Hey edingburgh, good to hear from you.
Thanks for your words about my friend. It's tough, he text me earlier, he's been really strong about it all. Makes me feel pathetic that I get upset over small things in life.....really does put things in perspective & make you think.
Sorry about your daughters accident, don't feel too bad on yourself, kids will climb & these things happen. Saying that, I still feel a tinge of guilt when my son rolled off the bed as a baby!! I've never seen tangled, but can get the drift, my son used to play wall:e on repeat.
I've been trying to get my fitness up too, I went to the gym last week & weighed myself...I've not done that in over a year. It wasn't a good number I saw on the scales, I need to loose at least 7lbs
When I played footie with my son the other wkend, I was out of breath so quickly, it was shameful.
Your soup sounds delicious...I love home made soup, I may have to copy you x
I get test results back on Wednesday, hubby is booked in to get tested on 2nd Jan as their is a waiting list here! I'm hoping by the time he gets tested, I will have had all that I need doing done. So we can move on straight away.
A part of me is hoping & thinking it's simply because hubby works away & we have really bad timing. Even though it's been 19 months ttc, my thyroid has only just got back under control the past 6months. So, if you count it from there, I've been TTC 6nearly 7months. Haha who am I trying to kid!
Well, the winds picking up here..going to be early bath & get in my jimjams kinda night. I'm holding the wine till hubby is home on Monday.
But you enjoy yours
