7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

:hugs: Betty. From about 32 weeks I felt like I was literally sitting on and squashing Frazers head everytime I sat down. He was really low,was so uncomfortable. Hope you manage some sleep before its time to get up.

Glad you girls had good birthdays.

I am shattered. Zara and Frazer are both in with me and Zara is the worst person to share a bed with for kicking duvet off,grinding teeth and tossing and turning!!!
Happy Birthdays! Good show with the pressies Tina. My OH is a bit hit or a miss. I make a point to make suggestions now ;)
Oh Ab! I can't imagine having two of them in the bed. I barely cope with Leo in for brief periods.
Yes Betty, I feel your pain! Leo was very low from 30 odd weeks. I kept telling my midwife that if he 'dropped' toward the end he'd be between my knees. That was why I changed dates and stopped at 37 weeks. I was sure I wasn't going to make it to 40 weeks and sitting on the bus etc. was really uncomfortable! Glad I did too.
Well ladies, Matt has finished his exams, his post exam movie with the gang and now he's home! I'll go easy on him tonight but tomorrow night I am sleeping through the night!
Tomorrow we'll take the wee ones to the Christmas market before I meet my new bosses.
Leo has been doing well with the bottles generally. Yesterday lunchtime though we had an almighty "Mum I want a boob" meltdown. Nothing else was going to suffice!!! Looking forward to owning my own body again - it's been a long 18 months.
Have bought myself a bottle of Baileys for Christmas!
I'm excited!
Bring on Christmas!
Morning girls,

ahhh Edinburgh, you enjoy that bottle of baileys my dear! Sure as hell you deserve a tipple or 2 after 12 months of child on the boob haha. I suppose it is like anything in life, it's tough to wean yourself away from anything once it becomes a regular thing but it will get easier, 1 day at a time!
I too am off to the Christmas markets tomorrow. I am going to get the train into Manchester and then get the last train home so I can have a few festive beverages whilst I am there!

God do I need it... found out yesterdays girls that my job is at risk of redundancy. I will find out by the end of March whether I am safe or not so until then I am in limbo. I spent the whole of last night crying because I love my job. The hours are perfect for picking Evie up from school and I have got a good group of friends here. I had a half bottle of wine and went to bed with a tear stained face!
Good news is though, I finish for Christmas today!!!!! I was coming in on Monday but after yesterday I have zero motivation so have booked it off instead.
This time next week I will be in Tenerife, and it'll be Christmas day girls. Are you all wrapped and sorted now?

Betty, that's shitty that your little man is pushing down so low on your vagina :( Do you think you're going to go early with him? You're right though, your pregnancy has FLEW over! The last couple of years has actually.. I can't believe that everyone in this thread has had a baby now except for little old me!

Frisky, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have the most wonderful day and get spoilt by that husband of yours.

AB, sorry the kids are still keeping you awake. Are you all sorted for Christmas now little miss organised?

Tina,I hope you don't lose your job. It's a horrible feeling, dh was in limbo for a few weeks a month or so ago,but his job ended up being safe but they will probably have more pay offs in march. its shit!!

Can't believe how quickly your holidays have come around.

Yip,I'm organised lol. Although I bought more stuff today that I'll need to wrap. Just need to buy starters and desserts.......and a litre of smirnoff ��. I'm back to having an occasional few on a sat night if I'm not working,gotta love a vodka lol. I bought wine today too. Dh was going to buy champagne but we saw a bit on a programme last night and Aldi cava got voted better than moet so we are trying that :rofl: was only £4.79 so we'll see!!!

My first aid course was good. Amazing how quick it all comes back to you. I did a baby & child first aid course when I was childminding which was good.
Frazer doesn't really feed from me as much now either. He has aptimil when I am working,and eats like a horse lol xx

Have fun at the Christmas markets xx


Zoe and Zara before the nursery Christmas singalong & Frazer meeting Santa at the toddlers party
Awwh ab, your children are gorgeous, Frazer looks really grown up there too.
Have you tried the Aldi Cava yet? You must tell us your thoughts haha xx

Betty, almost in your vagina!? Haha that made me giggle. Bless you, it's not nice the last few weeks. I can't belive how fast it has gone. Maybe he will make an early appearance. Have you decided on a name yet?

Edinburgh, I'm so sorry your old boss is being such an arsehole! It's just stress you can do without. I hope your meeting with the new bosses went ok.
I can't actually remember when Oscar stopped waking up through the night to feed. He used to be up every 2 hours. I felt quite sad when I stopped breast feeding, I wish I had carried on a bit longer than 8 weeks, but he was fine. You know yourself when it's time to stop. Don't be getting too drunk on your baileys though ;) Xx

Tina.....Happy belated birthday. I cannot belive mark got you all that make up! What a guy! I want the smashbox contour set, I too have a slight obsession with makeup. Az got me a Mac voucher, which I will be spending at the airport on Wednesday :)
I've not packed, going to do it later. I can't wait to go away now. What day do you fly??
I'm sorry about your job, fingers crossed you will be ok xx

I'm dying today, I went out with the girls last night, it was an early start. Was out for 5pm, told Az I'd be home for 8, didn't get in till midnight. I literally don't remember anything. Apparently I fell asleep in the pub! Cringe.
I'm in bad books today xx
Hi girls!

