7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Omg ladies, I've been trying to reply on here for the last half an hour. In depth,long arse post and its deleted it TWICE! I'm so pissed off,think there's something wrong with this kindle. I'll try again tomorrow as I'm knackered and neeeeeed sleep Xx
:( always the way! so frustrating when shit like that happens.

Hope everyone is doing okay?

I'm off out for food tonight with the girls, looking forward to it, it's been a while! Think we are getting a curry... put a few more inches on the old waistline!

Hello fellow beautiful mummy's and a very happy Mother's Day to you all!!!! You're all absolutely amazing and I hope you're being spoilt rotten today :) :) :)

Will catch up with you all tmrw..... Xxxxxxx
Thank you Betty! Same goes from me... Hope all of you beautiful ladies have the most wonderful day! Evie got me a cup with her photo on it and it says I love you mummy and she made me the most beautiful card in school, I got a bit teary reading it :(

Hello ladies how are you all? Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! I had a great one, spent the morning with my mam and then cooked a meal for my MIL whilst drinking proseco!! Very nice! What did everyone else get up to???
My little fella has been in hospital :( he has quite bad reflux and we have now been given some meds to help him but he also has two hernias which will need to repaired :( we are just waiting on the hospital to get in touch to let us know when :( gutted! Don't want my little man to have an operation!
My mother has ended up not speaking to me, it was all going a bit too well to be honest! It was only a matter of time before this happened! She has told me she will never come to my house ever again, it's all good fun! Luckily I'm not letting her get to me, I have more important things to worry about!!

Tina... Where are you in your cycle????
Oh god Betty, so sorry to hear about Alfie and his hernias. It's awful thinking of our children being put to sleep for an op but it'll make life better for him and he will come through the other side just fine. Bless him!
How come your mum has fallen out with you? From what I remember she is friends with you one minute and then doesn't want to know the next... It'll only be a matter of time before she is knocking on your door again! It's not fair on you though.

We went away last weekend to the lakes, it was supposed to be a sex filled weekend and Mark ended up getting a bug didn't he! He spent the whole of Friday in bed and then Saturday he dragged himself out but was burning up all day. It drastically went against the plan that we had in place! Still made the most of it though.
Didn't do much on Mother's day because I was rough after consuming a bottle of wine and multiple vodkas on Saturday night. We went to Mark's mums for a roast and then in the evening went to my mums for a couple of hours.

Started back at the gym last night, managed to do a little run and then I did a weights class. I've really let myself down since October last year, I was doing really well then as soon as Christmas was approaching I started eating whatever the hell I wanted to and stopped going to the gym. I had a sneaky feeling I had put on some weight because my clothes feel tighter, so I bit the bullet last night and weighed myself. 11LBS!!!! Can't believe how much I have put on. So I am on the slimming world diet now and not exceeding 1200 calories per day.

I am on CD22 today, ovulation was late this cycle (CD19) so not expecting my period for another 9 days or so.

Got to ring the hospital on CD1 and my meds will be sent out

Hi ladies, how are we all? I've been playing catch up ever since that damn tummy bug and work as ever is mental. MIL and brotherIL arriving Thursday for 2 weeks too and they are staying with us in our poky 2 bed flat! Taking them up north this weekend, my mum and step dad coming too. Be nice to take my little people to the highland wildlife park but other than that could see the whole bloody lot far enough. On a monster of a period at the moment and just want to hide my bad humour from the world and stay in bed. Really must get back to the gym for some stress busting. I'm tubby and I don't like it.
On that happy note happy Monday all!
Hello lovely! I am well, well as well as can be. I am tired and hormonal and super hungry but I won't bore you with the details haha!

Where are your MIL and BIL planning on sleeping?!?!?! You're braver than I am, don't think I could cope.

I am back at the gym because I too am feeling tubby. Managed to do 5 times last week and feel that I am slowly getting back into the swing of getting fit again.

Hi ladies.... Sorry for being AWOL... No excuse other than I seem to be either feeding, sterilising bottles, seeing to viv or sleeping :) :) joy!!! Tina, I don't envy you having all those people staying with you! Reminds me of when I first moved to London and I lived in a studio flat so whenever we had people stay over we all had to sleep in the same room :(
I'm soooooo desperate to get back to the gym!!! I feel like my tummy will never be normal again! I have an awful overhang where my section is and I mean AWFUL! I know I have my baby and I would have given an arm to have him but I've worked so hard to get my body in shape and I just feel now it's a mess, I can't even feel my muscles as its all numb and my abs have separated very badly :( it's going to be a long road back to anywhere near normal!! Tina, you are doing so well and you have lost 4lbs in a week!!! Amazing! You're my inspiration! I need to lose a stone to get back to PP weight!!!

