7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Hey girls! :)

Tina, how cute is your daughter? She's gorgeous x

Betty, how u feeling?? Do you think your cycles could still be a bit up the wall since miscarriage?? And yes, it's horrible when your not feeling well in yourself, hope your back to normal soon lovey. :hugs:

I feel I'm missing out on Rob starke! I'm gonna Google him in a bit & have a perv! Haha

Momwife, 1 day after my ovulation!! How frustrating!.....But you never know, you could have ovulated late? Fingers crossed for you!

Tina, any symptoms to report?
Hubby home on Sunday night for 2 nights only! so gonna get right to it & stand on my head for half an hour after! Haha

Things with Joe are still the same, I feel it's a lot worse as I'm here on my own with it all, I've no support network as all my family & friends are back in Manchester. It was his last chance at football training last night, I told him if he misbehaved or got angry if he lost the the match, then he won't be going again.
It was a disaster, he ended up screaming at his team mates & then stamped on another boys foot because he cheered when they won. He claimed it was an accident, but I saw him do it & it was building up the whole time. I just made him get his stuff and we left. It's awful, as I can see the other mum's judging me, they are all in a clique. I'm refusing to take Joe again to football till this is all sorted. I feel terrible, but it's making me ill, I can't deal with this situation every week on my own. I've spoke to school, and he is fine there & shows no sign of anger in class, so it's really just at home & out of school.
I sound like a terrible mum I know.....but I will get there, I've a meeting with the lady who is helping me tomorrow. Xxx
Frisky you ARE NOT a terrible mum, I know all of this can make you think that it must be you who is doing something wrong but you're doing everything you can to sort the situation out. You couldn't be being a better mother if you tried. I really feel for you, your ex shouldn't be trying to turn him against you like this. He sounds like a Bas**rd! big hugs to you girly

No symptoms frisky, I am only 2DPO after all. I'm trying the relaxed approach so trying not to think about it all too much this cycle. It's going well so far.. god help me when I'm about 7 or 8 DPO though I'll really have to resist trying to symptom spot! xx
Frisky!!!!! You are absolutely NOT a bad mother at all!!!!! You obviously are having a pretty rough time at the moment and it won't help that you have little support down there, I really do feel for you chick, I know it seems hard right now but like all situations you work through it and come out the other end, all will be fine, it will just take some time.... I hope the support worker will help you chick.... Big :hug: to you

I'm CD12 today and still don't feel right, I now have an abundance of CM (sorry girls TMI) and still feel really sick. I took a OPK and there was a line (not as dark as the control line) I can't possibly be ovulating (my cycles are 30-31 days) I ovulated on CD18 last cycle and had complete stark white OPK's right up until 2 days before. So I'm going to go and buy some pg tests (SCREAMS with anger!) I really wanted to not track or get stressed this cycle and here I am having all these symptoms, it's like my body wants me to be stressed!!!! Lordy, Lordy!!!!! I know I'm not PG, it's totally impossible but here I am getting my hopes up!
Speak later girls :)
Hello All,
Still alive up here in the windy north. Sad to see no BFPs, still checking for updates daily! We've been inundated with in-laws visiting from overseas over the last few weeks (hubby is Canadian) and my work has gone to hell in a hand-basket. They canned my whole team and I'm in negotiation for a new (temporary) role in the Edinburgh operations. They only didn't get rid of me because I do their systems/compliance/training and they'd need to employ 3 people to cover all bases! At first I was really relieved that we weren't pregnant as the stress of waiting (nearly 3 weeks now) to hear what's going to happen is just awful. I'm also putting more effort in trying to find a new job to get the hell out but it's just exhausting between work, the house and the munchkin. I think I'm coming to the point now where I just feel 'What the heck!', if I take the temporary role then it's harder for them to can me if I'm pregnant!! I also don't like that my situation is trying to dictate whether we can or can't financially which has got my back up. I have two months worth of my pill left and I'm thinking when these are done then I'm going about having my child, work and the whole world be damned!

Sorry, it's been a rough month, and I don't like offloading as you're all under so much pressure from so many angles!

Frisky, I'm sorry things are so hard with your son and sh**head of an ex. My Dad left when I was wee and one of my brothers used to lash out at everyone all the time. He's 22 now and although still hard work (and I could never live with him!) he is actually a decent human being and I love him all the same. He felt he was missing out living with us and my Mum and all it took to set him to rights in the end was to spend a short time living with my Dad to see that the grass isn't always greener!

