7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi girls!

AB, I've tried looking for you on FB but there are that many Amanda Morgans that I am struggling to find you. Try looking for me, Tina O'Toole, my picture is of Evie holding a cup of tea.

Frisky, how did the night out go? I assume you didn't just have 2 drinks and then go home?

Day 5 of injections now girls. I have my first scan tomorrow morning to check how the follicles are growing, hopefully nice and big ready for collection next week. We are looking at 2nd May for egg collection and then 7th May for transfer, just all depends on how the follicles are growing.
I am dealing with the injections so much better this time, I barely feel them going in and apart from the tiny sting afterwards I'd barely notice it was happening. Side effects of the meds are starting to show. I'm having lots of hot flushes, so much EWCM that it's freaking me out a little and sex is off the cards because it's so painful I can't even tell you. Fun and games!

Hey ladies.
Ab, I too cannot find you on Facebook!! Add me, im Sarah Anne Lawrence and my profile profile pic is of me holding a card infront of my face saying 'cheeky bum sex' haaaha

Ooh tina, 2nd may is only a week away. The sides effects sound unpleasant, your so strong going through all this, I have everything crossed xx

Betty, can't believe Alfie is 12 weeks already, he's a beauty xx

Its my mums 60th tomorrow, can't believe shes 60!! Will be going round in the morning before Joe goes to school to give her her presents. We have got her a kindle as she loves to read. Then Joe Is 12 next week!! TWELVE!!! arrrghhhhh time is going too fast

Oh and no, I didn't stay for 2 drinks, I got completely shitfaced!...... Shocker! Haha Xx
lol frisky!!! I knew you would :) good girl! Why not you only live once :) I can't believe you have a 12 year old! You don't look old enough girl! How was your mums birthday? Hope she enjoyed it and was spoilt....
AB, glad you found me! So we are all FB friends now! It's so much easier to see each other on there and keep up to date with you all (apart from our conversations on periods, cervical discharge, mood swings etc etc!)
Tina, how you getting on my lovely? Everything going well with the jabs? How are you feeling???
I think im in the process of starting my first period in almost a year :( wish me luck! I will be amazed if it's not horrendous :( im so bloated and feel disgusting at the minute.... I haven't lost any weight in over 5 weeks I've actually put on a 1lb, how is that possible???? I'm eating clean, going to the gym and I'm walking everywhere with the pram :( I hate being squiggy.... I want my body back!!!!

Anyone got any nice plans this bank holiday weekend?? Think I'm heading out with my cousin and sister at some point but nothing major :)
Hi gorgeous ladies!
Don’t know what the weather is like by you guys today but it’s horrendous here! Literally just almost got blown over out there. Where the hell is spring time?!?!?
I’m almost finished with injections now woohoo! We have 1 more to go tomorrow and then I am done and dusted officially. Just been for my final scan today before egg collection and everything is looking great. My lining is a triple stripe and we have 21 follicles though I am fully expecting to lose maybe 8 or so of those because they won’t be mature enough.
So egg collection is booked in for Monday!

Frisky, proud of you girl for getting shit faced! Haha classy ladies aren’t we.. life is for living after all! I agree with Betty though, no way do you look old enough to have a 12 year old. You’re one hot momma! Hope your mum had a great birthday and loved her kindle. I love mine!

Betty, so sorry that you haven’t lost any weight. It’s so easy to put it on but it’s a ******* to lose. When you say you’re clean eating what exactly does it involve? I assume you are cutting out carbs and sugar?

No plans this weekend really, got my mum and dad over for their tea tonight so gonna make a chicken roast and then I wanted to take Evie to the ice cream farm in Chester tomorrow but if the weather is like this we will be doing something indoors.
What’s everyone else upto?
I'm working all weekend!!!!

I need to cut out carbs and sugar ,but because I know that, my brain is fighting me and winning lol. Dh has and is about 2 stone lighter since new year.

Sounds like you'll have a few eggs Tina,fingers crossed for you xx
Awwwh betty, stop being so hard on yourself. You won't get your body back straight away (unless your Kate Middleton) Alfie is only 12/13 week's old. You are doing all the right things, it'll happen Xx
I remember my first period,it too was horrific! Horrible things,didn't miss them at all. Mine are still bad, I had the coil fitted in December, they are meant to get lighter after 6 months.

Tina, woohoo for egg collection day!! These cycles seem to be flying by! The weather Here has been ridiculous, we had snow the past two days,along with thunder and lightening. It's Been raining today but the sun came out at tea time,still bloody freezing though.

Ab, welcome to Facebook,it's so nice to see pictures of you. You and your family are all beauty's, can't believe how blonde all your kiddies are.