More bad news for my little alfie, he has a tongue tie :( which is why feeding has been a bit of a nightmare and explains a lot. We have been referred to Newcastle RVI where he will need to have a procedure to fix it.... I'm just glad I know why he struggles to feed! Other than that he is perfect and I am totally in love (and extremely tired!!! Lol!!!)

Tina.... This seems to have been a long cycle for you?!?! When is AF due for you??? How are you feeling about this next cycle of IVF??? Xxxxxx
Sorry, I meant Edinburgh regarding the flat :) seeeeee I need sleep!! Zzzzzzzzzz
Hello lovely!

so sorry to hear about poor little alfie and his tongue, is it going to be a proper operation to correct him? Poor little boy :(
I too have an overhang from when I had Evie, nothing really bad but it is noticible to me and I can't ever imagine having a washboard stomach no matter how hard I work at it. It's the skin that is flabby so I think unless I got a tummy tuck to correct it then it's not going anywhere. But like you said... we have our babies, even if we are angry at them when we look at ourselves naked haha!

I am off to the gym again after work, I don't want to but I'm dragging myself there otherwise I won't get the chance to go again until Saturday. Mark has got some corporate Liverpool-Man Utd tickets for the match tomorrow through work and has asked if I want to go. It's a 3 course meal beforehand and watching the match from a private box so thought I might as well. Then on Friday we are off to my parents for the afternoon so really gotta burn some calories today!

When are you planning on going back to the gym Betty?

I am on CD29 today but I think ovulation happened late because I didn't have ovulation cramps until around CD18/19 so I am expecting AF in a couple of days time. I agree... it has DRAGGED!! but to answer your question, I am excited about this next cycle. I just hope a change in medication is all we need to get our much longed for positive

Oh tina, you are doing AMAZING! You have such strength and courage after everything you have been through you still have bounds of positivity :) :) I think you're amazing! I'm keeping everything crossed for you chick!!!

Very simple procedure for alfie and his tongue tie, it's just a local anaesthetic and a quick snip, his hernia is another matter, we had our 6 week check today with our GP and she said the hernia has got bigger and we need to get him in sooner rather than later, we have an appointment 3rd may but she was going to call the hospital to let them know he needs to be seen before then :(
Tina, I would love to go to the gym NOW but I'm still sore internally as I keep doing too much especially picking viv up! But I can't help it. Hopefully another 2 weeks and I will start Pilates and some light classes.... In the mean time I'm trying to lose 3lbs each week (I have a stone to lose!!!) it's not easy, I need to work out to keep my weight down, I like my food too much!!! I wish I could love my body more but I've always been very critical of myself, having a saggy tummy will really piss me off, I will just have to learn to love it and wear sucky in pants, lol!!!! :)
Sucky in pants are my must have whenever I wear anything tight fitting haha! There's no way I could wear that tiny dress that Frisky wore to the boxing because I would have ripples everywhere. I envy those who can have a baby and their stomach goes straight back to pre-pregnancy tummy.

Sorry to hear that you're still healing up, it's easier said than done to completely rest and the healing process will be quicker. Especially when you have a little madam who requires your attention! I'd be in the exact same situation as you. How is viv handling Alfie having your attention? One of my friends has just had a baby girl and her little girl Robyn who is 4 has become really jealous. She can't even cuddle the new baby or Robyn gets terribly upset.

Thank you for your lovely comment about thinking I am amazing, I feel like I am just doing what any of us would do if we were in my situation. It's so tough to keep going but I won't let this infertility beat me! Even if we do have to have our house re-possessed haha

What's everyone doing this weekend?

We are carrying on painting and decorating to hopefully get the house up for sale before the summer time!

Tina.... Has AF arrived for you yet????

