7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Thanks for the welcomes!

The wetness continued throughout the day, at one time to the point that I was concerned I had a huge wet spot on my crotch...in front of my students lol. I also had a huge burst of energy and cleaned/organized a ton when I came home from work. Very unusual for me during the week!

I almost forgot this...when driving home, I sneezed and I swear I blacked out for a nanosecond lol. I had the sharpest pain very down low on the right side. Many bad words flew out of my mouth and it was a good minute before it went away completely. To be honest, it's happened before but never ever that intense.

Morning!!! I had lots of 'wetness' when I got my BFP, this was unusual for me!!! I hope it means you get your BFP, when will you test again???
Hi ladies,

Still here - still cheering for you all. Have the cold again - second time in a month - think I must just be generally run down. I too have my period this week. Started about 4 days early which took me by surprise, I usually have very regular 28 day cycles, thinks are obviously still a bit unsettled since I had the munchkin.

I caved and started taking the pill again till things get better with work and our financial situation. God I hate being a responsible grown up sometimes. Really want to win the lottery and have a housefull of babies but nevermind. Couldn't face the thought of using condoms indefinitely. They make me really sore. It would have been manageable for a month or two but not for longer than that. It is looking increasingly like it will be Spring before we can sensibly try again.

You lot are all going to be well on your way to being Mummies again by the time I get round to baby dancing again - I'll just have to keep myself sane practicing (winks) and adoring my little daughter.

Wishing you all baby dust for this cycle. Frisky, I hope your tests give you the results you need to take some positive steps forward. Let yourself have your cry and then pick yourself up, you are a courageous beautiful person and your son and husband need you lovely and sane. Betty, I'm sorry you are in pain. Lots of choccies and brufen. Get hubby on the go with some TLC and remember you are still healing. Momwife, hope you feel better soon. I feel sure we're going to have BFPs on here before Christmas!

Welcome newbies, x
Hello Edinburgh..... Good to hear from you!!! You must keep in touch with us all even though you are WTT :-) you always say the right things, your posts always make me feel good!!!!! How is it being back on the pill? And more importantly how is everything at work???
I think I may have to go back to work full time (sobs like a baby!!!) we are doing fine but we need a new car and if I want a holiday every year and nice new clothes then I'm going to have to work more than 17 hours a week.... I too also need to win the lotto so I can fast forward through IVF, have as many babies as possible and never have to work again (although being a mum is harder than any job I have ever had!!!!)
Well I've been in particularly bad pain today, I'm passing clots and bleeding very heavily, it's pretty rubbish, im just reliving the miscarriage only worse!!! Good thing is I have some strong painkillers from the doctor so pain is bare able...
How is everyone else today??? Everyone else feeling crap during their AF????
Hello Ladies, hope you are doing well and feeling better.

I had a feeling this would happen to me, as I got AF so late last month, I think she is arriving extra early this month to make up for it. CD 23 and twice now when I wiped in the bathroom, I've seen some light pink, light brown. Not necessarily enough to need a pad or anything but you can definitely see it on the toilet paper. And I'm starting to get some AF cramps as well.

To answer the other poster's question...usually, when I have AF I don't have any major problems or pain. Nothing a little extra rest or OTC pain meds can't cure. I also notice that when I'm not exercising regularly or eating well, I have worse periods.

Anyway, we shall see if it starts full force or not...
Hello Edingburgh!! Good to hear from you lady :)
Thank you for those words....Just what betty & I needed I think! Haha
I don't blame you for sacking the condoms off!

Betty, sorry to hear your having a bad time with af :hugs: must be hard for you.
I hear you all on the lottery thought, could do with it myself.

Wonders, sorry to hear about af....could it not be late implantation?

Well, my period is here full flow, I'm in agony,really heavy with blood clots. I always get bad bleeding, I've read that this can be a symptom of low progesterone too? I rang my docs, who has changed my 21 day test to day 25 as my cycle is longer. I've been worrying today that I'm getting too old for this now?? I'm 34 in December.....all the mum's I saw in work today looked so young. Thought I would be pregnant by now. I'm worried about such a big age gap with my Joe too.

Really missing husband this week, I cried when he rang ealier. He's having such a hard time away, he's exhausted, it's awful hearing him so down. Only 3 more weeks till he's home though. Xx
AF is definitely here now. At least I'll be in the clear for the boyfriends birthday this weekend lol. I really need to stop symptom spotting, especially since we are not really trying. I say it every month and then the first twinge I feel after day 14, I'm back here analyzing. Ridiculous.