Betty, sorry to hear you still aren't yourself. Just be nice to yourself and enjoy the run up to Christmas - the first 3 days of the inlaws visit here I had a sick hubby and a sick baby and it was the pits. Up all night with shortie cos she couldn't breathe and cooking and cleaning all day as the other grownup was incapacitated (gotta love manflu). Tis the season for everyone and their grandmother getting sick with something so look after yourself. Good luck with your upcoming tests.

Momwife, keeping fingers crossed for you and a hospital job soon. Congrats on the teaching job though! It's very rewarding. I'd love to go back to it when hubby is finally working full time again and we can afford for me to be part time for a while!

Hello to all the newbies, these ladies are lovely and will see you through the waiting game. Can't wait to rejoin the 2WW properly with you all though if luck will have it you'll all be preggers by the time I'm ready to join in babymaking again!

PS - True Blood is fab!! Alexander Skarsgaard is my climbing/fitness inspiration - my imaginary prize waiting at the top ;)
haha Edinburgh I'm so glad that you're recommending True Blood, I am deffo getting onto it tonight! There's much more to life than work hun, we aren't getting any younger so get babymaking then you can come and join us in the crazy world of the TWW!

Betty I feel really excited that you're testing!!!!!! OMGOMGOMG! Hurry, test and update us :):):) Wouldn't it be amazing if you got a positive xx
Hello Edinburgh!!!! Good to hear from you!!! Sorry to hear you're having stress at work, that sucks!!! Personally I would just go for it with TTC, I believe in fate and there is always a reason behind everything that happens to us :)
Also it would be good to have you back on here with us fretting about the 2WW!!!!
Of course I have tested and of course it's BFN! Duh! I think I must be ovulating even though the opk is not positive, I have tons of CM and I have aches low down on either side and I feel sick (that could be just from my lingering viral infection!) I would get to it but other half is having a boys night tonight.... So much for not trying, charting, stressing this cycle!!!!
Ps: when I'm done with GOT I'm going straight onto true blood :)
Yes! I love the true blood idea Betty. . We can have true blood convos!

That's suckish about the negative test! Funny though that you know it's gonna be negative but you still do it anyway. We really are crazy ladies! I've just got into bed, absolutely wiped out. No doubt I'll be asleep in the next 20 mins! Xx
Blurrrrrgghhhhh!!! Hubby now not home till Monday night!! So I reckon we will miss ovulation by about a DAY!! I could cry ;(

Edingburgh, thanks for your kind words . Sorry to hear your stresses over your job, it must be shit to be dictated to in that way, I agree with betty in the fate thing, just go for it, bin your pills now! ;)

It's bloody freezing here, apparently it's gonna snow on Tuesday! Really can't be doing with being cold!
Being running around all day like an idiot can't wait for bed. I went to a body pump class yesterday & I can hardly move now!! Haha
Got Joe's mate sleeping over tomorrow night which means I won't be getting any sleep!! God help me!
Hope everyone is ok?
Anything to report betty??
I've no opk's left, so really don't know when I'm ovulating for sure. On a 31 day cycle, average ovulation date is day 17 which will be Sunday, hubby home Monday! :( hope it's late by a day...gonna look out for all signs xxx
Frisky..... You may just make it!!! I also have 31 day cycles and my last ov was on CD18 so get to it anyway!!!! Good luck my lovely!!!! I have a good feeling that someone with get a BFP this cycle! I just feel it in my bones!!!!!
I went to the gym for the first time in ages on thurs and I'm still aching :)
I'm off to Whitby for a night out tonight, really need it!!!! Can't wait, but will slightly miss watching game of thrones (my new addiction!!!)
I hope you're right about one of us getting a November bfp Betty. I tell you what we all bloody deserve it! I just feel normal. Got my normal post ovulation sore boobs and chocolate cravings which is making me think already that it's not happened again!

Hubby is out on an all dayer today with the boys so im gonna have a girly day with evie xx
Edinburgh, I am so sorry you are going through a stressful situation. I hope things will look up for you. It would be nice if you have a great job that call you and offer you a job, then you will feel a little better. I will watch 1 episode of true blood and 1 episode of walking dead as soon as I get done commenting on this thread!!

