7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Tina.... The cakes look amazing!!! Your mum really is a clever bunny!!! How's it going???
Frisky, I also didn't realise your sis was going ahead with the IVF, I really hope she gets that long awaited BFP! I also hope he treats her much better than before and realises he has been a knob in the past!!!
I'm full of cold at the minute, alfie still poorly and it's so bloody hard to watch them suffer at such a young age :( on the plus side I won on the grand national yesterday! Whoop!!!!!
Tina..... How was your weekend away? Hope you guys had fun!!! All my friends have been posting pics from their weekend away in Whitby, looks like they all had a fab time without me! Haven't heard from Chris, he will be slumped in some corner somewhere in a whiskey coma!!! :)
Still in my pjs, haven't washed in DAYS!!! I look about 100 years old as alfie been awake since 3.30am and I have 2 hours to get me and two kids ready to go out with all the family for my mama and sisters birthday lunch..... Wish me luck!!!! :) :)
Awwh betty, you didn't go to Whitby then?? I can understand why. Poor Alfie, it's just shitty when they can't tell you what's wrong, poor thing. Poor you too xx
Flipping heck, think I'd cancel going out on so little sleep, your amazing!! Is everything OK with your mum now then? Xx
No I didn't get to Whitby, alfie was still poorly and it wasn't fair to leave him with my mam (who was passed herself, she thought she would have to stay up with him all
Night!!!) it sounds like it was pretty messy and to be honest, I'm struggling with sleep deprivation as it is, don't think I could have coped with the hangover, Chris is still rotten :) :) we are having a surprise b'day party for him this Saturday so I will be going to that and having a little tipple!! I just can't drink anymore :( I had a bottle of prosecco with my sister on Saturday ans I've had the worst heartburn ever since and what feels like a UTI, like my bladder is damaged.... I don't feel normal since having a c section I have to say :( how long did it take you guys to recover fully???
Frisky, my mam is always up and down but she has been a million times better since alfie was born, she absolutely adores him and she has been on her best behaviour, it's been pretty amazing actually :) hope it lasts!!!!
Tina.... How is going? How you feeling??? :) xxx
Oh dear sounds like everyone is going through the mill! Frisky, hope you are back on your feet after your bug! Sorry you didn't make your weekend Betty. It's rotten when the little little ones get poorly. Totally with you on sleep deprivation ruining your life. Leo still is a crap sleeper. He's all snuggly again today. Must be, oh, 6 minutes since his last cold. I swear he's been continuously ill since January and bloody nursery!
On a countdown to our trip to Spain at the end of may. Can't wait. I get to get no sleep in a foreign bed as opposed to my own!
Tina, I'm so glad my mum doesn't make edible works of art for a living! I'd be like a house! She's really talented!
That should be snuffly not snuggly. God damn phone and its interfering brain!
Hi girls!

Sorry for being AWOL, the lakes is like being underground for phone signal! Tried so many times to get online and it was having none of it so in the end I just gave up. Had the best time though! Evie loved it :D It was the first time we have took her away somewhere where there isn't a fair or teddy grabbing machines so I was a little apprehensive to how she would cope but she loved it!
Mark is ill now though, he had a sore throat on Friday and has gradually got more ill as the weekend has gone on. He almost didn't go into work this morning but has dragged himself in. There's bugs going around everywhere!!

Frisky, Aaron should totally call into my mums shop and get some cupcakes for you and the kids when she opens! It's all go go go at the minute for her. She gets the keys next week and wants to completely renovate the place to look antique/shabby chic so she's gonna be a busy lady for a few weeks before opening day!

Betty, sorry hun that you didn't manage to get to Whitby. I am completely the same though as far as drinking is concerned, it's actually pretty shameful. All weekend when we were away I was tucked up in bed by 11pm after half a bottle of wine. I can't handle it any more!
I can't comment on the c-section scenario but I can imagine it being pretty tough on your body. You've been through a lot, a section is major surgery!
I saw on FB that you're back in the gym :D How is it going? I'm gonna go for a run after work today after 4 days off. God help me!

Edinburgh, so jealous of you going away. Where in Spain are you off to? We won't be seeing any foreign sun this year, really need to get saving to put the house up for sale.

