7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Tina.... I'm so sorry. Im sending you so much love and hugs... I too wish I was just around the corner to come and see you.... :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
Thank you girls, I'd welcome those hugs right now :(

I have had a good cry to my mum since I posted this morning and I've phoned the hospital to let them know. Just waiting on a phone call back.. I feel like we've hit a brick wall. Why are these embryos not implanting? I can't get my head around it.

Tina, I'm so sorry. It's really shit that this hasn't worked for you this time. Wish I could hug you too xx Have the hospital rang back yet? Xxx
Hey ladies, how are we all?
Tina, how are you doing beautiful? Xx
Hi girls,

yes Frisky the hospital called back. They offered us councilling haha! I told them that we are just fine and we can deal with it between ourselves. They asked what our plans are going forward and I said that we want to start a fresh cycle as soon as possible so she said we will get a follow up appointment through the post soon.

I've been looking at endo scratching this morning. It's where part of your womb is scratched away before IVF starts and the embryo is transferred to the spot that was scratched away. Apparently the new cells that grow back are a perfect environment for an embryo and the cells are more likely to accept an embryo than older cells would be. I think it costs a few extra hundred on top of what we will already be paying but if the consultant thinks it will help then we will give it a go. I believe it is quite painful though :(

What's everyone upto this weekend? We are off to my mum and dad's tonight for takeaway then Mark is out all day with the lads tomorrow so I am off to a soft play centre with my friend and Evie then I might get a bottle of wine because I haven't had a drop in about a month and then snuggle with a film on the couch.

Oh blimey,I've never heard of endo scratching before. It does sound painful, but it will be worth it hey? You will be fine having it done, after all you have Bern through already...You are one of the strongest people I have never met ;) Xx

I've just got back from the gym which killed me. Oscar was up all last night with his teeth,ended up in our bed so I've hardly slept.
I'm off out with the girls tomorrow night, don't want to go too wild though as I'm saving myself for the boxing next weekend!! I'm Sooooooo excited girls!! Az treated me to a new dress from river island to wear, can't wait to get glammed up.

It's pouring Down here tonight and its cold Xx enjoy your wine tomorrow Tina, you bloody well deserve it lady xxx
Thank you beautiful lady, I do feel stronger than I've ever felt in my life. I've taken on some shit like but this just takes the biscuit!

How was your night out with the girls? I am desperate for a girls night out. All of my friends also have kids and finding a time when we are free at the same time is like finding a needle in a haystack.
I didn't end up having a bottle of wine on Saturday, I had a movie night in my bed with Evie instead because Mark went out. Little did I know that she would stay awake until midnight before I had to force her into her own bed. Mark rolled in at 2 oclock after saying he was having a "quiet one" and he almost fell down the stairs, he was a wasted mess.

I had a surprise phonecall off the hospital this morning. They have a cancellation appointment and were ringing to offer it to me. It's tomorrow morning at 11.30, it was either that or the next free appointment was the end of March. Of course I bit her hand off and took the appointment, Mark can't come with me though because he has a meeting in work. I am dragging my mum with me for moral support instead. We want to get started again as soon as possible, I'm not getting any younger, and Evie is getting older and older!

Good luck tomorrow Tina. I know someone who had the scratch then got a bfp next cycle xx
Thanks AB, I have heard good things about it so crossing my fingers that it'll do the trick!

I'll update this afternoon girls

By the way, Frisky... saw the picture on FB of you wearing your cute little top for the boxing at the weekend. You look HAWT!!!!

Good luck today Tina.

Sorry I've not been posting much.i fell down the stairs on fri and have overstretched the ligaments in my right knee. Yesterday I fell in the street,my knee gave way,I was carrying Frazer at the time, dropped him on the road. He is ok but I am still upset that I dropped my baby. I have chipped a bone in my left ankle and torn ligaments!! oh yeah and we move this weekend!!!!
Oh my god AB!! Are you ok???? I bet that was a shock but I'm glad frazer is ok.... Typical that you have a busy weekend this weekend :(

Tina, what did the hospital say??? When are you able to have the endo scratching??? I've never heard of it but let's hope that it's what you need to help get that BFP!!! How are you feeling??? I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this :( hopefully it won't be much longer for you before you get the good news you deserve!!!