AB, your kids are adorable!! The girls look so alike, and their hair is gorgeous!! I always get all of my alcohol from Aldi. I haven't tried a bad one yet to be honest.

Frisky, we are flying out on Christmas Eve morning at 9am from manchester. What about you? I've got the contour kit by smashbox. It is good though it's powder, I think I'd like to try a cream contour kit next time to see if it blends better. I too shall be treating myself to some new purchases in the airport!

I went to the Christmas markets last night. My plan was to get pissed as a fart and then get the last train home. It didn't happen that way... We went to TGI Fridays as soon as we landed in manchester and I ate so much that I felt sick as soon as I started to drink. I only had a few and then literally couldn't drink another drop because I thought I was gonna throw up. Gutted! I should've learnt by now that I can't eat and drink! I must choose one or the other.

Spent tonight at my mums printing off her boarding passes and insurance. She hasn't got a clue how to use any modern technology! Lay in bed now watching the 2nd inbetweeners movie.

Oh my god! AB, your children are beautiful and frazer looks so big!!! Tina, you're right! The time has just flown by, so scary! Sweetie, you will get your bfp, I know you will, you might be last but the best is always saves till last!!! You will end up with a spectacular bfp, I'm thinking twins!!! :)

Tina, frisky!!! Cant believe you guys are flitting off to sunnier climates in a couple of days, I'm well jealous!!! You will have so much fun!!!
Tina, sorry to hear about your job, honestly, no jobs are secure these days! Fingers crossed you won't be affected xxx
Edinburgh, have you not had a drink in all that time? Dear god! I would be in a right RAGE!!! I can't live without wine :) im such a lush!!!
AB, how was aldi's cava??? I always buy the red Rossi wine from there, it's only £3.19 and it's one of the best red wines I've had! Oh wine, how I miss you!!!

Yes, this little tinker is so bloody low he is almost poking his head out! By the end of the day I'm walking (waddling) around having to hold my bump up! I really think he will come early (not too early pls baby!!!) no name yet either, hoping he will have a name tag on him when he 'pops' out xxxx
Enjoy your hols ladies.!!!

Not having the cava until Xmas day.
Just finishing work,will do a proper update later.

Betty,I felt the same with frazer. Felt like I was sitting on his head near the end lol xx
Hello ladies, bloody hell I've been busy today. Not only have I had to get all the packing sorted. Aarons sister is staying at our house with her fella and kids as they got made homeless a few weeks ago. They have a house ready to move into, but cant move in until the middle of January. They are currently all split up living with different family members, so I offered our house as at least they can be together on Xmas day. So I've been maniacally cleaning and washing everything, I need a bloody holiday!!
We fly at 9am, so will be up at 5am to get up & out to the airport.

Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas!! Betty, do not worry my lovey, next Xmas the wine will be flowing hey?? ;)

Tina, have a fantastic holiday!!

Speak to you all in a week.
Love you all lots Xxx
Morning girls! Frisky, have the best holiday!!! We will be in the airport at the same time tomorrow morning. I can only imagine your relief this morning that you're finally jetting off for some relaxation and stress free time.

Betty, I too love my wine though I don't like red. I'm a Rosè girl! I thought you had narrowed it down to 3 or 4 names for the baby? What is Chris feeling?

AB, how did the aldi cava go down?

We are doing Christmas Day today girls! Evie's presents are all set out in the living room. Just waiting on her waking up! Then the madness can begin haha. I'll try to get some pics to post later.

I rang the hospital yesterday morning because my period arrived and we are doing our frozen transfer in January!!! I've worked out that my transfer date will be around 10th January if all goes to plan. Just waiting on a call back to confirm.

Hi girls! Managed to get some wifi in a cafe on the beach. Having a ball in Tenerife, we had strong winds for the first couple of days but it's roasting today so been laying by the pool recovering from last night. I drank that much vodka that I ended up throwing up everywhere when we got back to the room. Having a quiet one tonight after 5 nights on the voddy!

Bought a clearblue ovulation predictor kit before we came away and I've brought it with me to start testing whilst we are here. It's looking like transfer day will be around 10th jan!

Hope everyone is having a great Christmas! Xxx
Merry Christmas everyone!!!! How was everyone's Christmas day???
Tina!!! How is your holiday??? I'm so jealous! Sounds like you are having fun which is what you need chick! And great news that you will be transferring as soon as you get back, something to look forward too.....

How is everyone else? Very quiet on here!!!

Christmas for us was lovely, just goes far too quickly.... Hope everyone is well xxx
Hi ladies,

Hope you are having a great time on hol Tina and Frisky. Jealous of you soaking up the sun !!!