CD25 for me, 2 days left of these tablets that are stopping my period from coming. I have been having some mild cramps like she wants to arrive but can't because of the meds. My baseline scan is a week today and all being well I will start injections on that day! eeeeek it's all happening so quickly

Hi ladies how are you all???
Tina.... How you getting on? Has AF arrives for you yet???
Had another busy weekend and now I'm absolutely exhausted :( looking forward to my bed tonight!!!
It's viviennes birthday on Tuesday and she is Star Wars mad so she is getting the Rae light saber and outfit, we have got her a karaoke machine with a disco ball as she loves listening to her music and singing! Can't wait to see her face on Tuesday!
Alfie has his first set of injections tomorrow which im dreading, I have a feeling he will be poorly with them :( vivienne was always ok after, never needed calpol or even cried!
Well I'm off to bed..... Night girls xx
Evening my lovelys xx

Betty, I knew it must be vivs birthday soon as the pics keep popping up on Facebook. What are you doing for her big day? How was Chris's party? Did he love it?
How's little Alfie now? How were his injections? I hope he's feeling better.
I can honestly say regarding to having a section, it took me ages to feel 'normal' again, so please don't worry if your not.

Edinburgh, that made me laugh that your going to be sleeping in a foreign bed not to sleep! Bless you. Where abouts are you going?

Ab, how are you? Are you all settled in your new home now?

Tina, glad you had a good weekend, hope mark is feeling better. Isn't it your scan tomorrow? Good luck for that my love.

All ok here, Kids are full of a cold again. Az and i Went to a party on Saturday, had a really good night. Was home for 12pm, as soon as my mum left, oscar woke up and stayed awake for 4hours!! Nightmare, az just fell asleep fully clothed on the couch whilst I stayed up with oscar. Was back up at 6.30am with a monster hangover whilst az slept in till gone 12 and then had the nerve to say he was TIRED!! Could have punched him to be honest! Haha

My sisters ivf didn't work girls, really feel for her. As you know yourself Tina, it's a bloody emotional roller coaster. She had loads of symptoms and got her hopes up. Shes goung to save like mad now so they can do it privately xx
:( Oh no Frisky, so sorry that your sisters IVF didn't work out. I know how gutted she must be feeling but I hope they don't give up just yet. Apparently the average is 1 in 3 so if she can give it at least 3 turns then she knows she has done all that she can. I thought you get a couple of gos for free on the NHS? or has it changed now?
Always the way with kids and nights out! I won't drink if I know that Evie is gonna be home because without a doubt Mark would pretend to be asleep and I'd be the one getting up with her. MEN they make me so angry!!


Betty, I hope she has the best day and she loves her presents. Are you having a little party for her or anything? How was Alfie after his injections?

Today is baseline scan day girls, I just hope my ovaries are co-operating and there aren't any sneaky cysts that will delay the treatment. As long as everything looks as it should be then injections will start tomorrow I think. And so it begins again....

I'll update you this afternoon lovelies

Frisky, I'm so sorry to hear that ivf didn't work for your sis :( it's such a cruel process! When is she thinking of trying again???
Tina.... How did your scan go??? Keep us posted, seems like it's been a long cycle for you this time????
Oh vivienne had a fab little day yesterday. All the family went to our favourite restaurant and the owner got her up on the chair and got the whole place to sing happy birthday to her, she was made up!!!
She has her school photos tmrw and alfie can have his photo taken with her but I have to be at the school with home for 8.25am, now this is some task! I should really get up now to start getting ready (it's 2.45am!) Alfie has been totally unsettled since his jabs but apparently this is caused by the meningitis B vaccine, this causes them to be a bit poorly for 72 hours, he has cried loads and been inconsolable and off his bottles, hopefully today he will be more happy and content like he normally is :)

Edinburgh, AB.... How are you girls???

Vivienne with her light saber..... She was over the moon with it!!! Now Chris wants one so they can fight each other :) it's like I have 3 kids!!!
oh Betty I love this photo!! <3 I love how she is into Star Wars, is she also into dolls and girly things or is she completely a tom boy?
Evie is for everything that sparkles and she loves her dolls and bears.

I can't believe you were awake at 2am, I assume it was with the baby?

My scan went okay but it wouldn't be my life without a little hiccup! I had only been bleeding for 24 hours when I had the scan and the nurse wasn't happy with my lining because it was too thick. It was 8mm and it has to get to 5mm to start injections. So I've got another scan tomorrow morning to see if it's around 5mm and if so then injections will start tomorrow. If not... then I dunno? Maybe they will cancel the cycle? Just hope my lining is shedding nicely now! Never in my life have I wanted to bleed so much haha, what is happening to me?!?!

Mark had a little bump in a hire car yesterday :( He was away on business with work and going a bit fast on roads that he was unfamiliar with and went into the back of someone. Not much damage done but he was pissed off all day yesterday so I went to a high intensity class and took Evie with me. Our gyms really good and has a little seating area where kids can sit and watch if parents need to bring them along. I got in last night and was casually browsing through my phone and found loads of pictures that she had taken of me whilst doing the class! HHAHA you should have seen some of them! So funny, my workout face is hysterical!

