7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Thank you girls, I really hope you are right Frisky. Don't think I could take another negative IVF blow :(

Called the hospital, just waiting on a phonecall back xx
Well last time was a bit of a shambles wasn't it. It'll be better this time Xx let us know when they call.
Does anyone know what's good for conjunctivitis? Oscar is full of it and a cold,,I can't get in at the doctor's Xx
I find the only thing to get rid of conjunctivitis hun is warm water on cotton wool, wipe once then discard and use a fresh piece to wipe again. I don't recall when Evie had it using drops or anything. Poor Oscar, hope he is feeling better soon.

The hospital called back, transfer is on SATURDAY!!!! I mentioned about wanting to use ultrasound this time because the transfer last time was so bad and she said it shouldn't be a problem. Glad it's on Saturday really, I don't need to take any time off work and I have Sunday off too to relax

That's excellent Tina.

Sorry frisky,no experience of conjunctivitis. Hope Oscar is better soon xx
Frisky, how did the doctors appointment go with Oscar? Have you, Az and Joe not started to show signs of it? I know when Evie had it we all ended up with it. It's so contagious!

Betty, how are you feeling my dear? I know you probably won't have time to post because of the hype of being a new mummy but just know we are thinking of you and hope you're healing well. Dying to find out your little mans name!!

AB, how you doing hun? How's the house hunting going? Hope the kiddies are doing well

Evie's gone on a school trip today to a glass museum... not the best like but she's over the moon with it!

Morning girls how are you all! Thanks for all your lovely wishes! I'm still in hospital but to be honest that's not a problem as I am in sooooo much pain after the section, I expected it to be painful but JEEZ!!! This is awful, I can hardly walk :( :(
My little fella is just amazing!!! I can't believe he is here and he is mine!!! It's like a dream :) I've tried BF but I don't seem to have anything in my boobies! Also, this lazy little man won't open his mouth enough to latch on! With me being in so much pain I really can't face the heartbreak of trying and failing to breastfeed so for the moment he is on formula and that suits me fine.....
The labour was long and hard! I had the 3 pessaries over 18 hours to start off the contractions which worked, I was contracting lovely but was not dilating much at all! They managed to break my waters and I was then put on the IV drip that brings on more intense contractions. After about 10 hours on this and contracting every 2 mins I was examined only to be told I was only 5cm dilated :( they offered me a section at this point as I had been doing it for 28 hours but refused and asked if I could try for longer so they gave me another 8.5 hours and examined me again and I was still on 5cm.... I was gutted and so tired, I had gone all that time with just gas and air and I couldn't do anymore :( so a C-Section it was.... Basically little man was back to back with his head in a deflexed position so that's why he wouldn't come out naturally.... I tried my best and the main thing is that he is here and safe and absolutely gorgeous!!!! No name yet either, arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Tina..... I'm super excited about your transfer, you must be too and I pray and pray and pray that this is it for you!!! You are right, you really deserve this!!! You have been through so much.... I have everything crossed for you xxxxxx

How is everyone else doing????
Betty you did well to try for so long. And as long as little man gets fed it doesn't really matter where it comes from :hugs:
Hope your recovery is quick and hope you settle on a name soon. I had a dream that you called him Ralph or Raif!!!!

I'm not bad. still got the flu,been 10 days now and still not feeling great. Kids had a cold but are getting over it now. Dh was a godsend last week He was night shift but came home from work and let me sleep most mornings while he dealt with the kids.

We move 3 weeks on Friday. Hope I feel better soon as I need to start packing!!!!!
Betty, you're an amazing lady, there's no way I could put up with contractions for that number of hours on only gas and air! You should be incredibly proud of yourself after that mission. Was your labour that bad with Viv? I always thought that second babies were supposed to shoot out
Like AB said though, I don't think it matters where the food comes from as long as your little man has a full belly. I tried BFing Evie and I was in the same situation as you, no milk :(

AB, sorry you're feeling so unwell. I hate that fluey bug, once you have it there's just no getting rid of it for weeks and weeks. I think there was one point last year where I literally couldn't breathe through my nose for about 3 months!
ooohhh do tell all about your new house, what is it like?

It's just another private rent. 3 bed semi detached house downstairs loo,bigger bedrooms. gch which I miss as we have stupid storage heaters in here. Saving like crazy now so hopefully the move after this we will be buying again!!! Xx
We're in a similar situation at the minute, ours is a 2 bed semi. Me and mark bought it before we even thought of having kids and to say it's a tight squeeze now would be an understatement. We've saved about 20 grand to move into something bigger because I doubt we've got any equity on this house. There's a few for sale in our close and none of them are selling :( looking to get ours up for sale in the next couple of months. Especially if this frozen transfer works out!

Good luck with that.
I hate renting. its like throwing money away xx
Morning ladies! How are we all?

Betty, how is that beautiful little nameless boy of yours haha? Does he have a name now? Hope your pain is subsiding a little and you can get home soon.

