7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

I'm being really silly now.....hoping that I ovulated on Monday when hubby was home...still thinking I'm in with a chance!! What's is WRONG with meeeee?!! Haha if I did ovulate on day 21...I would now be 4dpo with af due 10dpo...bloody hell...shoot me already!! :wacko:
Girls I tested... And bloody negative. I'm just hoping it's too early yet x
Oh noooooo!!

It could be too early, your not out till she shows xxx I have everything crossed xxx
Girls I tested... And bloody negative. I'm just hoping it's too early yet x

Your still not out yet Tina since AF has not arrived! FX for you!!! :hugs:

I can't wait to try again after AF ends. This weekend I will be cleaning up my daughters closet, catching up on my shows, and I have to collect different leaves for my youngest daughter project. When hubby get off from work on Saturday night we will watch horror movies together till our eyes bleed. He have Sundays and Mondays off which I love since I can get a lot of stuff done around the house!
Tina..... It's still early to test!!!!! Keep the faith test again tmrw morning, fingers crossed for u xxxxx
Momwife.... Me and OH are ordering a Chinese tmrw nite and watching the walking dead (have you guys had that in the USA? We love it!!!) watching horrors is what we used to do when we first met.... We would stay up till 3-4am watching them..... Awwwww good times!!!! :-) xx
Yeah maybe you're all right girls. I was only 10DPO so we will see. It's cycle day 27 today which is the day AF came last month but I've not had a temp drop!

Betty I love the walking dead! Me and the hubby watch it in bed every night and I always without a doubt fall asleep half an hour into it Haha xxx
Tina 10dpo is still early and your chart still looks good so don't worry. I would test again at 14dpo or just test on the morning if you have loads of tests!!!!
I'm 7dpo and have tingly bbs!!!! Seriously hope this is my month!!!!!!! :-)
I will be testing next Wednesday when I will be 11dpo..... X
Momwife.... Me and OH are ordering a Chinese tmrw nite and watching the walking dead (have you guys had that in the USA? We love it!!!) watching horrors is what we used to do when we first met.... We would stay up till 3-4am watching them..... Awwwww good times!!!! :-) xx

Yes! We love watching the walking dead! Just can't get enough of it. I wish I could stay up until 3-4 am watching movies. We try but we fall asleep before 2am! LOL!

Tina, yes it was too early for you to test. I agree with Betty, test at 14dpo then yo will know for sure.Ihave been reading different threads on here, I remember one post I was reading, A woman mentioned that she found out she was pregnant at 17dpo and she was testing since 10dpo! What a lot of tests. I hope one of you ladies receive your BFP's soon. Somebody has to be pregnant on this thread soon! FX FX FX!!! :hugs:
Oooh, sounds promising betty...fingers crossed :)

Tina, it is still very early..try & hold out a few days.

I had some upsetting news last night, one of my old friends has Been given only 6months to live, he has terminal stomach cancer. It's so unfair, he's only a few years older than me. I can't actually get my head around it. He's refusing to have any chemotherapy as he wants to be remembered for who he is now, not sick in a hospital bed. He's so brave. I'm sorry to go on, I'm just finding this info hard to take in. Life is just so short.

Sorry for depressing everyone...hope your weekends are all good :) Xx
Sorry to hear about your friend Frisky. It definitely shakes you to the core when people around your own age get sick. Makes you take a minute and re-evaluate your own life and how you react to things. Did you get your test results btw?

It's been a while but I have been reading the thread religiously on the bus to work in the morning. I haven't found a new job yet but I was offered some overtime so I've been doing that in my free time and not really looking. Things are a little better as I'm mostly reporting to a different CEO in a different bit of the organisation.

Had a bit of a rough week - my little one fell off her little kiddie chair (she was standing on it) and fractured her collarbone and damaged her shoulder. Part of me is ecstatic she's got my climbing genes, but I'm mostly just devastated by the massive parenting fail. She's being a wee trouper and managing everything one handed (thank god she appears to be a leftie as she has a collar and cuff on her right arm) but she mostly just wants to sit cuddled up watching Tangled on repeat. I did an emergency run to HMV on my lunchbreak for some new movies to mix things up a bit yesterday but she's not happy unless it's Tangled that goes on.

No other news. I'm thinking I need to shift 4lb this month - Christmas party coming up. Nearly threw up running 10 minutes to the bus stop near the new office so I definitely need to work on getting my cardio fitness up! Still thinking I'll come off the pill when my period starts at Christmas and then we might start TTC again end of January next year. Hopefully the last of the debt will be paid off by then from hubby's access course that we ended up paying for.

The witch is here for me (cycle seems to be around 25 days now despite going back on the mini-Pill but I'm hoping the period pain won't be so bad as it was off it. Still may indulge in some wine tonight in the name of chilling out a bit.

I made amazing soup today. Sweet potato and lentils (it's got apple, lime, onion, spices, ginger and garlic in it too). If anyone is feeling the chilly winter time blues it's brilliant. Think I just googled sweet potato and lentil soup and it was a BBC good food recipe. Even short stuff ate it up and she usually has no time for anything remotely smacking of soup. If it doesn't crunch she doesn't want to eat it.

Have a lovely weekend all - difficult I know as most of us are all due AF or jumping around like hot cakes waiting to test. Tests didn't work for me last time till about 2 days after my period was due - cycle day 30 when I was usually 28. So don't be put off by early negatives.

Hey edingburgh, good to hear from you.

Thanks for your words about my friend. It's tough, he text me earlier, he's been really strong about it all. Makes me feel pathetic that I get upset over small things in life.....really does put things in perspective & make you think.

