Morning girls how are you all! Thanks for all your lovely wishes! I'm still in hospital but to be honest that's not a problem as I am in sooooo much pain after the section, I expected it to be painful but JEEZ!!! This is awful, I can hardly walk
My little fella is just amazing!!! I can't believe he is here and he is mine!!! It's like a dream

I've tried BF but I don't seem to have anything in my boobies! Also, this lazy little man won't open his mouth enough to latch on! With me being in so much pain I really can't face the heartbreak of trying and failing to breastfeed so for the moment he is on formula and that suits me fine.....
The labour was long and hard! I had the 3 pessaries over 18 hours to start off the contractions which worked, I was contracting lovely but was not dilating much at all! They managed to break my waters and I was then put on the IV drip that brings on more intense contractions. After about 10 hours on this and contracting every 2 mins I was examined only to be told I was only 5cm dilated

they offered me a section at this point as I had been doing it for 28 hours but refused and asked if I could try for longer so they gave me another 8.5 hours and examined me again and I was still on 5cm.... I was gutted and so tired, I had gone all that time with just gas and air and I couldn't do anymore

so a C-Section it was.... Basically little man was back to back with his head in a deflexed position so that's why he wouldn't come out naturally.... I tried my best and the main thing is that he is here and safe and absolutely gorgeous!!!! No name yet either, arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Tina..... I'm super excited about your transfer, you must be too and I pray and pray and pray that this is it for you!!! You are right, you really deserve this!!! You have been through so much.... I have everything crossed for you xxxxxx
How is everyone else doing????