Awwh ab, your children are gorgeous, Frazer looks really grown up there too.
Have you tried the Aldi Cava yet? You must tell us your thoughts haha xx
Betty, almost in your vagina!? Haha that made me giggle. Bless you, it's not nice the last few weeks. I can't belive how fast it has gone. Maybe he will make an early appearance. Have you decided on a name yet?
Edinburgh, I'm so sorry your old boss is being such an arsehole! It's just stress you can do without. I hope your meeting with the new bosses went ok.
I can't actually remember when Oscar stopped waking up through the night to feed. He used to be up every 2 hours. I felt quite sad when I stopped breast feeding, I wish I had carried on a bit longer than 8 weeks, but he was fine. You know yourself when it's time to stop. Don't be getting too drunk on your baileys though

Tina.....Happy belated birthday. I cannot belive mark got you all that make up! What a guy! I want the smashbox contour set, I too have a slight obsession with makeup. Az got me a Mac voucher, which I will be spending at the airport on Wednesday
I've not packed, going to do it later. I can't wait to go away now. What day do you fly??
I'm sorry about your job, fingers crossed you will be ok xx
I'm dying today, I went out with the girls last night, it was an early start. Was out for 5pm, told Az I'd be home for 8, didn't get in till midnight. I literally don't remember anything. Apparently I fell asleep in the pub! Cringe.
I'm in bad books today xx