AB, sorry to hear about the shitty weather

I feel so fortunate to be living right in the middle of the country right now.
Betty, again.. could you be any more gorgeous when pregnant? I am totally jealous of your mat leave. Your plans sound amazing, as I say sat here at my desk at 06.22am, FUCK MY LIFE hahahah!!! How's viv feeling about the impending new member of your family? Is she super excited?
Edinburgh, great news on the BF situation!! I bet you must feel so relieved. How is Leo settling into no boob? Your life always sounds so manic, you just remind me of myself
Evie is super super excited about the prospect of a new brother or sister and I am not even up the duff yet. We were filling in MORE forms the other night and Evie asked what I was doing so I told her "We are filling out forms so we can try to get a baby" .. she was obviously confused and is forever going to think that babies come from the baby hospital but you have to fill in forms and take special medicines to get one. But I don't want to lie to her, she is forever hearing us speak about it and she knows that at some point we will have a baby but it's just taking time. My heart breaks for her though, she's desperate for a sibling
On a better note, my period has pretty much gone and ovulation testing begins in 4 days and counting!!! God I so hope that was my last period for 9 months, fingers crossed hey!