7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)


kids on Sunday before we went on an egg trail

my sis and I (she's the thin one)getting ready for Peter Kay danceathon

spag bol boy
:D love your pictures AB! Can't believe how big frazer is now, he isn't a baby anymore. And it's so nice to finally put a face to a name, I think that's the first picture we have seen of you, looks like you and your sister had a great time!

How come the little man is waking in the night so much?

Got a date for my meds being delivered, they are coming tomorrow. I am excited! Even if we are another £750 out of pocket :(

In so much pain today as well girls, you may have seen my facebook post yesterday.. I got in from work and was bursting for a wee like I've never been before so there I was trying to get my skirt down as soon as I got upstairs and I fell and smashed into the bath :( Feel like I have destroyed my knee. It hurt yesterday but nothing compared to what it does today. Ah well, that's me out of the gym until it heals.

AB!!! I am loving your pics and it's so good to finally see you!!! Yeah! You are gorgeous mamma and those kiddies are beautiful! Wow, cannot believe frazer is a proper little boy now, where on earth is the time going? Congrats on the promotion! Jeez, I really don't know how you get the time to do everything, you can only do what you can and sounds like you are doing incredible! I barely have time to wash these days :( :(
Tina, yeah for getting the meds, not so yeah on the cost :( God, it's so bloody expensive but I guess worth absolutely every penny if you get your baby, WHICH YOU WILL!!! :) :) can't believe you have crashed into the bloody bath, and while sober!!! Might be worth getting checked out if it's still the same in the next few days.... Well done on the weight loss too! Fantastic progress, I'm starting a programme called BBG, it's a bikini body challenge and everyone on the post natal fitness thread raves about it (it's easy to do at home while baby is sleeping) so we shall see if this helps me back to my pre pregnancy weight... Not been to the gym yet, still feel like I'm healing but I'm going this weekend with my sis to just test the water!!!
We had a lovely day at my nieces christening, I'm just trying to organise Alfie's now but I'm not exactly the best planner or organiser in the world, I've already missed the first two church meetings :) first one I turned up at the wrong church (oooops!) second one I just totally forgot about!! We have one on Monday, hopefully I will actually get to this one!!!
Edinburgh, please tell us all about Mia's nursery hairdressing experience! Hope you have given the nursery what for!!!
Frisky, what's going on with you chick????? Hope all is well :) :)
haha I just remembered Mia's haircut at nursery, my god I would be so angry. Imagine how embarrassed you would be though if it was your child who actually did the hair cutting. I remember about 12 months ago when Evie spat at someone in school and I just wanted the world to swallow me whole when the teacher told me about it. Kids will be kids and I am sure the other little one didn't realise that what they were doing was wrong but it still doesn't make it right! I blame the teachers, they should be keeping more of an eye on the kids!

My knee feels like it is improving today, it's not quite as sore to walk on which I am happy about. I may just have to sneak in a little run tonight because I was so naughty and had a KFC last night :( Good luck with your bikini body challenge!! What does it involve exactly? My sister has signed us up to tough mudder (I think that's what it's called) the 5k run for breast cancer. So we are gearing up to do that in July :) My sister has never ran an inch in her life, it's literally going to kill her off!

I went to Evie's parent's evening last night, I am so proud of my little terror. She's reaching all of her targets and her reading is really improving. The teacher had nothing but good words to say, for once! haha <3

Yeah ladies, I was so angry about it! I know it wasn't the kids' fault but it could have been so much worse. They have reviewed their risk assessment on scissor use and are going to only bring them out under supervised control then put them away again. I know they need to learn to use them and develop fine motor control but I wouldn't leave Mia unsupervised at home with scissors! They were playing hairdressers apparently. I need to see if I can get her a hair appointment for Saturday, see what they recommend, but think I'm just going to level out what's left and pin it back over the side that's missing. Grrr.
Tina, sending you lots of positive energy and betty I can't believe you're already bikini planning!
Congrats on your promotion ab, great news. Your party getup looked like a lot of fun.
Frisky, do you have exams for your course soon? Matt starts study leave on Monday.
MIL is gone. Loving having house to ourselves again. Matt and I been together 7 years on Monday. Nookie is out sadly, I have another of Leo's rotten colds. Thank god for sudafed.
Have a happy Friday lovelies!
How is everyone? Very quiet! Tina, how you holding up? How is the little one betty?
hello, hello!

