7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hi everyone and welcome laura...... These girls are the BEST!!! We are well and truly all in this together!!! :)
Frisky, great news about hubby being home!!!! This is the one!!!!!! What's going on with your son? Is he approaching a tricky age??? You can rant on here! Hope it gets sorted, breathe through it (and drink wine where possible! Always helps me!)

Momwife, great news about your job at the hospital, even tho it's only a couple of hours it's still fab! Good luck with the other interview, keep your chin up!!!! It will all work out, you will see.
Tina, how are you chick????
I've just finished my most horrendous period! Hoping I don't have another one of those anytime soon :( I'm not going to track this month as I really need a month off and I'm going for a HSG exam after my next period so will get some answers again soon...... Phew, and breathe!!!!
Frisky, your sis has been through a lot! That is such a shame, I hope she gets the news she wants, have you got an update????
Anyone have any nice plans this weekend? Xxxx
Good Morning on this wet & cold day!! Brrrrrrrrr!!

Momwife, try not to get disheartened. Betty is right, it will all work out. Stay positive, your doing the right thing to get the Job you want eventually :)
Betty, what's the HSG exam?
My sister went for her blood test, then her period arrived an hour after :( I really feel for her, but she's ok actually, staying positive.

Well, there's something wrong with my car, can't use it now till hubby is home next week!! So, I have the joy of public transport to contend with. Although, it's pouring down, so I won't be going anywhere today!

My son's behaviour is very challenging at the minute, even more so when Aaron Is home. Unfortunately, the father of my son is not a nice man. He continuously slags me off to him, says things about my hubby, puts ideas in his head. My son feels guilty for getting along with his step dad, so in turn rebels against him. He's very confused. Of course I've explained that he doesn't have to feel guilty, his dad will always be his dad no matter what. But his dad's words have stuck with him, as he puts him up there on a pedestal. It's a terrible situation to be in. It's me who has to deal with the aftermath & I'm finding it very hard. So, I'm working alongside a lady from family lives who is helping me to deal with this in the best way, & we are working on getting my son to feel secure in himself which hopefully will help with his behaviour. It's a huge learning curve. Xx
Oh frisky...... I'm so sorry that you are having to go through that! It's not fair on your boy, his father needs to man up and start behaving himself! It's so confusing for kids but as he grows up and starts to understand more it will get easier and he will see that you have nothing but his best interest at heart (my dad left when I was 2 and I haven't seen him or heard from him since I was 11 years old) :( my mam did a bloody fantastic job with me and my sis, I owe her everything :)
I'm off to a kids party now, then I'm going to watch 'game of thrones' tonight (love it!!!) and drink wine :)
Hey girrrlllls!

Hope everyone is well. So it's gonna be my 2WW in a couple of days I think.

Not temping this month, decided to have a break because last month my chart looked so promising and then my AF came. So just going off OPKs and CM/CP to BD. I can't be arsed with all the stress of waiting for my temp to drop haha!

Frisky, loving that you're just down the road from me! A fellow north west lady :) Betty you're not that far away from us! I went to Newcastle for my hen doo, Sunderland is by there isn't it?? I'm terrible with geography haha

Welcome Laura, hopefully we can make your TWW a sane and fun one!

Don't you just love Monday mornings :(:( Evie is doing a sponsored welly walk in nursery today for Children In Need. She was so excited <3 xxx
Frisky, so sorry to hear that you're going through a hard time with your son. My parents split when I was 10 and my mum got into another relationship with my stepdad quite soon after their split. I was a bit of a daddys girl and completely rebelled against my mums new boyfriend and made their lives hell because I felt sorry for my dad. A break up can be really distressing for kids, it can affect them in so many different ways. He isn't being this way because he has a personal problem with you, maybe it's just becomming too much for him to handle?

hope you're okay sweetie xxx
Hi ladies hope u dont mind me jumping in Im currently starting my 2ww after last month ended in af was NTNP realised after how disappointed I was I clearly was trying:) tinadecember im sure I remember u from last month. Good luck in ur 2ww ladies baby dust to all xx
Hi CKelly! welcome to our crazy TWW thread. We all keep eachother as sane as possible and there's a fantabulous bunch of ladies so you're in the right place.