2 days to go now until transfer girls! I am anxious, I won't lie :(

Hello lovely ladies!!!! I'm finally home from the hospital, got in late last night... Had a good night with the little fella who is still nameless!!!! Arghhhhh! We will have a name today I reckon! AB, I can't believe your dream! Ralph was chris' uncles name and his mam would have liked us to name the baby that (he tragically died at the age of 10) but I actually really like the name and know it would have meant something to the family but Chris really doesn't like it as up here it gets shortened to rarfy :(
I'm still in pain but to be honest it's more the not being able to do anything (including walking!) that is pissing me off! I can't get in and out of bed or roll over, it hurts to just sit, stand, lay etc..... So dull but I know it will pass. I was hoping to be back at the gym by next week :( :( lol!!! I think it's because I'm so bloody active, the thought of sitting on my arse for a couple of weeks freaks me out!!!
Baby is just gorgeous but he is sooooo tiny!!! We've had to go out and buy tiny baby clothes and premature nappies as nothing fits him! He weighs 6lb12 but he really doesn't look it, he's so skinny bless him!!! I've decided to bottle feed, I'm really not up for breast feeding, it made me so miserable with vivienne and I really don't want to go through all that again.... So far so good! Long may it continue!

Tina, eeeeeek!!! How exciting! Are you all prepared for transfer day???? So when are you able to test????? How are you feeling???? Have you told all your friends and family??? X
yey, great news that you're home and resting Betty! There's nothing worse than being cooped up in a hospital bed. You'll recover quicker at home too :) I think we can safely say that you will not be back at the gym any time soon! even if the scar heals on the outside you still need to give the inside time to heal up. The littlest strain too far and you could end up doing yourself more damage than good.
Bottle feeding will do him the world of good, I think these days that the formulas have just about everything in them that breast milk has. Evie was bottle fed and it hasn't done her any harm! You just do what is best for you and don't worry about what anyone else says. If we're lucky enough to have another I will definitely bottle feed.

I am as prepared for transfer day as I can be! We are going out for a meal tomorrow night with my mum and dad and my sister and her boyfriend and I've asked Mark if I can have a drink and he can drive because it could be my last night of drinking for 9 months. Sounds absolutely crazy to me that like because I can just never imagine it happening. 2 years and 8 months now we've been at it and it just feels like it's unreachable :( As for testing, I worked out that on a normal cycle my period would be due between 14th-16th Feb so if it hasn't arrived by valentines day then I might test. I feel sick just thinking about it... I will soon know anyhow. I started bleeding 6 days after transfer last time

Hey ladies,

Betty, glad to hear your home with the nameless one! Haha I do really like Ralph, that's so cute. I'm sure something will come to you soon. I was actually nameless for 3 days, then my dad was out wetting my head with his mates & the song 'Sarah' came on in the pub....he turned up pissed at the hospital to tell my mum he had a name for me! Haaha
Anyway, I agree with the girls about the formula being fine. No need to put yourself under any unnecessary stress. If you even THINK about going to the gym next week, I'll come down there and smack your legs myself! You must rest, I know it's hard, but you will heal faster. I remember the pain, it's awful, I was scared to go to the loo. Sneezing & coughing was horrible too. At least he is here now, sounds pretty horrific, going through all that & only 5cm dialated, well done to you xxx

Tina, transfer day is almost here. How exciting & how wonderful would it be to get a positive test for Valentine's?? Can you believe it was 2 years yesterday I got my positive test? Crazy how time is flying . Good for you having a drink tomorrow too :)

Ab, I know what you mean about renting & throwing money away, we rent ours. Hopefully one day we will buy. Glad you have found somewhere though. Hope your feeling better too Xx

Oscars been poorly this week, the conjunctivitis has cleared up now, he has an ear infection too & tonight he has started with a Horrible cough. It's never ending is it? Xx
That's babies for you Frisky! It's one thing after the other :( Their poor little immune systems are too weak to fight anything off.

Transfer is TOMORROW girls. I am scared... can't handle the thought of this not working again, though I am trying my best to remain positive. Happy thoughts = a happy uterus! God help me in this 2WW, just gotta try and keep busy.

What's everyone upto this weekend? We are off out for a meal tonight, can't wait to over indulge.. and then feel so terribly guilty afterwards haha.

Frisky, saw on FB that you're back in the gym, how you getting on?

Bet your terrified Tina, it sure is an emotional rollercoaster. What time are you getting the transfer? Where are you off tonight?
My sister's got Joe tonight , so as and I are taking Oscar to his sister's & we are getting a takeaway, wine and a taxi home! Haha
I need to look for a proper job and look at getting Oscar in nursery. But the cost of it is making it impossible. I need to sit down and really have a think. I'm still going to college, I'll do these exams, but I'm really not sure I'm going to see it through,,as we are struggling and not saving.
My mum helps with Oscar ,,but she has bad arthritis and can't have him for too long. Aaron's mum is now charging us to have Oscar, the 4 hours she has him on a Thursday, she wants paying. I feel like telling her to FUCK right off!!! They don't see him any other time, have never offered to sit of have him overnight. And now we are paying them to have their own grandson??? Pissed off is an understatement Xx

Sorry to rant xxx
Oh and gym is going great thanks Tina, I really enjoy it. Trying to make an effort to get there at least 3 times a week. It's my aim to get a nice juicy pert bottom this year! Xx
I can't believe that your mil charges you to have Oscar,that's fckng shocking!!!! I'd be so angry at that.

Good luck tomorrow Tina,I'll be thinking of you

Betty,how's things ? Is Viv loving being a big sister?

I'm back at work this weekend,been off for 2 weeks (apart from a training course yesterday). Feel loads better than I did.

Going out for dinner tomorrow night to wetherspoons with my mil / fil. That's as exciting as my weekend will get lol xx

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