7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

ahhh hun you're bound to feel lost! that's completely normal. I'd be the same.

I don't finish work until 5 so it's gonna be a rush job for me tonight. Pick up evie from her grandparents, throw a bit of facepaint on her, backcomb the old hair, stick the witches outfit on and off to trick or treat. Then back home for a pizza and the walking dead in bed. ahhh I can't wait for bedtime. Feel exhausted!

Pizza then waking dead in bed sounds perfect to me! Have a good evening :) Xx

Betty, hope your ok lady xxx
Two more weeks until ovulation.. feels like a lifetime away doesn't it. New months suck!!! xx
Morning girls..... Frisky, do you feel better after your results??? It's good your hormones are normal and that you have been told its more difficult for you due to being diabetic, did they say if you get you glucose levels down that would help???
Also, being referred is a good thing, means you can get some clear answers (and don't forget hubby has got to get his swimmers tested too!!)
Tina, my niece is always getting impetigo, it starts on her mouth and because she always has her fingers in her mouth it always spreads to her hands, last time she had it she lost 2 fingernails (bless her she is only 5) it's not a nice thing for them, hope your little Evie is feeling enter soon....
My apt was ok yesterday, had bloods done and also more swabs. I have to go back for more bloodwork on Monday and I'm now just waiting for a HSG (should have this done in December) then my next apt is in January back at ARU to discuss all results, so its looking like 2013 is out for me :-( boring!!!!

Had a lovely Halloween, took my DD to a Halloween party in the afternoon then trick or treating last night and onto another family party (we like to party here up north!!!)
I'm at work at 6am today (hence the stupid time!!!)
Have a good day everyone....... Happy Friday too!!! Walking dead on tonight, very exciting stuff!!!!! :-)
Hello ladies!

Frisky, it's good that everything is normal. Do not feel down that it may take a while for you to conceive. My aunt is a diabetic and she was ttc for a while and then she just gave up since she wanted to give her husband a baby. Then one day she went to the Dr. for a check-up and found out that she was pregnant! She was shocked and couldn't believe it. I remember my mom told me that after she left her Dr. appt, she went to the store and brought 5 pregnancy tests. All of the tests were positive and then she finally believed that she was pregnant! It is a great thing that you have a refferal, everything will work out soon for you frisky.:hugs::flower:

Betty, I am glad that your appt went ok. I wish kids did not get impetigo since they are just innocent and don't understand what is going on with them. Sometimes they get it the worst too, like my niece just today my sister told me that she was in school and the 4th graders was making fun of her since she had impetigo on her face. Kids can be cruel to other kids. SO my niece have been out of school for a week now, but she have make up work to do. You never know Betty, AF might not arrive for you this year and you will receive your BFP before next year!

Tina, how is Evie doing? I hope better.:hugs: I can't believe everyone had their AF. I thought one of would receive our BFP in October! Well on to this month. You are right, new months does suck.:growlmad:

It has been a stressful week for me since both of my daughters was sick. The good news it that they are better and is going back to school on Monday!

I was feeling a little bit down since I took the drug test on Monday for the preschool teacher aid and I haven't received a call yet telling me about my start date. I was happy yesterday since a hospital called me for a phone interview! I think I did great, the lady I spoke with said that she will send my resume and the notes over to HR and I should be hearing something within 2 weeks whether they want to have an face to face interview or they want to move on with other individuals. It is a cleaning postion and it is full-time. I know I can do better since I have a degree and close to obtaining my Bachelor's but this may be my only starting chance to get my foot in the door working in the healthcare field. I can move my way up to the position that I want. FX that HR will call me soon!

I hope everyone is doing ok today.:hugs::flower:
Well done on bagging an interview momwife :) fingers crossed for you. Glad your feeling more positive about your work situation & yes, you have to start somewhere, at least you will have your foot through the door, happy days :) Xx

Sorry to hear your Kiddies have being poorly, it really takes it out of you too as you worry & they crave more attention. Hope they're better soon.

Well, I've had a full on weekend with lots of food & wine. We had friends down from Manchester, so had lots of catching up to do. Feeling sorry for myself now though & my diet has taken a backseat this weekend too! But, we had fun, so that's all that matters.

Hubby goes back on Thursday, so feeling a little sad. I know I should make the most of him being here, but I can't help but think of Thursday & how much I'll miss him. It's his birthday in 2 weeks, so my son & I have got him some pressies & cards to hide in his bag, to open when he's away.