You probably do remember me from last cycle obsessing over my rising temps and then they fell suddenly and AF came :-(

Oh well here's hoping to a november BFP for us all!! xx
Hello ladies!

I am not depressed anymore. I finally realized things you want really badly do not come easily. A hospital will call me when I am not expecting it. I am not taking my temps this month and probably next month.

Tina, I feel just like you, getting all stressed and then bam, AF arrives. :growlmad: I obsess every month!:haha: I think it is time to take a break from taking temps.

Frisky, I am so sorry you are going through this. When I was younger my parents split up and my mom finally got into a relationship a year and a half later. My dad was telling me negative things about my mom and her new boyfriend. As I got older I realized all those things he was saying was false, just lies. He just wanted me to live with him. I think as your son gets older he will realize the truth and know what his dad was trying to do. It will work out in the end, but it's horrible that you have to go through this now.

Hello Betty! I hope you had fun at the kids party! I loooooove game of thrones! Can't wait until the new season starts. I am finally caught up on all the episodes that I missed.

I totally know how you feel about temping momwife.. At first I thought it was everything I was looking for but after a few months it starts to take its toll on you. I feel a little lost though because I can't say for certain if I have ovulated like I would be able to when temping because of the rise but I'm pretty sure I ovulate normally every month anyway.

I love game of thrones too! Can't wait for the new ones to start. Any idea when they'll be on tv?

We're watching the walking dead but also coming to the end of the episodes too so last night I downloaded seasons 1-4 of true blood. Anyone seen it? Someone in work recommended it xx
Tina, I was researching on the internet and I believe game of thrones comes back on early next year. Maybe it comes back on in April. But I will keep checking to see when it is exactly coming back on. I never watched true blood. When you start to watch it, let me know if it is good. I have just started to watch breaking bad. I am on season 1 episode 6. I started watching it last week. My hubby and I love it.
Hello my lovelys :)

Thank you all for your concern & input regarding the problem with my son & his dad. It is very hard, I left him 8 years ago & he is still extremely bitter & angry over it & constantly reminds Joe of this. It's so sad, as he never bothered with Joe when he was a baby, it was a real struggle, which is the one of the reasons I left him, he was a bully & very very controlling & he is still trying to do it now through his son. Although Joe doesn't see him that often, the time that he DOES see Joe, he spends continuously bad wording me & questioning Joe about what I'm up to, doing, working etc. Honestly girls, it's soooooo frustrating to see & hear. I've had to change my number on numerous occasions due to abusive texts. And through all this, I've never once bad mouthed him to Joe, as I wouldn't do that.

Momwife, thanks for sharing your story, that's encouraging to hear. Joe's dad has actually said to him before now 'act really naughty for your mum & Aaron because in the end they will kick you out & you can live with me!' .......Honestly, it's pathetic.
I'm feeling positive though, I've been through tougher times in my life & I will get through this tricky part. Aaron is supportive & we are getting signed up to an online parenting course, so we are both on the same page at how to deal & handle this. He can do it whilst he's away at sea. :) Anyway.....enough about that now! I'm ranting on! Haha

Tina, don't blame you for not temping, I can see how easy it would be to get even more obsessed than I am now, your temps looked so promising the last 2 cycles.....let's hope the more 'relaxed' approach works for you!

I've never seen walking dead or the throne thingy! Haha....However, I did see a couple of episodes of True blood as my mum is obsessed with it! It's really good. I don't watch much telly really, I've been so tired recently, by the time Joe gets to sleep I just flake out.
I'm going to attempt to get up at 6am & do my workout DVD as I'm in work early Tomoz & can't get to the gym. I've also booked in to do a body pump class on Thursday! Haaaaha I WILL tone up for Xmas!! Xx
Hi ladies hope u dont mind me jumping in Im currently starting my 2ww after last month ended in af was NTNP realised after how disappointed I was I clearly was trying:) tinadecember im sure I remember u from last month. Good luck in ur 2ww ladies baby dust to all xx

Welcome to you! :)