Betty,how's your bump?

Did you all have a good Christmas ?

We had a great time and the Aldi cava was really good xx
Hey ladies and merry belated Christmas to you all!!
We just got back tonight, Oscar has had really bad travel sickness, so he's in with us tonight.
Had a fab time away, weather was like yours Tina, quite windy a few days, but we got some real hot sunshine. The food was lovely at the hotel, I have pigged out so much and drank so much!! I have put on 11lbs!! Whhhaaaaaaaaaaa!! Strict diet starts tomorrow

The funniest thing I have ever seen, was santa by the pool, riding a fucking CAMEL!! Haaaaaaaahaaaa brilliant.
Felt weird sunbathing on Xmas day, I'd definitely go away again at Xmas. But maybe just after.

How are we all doing? I'm just lay upstairs at the min, having nightmares about sorting out all the unpacking! Ewwwwwww worst job ever x
Happy new years eve girls!! What's everybody up to tonight??

We are staying in with a take away & wine xx Rock n roll hey? X
I'm working until 10pm tonight then back in at 8am tomorrow so I won't be having much to drink. At least I finish at 3 tomorrow so we can have a nice new years dinner together. Got a pork joint in the oven just now for it.

Happy New Year to you all when it comes xxx
Hi girls!

Happy new year to everyone :) :) Hope this year brings us all some lovely surprises and is kind to each and every one of us.

Frisky, glad that you had a ball when you was away! We too saw santa with a camel on the first day that we were there. Very surreal but Evie loved it! I've definitely put on a few pounds though I am too scared to get on the scales so I am just starting a diet today without knowing how much I have to lose haha!
I took the day off work yesterday to tackle the washing and the taking down of the Christmas tree and I am friggin exhausted today! Back to work :(

Having a nightmare with the whole IVF thingie. I took a clearblue ovulation kit away with us and started testing on CD10 as the test told me to do with having a 30 day cycle. To my absolute surprise I got a positive ovulation test on CD10 of testing, surely it couldn't have been right? Normally I would get a positive around CD15-16 so I phoned the hospital to express my concerns and the doctor said that he isn't happy transferring this cycle because he can't be sure that CD10 is the right ovulation day. So it's back to a waiting game again now. If CD10 was correct then my period should arrive really early, if not then we will have to look at doing a medicated cycle in February rather than a natural one.

Betty, the arrival of your little man is so close now!!! Did Viv enjoy her Christmas?

AB, hoorah for the Aldi cava being enjoyable! Speaking of Aldi, I really need to go do a food shop today. Haven't had the time as yet since being home, you should've seen the mis match we had for tea last night. Onion rings, tortellini pasta and a birds eye chicken burger hahaha

Hello girls and happy new year!!! 2016!!!! Can you believe it!!! :)

Tina, frisky, welcome back.... Glad to hear you had a good time, nothing beats a holiday :)
Tina, that's very early to ovulate!!! Did you do a few days of tests or just on CD10??? So what do you mean you will have to do a natural cycle???

Edinburgh.... Have you started your new job yet??? How is everything with the old boss??? Did you get it all sorted out in the end???

I go on maternity leave next week girls, whoop!!!! I'm so ready for it! Im just not sleeping at the minute so it will be nice to have a few sneaky afternoon naps when I'm on maternity! Eeeeeek! Can't believe I'm due in just over 5 weeks! I think we have got most things now, although I'm not the most organised of people so im sure I will have forgotten some vital thing the baby needs :)

AB, how are you??? Sorry to hear you were working over new year, I was at my cousins party surrounded by pissed people, managed to stay up till 1.30am before I'd had enough :( everyone has been very 'merry' over the holidays, I'm sick of watching people drink while I'm sat sipping on my council pop!!! Can't wait for a large glass of wine :) :) :)
Morning lovelies!

Betty, I could only test on CD10 because once you get a positive on the clearblue digi it won't let you test again for a few days and I didn't take any cheapie tests with me. I am on CD16 today and I have definitely ovulated because I have sore boobs and have done for a couple of days.
As far as a natural and medicated cycle are concerned I will try to give you a brief breakdown... If you ovulate normally and have a regular cycle then you can go for a natural cycle in which you call the hospital on the day that you get a positive ovulation test and then it's as simple as going in to make the embryo transfer. If on the other hand you have problems with ovulation then the hospital will suggest a medicated cycle where you will have injections to thicken your womb lining and then the hospital can pinpoint the best time to transfer the embryo.
I really wanted to do a natural cycle because I hated the injections last time but what will be will be I guess!

OMGGGGG can't actually believe there's only 5 weeks to go. How crazy quick has this pregnancy gone at all?!?! He isn't even my baby and I am super excited to see him! I bet you're over the moon that you're starting your mat leave. Is there a better feeling in the world? I saw on FB just before that you were awake from 1am, that's not even funny. Nobody should be awake at that hour! Still no name for him yet?


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