7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I was working so missed the football,got in when there was 20 mins to go then dh left for work so I had to text him the final score lol.

I loved the lego store when we were in Liverpool. Just have to make do with argos or toysrus here lol xx
The lego store is great but it's so bloody expensive! I was in there last weekend with Evie and she asked if "Santa" can bring her some so I was having a browse at the Lego Friends range and you're talking about 80 quid for a good set.

I have just been accepted for an Argos card which is buy now pay 3 months later so I am going to get her some on that when it arrives.

Evie woke up crying this morning, her poor throat is red raw. Wish I could've stayed at home and given her cuddles but supermum has to go out and work :(

Haaaaaaaahaaa Tina, no. My husband always gives me a commentary on how Bury FC are doing!!.....I DONT CARE AARONNNN!!!!

I'm just getting ready for work, I'll catch up properly later.

Beautiful bump Betty!! You look fantastic Xxx
Happy Friday girls!

What's everyone up to this weekend?

It's Christmas tree erection night tonight in the O'Toole household haha. I'm gonna pop out to TK Maxx on my lunch break and see if I can get some new Christmas scented candles. The ones I have I have had for a few years now and there's barely anything left on them. Quite looking forward to everything being festive later tonight! Might pop into the Aldi too, they were selling fresh festive wreaths for a fiver in there the other day girls and they are lovely.

Happy Friday!!!!! Whoop!!!!!!
Tina, I got some fab Xmas candles from home bargains, called Christmas spice, only £2.99 for a huge jar, bargain!!!!
I also got a lovely fresh wreath from aldi! Only 3 weeks till Christmas girls, eeeeeeek!!!!
I'm so pleased Chris does not follow football! I'm so lucky :) it would drive me mad if he was always watching it!
Tina, yes I have SPD and also sciatica but TBH I'm not sure if it really is that, maybe you can shed some light.... I wake up feeling fine and no pain but by the end of the day I'm crippled, it's all in my lower back and right buttock (deep inside) not running down my leg and the pain comes all the way around my waist and down into my pelvis, and then the pain in my pelvis, just under my bump is really bad. I also have a sore 'fu fu' it's like I've been kicked in the crotch! Lol! I have now got a girdle I wear at work which is helping loads, I feel better already! Not long now though!

How is everyone??? Frisky, did you find your ring chick????
Ps: we still have absolutely no idea for a name!!!!!! It's freaking me out!!!
I like the following but Chris doesn't and he doesn't really have any other suggestions either!!!! Help!!!!

Any suggestions?????
They are all lovely betty and if Chris cant provide input then just tell him as soon as baby arrives what it's called. They will agree to anything after watching you give birth!
Frisky I'm a little jealous, I'd be very wealthy if I had a quid for everytime I've watched frozen or had the 'let it go' singathon at bath time!
I've been having a nightmare with my soon to be ex-boss. He insisted on a meeting before accepting my notice, tried to guilt and emotionally blackmail and now I'm getting emails asking me to heed the restrictive covenants in my contract. Bar steward! I've been stupidly stressed. Oh and Leo has sleep separation anxiety so I've been on the blow up in mia's room with him for 2 weeks. I have to go to bed wearing sweats, socks and a hoodie it's so cold getting up to sit by him so often at night. On a bad day I get 4hrs, 6 on a good one. Terrified about going back to work with him like this. And matt's so stressed out about his impending exams im alone with the kids 6-7 days a week.
Bump is so tidy betty! Sympathies on the pain front. Had PID with Mia. Just awful. No relief from it till about 3m postpartum either but I think yours is the type relieved by birth. Fingers crossed for you. Ab, hows the weather up north? Bloody hurricane bawbag the second blowing here. Devastation over the bridge being closed completely till after new year. 70000 people struggling to get into the city everyday till they can sort it. Happy Christmas eh? Happy to meet up over a weekend after 17th December!
Betty, I love your names! My favourite out of the bunch would be Joseph and Jasper. If all else fails put them all in a hat and pick one out haha! Your pain sounds exactly like what I experienced when I was having Evie. I finished for mat leave at 32 weeks and found that rest was really the only thing to ease it, though there's no chance of that for you with viv!

Edinburgh, sorry to hear that you're having trouble with Leos bedtime. Isn't there anyone close by who you could leave the children with for one night so you can catch up on some sleep?

I'm just lay in bed after having tea and biscuits and mark is watching match of the day. You know that programme that revisits all of the games that he already watched yesterday?? Fuck my life!!!

Have to wait in today for Auto glass to arrive. I need my windscreen replacing on my car because there's a huge crack in it. No idea how it's happened!

