7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

We had 6cm of snow Saturday night into Sunday. Starting to go now though as it's raining xx
Lol!!! AB, is that an adult size or a child size you are after??? I will be going to asda on wed so will have a look for you.... Are you enjoying work AB???
Work is getting tough for me, as fit as I am an able to do 5 gym classes a week, being on my feet in the hospital all day is killing me, I'm sat here now with a hot water bottle on my back and just taken 2 paracetamol, I'm in agony! :( I have 9 more weeks left at work, it's going to totally put my back out!!!! Very sad face :(
It's the adult male Olaf lounge pants :rofl: for dh :rofl: The girls have got Frozen Fever pj's for the Christmas eve sack and Frazer has olaf so I wanted to get dh the same (I've already got the top for him). And I 've found Frozen pj's in tesco for me. Ordered grandpa pig (peppa) for fil :rofl: and I need to find something for mil when I'm out on Sunday.

I don't know how you manage to do 5 gym classes a week. I think you are totally amazing!!!!!

Yeah I still like work. Never had a job that I've enjoyed so much xx
As I'm not a mother of any girls...I have totally skipped the frozen stage, never even seen it!
I thought Olaf lounge pants were some kind of special design/style.....until I searched it on the Asda website and images of a snowman kept popping up!! Haaaaaahaaaa

Betty, can you not finish work any earlier?? I too think your amazing for all the exercise you are doing! You will pop straight back into shape xx
hahahaha Frisky you must be one of the only mums in the entire universe who hasn't had to endure frozen fever! Evie is too pretty much over it this year because there hasn't been another movie out though last Christmas I nearly had to unleash a bitch fit on a woman in Argos over the Snow Glow Elsa dolls.

AB, I will keep a look out when I go to Asda this week, have you checked Primark? They always have tonnes of Disney pyjamas. You've reminded me that I haven't yet started a Christmas Eve bag for Evie!! Well it'll be a December 22nd bag as we are celebrating Christmas on the 23rd this year with us going away.

Betty, sorry that you've been suffering with your back :( Not long to go now and you'll be legs akimbo pushing him out of your foof haha! Are you planning to have the nursery sorted for Christmas time?
My next period should arrive around about 20th-21st Dec so I am hoping that by the time we go away I will be on the tail end of it and it'll just be light spotting if anything. Don't have a date planned for IVF as yet because it all depends when my period arrives in January. I am guessing it'll arrive around 17th Jan then the embryo will be transferred around ovulation which should be about the 31st January. Too many dates there in that paragraph! I bet I've baffled your heads!

I've been on Amazon this morning, they're doing lightning sales deals every half an hour until Black Friday so I am seeing if I can pick up a few last minute cheap presents. Just got some real technique make up brushes for myself (I did say presents I know!! don't judge) which are £18 in boots and got them for £9.99! Then I got Evie the Barbie favourites DVD box set which I am now thinking I will put in her Christmas Eve bag as there are some Christmas movies in there. It was £18.99 got it for £9! Happy with both of those! Even if Mark won't be when he checks the bank hahaha

Ho Ho Ho girls!

:rofl: Frisky!!

Thanks Tina. I'm going to check primark on Sunday when I go to Aberdeen with my sister xx
How we doing ladies? Happy Friday!! Im whacked this week, done a few extra hours at work, lots of homework too. Aarons been called out every single night this week, I've hardly seen him. I call his 'on call week' my 'single mum week' haha
What's everyone up to this weekend? Aarons on his Xmas do with the lads from work tomorrow, he's out on the piss all day. They have organized their own work do, as none of them want to party with the bigwigs from the company! Any excuse for an all day bender! I'm dreading it as he's a knob when he's drunk....But I've got the Tyson Fury fight ordered for Saturday night, so excited! Az says he will be home for it, so we will see!
Gonna get the Xmas tree down from the loft tonight and get it up tomorrow! That should be fun with a toddler who's into everything!
So it's Xmas decorations in the day, then a bottle of wine, food and boxing later.... Perfect

Apart from the drunken husband ;) Xx
Hey everyone,
sounds like a perfect weekend Frisky,apart from the drunk husband!!

My sis is on her way up. Dh and I are going to the Proclaimers concert tomorrow night and my sis and I are going shopping on Sunday then putting the tree up sun night when the kids are in bed. Dreading it though as Frazer will be a nightmare.

Hope you all have a good weekend xxx

Oh,I got the Olaf bottoms,managed to get some put aside and my sis is picking them up on her way here xx
Olaf bottoms victory ab!! Horrah! :D

The proclaimers headlined the festival we have here in September 'Rammy fest' haha have a top time xx
Ok.....So I've sacked the Christmas decorations off until tomorrow!! They are down from the loft. Just impossible to do with Oscar around xxx
Morning girls, all quiet on here.
Ab, how was the concert last night?

I'm rough, drank far too much red wine last night, the boxing was awesome! Aaron turned up at the very end. He'd been barred from our local for basically being a knob! I left him to sleep on the sofa. He can't have a 'normal' night out, something always happens! At least he came home though.
Going to attempt Xmas tree today!! Xx
Concert was brilliant. Dh and I went to Smyths first and bought a few things for step son's Christmas then we went to Frankie and Bennys for dinner.
Yesterday my sis and I went shopping and I got all dh's presents so I am now finished!! I've still got a few to wrap,I'll either do it tonight or wed morning.

