain I lost it at work as I'm sure I would have noticed it gone sooner? But you never know.

Tina the races sound fabulous, God knows how you will go on drinking all day, I'd last about 2 hours! Haha Aarons Xmas do is at haydock races on 5th December. We arent going though, he doesn't fancy it, plus we'd have to fork out for a hotel and our holiday is coming up.

Betty, don't worry about the nursery, baby will be in with you for the first few months...all they need is sleep and food, bit like myself really! Haha xx
It's actually SNOWING here?? Wtf?? Edinburgh, I hope your ok where you are! Haha xx
How we all doing ladies?
Tina. How's the hangover today? Did you have a fab time?

Nothing to report here this weekend, Aaron has been on call & been working most this weekend. It was his birthday today, which he spent driving to Wales on a job, then to Bradford. He was home for an hour then got called out to Birmingham! Which is 2 hours away from us. Don't know how he does it, I bloody hate driving.

Wedding ring still a no show, so upset. It wasnt fancy or expensive.... Just meant so much to me & the memories of Az & I shopping for it, the day before our wedding in Gibraltar! Xx last min as usual x
:( Frisky, sorry that the wedding ring is still a no show. I know what you mean though, it doesn't matter about how much it cost it's the sentimental value that you're going to miss. My wedding ring isn't the ring that I had on my wedding day. I only had my ring for about a week and one of the diamonds fell out of it and it couldn't be repaired so I had to get a brand new one. I too was very fucked off.
What are you going to do? Are you going to go buy another one?

The races was great, so friggin cold though! By mid afternoon I had lost all sense of feeling in my hands no matter how much wine I guzzled haha. We won 2 races of out 6 but didn't end up coming home with extra money in the end. Always the way!
I couldn't get drunk either, it could've been because I consumed a whole pizza to myself after the races before we got on the cocktails. So I went home literally sober.

We haven't had any snow here as yet! Weird really since we are only down the road from you. Did you have loads of snow or just that shit snow that barely covers the ground?

My period came this morning girls, back to CD1 for us. Only one more cycle to go anyhow then it's IVF time again

Haha Tina, as if you stayed sober?! Maybe the cold froze your feeling drunk receptors in your body! It's bloody cold, Oscar kept waking up through the night, I'm sure it was because of the cold, I ended up sticking the heating on at 4am.

Az didn't get home till midnight. Joe hates me today as he was up late and I made him walk to school. He was up late last night and it took him an hour to get ready this morning. My theory is, if he gets in trouble for being late, he will make more of an effort not to do it again. Expecting me to run him, I would if it was pissing down, but it's sunny here today, even if it is cold. So now obviously I'm the worst mum in the world, I'm 'well tight' haha

Yes Tina. The snow was the shite stuff that bearly covers the ground! Still snow though!
Holiday can't come quick enough, I cannot wait. Saw a mini Xmas tree in Tesco for a fiver, I'm going to pack one away for our apartment!

I want to get another wedding ring, I'm not that lucky that it will just turn up. I'm so gutted, but it's just one of those things hey? Xx
Tina..... Sorry your AF arrived :( that sucks! Does this mean you will have your period when you are on your jollys????
Do you have a date for your next IVF cycle???
Frisky, can't believe you haven't found your ring, I'm so sad for you, it's not about how much it cost but of course what it meana to you! Hope it still turns up for you xxx
We also had that shit snow at the weekend, personally, I like to look at snow for about 5 minutes and then I'm totally over it and want it to be warm ans dry! I don't do cold weather!!! :)
Had a great weekend, im slightly more prepared for this baby, well, we have painted some of the nursery but I still haven't bought anything.... I will start to panic when it's just a couple of weeks away, lol!!!!
Tina, can't believe you went home SOBER!!!! Lordy girl, are you feeling ok???? God, I am so looking forward to enjoying a delicious large glass (bottles) of white wine, oh how I've missed you!!!!!! :)
Hi ladies,
sorry you still haven't found your wedding ring Frisky. Mine was just a cheapy too but it's the sentiment behind it.

Sorry af is here Tina.

Yay for painting the nursery.

I've been on a training course for work today and going again tomorrow. Looking forward to the weekend as my sis is coming up fri - mon. We're going to town shopping on sun.

I am trying to get the Olaf lounge pants from Asda in size Large,out of stock online and in my local stores. If any of you ladies see any I would be eternally grateful if you could post them to me. Got my mum looking in every asda she passes lol xx

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