Hi girls.... How was everyone's weekend???? We had terrible wind and rain from storm Desmond but not as bad as some places! How are you girls holding up in Scotland????
Edinburgh, you are having a really tough time, sounds like you don't get much sleep at all!!! I'm with tina, is there anyone that can help out and have the kids overnight so you can get some rest??? Vivienne didn't sleep through the night till she was 2 years old, that's right TWO!!! It was a fucking nightmare (sorry for the language) but it was awful and me ans Chris were so sleep deprived! :( please god let this baby boy sleep all night!!! :)

Tina, your tree looks lovely, I would say well done for the effort but your mam did all the hard work, lol!!!! I'm still not convinced I have SPD as I know how painful it can be and yes, I'm in pain but I'm still managing... I have a girdle to wear now and that has made as HUGE difference.... Doctor wants to give me codeine but I really don't want to take anything.... My other problem is that my tummy is so sore to touch, I mean, really bad... I can let anything brush up against it and it's sore to just rub cream on.... Anyone had this??? To be honest, I'm driving myself mad here as I'm just worrying about everything! I really wish I could say I was enjoying my pregnancy but I'm afraid IM so bloody frightened something bad will happen I cannot relax :(

I'm so pleased I don't have to watch football all
The time like you ladies!!! It would drive me MAD!!!! :)
I'm with you Betty! We're a football free household and it's lovely ;)
If your belly is sore to touch it sounds like you've damaged a muscle running round the bump. Does it feel like touching a bad bruise? I partially tore a muscle near the top of my bump carrying Mia and it was mostly OK until I'd have a Braxton Hicks contraction and then I'd be crying! Thankfully she was late and it was mostly healed by the time labour came round. There's not a picking on you either, so the muscle will be at the fore! If so, fraid I can't suggest much other than taking it easy. The girdle will help if it's muscular by just absorbing some of the pressure and weight from the bump and dispersing it a bit.
I can't leave the kids with anyone overnight till I wean Leo as he's still feeding at around 11pm and then anywhere between 1-3am. We have a plan though. Matt's last exam is the 17th, so Mia and I are going to go stay with a relative for a couple of days and Matt will stay with Leo and give him bottles. It will be really hard on both of us but I've tried replacing breastfeeds with bottles but he just refuses the bottles from me.
Soon to be ex-boss has also threatened new employer with legal action now. They were on the phone yesterday. Thankfully they are not pulling my job offer as they don't think it's enforceable either but now I need to shell out £300 for a lawyer right before Christmas. I'm so done being stressed and angry all the time. So much for being able to enjoy the last couple of weeks at home with my babies!
Frisky, Tina - not long now till you're off! Exciting stuff!
Desmond didn't do any damage in Edinburgh, there was a lot of surface water round the bypass and a bit of water collection on some of the roads round us but mostly the drains coped. The wind however tore up the planks on my gate that had the bolt fixtures on them so I now can't get my car in the carport for fear of the gate swinging closed in the wind while I'm doing it and bashing the car. Bloody weather! Still, can't complain, not when people in some places have their furniture floating away down the street!
Ab, how's things up your way?
Hope you are all ok.

It's just been rainy and a bit windy here,nothing too bad.

Shame for all the people that have had floods etc.

Your ex boss seems like an arsehole!!

I feel for you regarding lack of sleep. Frazer is up a few times every night. Most times its like he has wind and eventually he will manage to pass it. Sometimes he's just wanting to play. I constantly look and feel shattered . Dh is off now until mon so is sleeping on the couch with frazer tonight so I can hopefully get a full night sleep. I love that man lol!!
Got first aid training tomorrow!! Hope I can stay awake thru it haha xx
Oh girls I am feeling very sympathetic for you both not getting any real sleep. I love my sleep, though I never get more than a few hours without being woken up by either Evie wanting a wee or my alarm going off for work at 4. Lovely!

Desmond didn't do much damage by me either, we've had some strong winds and I've seen the odd wheelie bin knocked over but nothing in comparison to some places around the UK. Those poor people whose homes are ruined so close to Christmas time :(

Betty, I can't offer any advice on the bump being sore to touch. Edinburgh's advice sounds great though! Have you asked your midwife if it is normal to be so sore? Not long to go sweetie and he will be in your arms and the worrying can ease a little. Though does the worrying ever completely go when you have kids? If anything I think it's worse when they're actually born!

Edinburgh, what is the situation with your boss? I remember reading something a few weeks ago that he wasn't happy with you leaving your position or something? Either way, he sounds like a right fu*!ing arsehole!! Some people just won't let things lie will they.