Edinburgh, AB... it's all very quiet! Hope you guys are okay

Oh god tina.... Hope that tmrws scan goes well for you!!! How you feeling about this cycle????
I saw the pic on face book you doing mountain climbers, lol!!! How funny! Great that you can take Evie with you, that's half the battle getting back into the gym.... My PT is starting a class at my gym where you can take your babies, yeah!!! Can't wait! Although I am lucky, Chris looks after the kids while I go to the gym and I'm getting there 3-4 times a day week now, I need it for my sanity!!!!

Vivienne is quite a tomboy, she is very outdoorsy and is really good on her flicker and bike, not scared to go fast or anything but then she loves her disney and Barbie dolls and getting dressed up... She is very much like me!! She keeps telling me she can't wait to grow up so we can go to the gym together and then go to the pub to drink wine..... :) sums me right up really!!!! :)
The weather is sooooo nice up here at the minute I am loving it!!! I've been out with alfie every day, hope it stays like this....
Ps: yes I have been up since 2am!!! Alfie full of cold and can't breathe on a night so mammy not getting much sleep.... :( I don't mind actually, I might even have a little nap now :) :) xxx
I'm feeling quite optimistic if I am honest, after my scan yesterday I had cramps all afternoon and quite heavy bleeding and I am still bleeding a fair bit today so I hope I've shed the few mm that I needed to.

I'd struggle getting to the gym if I couldn't take Evie to be honest. I can't go to any classes after like 7pm because I get up for work at 4 so I've got a window of between half 3 when I pick Evie up from school and 6. Mark doesn't get in from work most nights until gone 6 oclock so I am stuck really! Not gonna let it stop me though, I've just booked in for 3 classes for tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Love the idea that your PT has about classes with babies <3 I am sure I saw you post something on FB about it?

The weather here was nice yesterday afternoon, we spent a while in the garden whilst I pushed Evie on the swings and see-saw. It's actually the first time this year that it's felt warm enough to be out there. I always get anxious though as it gets warmer because the bugs start to emerge from their hiding places and terrorise me!

I hope Alfie picks up soon Betty, the poor little man. He's done nothing but feel unwell has he bless him.

Hello ladies. This weather is lovely isn't it! Happy belated birthday to Vivienne x looked like a great party. It's Leo's first birthday on Sunday but I'm taking him and Mia for men b vaccine privately on sat because they don't qualify for it on nhs. Maybe haven't planned things well as the kids are due to stay with mum sat night for Matt and I to go to supper club but worried about leaving them if they are under the weather. Matt and I go out bout once every three months so don't want to cancel. Also really want some undisturbed sleep!
Sorry to hear about your sister frisky that's pants.
Tina, hope things go well for you this time round x
Edinburgh, the kids are still feeling unwell? A mother's work is never done! I think you should get that tattooed on yourself somewhere haha!
Definitely go on the night out though! You need it, if not just for sleep but for your sanity too.

My appointment yesterday went well :D My lining was nice and thin and I started stims last night. 9 days of injections to go and then it'll be egg collection

What's everyone got planned this weekend? Nothing particularly interesting here. I think it's the first weekend in ages that we have zero plans. I'm sure we will get up to something mind you

I'm here. Never get a chance to update much anymore.
Been working pretty much full time this month,looking forward to the wages lol.

Hope you are all well.

I'm on fb now if anyone wants to add me. Amanda Morgan and my pic is of the 3 kids xx
Yey you're FINALLY on FB haha :D I will add you today.

I second the feeling of working full time, it sucks. I only get to update because I am sat at a computer all day otherwise I don't think I'd find the time myself

Ladies hello!
Ab, FINALLY!! I will add you after my update. Lovely to hear from you :)
Edinburgh, as if Leo is one tomorrow?? That's crazy how time flies. Hope he has a wonderful day. I second Tinas opinion on the going out, will do you good. Rubbish your brood are poorly again though.
Tina, great news on the lining getting thinner, is it still around the 1st may for implantation?
I know what you mean about the bugs in summer. Urrghh horrible little critters.
Betty, how is Alfie now? Glad viv had a good birthday. Have you manged to catch up on some sleep?

It's been lovely here too weather wise, went out for a walk without a coat today then it suddenly turned bloody baltic. British weather for you.
Quiet night tonight, I'm out tomorrow with work for a leaving do. Said I'll only have 2 drinks then come home.
We will see! Haha xx
Whoop AB!!! You're finally on FB but I can't find you???? I've typed in Amanda Morgan but not showing you??? Try and find me tracie Bestford xxx
Tina! Well done for a favourable lining, how are you feeling with the jabs???
Edinburgh, I can't believe Leo is 1!!! My god time is really flying by isn't it??? My alfie is 12 weeks old!!! Eeeeeek!!!
Viviennes birthday party was at the weekend and she had a fab time, I was asleep by 9pm on the night :)

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