Best of luck to you ladies!
Hello ladies how are you all???? Everyone is quiet!!!
I'm on CD6 and AF is finally leaving (thank god!!!) I'm still suffering from this viral infection (it's been 3.5 weeks now!!!) so have absolutely no energy and can't even begin to think about :sex: ugh, need some serious energy!!!!
Hope you are all well xxxx
Hello ladies! I was ill over the weekend due to asthma. I think I was having breathing problems due to the change of the weather. I am on CD 14 and I really think this is not my month but I will keep taking my temps and try to BD. I ahev an interview tomorrow at my DD's school tomorrow, I know it is only 2 hours, and it is not at an hospital or a clinic which I want sooo bad. I guess it is a start and hopefully one day a hospital or clinic will call me to come to an interview. I have no experience but I have loads of college eduation in healthcare. Betty, I am sorry that you are still sick, I would of thought you would have been better by now.:hugs: FX for everybody.
Hey ladies...how are we all??

Wow, it's been ages since I've Been on here.
Momwife, I hope your interview went ok?

Betty, how are you feeling?
Well, I've been a bit fed up these past few weeks, I'm missing my husband alot, I'm finding it really hard this time. I'm still worried this will never happen for me, but I'm closer to some answers with my blood tests happening the week after next.

This weather is making me really lazy, I've no motivation at all. I need to get back in the gym this week, it'll help lift my mood too.
I guess I'm a bit down as it's my first wedding anniversary on Thursday & hubby is away :(

May stick my wedding dress on & do the housework in it!! Haha

Hello ladies! I was ill over the weekend due to asthma. I think I was having breathing problems due to the change of the weather. I am on CD 14 and I really think this is not my month but I will keep taking my temps and try to BD. I ahev an interview tomorrow at my DD's school tomorrow, I know it is only 2 hours, and it is not at an hospital or a clinic which I want sooo bad. I guess it is a start and hopefully one day a hospital or clinic will call me to come to an interview. I have no experience but I have loads of college eduation in healthcare. Betty, I am sorry that you are still sick, I would of thought you would have been better by now.:hugs: FX for everybody.

Hi mom wife.... How did your interview go???? We sound like we are in the same boat at the minute! I'm trying to get into pharmaceuticals, I'm applying for jobs as a trainee dispenser/technician but having no luck as I have no experience (how are you supposed to get experience if no one will hire you?????) anyway I'm volunteering in a local school to get some experience in possibly becoming a teachers assistant.... I'm just a bit stuck at the moment, I need to get a full time job and the job I'm in now can't offer me more hours :-(
What would your ideal job be in the hospital????

Frisky, sorry you're feeling down, must be tough with hubby away.... When is he home next??? PS: I think doing housework in your wedding dress will be quite fabulous!!! Take pics and post them!!!!

I'm on CD13 and stark white OPK's so god knows when or if I will ovulate this month????? So bored of all the 'trying' its really getting me down, it's such a drag every month just to be let down.... Anyone feeling the same???? :cry:
My interview went great!! She said the job is mine. Now I am waiting for HR to call me probably the end of the week or the end of next week so I can take the background checks and drug test. I haven't been on an interview in a such a very, very long time. I am surprised that I did well. It is good that you are volunteering at a school, I think if you keep volunteering they might offer you an position there. Will keep my FX crossed for you. I was volunteering at my DD's school since last year, and one of the preschool told me about the preschool aid position. She said I think you would be a good fit since you been volunteering for the kindergarten class/other teachers since last school year. The good thing is the lady that interviewed me said that the school recommend me which I was happy about. I understand how you are feeling. How is one supposed to gain experience if no one wants to give them a job, it really sucks. I just hate it. My ideal job would be as an administrative assistant, billing & coding, and many others. I just want to get my foot in the door at an hospital, then I will go from there. My goal is to be an healthcare manager one day. I hope I will be an healthcare manager at an clinic just to start out in a few years so I can move my way up to being a healthcare manager for an department in an hospital.

Frisky, I understand that you are down since it will be you guys 1st anniversary, but remember you will have many more anniversaries! When is your hubby coming home? You probably could still do something special even if it is not much. My 1st anniversary me and DH didn't have much since we were sooo young, we watched some movies, I cooked a dinner and we had lots of wine! LOL!