Edinburgh, I completely support what you are saying about the scissors. Evie is 5 and I still wouldn't allow her to use them unsupervised. I will never forget my mum being mortified when we were kids and my little sister who couldn't have been any older than 6 or 7 at the time, she cut all of her hair off! She had gorgeous blonde ringlets and she hid behind the couch and cut everything off. I just remember my mum crying for days because she had to take her to get a boy haircut. It never grew back the same either :(

I'm okay, had my meds appointment yesterday. I have officially started taking my tablets from today which will time when my period arrives. I take 3 tables per day for 10 days and then it should arrive shortly after I stop taking them. My baseline scan is booked in for 19th April and if all is okay I will start stim injections that day.

Looks like we are off to the lake district this weekend for a last minute little break. One of Mark's friends and his wife asked last night if we fancy it. We will take Evie and they have a little sausage dog called Elmo so Evie will be in her element. Just waiting to see if Mark can get the time off, his boss is a dick sometimes when he wants time off at short notice.

How is everyone?

Hi girls....
Tina.... Great you have your meds, how you feeling??? 19th April is viv b'day!!! When will transfer be then??? I can't believe your sister cut all her hair off!!! God, I bet you mum was passed herself!!! Talking about you mum, I cannot believe how amazing her cakes are! I love them so much she is so bloody clever!!!! Does she make a living out of doing them???

Edinburgh, happy anniversary! Other than not having sex did you do anything special for the occasion?? I really can't face having any kind of kinky stuff at the minute!! I'm too bloody tired and hate my 'jelly belly'. Have you come to terms with Mia's new hair?? Also how you feeling now, hope you have managed to shake off that bug.... How is the job going??

Alfie was back in hospital again yesterday :( I took him to the doctors as he has an awful cold and now it's turned into a cough which is so bad, got to the surgery and the doctor sent us straight to the PDU, he has bronchulitus and needed to be monitored, bless him! He is off his milk and just wants to sleep. He is fine just needs some TLC and we need to stop vivienne from sucking his face off every 5 minutes!!! She is giving him all of her delightful germs.... He is still no bother despite him being poorly.... He has an app with the pediatric surgeon next week to discuss his hernia, we will find out if they will operate or not....
It's chris' 40th birthday next week so there is a gang of us all going to Whitby and staying in a cottage for the weekend, me and Chris are only going for one night but I am going to worry about leaving alfie while he is so little and not 100% :(

AB, frisky..... How are you girls???
Sorry meant it's chris' brothers 40th birthday not Chris!!! Lol!
Excuse the language, but THANK FUCK IM BACK!!!
Absolute nightmare with our Internet, with talk talk and they are shit shit!! 3 week delay in getting connected. Couldn't get online on my phone as its a cheap shit thing that doesn't even have a CAMERA!!! Got a laptop of Aarons dad which DOESN'T BLOODY WORK!! So I've had no way of getting on here. Got my old phone working now, so fingers crossed it will stay working!! Stressssssss!!

not even caught up on posts yet as there is probably loads I have missed.

Betty, Alfie is just beautiful, I love seeing the pics on Facebook, is he any better now?? You look amazing too lady xx

Oscars been full of a cough and cold for weeks now, he's finally getting better and sleeping through. It's awful when they can't tell you what is wrong.
I've been busy at home with half term, shame the weather hasn't been up to much.
Had a fab time on good Friday, friends of ours have just moved into a massive converted barn in the middle of the countryside. They had a housewarming, no kids allowed haha!! Had a few beers around town then went back to the house...had a dj on and everything!! It was brilliant...really poorly Saturday, I was sick all day, bad times haha.

Oh, I found my first Grey hair yesterday too!! FFS!!! Arrrghhhhhhh!! Xx

Gonna go now and have a catch up on posts xx love you all x
Well....can I just say, I was wearing sucky in thong pants from primark under the dress at the boxing!! Haha Well done for the weight loss Tina, although you look perfect to me in your photos xx
When Is your egg transfer day now?? I too think you are amazing, going through this and how you are dealing with it. As always, I have everything crossed for you xx How is your ankle now after the fall?
I'm trying to get to the gym 3 times a week at least, but I've been slacking recently... I'm just so tired with Oscar not sleeping with this cough and cold (yeah...blame the kids Sarah) haha

