Happy Valentine's day my little love bugs xxxxx
I had a bouquet of flowers delivered yesterday, it's a miracle!!!! Although it turned out to not be as romantic as I would have liked! The company fucked the order up and I ended up with the wrong flowers, they were half dead and there was no note in them

Chris complained and he got a full refund but he was really upset as he wanted it to be a nice surprise for me.... The thought was there and that is the main thing.... I doubt he will have for me a card! Only time will tell (I'm the only one awake in our house at the moment!!!)
Tina, I havebeen constantly thinking of you since your transfer.... Please don't get too disheartened just yet, it's still really early to test! im keeping everything crossed for you and I really hope that the little witch stays away!!! It's not fair that you are having to go through all of this

but we are all with you..... Saying lots of prayers, keep us posted and enjoy your day, well done mark on such lovely presents!!! He is really good with things like that! You're so lucky! Chris wouldn't know where to begin!!!
Alfie seems better since we changed his milk but his tummy is still hurting him after feeds, I will try will some boiled water today and see if that helps! He feeds every 3 hours so at the minute it's twice during the night, I'm doing night feeds, Chris unfortunately needs his sleep otherwise he is a right grump were I can survive on a couple of hours sleep no probs! Besides, I can sleep during the day
We are off to a christening today.... Looking forward to it and might also partake in a little vino!!!
Have a lovely day everyone, hope you get spoilt of your other half!!! xxxxxxxx