My ex was like that with nights out,could never just go out and come home without something happening. Men and drink!!!

Hope you are all well xx
Hi girls and happy 1st December!!!!!! Will be back later for a proper post xxxx
Morning girls! Sorry for being AWOL!

Firstly happy 1st of December!!! I bought myself a malteasers advent calendar and was so excited to open it this morning. I thought the little chocolates would be like little malteasers but they weren't. Just normal chocolate. Gutted!

AB, HOORAH for getting the Olaf jammies eventually! Are you all done now with the kids christmas shopping?

Frisky, Aaron sounds EXACTLY like Mark when he has had a drink. He can tell me that he will be home for such a time and then he will roll in 5 hours later after not answering his phone to me so I am worried sick. He too went out on his Christmas doo on Saturday. He watched the boxing in the pub and then I picked him up from town at about 1am. He's full of a cold though, he shouldn't have gone out really because he was paying for it on Sunday morning coughing his guts up.
Evie has it too, I've been awake most nights because she coughs for about half an hour non stop and then falls back to sleep. A mothers work is never done!

Betty, saw on FB this morning that you're having some pain? Hope you're holding up okay my dear! Is viv excited for Christmas?

Just 23 sleeps to go until our holidays Frisky!!!! I've got so much to do and feel like there's barely any time left now. I got some new cases in the black friday sales reduced from 150 quid to 35!! They came on Saturday and are just sat in my living room waiting to be packed. I need to get my arse into gear and make a start this week.

My mums putting my tree up on Friday, I am useless at anything creative like that and she always does a great job. The deal is if I buy her a chinese then she will put my tree up for me haha.

Tina that made me chuckle!!!! I can't believe your mum is coming over to do your Christmas tree but you have to buy her a Chinese! Nothing like good old bribery!! :)
Jeez, only 3 weeks to your holidays girls!!! How exciting! Are you going to the same resort???? We are so going to have to organise meeting up in the new year!!!
AB, you are putting me to shame with all your Christmas organisation! I started off so well and then it all went a bit Pete tong! It will no doubt be a Christmas eve job for me! :)
On a more organised note we have finished painting the nursery and all we need to do now is get all the furniture in there ans then we are done! Will send a pic when its all sorted.....
I've been in a bit of pain recently, I thinknits the way I'm carrying baby, he is very low and almost feels like he will pop out at any moment! It's killing my back being on my feet all day at work and I now have terrible pains on my lower right side which the doctor thinks is a pelvic disorder.... BORING! I was up at 4am this morning (seriously tina, I don't know how you get up at that time every day!!!) as I had, what can only be described as contractions, in my back! Like a squeezing, pulling sensation? It's all good fun xx will send a pic of my HUGE bump in a jiffy xxxx

10 weeks to go girls.... There is not much room left in here!!!! :)
ahhh Betty I am loving all of these bump progression pictures!! Seriously though, I know we all keep rambling on about it but you look really really amazing! You'll be right back into your skinny jeans as soon as you pop him out.

Has the doctor said that you have SPD? (symphysis pubis dysfunction in technical terms). I had it when I was pregnant with Evie and had to finish work at 32 weeks because I was in so much discomfort. I think it's quite common in late pregnancy but it can be really painful.

Can't wait to see the nursery!

No, to answer your question me and Frisky aren't going to the same resort. If I'm not mistaken I think she's going to Lanzarote and I am going to Tenerife.
Please, please, please can we arrange a meet up girls? I need to see you crazy ladies in person! Don't get me wrong it's lovely speaking over the internet but it'd be even more lovely to have a good old natter in person.

Evie is going to breakfast with Santa at school this morning. She was so excited that she woke up at 5am. Mark wasn't best pleased but I was secretly happy because I got to do her hair all pretty for school! She had a fall in school yesterday and she has cut her top lip and the bridge of her nose so I couldn't really take any pictures because her poor little face is a mess :( When she woke up this morning she said "Mummy, when I fell in school yesterday I think it has made me get a sore throat" hahaha! Kids say the funniest things.

Have a great day ladies!

I need to buy a tub of roses for the Christmas eve sack and then I'm done. Only got to wrap Frazers toy aeroplane and mil slippers and that's me finished wrapping too. Tree went up on Sunday.

Love your bump Betty,and Yay for tickers :cloud9:
Hope your pelvis doesn't get worse. Worst pain ever:hugs:

Slightly jealous of you 2 ladies getting some sun for Christmas!! xx
You're jealous of my holiday and I'm jealous of your organisation skills haha! I've got to get Evie some Lego, put my decs up, present for marks brother and my sister then there's the small detail of packing to tackle! Feel like it's never ending. I need a fairy godmother!

Evie's just fell to sleep, she's been grumpy all night. I'm not surprised though after her 5am wake up this morning. I'm just lay in bed with mark giving running commentary on the Liverpool match. Do all men do this by the way? Or is it just my husband? Xx

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