Frisky, I also saw you pic on Facebook! You're such a beauty and also skinny Minnie!!!!! :) I can't believe how much you like boxing, I can't watch it, Being out in my town is like constantly watching a boxing match :(

Edinburgh, how are you my lovely???

All good with us, alfie is piling on the pounds and is now 8lb which I'm happy with.... Still is crippled with colic but I've ordered some new bottles so hopefully that will make a difference :)
I had my first drink sesh (well a bottle of prosecco!) with my cousin on Friday and it was so nice!!! I'm back in the game!!!! :) :wine:
woohoo for being back in the game Betty haha! I'm proud of you girl! Great news too that Alfie is putting the weight on, I love all of your picture updates on facebook, he is adorable. I had a giggle about you saying that your town is like constantly living in the middle of a boxing match, mine is the exact same! I hate where we live, can't wait to get out of here.

AB, sorry to hear about your accident :( My mum is off work at the minute with torn ligaments in her foot. She can barely walk and is waiting for an MRI scan to confirm exactly what it is. Please try not to feel guilty about falling with Frazer, these things happen and can't be helped. I remember when Evie was only a few weeks old and I left her on the couch for only 10 seconds whilst she was asleep to pop into the kitchen. Next thing she was screaming on the floor and had managed somehow to roll off! I spent the rest of the day crying my eyes out and feeling like a bad mother. Sending you big hugs

I had my appointment yesterday, my mum came with me because Mark couldn't get out of work. Good news is that we start our fresh cycle in about 3 weeks time once my period arrives!! He wants to keep everything the same because he said my cycle went well last time, 7 out of 8 eggs fertilised which he said is over average. Normally only around 60% of the eggs fertilise so that's great news. He is increasing my medication though from 2 ampules of Merional to 3. Merional is the drug that makes the eggies grow so with any luck we will end up with more eggs and more mature eggs this time around.
He has advised not to do the endo scratch, he said that it would be a waste of money because there's no research that proves it works and it's another £300 that in his opinion would be wasted. One good thing about him is he has always been really honest, he could advise me to do it and take my money knowing that it isn't going to make a difference but he doesn't, he tells me how it is which I appreciate.

So we are just waiting on the all important bill to come through the post then once we have paid they will send out the medication.

I'm anxious girls, starting injections all over again is daunting :(

Oh bloody hell ab, that sounds painful. As long as your ok now and Fraser! We all do things....I shut Joe's bedroom door a few months ago,not noticing Oscar was right there....I shut the door on his fingers, I was nearly sick.they were all squashed, I nearly rang an ambulance. He stopped crying after 5 mins,but I cried all night .
Good luck with the move, I don't envy you, I hate moving. Just think of the end when your all settled in!

Tina, I'm glad your doctor was honest with you. You need someone like that. Fingers crossed its 3rd time lucky hey?? It's an emotional rollercoaster for you Xx
Night out with girls was ok, but one of out friends turned up wasted, so it was like we were babysitting her all night.
Betty, haha our town is like a boxing match every weekend too!! Only 3 more sleep!! Az and I went to the Trafford center last night to watch the public workout. We met all the boxers and EDDIE HEARN!! He's the boxing promoter, and I LOVE him! I felt 16 again, like when I met Robbie Williams!! Haha I'm a proper geek!
I'm not wearing that T shirt for the boxing, it's bloody HUGE. I Had to roll it up! Front view isn't great with my belly ! Haha
We're going out at 4pm on Sat, so will be really drunk! Can't wait :)

Betty, Alfie is gorgeous. Congrats on the 8lb Mark! How's viv taken to him? Keep the photos coming xxx
I saw the boxing thing at the trafford centre on granada reports last night and was looking out for you but didn't spot you! I really have no clue about boxing, I know the really famous boxers but that's about it.
Don't you just hate it when you've planned a night out and someone ruins it by turning up wasted? Happened to me a few years ago, one of the girls had just had a baby and it was her first night out since having her son. We were meeting at mine for wine before going out and she had already downed a bottle before coming to mine! She ended up throwing up in a sink in the first bar we went to and the bouncer carried her out. There's always one!

