ahhh Betty I am loving all of these bump progression pictures!! Seriously though, I know we all keep rambling on about it but you look really really amazing! You'll be right back into your skinny jeans as soon as you pop him out.
Has the doctor said that you have SPD? (symphysis pubis dysfunction in technical terms). I had it when I was pregnant with Evie and had to finish work at 32 weeks because I was in so much discomfort. I think it's quite common in late pregnancy but it can be really painful.
Can't wait to see the nursery!
No, to answer your question me and Frisky aren't going to the same resort. If I'm not mistaken I think she's going to Lanzarote and I am going to Tenerife.
Please, please, please can we arrange a meet up girls? I need to see you crazy ladies in person! Don't get me wrong it's lovely speaking over the internet but it'd be even more lovely to have a good old natter in person.
Evie is going to breakfast with Santa at school this morning. She was so excited that she woke up at 5am. Mark wasn't best pleased but I was secretly happy because I got to do her hair all pretty for school! She had a fall in school yesterday and she has cut her top lip and the bridge of her nose so I couldn't really take any pictures because her poor little face is a mess

When she woke up this morning she said "Mummy, when I fell in school yesterday I think it has made me get a sore throat" hahaha! Kids say the funniest things.
Have a great day ladies!