Hi girls how are you all?
Frisky, that sounds like some session you had

God, I have been hangover free for 8 months! I don't miss that AT ALL! I am already dreading my first hangover

but I love my wine so what can you do hey???
Tina, fantastic news on your natural cycle! Can't believe you will be transferring in a couple of weeks, so exciting!!! I have a very good feeling about this! You will be able to test around Valentine's Day is that right???? Eeeek!!!
Edinburgh, are you totally BF free now? Does that mean you can now get back on the vino??? How exciting!!! How is the new job going??? I can't believe your babies have been sick again

it's probably from being at nursery...
AB, you're quiet, hope all is well with you!
Oh girls, my baby shower was out of this world, my sister went completely out of her way to make it perfect for me, I'm so lucky to have her! She did allsorts and wrote me a poem and did a 'wishing tree' were everyone had to write a little note and hang it on the tree... My friends got the baby loads of lovely stuff! Seriously, I was totally overwhelmed... Not long now, I'm ready to POP!!! I'm still getting bigger by the day (bump photo to follow!) loving maternity leave, I will never be bored, I've got plans every day for the next two weeks, just catching up with friends for coffee, I'm going out for fish n chips with my mam and uncle tmrw then taking viv and her best friend to the play centre after school then out for dinner.... I'm loving it!!!!