Hope this is 3rd time lucky for us..... it is really having an effect on both of us now mentally. Can't handle seeing new babies anymore or pregnancy announcements or scan pictures. We went to one of Evie's friends parties a couple of weeks ago and everyone there had a baby. I had to leave and Mark stayed with her, it was tearing me apart inside. I love seeing your babies though girls, you've worked hard for them and it gives me hope that it can happen for us too <3

Hi ladies. Ab peeps that's awful. Do you have lots of helpers for your move. Glad Frazer was fine. It's one of the reasons I love slings so much. You still have your hands about to protect yourself if you fall and they are quite well coccooned. He will not remember.
Tina, I just wish I had a magic wand for you honey. If I win the bloody lottery your bill is on me! You need a bit of damn good luck in the process this time x
Betty, so glad alfie is getting on well getting the weight on. I hope your new bottles help. I heard Dr browns were good but think there's more specialist ones for colic. It's no fun knowing they have windy pains.
Frisky, enjoy your boxing girl! I don't get it. But most people think climbing is mental!
I'm having a shit time. Have had a cold that destroyed my voice, was off work. Mum had both kids overnight for first time so.'ve before Leo was born and I woke up with winter vomiting virus. Only just getting on my feet again today. Leo is having a nightmare teething with fevers, crying, nappy rash, complete breakout of eczema across his face. I'm just knackered and need a good run without absence at work or I won't make it out of probation!
Oh god Edinburgh! I had a vomiting bug early last week and I never get sick, there's definitely some kind of virus going around. Great that your mum could have the kids for the night though I am sure you wish it was in better circumstances! Hope Leo is feeling better soon.

What's everyone upto this weekend?

Nothing much here.... going to go into town tomorrow to change the underwear that Mark bought me for valentines and then take Evie out for lunch. My sister mentioned going to see a film on Saturday night but she's not the most reliable of people! Then it's the Liverpool - Man City final on Sunday so no doubt I will have to endure that because Mark is obsessed with Liverpool.

Hi girls.... AB, how you doing chick? When is the move???
Edinburgh, oh god you sound like you're having a fucking horrendous time at the minute :( I really feel for you! Doesn't help that you're in a new job and I'm sure you will be feeling the pressure.... Hope you are feeling more human now and also that Leo is also better. My vivienne had awful eczema and I used covonut oil on her which did help but then she needed some bad ass cream to get rid of it....
Frisky, jeez you looked hot on Saturday night at the boxing!!!! Have you been working out loads??? You look great chick! As I don't know anything about boxing I don't know who won or anything but I hope you had a fun night :)

Tina, I also wish I could wave a magic wand for you.... It's so frustrating, depressing, mentally exhausting.... You're doing so well and it's totally natural that you will feel lots of different emotions when you see babies or pregnant women... I felt the same and every fucker I knew was pregnant, it was heartbreaking! Third time lucky chick! Think positive and we are all crossing fingers, toes, knees, knuckles etc.... For you!!! When is it all happening??? Have you discussed the possibility of putting more than one egg back in???? X
We've moved,all unpacked and tidy! ! My dad and step mum helped us on Saturday.
Will catch up properly later xx
woohoo AB!! Great news that you're moved in and settled. There's nothing worse than when you're just starting to move and the whole place looks like a bomb has gone off and all you want to do is sit down with a glass of wine but there's boxes upon boxes to unpack.

Betty, hows the little man doing? We have discussed putting 2 back but Mark is dead set against it... I would put 2 back in a heartbeat but he said that if we did end up with twins then I would have to quit my job because we couldn't afford 2 sets of nursery bills and it'd be financially impossible. I guess it has to be a joint decision so I have to respect his way of thinking.
It is all happening again in just over 2 weeks time, I have to call up on CD1 and I assume it will start from there.

Frisky, I second what Betty said.. you looked AMAZING on Saturday night. Your little figure is stunning, I am so envious. I've never been small really, I am proud of my curves but at the same time I would never have the confidence to wear a tiny dress like that! I didn't watch the boxing but I heard that the guy you wanted to win ended up losing :( Hope you still managed to have a good night though!


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