I keep forgetting to take my temps like today I didn't take them. I am kind of close to forget all about charting and just wait it out. I feel the same that it is a drag. I not thinking of all the symptoms that could be pregnancy symptoms. I know I haven't been TTC for long but it is really stressful. I should just forget about all the taking temps and charting, and if it happens then it happens. So Betty, you are not the one that feels this way.
Well done on the job momwife!! :happydance:

Hubby home on the 21st for 1 night, then the 27th for 10 days :)
We have had a bit of a fall out though :( well, not really....I've just got the hump because he went out on the lash all day & night on Saturday.

I don't mind him going out, I know he works so hard & needs to let his hair down. It's just, I've had such a crap week, problems with my sons behaviour. And because I'm on my own down here, I don't get any help or restbite....I guess I'm just a bit jealous, that he's out having fun, whilst I'm stuck at home. I'm so stubborn. It's just hard sometimes....and this past week have Been really rubbish for me.

Anyway, I'm sure things will be ok.

Betty, I too feel fed up of this whole checking cm, temps, peeing on sticks, symptom spotting everymonth!! This is the first month I won't be bothering, as hubbys been away.

I'm still going to be peed off when af arrives though.

We have friends down at the end of the month & my mum is having my son for a few days.
I'm looking forward to having a much needed catch up, drink & laugh...think I need it xxx
Congrats on getting the job momwife, fab news!!!! Having a new job may also take you mind off the whole TTC drama!!!! :-)
Frisky, I'm sorry you have had a crap week, that's not good :-( I totally sympathise with you being away from your friends and family. I lived in London all my adu life and absolutely loved it but once I had my little girl I felt so lonely, everyone seemed so far away and I didn't have the support I needed, it's tough when you're feeling a bit down, sometimes you just need to be close to family and friends for a bit of reassurance and :hug: Also my DF loves a night out with his friends, he also went out on Saturday and rolled in at 2.30am so he had the cold shoulder all day Sunday but then I had to start speaking to him as we needed to :sex: what a palava!!!!
I have a really busy couple of weeks ahead so I'm hoping I don't think about the TWW so much.... AF is due for me on 31st (Halloween! How appropriate!!!)
Frisky, have you had your tests done???
Thanks betty.....I caved in & made the first move last night!! Haaha

My AF is due on the 31st too!! How funny :)

I get my bloods done next friday morning, then results the following weds xxx
Hello lovely ladies... Sorry I've been AWAL for a few days. I have been trying my best to keep calm about TTC so have been avoiding B&B to keep sane!

Hows everyone doing? Are we feeling more hopeful this month girls??

I had a positive OPK yesterday all day and a negative one this morning. I also had a temp rise today so I think I ovulated yesterday so I'm pretty sure today is 1DPO! xxx
Hi Tina welcome back.... I know what you mean about trying to keep sane, I'm trying my best this month!!! I'm on CD15 and still not even a glimmer of a line on opks???
Also I'm so tired at the minute, this viral infection has really knocked it out of me! Is it normal to still have it after 4 weeks??? My cough has gone but I just have absolutely zero energy and could just go back to bed and sleep??? I really don't have the energy to even :sex: may have to skip this cycle and just try next cycle :-(
Frisky, greats news about your tests, you will have answers very soon, it will be a relief for you xxxx
Just checked and I'm actually on CD16!!!! No positive opk :-(
What day do you normally ovulate on betty? keep testing because it can change to a positive in a second and might only stay positive for a few hours so I'd do at least 2 a day a few hours apart if you're due to ovulate.

Sorry to hear you're full of a viral infection hun, our little one has it too. All the kiddies in her class at nursery are coughing and sneezing and she keeps saying "mummy I don't feel very well I've got a bad cough" :-( Poor little thing. Just hope she doesn't pass it to me and Mark. xxx
Hi Tina, how are you?

Betty, sorry to hear your feeling crappy...I think this cold weather doesn't help, itsucks the energy out of you. I'm not too clued up on the opk's or how they work, I agree to just keep trying though.
It's actually nice for me not to be obsessing this month, nice to have a break from the 2ww.
Just want the bloods done now with a definite answer at the end of it.

It's my first wedding anniversary today....So I've spent the morning in the gym! Like you do! Haha
Hubby home in 2 weeks, so celebrations are on hold.

We will get there girls......let's stay positive! :hugs:
congratulations on your wedding anniversary Frisky!! We've still got a way to go yet, we have been married since July this year. Are you and the hubby doing anything special when he is home? I'm doing okay, trying desperately not to obsess during this TWW. I'm going to be really strict with NOT symptom spotting. I drove myself insane last cycle and even convinced myself that I was pregnant then AF came.

What is it that you are being tested for Frisky? xxx

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