Thanks for telling me about your aunt, gives me some hope. I'm really going to monitor my sugars more to bring them down. They say you have to get them down to 7% or under & mine are currently 8.7% so I've a way to go yet. But they were at 9.5% in march, so I'm heading in the right direction. I reckon I'll be able to get them down within 3 months. Hubby is in for sperm test on 2nd Jan too.

Betty, hope you are ok, what bloods are you having done tomorrow?

Tina, hope all's good with you & your getting ready for next cycle :)

Well, it's windy & rainy here, going to make a cuppa tea & then hopefully sleep my hangover off xxx
Morning girls!

Another lovely monday morning in work NOT!!!

Evie is much better now everyone thankyou for all of your messages :):) The doctor gave her some antibiotic medicine and antibiotic cream, she's normally fine taking medicine so took the first spoonfull without any problems.. and that was the only spoonfull without any problems let me tell you! I had a try of it myself and I can't quite believe that they are forcing kids to take this stuff! I've never tasted anything so vile in all my life. It's like a powdery white medicine but leaves an aftertaste for a few minutes afterwards. I had to pin her down and force her to take it, she was supposed to take it for 7 days but after 3 it had cleared up so I've just been continuing with the cream because I couldn't put her through it anymore I felt really cruel :(

Momwife.. congrats on your interview! Hope you hear something soon hun. My friend started in a hospital doing a cleaning role and she is now a philbotomist nurse, I hope I've spelt that correctly haha!

Betty, where in the north are you?? I'm also a northern lady, I'm in Liverpool!

Frisky, sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! I know what you mean about the food though. We had chinese food on friday, 2 KFCs on Saturday and then yesterday we went out for dinner with the inlaws where I had a massive 3 courser hahaha xx
i have used meds in jelly or mixed with sugar to help get it down..maybe try that xx
ahhh that's a good idea! I didn't think of anything like that. I'll have to try and trick her next time xx
Hi kat.... We have been trying for baby no 2 for the last 16 months..... I have low progesterone and have previously had ovarian cysts and endometriosis :-(
If I do get my period this month then I have to go for SALP examination (where dye is injected in the womb and Fallopian tubes to check for blockages) I have to say my doctor has been fantastic and we were referred to the fertility clinic very quickly.... Hoping I can fall naturally but at this point will try anything :-)
How about you??? Have you been at this long?
[Moderator Edited]
I'm sorry but it is not a good idea to put your email on the public forum.
Members please take great care if emailing others off the site about medical conditions.
Tina, Thanks for telling me that your friend started out at an cleaning position and now is an Phlebotomist Nuse! (so what if you misspelled, I don't care:flower:) That gives me hope that if they call me and they offer me the job after the interview that I know I will not be stuck at that position. Thank you again Tina!
ahhh you're very welcome hun! I know going for a new position is a scary time in your life so you need a little boost to lift your spirits!

Frisky, betty how are you both getting on? You've been a little quiet! xxx
Sorry, I just wasn't quite sure what was going on with a previous post, regarding help with infertility issues?? Like we're not already trying that!!???? Pffttttt

I'm ok thanks tina, just gearing up to go to work..af is nearly gone thank God ha ha Xx just been to get fireworks for later & spent a small fortune.

Hope your little one is feeling better . X

P.s I'm a northern girl too! Manchester innit! ;)
Hello ladies.... Sorry for the absence.... I've been really ill the last couple of days. AF started on Saturday evening (just spotting) but by Sunday afternoon I was really heavy and in lots of pain and passing lots of clots :-(
I had to call in work sick on Monday as I was so bloody miserable. I'm hoping this is normal as its only my second AF since the miscarriage.
Had two lots of bloods taken. One for my iron levels (have absolutely no energy at the minute!) and I have to repeat all my fertility tests so had another lot then for that. All good fun!!!!!
Hope everyone else is ok!!! Momwife, well done on the job, your foot is in the door, that's the most important thing, well done you!!!

What was with that post about emails???? My personal email waster on the post????? Strange????

PS: I'm way up north, sunderland is my nearest big town xxx
Sorry to hear you were feeling rotten betty, must still be difficult having af after your loss :hugs: hope it's eased off now & your feeling a bit better. When do you get your results?

I've no idea what that post was about, the original post went on about emailing her if you want advice on fertility issues?? And her email address was on there, it's been edited now......very odd.