AB, your DH sounds like a little diamond by letting you get some sleep! There's no way Mark would do that. He pretends that he can't hear Evie crying in the night so I have to get up with her. I'd rather get up with her anyway then I know she is settled again properly.

Frisky, any news from you hun? I imagine you are busy busy as I have been with the holiday packing?

Just 15 more sleeps girls until our jollies!! I am so excited now but stressed out too. I have partially packed, Mark hasn't even thought about it yet. Another busy weekend for me this weekend too. My sister is having a Christmas house party on Saturday night and it is my birthday on Sunday so I plan on having mucho mucho wine and dancing the night away to Christmas songs.

What's everyone else got planned this weekend?

Oh god guys!!! I also feel for you both!!! God, all the memories are coming flooding back, eeeeeek!!!
Edinburgh.... I'm sure you have explored all avenues so I'm probably just saying something you already know but have you thought about giving Leo a hungry baby bottle just before his bedtime??? Or is bottle feeding a total no no for you?? We had to give vivienne a hungry baby feed as she was just up all night wanting to feed! I was bloody exhausted! Looking back now I don't think I was breastfeeding properly, I don't think she was ever getting enough milk :(
What is going on with your knobhead of a boss??? Who does he think he is??? Try and not let it stress you out (easier said than done, I know!) he is completely in the wrong and he just has a bee in his bonnet, what a prick!!!!
AB, good luck on your first aid course, I was on one not so long ago and some parts of it are really interesting but the rest was stuff that I literally forgot in 2 minutes!

I was sent to my GP yesterday about my tummy soreness as the midwife didn't know why I was still so sore, he said exactly the same as the midwife that I have lots of limbs in the same area and that if I'm constantly being punished/kicked around the same area it will cause numbness and tenderness, basically there is nothing wrong with me! I'm just being completely paranoid :( tina, you're right, it's not going to be any easier when he arrives... That's why I want to enjoy the time I have left being pregnant and not worry so much..... Hopefully I can try and relax a bit now :) :)

Frisky..... How are you my lovely? You're quiet on here and on FB! Xxxx
Hi girls!

Betty, great news on the sore bump front that it is nothing to worry about. I don't think we realise sometimes just how much pressure our bodies are under when we have a fully grown baby squished into our middle! I guess everything is going to become sore at these later stages now hun.

I agree, Frisky has been very quiet. Hope you are doing okay my dear! We miss you :( :(

Had really strong cramps for the past 24 hours. That accompanied with EWCM must mean that the eggy is ready to be fertilized. Not that it'll be happening like because Mark has been away on business for a few days and he is still away until Saturday. So this cycle is a no no for sure!
Not long to go anyway until we transfer our final embaby. Just 5 more weeks to go and I will be preparing myself for transfer! eeeek

Tina, 5 weeks!!! Wow, how quick is the time going?? I can't believe it! Will be something to look forward to after Xmas.... Fingers crossed this is it for you, God knows you deserve it my lovely!!!! :)
Anyone doing anything nice this weekend??? I need to finish Xmas shopping, God, it's never ending!!!!! I haven't even wrapped anything yet and still have loads to buy :( :( I'm so disorganised!

I've also just changed my maternity leave dates, I now officially leave in 5 weeks, WHOOP!!!! I can't belive it!
Hey ladies, so sorry for my absence. My Internet has been a pain, really slow and then it has just been cutting off! Grrr but it seems to be working ok now.
I also wasted a day in my life yesterday with the most horific hangover! Went to watch the Courteeners with Az on Wednesday night and got ridiculously drunk, I felt like crap yesterday, awful! I'm so rubbish.

Edinburgh hope things are ok, your ex boss is an arsehole! I hope you get it sorted. As for sleep or lack of it, I totally sympathize....I used to be up every 2 hours breast feeding Oscar. All babys are different though, I'm sure he will settle and sleep through wheh he's ready. Oscar still doesn't sleep through every night. He's on the bed with me now wide awake as his teeth are bothering him.

Ab, your husband Is a legend letting you have the bed to yourself, I hope you got some sleep.

Betty, sorry to hear you've been I'm pain. It is a worry, but as Tina said he will be in your arms soon enough. I don't think been on your feet all day at work is helping, when do you finish? Can you not finish earlier and rest? I'm quiet on fb as I've been off it since September. With everything going on, I thought it best to not go on as all the social things I try and avoid are plastered all over there and then I feel shit for not going , so Im having a break from it x haha that probably sounds bonkers but it's a good thing. How's everything with Chris? Is he feeling any better?