Betty. Poor Alfie... I didnt realize he had been in hospital. How is he doing now? Who will be having him when you go to whitby? He will be fine, it will do you and Chris good to get away for the night too. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it xx Can't belive your mum is being like that with you, when you really need her too. As you say,you have more important things on your mind, still not nice though Xx

Edinburgh, poor you....hope your feeling better. How's things with work? Is your old boss still being an arse?? How did it go with sharing your flat with family?? That would have driven me insane!! haha. Xx

Ab, how are you?? Loving the photos, your kiddies are just beautiful xx and it's so good to finally get a peek at what you look like, after all this time xc beautiful mummy xx

I've got my exams in may, but have decided not to pursue the studying.
It's just not going to be doable financially... We are so skint, I'd have to pay for my access course and also be at college 3 days a week. Im going to do my exams as I'm almost there, but I'm going to be trying to find a full time job. We will have to bite the bullet and put Oscar in nursery on the days we have no help with childcare.
It's a Shame really, but it's just not practical. Xx
Wow I have a day off posting and then it all happens in here and there's loads to catch up on again!!

Frisky, soooo glad you're back :D :D We've missed you, don't ever leave us again! Sorry that Oscar has been unwell :( their little immune systems can't handle the simplest cough or bug can they. Hope he is feeling better soon! By the way... I would never have thought you were wearing sucky in pants in that dress! You looked sensational lady <3 hot momma!
The barn party sounds bloody amazing! I'd love to go to something like that.

Betty, poor Alfie, it's been one thing after the other since he has been born hasn't it. Hopefully though within the next few weeks you'll have all the answers that you need and a plan for moving forwards with him.
Thank you for the compliments on my mum's cakes, she is actually opening a shop but it is all top secret at the minute! Her friend is a florist and they are joining together to open a florist/cake shop called Blooming Delicious. They get the keys mid April and then are hoping to open by the end of May. So big, exciting times ahead for my momma!

Here's her latest creation to go in the shop window.... all made from icing by the way


Transfer is looking to be around the first week in May, looks like we are going to the lakes this weekend too :D We are staying in a log cabin for 3 nights right by Windermere. So looking forward to it.
Wow!! That is amazing of your mum! I love the Window decoration and the name! I'm sure it will do fantastically well Tina. Did your mum have any formal training in this or has she just done it as a hobby? Wish I was creative like that.
The log cabin sounds fabulous, I love the lake district. Hopefully you will have a bit more sex this time! Haha.
First week in may, that'll soon be here. Joes 12 on the 4th of may, star wars day, may the fourth be with you.

Forgot to mention, my sister is now in her 2ww, she had her eggs transfered on Monday. It's all happened really quickly. Even though mark did that to her, I have to be supportive as this is what she had wanted for 5 years. She has to do a test on the 17th April. This will be her only chance on the Nhs. Xx
Oh wow Frisky, I didn't even realise your sister was still going ahead with the IVF! I am crossing my fingers that it has worked for her :) What's happening with her OH now? Is she still with him I presume?
Love that Joe was born on star wars day, does he actually like star wars though?

My mum has had zero training, she is completely self taught just by practising and watching videos on youtube. I don't have her creative streak, I struggle to make bloody fairy cakes!

Oh my god,that's amazing Tina! How clever of her, I'm shit at anything like that. I too struggle making fairy cakes!!
Yeah, she's still with him. I had a good chat with him and he is sorry...don't think I could forgive that easily, but I have to stand by her decision. He Is a lovely guy, treats her like a princess, still can't believe he did that to her though Xx
I hate star wars too!

Your sister has been VERY forgiving, not sure I could be quite so if I was in her situation. Actually, I won't lie.. I would have probably torn his willy off and made him eat it hahaha!
I just hope they can move on and be happy and hopefully they will have a LO at the end of this journey.

Yeah, she's given him a very hard time though. It's a shame really as he is everything to her, they do everything together. I think without him,she would be in a real mess. I couldn't do it though xx

Just saw your post on Facebook about blooming delicious. Aarons work is based in Warrington! I got my wedding dress from Warrington too. Let me know if you're ever there!! Xx
How is everyone?
Betty, is your little man better now? Tina, hope your having a fab time at the lakes.

I'm in bed, woke up this morning feeling shitty. Shivering as I was that cold. Then sick! Been throwing up all day feeling a bit better now though thank God. Xx

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