Oh girls I am feeling very sympathetic for you both not getting any real sleep. I love my sleep, though I never get more than a few hours without being woken up by either Evie wanting a wee or my alarm going off for work at 4. Lovely!
Desmond didn't do much damage by me either, we've had some strong winds and I've seen the odd wheelie bin knocked over but nothing in comparison to some places around the UK. Those poor people whose homes are ruined so close to Christmas time
Betty, I can't offer any advice on the bump being sore to touch. Edinburgh's advice sounds great though! Have you asked your midwife if it is normal to be so sore? Not long to go sweetie and he will be in your arms and the worrying can ease a little. Though does the worrying ever completely go when you have kids? If anything I think it's worse when they're actually born!
Edinburgh, what is the situation with your boss? I remember reading something a few weeks ago that he wasn't happy with you leaving your position or something? Either way, he sounds like a right fu*!ing arsehole!! Some people just won't let things lie will they.
AB, your DH sounds like a little diamond by letting you get some sleep! There's no way Mark would do that. He pretends that he can't hear Evie crying in the night so I have to get up with her. I'd rather get up with her anyway then I know she is settled again properly.
Frisky, any news from you hun? I imagine you are busy busy as I have been with the holiday packing?
Just 15 more sleeps girls until our jollies!! I am so excited now but stressed out too. I have partially packed, Mark hasn't even thought about it yet. Another busy weekend for me this weekend too. My sister is having a Christmas house party on Saturday night and it is my birthday on Sunday so I plan on having mucho mucho wine and dancing the night away to Christmas songs.
What's everyone else got planned this weekend?