Vivienne absolutely loves alfie and is constantly kissing him, to the point where she starts to suck him!!! Lol, I have to keep telling her to not suck his little head! We have managed to make sure she gets the same attention she had before he arrived, Chris spends lots of time with her while I'm feeding alfie or is she needs me then Chris sees to little man.... She has taken to him really well bless her :)

How did the decorating go??? We have been in our house almost 4 years and I still don't have floor down in my downstairs toilet!!! We also need to decorate our hall/landing, I've had paint tester samples on the wall for about a year! We will get round to it one day! At the minute I can't even get a bloody wash! Seriously, I stink! I haven't had a bath for 4 days :( going to try and have one once this little fella falls asleep!!! :)
How is everyone else??? It's very quiet on here ladies!!! Where are you all hiding :) :)

Yes my AF is here, it arrived on Saturday :D I called the hospital and someone called me back in the afternoon to confirm that we still want to go ahead and if so then my drug appointment will be on 4th April. We will basically be shown how to inject again before the meds begin.
Just waiting on an invoice to come through the post and then my meds can be sent to my house as soon as it is paid.

So lovely to hear that Viv loves her baby brother. I know already that Evie would be besotted with a new baby. She asked me again the other day "Mummy when are we getting our baby?" I feel so cruel not being able to give her a definite answer....

The decorating is finished!! Well one room is anyway.. we've started on Evie's room because there were handprints all over the walls and she had done a little doodle on the radiator with biro pen which wasn't coming off easily no matter how many cleaning products I used on it. Why do kids think it is okay to just draw on EVERYTHING?!?! Drives me bloody nuts!
Next room is going to be the bathroom I think.. there are a few cracked floor tiles so Mark wants to put all new flooring down and then a general good freshening up of paint in there.

Diet's still going well, I've lost 5lbs so far in 2 weeks. Not gonna lie.. I am really struggling. Mark can eat whatever he wants and he doesn't put any weight on, Evie is the same, she's a skinny little madam. So I have to sit there and endure him eating chocolate and crisps and ice cream whilst I sit there with a bowl of grapes. It'll be worth it though! I wanna lose at least another 7lbs and then keep it off!

Your comment about not having a bath for 4 days made me laugh, sounds exactly like my life!

Hello! How are you all? The sucky in pants discussion made me laugh. I too cannot wear dresses anymore without them. I just have this ghastly roll above my crotch that doesn't look like it will be effected much by weight loss. Oh well. Thems the breaks. I need to lose half a stone but struggling with motivation. Have damn throat infection again and Leo has a chest infection. We're just back from 4 days in the highlands with my mum, step dad, MIL and brother in law. Knackered and straight back to work today. Still, Mia had a great time. My house is invaded for another week and work is just nuts. What's new!
Sorry to hear little alfie is having some issues betty. Thought they were supposed to check for tongue tie in the hospital at birth? We got lucky too with Mia being really accepting of Leo. She has started trying to play with him now he's moving around. He does this weird commando crawling with his knees and elbows rather than being on all fours. He is now pulling himself up on stuff so think he might bypass proper crawling.
Anyone have nice plans for Easter?
How is everyone? Fun filled plans for Easter? Our weather is foul. Had lots of outdoor plans for the weekend too!
Hello ladies how are you all? Hope you have had a lovely Easter weekend!!!!
Tina.... Have you heard from the hospital about your meds???? What's the plan for you now????

I can't believe how quick the bank holiday weekend has gone!!! I've had such a nice time :)
Hi girls,

back to work this morning after a lovely 4 days off boooooooo!!! Really don't want to be here but needs must.

Invoices all paid, just waiting on a phone call from the pharmacy now to dispatch my meds which I am hoping will happen today or tomorrow. I have an appointment to be shown how to inject next Monday.

Edinburgh, sorry that you're suffering with the fluey bug again!! Seems like every time you post lately you are feeling unwell :( Your little trip in the highlands sounds lovely though :) I am gonna make it my mission to visit Scotland this year! I've still never been.

AB/Frisky... both of you ladies are very very quiet. Please come out of hiding and post!

We spent the weekend stuffing our faces with chocolate and we went to a panto on Easter Sunday. Diet's still going well, I have lost half a stone now in just under 3 weeks. As much as I hate going to the gym it is working so I shall keep dragging my arse there a few times a week! I wanna lose another 5-6lbs and I will be happy

Betty, saw the pictures from the Christening that you guys went to. You looked gorgeous! You have the most beautiful little family <3 Have you managed to visit the gym yet or are you still feeling like you're healing?

:hi: :hi: :hi:

I'm here,been reading but not had much chance to update.
Hope Alfie gets the hernia sorted out soon :hugs:
really hope that you are 3rd time lucky Tina

Edinburgh, just :hugs:

I never seem to have a minute,got promoted at work,started doing an online college course,busy with the kids during the day then working evenings and weekends.Frazer has been waking up in the night,every night for 2 or 3 hours,I can barely function some days.
I hardly even update my journal now either,will try to find more time xxx

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