Not doing much this weekend, az is working all weekend at the superbikes at Alton park. The Thomas steam train is at ramsbottom train station tomorrow,so think I'll take Oscar to see that. If it's nice,we will go to the farmshop which has an ice cream parlour and play area for the kids. My mum's cooking a lamb roast for dinner too.
Joe's laptop smashed today ,I've got a guy to repair it for 45quid, but he won't be getting anything else for his birthday now. April has officially skinted me. He also said to me today "what are those lines on your face??" They are WRINKLES Joe!!!! Arrgghhhhh I've got really deep laughter lines, when you meet me in person you will hear how loud and ridiculous my laugh is!! We must sort something about meeting up. I'm quite happy having a few drinks somewhere one night. Would have to book a room somewhere though . Xxx
Oh, my sister only got one shot at the ivf because of her postcode. It's ridiculous as the postcode 2 Miles away gets you two goes. She's ok, she's got her wedding to distract her, Ibiza in June 2017!! Haha I'll be the oldest raver in town! Bikini diet starts .....next week!! Xx
Hi girls.... Hope you have all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend!!!
Feisky, I done believe you have 'bad wrinkles' you look absolutely gorgeous on all your FB photos!!! One hot mama!!! What happened at the train station? I saw your status on Facebook??? Was the staff being tossers??
Edinburgh.... How are you guys getting on??? Are you all recovered from your illness??
AB, it really is good to have you on FB!!! Your babies are beautiful :) :) so are you mamma!!! How has your hubby lost his weight???
Lol, I'm a bit obsessed with weight at the minute! Well to be honest I've always been body conscious! I need to chill out a bit! Funnily enough after my period my stomach has miraculously gone right down?!?! Thumbs up all round for AF!! Can't believe I will now have a period every month :( I've not missed them I tell you!!! Frisky, how are you finding the coil? We need to sort out what we are doing as at the minute we are using the delightful condoms, I really don't want to go on the pill so I think Chris should go for the snip! He doesn't want to but I have been through 2 pregnancies and births so it's the least he can do :)

Tina.... How are you sweetie??? How are your little eggy's doing??? Is egg collection today????
Only a 4 day week peeps!!!! Don't you think the weeks are flying by???? Eeeeeek! Slow down time please :)
Morning girls,

I had my egg collection yesterday, I was a bit upset and disappointed when I woke up and was told that we got 6 eggs. That's 2 less than what we had the first time around even though my meds have been increased. I just don't know what the F is going on with my body at all.
I spent the day in bed yesterday, my lower stomach was so sore, I felt like I'd had my ovaries ripped from my body.
Waiting on a phone call this morning to find out how many fertilised. I feel physically sick and can't stop looking at my phone. I'll be happy if we have 2 at the end of it all, I'd be ecstatic if we had more than that!

Frisky, you are certainly NOT full of wrinkles haha! Kids say the funniest things. Evie tells me I am fat all the time and says that I have "3 bellies" because my tummy wrinkles up when I sit down. They're great for self motivation haha!
What happened at the train station? I saw on FB that they were wanting you to pay a fortune to get in there or something? Everything costs so much these days, it's gonna come to a point where we won't be able to afford to take the kids anywhere.

Yey for AF giving you a flat belly Betty! You really don't need to be body concious, you're beautiful how you are. There's no way Mark would have the snip, he's far too selfish. Not that there's any chance of us getting preggo naturally anyway haha!

I'll update you girls as soon as I hear anything, fingers crossed it's good news

Just had the call from the embryologist girls... 6 eggs collected, 6 suitable for ICSI and 6 fertilised!! I can't believe it. 100% fertilisation rate :D

She asked how we feel about transferring 2 this time due to having 2 failed single transfers and I said that I am currently in talks with my husband but we haven't come to a decision as yet. She said she would recommend transferring 2 but that's just her personal opinion. She's the expert though...
Mark's gonna take some convincing, he's terrified of having twins. Transferring 2 though doesn't necessarily mean twins. Yes it can happen but the likelihood is that only 1 will implant.

We are booked in for transfer on Saturday.

Say a little prayer tonight when you're going to sleep for me girls. Here's hoping our embryos continue to divide and grow before Saturday.

That's fantastic news Tina!! Of course I'll pray for you. I'd go with what the experts say and put the two in, but that's just my opinion. I want you to have twins! Haha

Stupid train station, normally you can just go on the platform and pay a small donation. But not on Thomas day!! It's 18quid for a ticket, you get to go on the train, get your face painted and stuff. I only wanted to go on the platform so oscar could see a train. They were horrible to me, really rude. Pricks

I'm I'm bed, been so sick all day, my mums the same too. I've had to ask aarons dad to take oscar out as I can't move really.

Betty, my tum goes huge when af is here, it's ridiculous. Plus I always eat shit loads when I'm due. The coil is great, no problem at all. Uncomfortable when they put it in, but once it's there that's it. I was worried more about Az being able to feel it during sex, but it's fine.

Joe is 12 tomorrow!!
Whhaaaaaa xx
Happy birthday to Joe!! :D :D Hope he has a wonderful day and gets lots of presents.

That price to go on the train is ridiculous! It's not like Oscar is old enough to take advantage of the face painting and other activities, he only wanted to see the train bless him. Everything is about money these days.
Frisky, your team are playing tonight aren't they? It's all I've seen on the news the last few days. I hope they win for you!
Are you feeling any better today? I'm so scared of getting sick, there's nothing worse than vomiting is there!
I've never had the coil/injection or anything like that. I was on the pill briefly when me and Mark met but other than that we used the pull out method when we weren't actively TTC. The pill made me gain so much weight, either that or it made my appetite increase so I made myself fat by eating EVERYTHING!