#Gategrasher haha

Well, hubbys last night tonight. So, bit down. But I'll be ok....working on keeping blood sugars down, so my energy is lacking at the min.
Also, my sister thinks she's pregnant....She started on Clomid last month & is now 5 days late on her period. Her test read negative 3 days ago, so she's in at docs to get bloods done tomorrow. As her last pregnancy showed up neg on tests, but positive on bloods, sadly ended in miscarriage as she has endometriosis. I'll be happy for her, but so jealous at the same time... :(


Right, got that off my chest!! Haha

Hope everyone's ok xxx
Oh frisky, I'm sorry it's your last nite with hubby... Hope you have had a nice time with him :-)
Has your sister tested again???? Any news???? That's quite exciting but I understand your pain, it hurts :-( has she any other children??? How long did she have to wait before they gave her clomid?
I think we are going to skip trying this month..... I will hate doing it but we have a weekend away with friends right over my fertile period and I'm not going to stress us out by trying to DTD through our holiday, really need a bit of a break anyway I reckon..... I'm with you on the energy thing, I have zero energy at the moment, maybe it's to do with me stopping going to te gym, need to get back into it!!!!
Hi all,

I've just come over from the forum of TTC after a loss, I lost baby number two at around 8 weeks in August! Don't normally ovulate naturally so concieved first baby in feb with clomid and the baby in June was a surprise ovulation. Having lost the babies seems to have kicked my body into touch and I'm now ovulation had a bleed 2 weeks ago and ovulated again on the 2nd of November so currently 4DPO. I hate the 2ww, kinda hoping this month isn't my turn as I will be due around 4 days after my best friends wedding which I am bridesmaid for! Don't think that will go down great lol! Then I have my cousins in August but that doesn't bother me too much lol!
How's everyone else's 2ww going?
Betty, I know what you mean about the gym, I've not been all week, so feeling really sluggish. Just dropped hubby off at dock yard, so that's that till 2nd December. I'm going to try my best to get into shape for then. We had an ok time when he was home, I'm having alot of problems with my son though at the minute & his behaviour. I'm at a loss at what to do, but that's another thread entirely :(

My sister has no children, she's had alot of miscarriages though :( can never sustain a pregnancy. She's been having various tests & operations to remove legions on her tubes. They finally prescribed her Clomid in August after about 6 months of tests etc.....So, she's had a bad time of it really. She will be a week late today, her test came up negative 6 days ago & she's not tested since as she's scared. So, we will know later today after her bloods have been taken.

I think it's best you don't stress about doing the deed too much on your weekend away, have a well deserved break & fun with hubby. I'm definitely out for this year. Hubby won't be home on fertile days this month OR next month!! Well rubbish.....but at least I can use this time to get my sugars down & get into shape.

Welcome laurandan, I'm so sorry to hear about your sad losses. Your amongst friends here, we can all sympathise with you :hugs: I'm currently not in 2ww, but hope yours is going ok xxx
Ooooooh I could be in with a chance this month now ladies!! Hubby is home for 2nights on the 17/18th right when my fertile window is!!! So, looks like I'll be in the 2ww with you all in a few weeks :) Xx
Welcome laurandan:wave:I am sorry that you are going through this. This is a great thread that you will love! All of these ladies are just awesome.

Hey ladies, I am giving you a quick update since I am kind of down right now. I haven't really been TTC since all I could think about is getting a hospital position, but the school called me yesterday and said that my start date is today. It's only 2 hrs a day. I am happy that they called me so that I can make a little bit of money for now. I checked my E-mail like 30 minutes ago and the hospital that I had the phone inteview for said that they will pursue other individuals.:growlmad::cry: I applied to other jobs with the hospital and updated my resume since now I am working. My hubby said that employers like to hire people that is already working compared to the people who been out of work for years. Well good news is that I have a phone interview with a different hospital (rival hospital of the other hospital that turned me away) next Thursday. I hope that interview will go well since now when the lady asks me if I am working I can finally say yes and talk about my job. I don't think the lady that I had the phone interview with last week did not want to hear about my volunteering experience.:shrug: I could be wrong but I don't know. FX that sometime I will get into a hospital!!!

Sorry for the long rant ladies! I am just a bit down right now. Oh by the way I ovulated on Monday, but we BD Tuesday so I think we missed it.:growlmad: I am now 3DPO. Will chat tomorrow.

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