I forgot to say hi after me ranting on in last post! Haha

Keep us posted in your 2ww, mine will be starting next Tuesday........AGAIN! ;) Xx
Hello everyone and welcome Kelly!!!!
I'm skipping straight to game of thrones!!!! I'm obsessed!!!!! It's amazing? I'm in series 2 episode 8 (to be precise!!!!) I'm in live with rob stark! Frisky, get watching it, it's fab (and slightly raunchy might I add)
When I'm finished this I'm starting in true blood.... I don't normally watch tv but its been nice having some good tv to look forward to over the last week! :)
I'm not tracking or trying at all this month and already feel much better..... Will start again in December after my hsg (sorry frisky dont know if I responded to your post on what this was????) it's where you have dye injected into your uterus and then it gets x-rayed to see if they're any blockages or other nasties.... All good fun, can't wait for that one!!!!!
So my darling daughter as been up most if the night full of cold and poorly cough so today we are having a pj day.. BLISS!!!!
I am with you on game of thrones Betty, I've watched all the episodes now and it just gets better and better as the episodes go on. I agree Rob Stark is yummy <3<3 deffo wouldn't kick him outa bed haha

Momwife I've watched all of breaking bad too! It's sooo good but personally I though the walking dead was better. My god I sound like I don't have a life apart from sitting in and watching american TV shows! hahaha

I'm 1DPO today girls, well I think so anyway.. Had a positive OPK on Monday evening and yesterday I had ovulation cramps so I assume today is 1DPO. The daunting 2WW begins again! So amazing how much more relaxed I feel though not temping :):)

Evie went to nursery this morning with red hair for children in need. She looked so adorable

Oh Tina, your little girl is gorgeous!!!!! :)
So we have managed to watch game of thrones series 1&2 in a week!!!! And we have series 3 to start on tonight. My house is a mess and washing piled high as all we want to do on an evening is watch it, total saddos!
NOW!!! How bizarre is this girls.... I'm CD 12 today. I am really nauseous and actually threw up Monday. And last night as I was getting changed for bed my nipples were dark purple, totally freaked me out!!!! Anyone had this before? I feel really sickly????? Also had slight spotting today????? WHAT is that???? Cannot be PG as its so early??????
hmmmm that is certainly an odd one betty! Have you taken a test?? some women can still be pregnant but have their period, I've deffo heard of it before now.

season 3 is sooooo good! There's a HUGE HUGE shocker at the end but I won't go into it too much because I don't want to spoil it for you. I'm excited for season 4 to start. It's proper addictive isn't it haha.

Evie is a little cutie! Don't let that cute face get in the way of her being a little madam though haha xxx
Betty, I think you should take a test or you could just wait it out. I remember when I was pregnant with my 1st I was on my period. I even lasted 7 days too, the normal for me. I found out I was pregnant the next month. I will keep my FX for you!!

Tina, I am going to start watching the walking dead tomorrow. I will let you know how I like it. Your girl is so adorable and beautiful!!!:flower:

I happy to know you ladies love game of thrones and Rob Stark!! Season 3 was greeeeeeeaaaaat!!! I can't wait until Betty finish watching all the episodes so we can chat about what might happen in Season 4.

I am 9dpo today. I have no symptoms. Don't think we caught the egg since the only day we BD was the day after ovulation. (poor me):growlmad:
Morning everyone how are you????
Started on 'GOT' series 3 last night, love it already!
Momwife, walking dead is brilliant! You will LOVE it!!!!
You know girls I have not felt right for weeks! I've had a viral infection that seemed to last forever and now this, I just don't feel right (I'm 100% sure I'm not pg, we have only DTD once and that was on Sunday just gone!) I've had my blood taken for iron levels and that came back fine so maybe the viral infection is lingering??? It's just rubbish when you don't feel yourself isn't it?????
Frisky, how is everything with your son??
Good morning ladies,

Betty maybe you're getting like a fluey viral thingie?? There's loads of it going around in work, everyone seems to be going off with the flu. As long as they keep away from me!!

I've finished the walking dead now :-( I'll have to put up with watching one episode a week on tv when the new episodes come on. So we're going to give True Blood a go. I've heard good things about it! And I love the vampire diaries/twilight anything vampireish!

2DPO today girls, no symptoms of course it's still way way too early. Boobs are a little sore but not overly. We will see what the days ahead bring.

Anyone upto anything exciting this weekend? Mark's off out on an all dayer on saturday for a friends birthday so I'm going to do something fun with Evie and have a girly day. xx

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