Tina, I'm so not ready for this holiday...but I can't wait. I went to town the other day and bought loads of little toys and contraptions to keep Oscar entertained on the plane. I tried packing my suitcase and it looks like I'm moving house, far too much in there!!! It's tricky as it will be chilly at night xx

I had a mock biology exam last week, got the result back today and I got a C. I'm pretty chuffed with that as I didn't really revise.
What's everyone up to this weekend? We're having a quiet one, boxing tomorrow night. I've got my works do on Monday, then it's my birthday Friday then I'm out the Saturday night with the girls. So this weekend I am being good Xx
Hi lovelies!!

Hope everyone is having a good start to their weekend! I've been in the hairdressers for 4 HOURS!! I kid you not. I've had to get my colour done and extensions tightened in 1 appointment because I won't have the time to go back again now before Christmas. My heads throbbing and I'm so tired, I've just climbed into bed. Marks still away on business so it's a chick flick and star fishing for me!

Frisky, was wondering where you'd disappeared to! Stupid god damn internet! Haha good for you for getting wasted at the courteeners! We all need to let our hair down every now and then. I too look like I am packing to emigrate to Tenerife rather than stay for 10 days! I need to sort my shit out

Betty woohoo for finishing work in 5 weeks!! What's your plan of action between then and the baby arriving?

Oooh! 5 weeks Betty! So exciting!
And time's a counting down for you too Tina! You and Frisky's holidays too! So much going on!
Ab, your husband is a legend. Matt finishes his exams on Thursday and I can't wait! Matt will indeed be doing some overnighters with Leo over the holidays to give me some much needed sleep. Although I'm worried if I get a whole night sleep it will make going back to getting up feel so much worse!
I've started giving Leo bottles to reduce my milk. He was feeding every few hours still through the day and all the advice was to stop cold turkey and go away for a few days but I thought that might make his separation/sleep issues worse. So, I've been offering a bottle before every feed and whether he takes it or not offering the breast after. He's been gradually taking more formula and less from me for days now, but it hasn't had an impact through the night yet. I'm hoping when Matt gets up and offers the bottle at night he'll do what his sister did which is just stop getting up.
How was your first aid course Ab? Mine has expired and I'd like to do one focused on kids.
Ex-boss is indeed a toss-pot. Have a solicitor on the case now and am meeting some of the other managers from my new place on Friday for lunch to get some insight before I start. Trying to get excited about this new opportunity rather than just stressing about Leo/cost of nursery/possible court case.
My major plus this week has been hitting my pre-pregnancy weight. Yay! Still can't get my trousers on though! Hoping that it's a loose hips thing and fixes itself after I stop breastfeeding altogether.
Anyway, must go, Leo has woken up!
Woohoo hunni! Well done on reaching your pre pregnancy weight!! That's a massive achievement, you should feel so proud of yourself. 5 years on and I still can't get into my size 10 jeans that I wore before I was pregnant with Evie. I have size 12 hips, a size 8 waist and a size 10 bum! You can only imagine how difficult it is to find clothes that fit properly haha!

I wish I could give you some advice on the breast feeding scenario. I've never done it so my input would be useless :(

It was my birthday on Sunday girls, mark, Evie and my family spoilt me rotten. I swear mark was a woman in a past life you know. He picks perfect presents every time! I got some gorgeous smashbox glosses, a new benefit brow kit and a benefit gel eyeliner. I must admit, makeup is a bit of an obsession to me so I was over the moon!

Still stressing about this holiday, bought my toiletries today and I'm going to my mums tomorrow night to exchange Christmas presents with her and my sisters. 1 step at a time and I'll get there!

Tina, frisky, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you both had a lovely day, tina.... I'm glad you got spoilt!!! Mark sounds amazing! Chris would literally buy me a wet fish, he is bloody useless with presents!!!!
Edinburgh.... Sounds like you have your hands full with this feeding malarkey... Again, I only BF vivienne for 4 weeks so can't offer much advice but she has always loved her bottle (even now at 4!! She has a bottle every morning, won't drink milk any other way!) she still wanted to feed twice a night from being one year old and in the end we had to go cold turkey and refuse her as we were just so bloody tired! It took 3 nights and then after that she never had a feed again during the night.... It was hard for me because I hate not giving her what she wants and also the crying but in the long run in worked.... It might be that you may need to just go cold turkey, see how you feel :)
It's 4am and I've been up for an hour :( I'm having serious pregnany insomnia, ugh :( I only have 15 shifts left at work whoop!!!! How quick is this pregnancy going???? I'm still stressing out about everything!! Im carrying soooooo low, he is literally almost in my vagina! Any of you girls carry your boys this low??? Seeing my midwife on wed next week so hopefully she will give me some much needed advice and reassurance:)
Tina, frisky!!!! Not long now for your jollys, how exciting! Are you both packed????

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