Sorry about your daughters accident, don't feel too bad on yourself, kids will climb & these things happen. Saying that, I still feel a tinge of guilt when my son rolled off the bed as a baby!! I've never seen tangled, but can get the drift, my son used to play wall:e on repeat.

I've been trying to get my fitness up too, I went to the gym last week & weighed myself...I've not done that in over a year. It wasn't a good number I saw on the scales, I need to loose at least 7lbs
When I played footie with my son the other wkend, I was out of breath so quickly, it was shameful.

Your soup sounds delicious...I love home made soup, I may have to copy you x

I get test results back on Wednesday, hubby is booked in to get tested on 2nd Jan as their is a waiting list here! I'm hoping by the time he gets tested, I will have had all that I need doing done. So we can move on straight away.
A part of me is hoping & thinking it's simply because hubby works away & we have really bad timing. Even though it's been 19 months ttc, my thyroid has only just got back under control the past 6months. So, if you count it from there, I've been TTC 6nearly 7months. Haha who am I trying to kid! :wacko:

Well, the winds picking up here..going to be early bath & get in my jimjams kinda night. I'm holding the wine till hubby is home on Monday.

But you enjoy yours :) Xx
I heard a really bad storm is headed your way. Gale force winds are a very common part of our winters and I hate them. Worst kind of weather. Strong wind unsettles me like nothing else. Stay warm and take care!
Oh frisky..... I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, it's just not fair sometimes, makes you want to just live for every moment. Big :hug: to you....
Edinburgh, good to hear from you, we love your posts! Bless your little girl, don't be hard on yourself, these things happen and we can't wrap our little ones in cotton wool.... She will be back to normal in next to no time.... Ps: my little girl has the little mermaid on repeat and I mean REPEAT!!!!! Good job I love Disney.....
I'm just sat waiting for my Chinese takeaway, really shouldn't as I'm on my diet but what the hell! I've lost 5lbs but really want to lose another 5lbs, I just need to get my backside to the gym, I already eat really healthy.... Love your soup recipe, will defo try that!!!
Went out and bought tests today... Will no doubt test tmrw (at 8dpo, I'm such a loser!!!) I have these wired pains in my shoulders, like electric shocks????? Still got tingly bbs and CM, I am really getting my hopes up for this cycle!!!
Weather warning out for tmrw and we are driving cross country to Blackpool, great!!!!!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone..... I may not be on here till after I get back from Blackpool xxxx
Errrrr betty...you are NOT a loser testing at 8dpo.....that would be me & Tina at 4dpo haaha xxx Eeeeeeek I'm dying for you to test, hope it's your month x
Chinese sounds sooooooo good, it's my favourite food unfortunately!

I'm currently snugged up in bed watching a horror film whilst it's blowing a storm outside, wish hubby was here. Only 2 more sleeps :)

Feel a bit left out I'm not in the 2ww with you this month :( Xx
Not long now before hubby is home frisky.... :-)
I tested this morning and thought I saw the faintest glimmer of a line but after squinting. Turning. Holding in the light/shadow realised that there was nothing there at all!!!! Not sure why but I just feel different this month, I think I just really want it to happen this month so I'm trying to be as positive as I can.... The only thing with that is that it's such bitter blow when AF arrives :-(
Right, I'm off to Blackpool!!!!!!
Hey girls, so I'm back from my night away with the hubby. Had a good drink and let my hair down and ate tons of food that's no good for me but it felt good so I don't care! Woke up to a temp rise this morning, I'm a bit sceptical though because I woke an hour later than I normally temp. I'm on cycle day 28, 12 DPO and no signs of AF. Not got any tests at home so gonna wait a couple of days and if she doesn't arrive I'll buy some. I normally have an 11 day leutal phase so either I'm pregnant or the B6 is working already!

Frisky, so so sorry to hear about your friend. Unfortunately I can relate to what you're going through, my father in law has too just recently been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer, he's having chemo to see if it will go into remission, the cancer is in his stomach and lymph nodes in his neck :-( its heartbreaking

Back to work in the morning noooooo! Xx
Hi Tina, awwwh, so sorry about your father in law :( Cancer is so evil, it's frightening...I really hope the chemotherapy works for him. It's so sad xxx

Glad to hear you had a good time with hubby! I can't wait to drink & eat loads next weekend...it HAS to be done sometimes :)

Do you have any other symptoms? When is af due again? Fingers crossed for you Tina.

I'm tempted to test!! Haaaahaaaaa I've not a cat in hells chance this month!! But I'd have normally tested a dozen times by now, think I'm missing it!! I had lower backache earlier & found myself googling 'is lower back ache a sign of implantation?' In hope I could have ovulated on CD21 when hubby was home!!

I clearly need help girls. :wacko:
Cancer is evil, and so scary too because it feels like it's becoming more and more common. In the 7 years me and mark have been together 3 out of our 4 parents have had cancer.

My AF was due yesterday frisky, the only symptoms I have really are the occasional cramping, dizziness and my cervix is still high closed and wet. To be honest I don't feel at all like I did before I got my BFP with evie so maybe she's just taking her time to appear this month xxx
Oh gosh, that's awful for you & your parents. It is becoming more common, I always hear of friends of friends & their family members getting it. My nana had breast cancer & had to have a double mastectomy. It's scary how it could strike any of us at any time.

Can't believe your 1day late!! Oh my God!! I want you to test again now!!!

Every pregnancy is different, so I wouldn't get disheartened because you don't feel the same as last time!! Eeeeek hope it's your turn!! Xx

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