Thank you for your well wishes about the embryos. I tried to speak to Mark last night, I even tried to sweeten him up beforehand by giving him a blowie (haha I'm wicked aren't I!) but he still ended up going into a rage. I told him not to shout at me like I'm a child, he's definitely a control freak and refuses to compromise on anything. It's like what he says goes which really fucks me off. We are a partnership, both of our opinions should be taken into account.
He didn't rule out transferring 2 anyway, he said if we had an AA grade embryo then he would only want to transfer 1 but if the embryos are a bit all over the place with grading then he would be willing to transfer 2. I've never had an AA embryo so we will see.


Hi ladies, sorry for the absence, bit of a nightmare this end. Leo got another chest infection and just hasn't been able to sleep. On Sunday he covered me head to foot in projectile vomit. We thought it was just the coughing, got a new antibiotic but turns out a sickness bug. Mia started being sick last night and can't hold anything down. I've got v bad tummy troubles today and now the gp has sent Leo to the sick kids and I can't even go with him cos I'm sick. Feeling like a horrible mum. Here on the couch like bookends with Mia at the moment as mum tries to clean our house and get barf out of bed linen.
Annnnywayyy. Enough of my grousing.
Tina, I have everything crossed you for Saturday. I think given the costs involved I'd go with 2 on their recommendation but I guess I understand Mark's concern. One baby is a lot of work, two are lots more! But it does have to be a 2 way decision.
We have a consultation appt for m to get the snip. I don't want to stay on the pill forever and he's ok with getting it because he doesn't want any more children. I think he thinks I'll cave and want more. I am not looking to enjoy another labour, pregnancy or more sleepless nights.
Frisky, I hope you are feeling better soon. This bug is miserable. Still, no bikini diet required.
Betty, Leo is 1 and I'm still 7lb off my pre pregnant weight. I got there and then promptly put half a stone back on. Blaming the pill, stress, sleeplessness and work. You look amazing and you only had a baby 3 months ago!
Oh Tina..... I'm always praying for on honey!!! I almost want this as much as you do honey!!! I'm with you and the girls.... If the experts are saying transfer 2 then that's what I would go with, yes, the chances of twins are high and what a scary thought to have two babies at the same time, but, how wonderful it would be too! It would be hard work but we cope, because we have to!! Mark should really spend time with you talking about it and making sure you are both on the same page..... Especially after a blowie!!! Come on!!
I'm sad that alfie will be my last baby, as much as would have wanted another baby it just won't be possible now.... I think Chris will go for the snip, he really doesn't want to but there is no way I will be putting chemicals in my body and I really don't fancy risking the 'pull out' method (although we did that for years!!!) it's quite funny as he is so scared to have it done but I've told him I have squeezed one child out of my fu fu and had the other one cut out of me, he can go and get his penis snipped!!! Evens!!!
God, Edinburgh you have had it ROUGH!!!! I can't believe you guys are all sick again you must be absolutely exhausted with it all?!?! Hoping you all have a speedy recovery and get plenty of rest :)
Frisky... Money grabbing *******s! That is what this world is coming to! So dull! Can't believe you are bad too :( nothing worse than a vomiting bug.
Tina.... Keep us posted, I have everything crossed for you my lovely xxx
Morning lovely ladies!

Edinburgh, can't believe you're posting about being sick AGAIN!!! It's bloody never ending for you. Hope Leo and the girls pick up soon and you can get through a whole week without one of them vomiting!
Betty, I think it's only fair that Chris agrees to having the snip after all that you've been through! I am with you girl :D A fella who I work with had the snip about a year ago and he was in absolute agony, he was walking like he had a rod up his arse for weeks. Then fast forward 12 months, he meets a new woman following the split from his wife and she wants kids, so he's only gone and had it reversed!

Thinking of calling the hospital this morning to find out how the embryos are progressing, honestly they are so useless as far as communication goes. If I didn't call then I'd be turning up on Saturday with no idea how many out of the 6 survived and what kind of condition they are in. How are we supposed to make a decision on how many to transfer if we don't know anything about them?!?!
Spoke to Mark again last night and this time he managed to stay calm and he actually apologised!! He said he understands my side of the argument and to just wait and see what we are blessed with on Saturday before we make a decision which is fair enough I suppose.

What's everyone doing this weekend? Mark's taking me out tomorrow night, we're going to see The Bodyguard at the theatre and then gonna get some food. Evie's staying over in her nans for the night, really looking forward to a night off!

Tina I'm glad that mark is being a bit more aproachable you need him to be on side and understand how you feel!!! How are your little eggy's coming on??? Will transfer be tomorrow???? Keep us posted!!!

Weather is glorious up here so me and my cuz went out for a few cheeky drinks yesterday lunch time... We ended up at my sisters and sank 6 bottles of wine and got home at 11pm!!! Was such a fun day/night and surprisingly I feel totally fine today :) looks like I'm back in the game!!!! Although it's not good for the diet :(
Good luck for today Tina!
Leo got out of hospital last night. Recovery day for everyone at home today!

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