Betty, sorry about the negative test. All of these symptoms we think are pregnancy symptoms, and soon as we take a test we get all angry!! I really do hope someone get pregnant this month or heck if not think month next month!! Somebody has to get pregnant before next year!!!

Frisky, you just never know, you could still catch the egg! I have started walking on my treadmill every day since Monday. It is hard to keep exercising daily or at least 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes since you will be aching the next day. I want to lose weight, but I know it will be work.

Tina, I am trying to take the relax approach since I am not taking my temps. It is very hard to not to symptom spot, but I am trying my best. So I finally came ot the decision that I am not taking my temps at all next month either. I might start back next year. FX for everybody!!!:hugs::flower:

I am 12dpo and yesterday I was spotting. AF is not due until the 20th. I think this is a sign that AF is about to show up. I think I am out for this month too.
Is it normal for you to spot 4 days before AF momwife? Because I got caught pregnant with evie on my second month of trying I never really had the chance to take notice of what is normal for my body but this time obviously because im on my 4th cycle I've come to find that my body is pretty messed up

Last month I had cramping behind my belly button for a few days which I definitely didn't imagine. I NEVER have cramping days before AF. Why did my body do this? ? So cruel

5DPO today. . Still feeling just normal. Sore boobs at the sides, exhausted but I know that's because I've not been having the best nights sleep and my cervix is high, closed and hard

Frisky I hope you catch the eggy my dear, don't lose hope just yet xxx
Well looking back at my charts, only last month I was spotting for 3 days and then AF showed up full force. The spotting was darker and it did not go away and I knew then AF was on her way. This time it is so much different, Now the spotting is much lighter and TMI when I wipe it's not there it's only on the pantyliner. Maybe this cycle is very odd for me. Maybe I am going crazy since I want to conceive badly!! :wacko::wacko: I have been sick since the Nov 8th.:growlmad: coughing, hoarse since Thursday, stuffy and runny nose, sneezing. Asthma been acting up a little only in the middle of the night.

I hate the TWW so much!!!!!!:wacko:
Morning ladies hope u r all well. Im currently 7dpo strange sensation nipple area achy feeling boobs thats it apart from slight cramps and lower back pain on 5/6 dpo. Tinadecember how u going? :)
AF showed her face today. I didn't think I was going to come on early but I did.:growlmad: Now I know if I start spotting before AF shows up that means AF will arrive soon. Next month no more symptom spotting and no temps. I think I will start taking my temps in January.

How are you ladies doing so far??
Oh Nooo momwife, that's rubbish!! :hugs: How early are you?? It's so hard NOT to symptom spot though isn't it?

I'm ok, bit of a crazy weekend, Joe's friend slept over on Saturday, still trying to get my house bk to normal. Hubby home later for 2 nights. Think I've deffo misses ovulation though....I had tummy cramps on Saturday and ewcm & nothing now :( so pissed off, can't wait for him to leave the navy so we can be in with a proper chance xxx

Welcome to Ckelly xxx
Sorry momwife :( that's rubbish!!! I'm not tracking this month. No ovulation sticks, I'm only DTD when we feel like it as I just can't stand the stress this month.
Frisky.... It must be so tough for you chick....it won't be long before hubby is home all the time so you can catch that little eggy. You never know tho! You still could be in for a chance this cycle! When is AF due for you? I'm due 2nd December, DECEMBER????? How is it the end of the year already??????? Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Tina, any new symptoms??????

I just have a feeling that one of us will get a BFP before Christmas!!!!
Hi girls!

another Monday rears it's ugly head again!!!

Momwife.. sorry chick to hear about AF coming early :-( One good thing is that at least you know now that it is normal for you to spot for a few days before AF comes.

Hi Ckelly, I'm doing well hun, trying my best not to symptom spot but it's so bloody difficult! I think it's just natural because we all want it so badly. Any little thing to raise our hopes and we're gonna take it!

Frisky, when will your OH be out of the navy? It must be really disheartening knowing that you've missed ovulation by a couple of days! Stranger things have happened though!

Betty, I'm totally with you on the relaxed approach. I haven't been temping this month I just went off my cervical position and EWCM to BD. Let's hope it has worked! I never did temping, OPKs or checked my CM with Evie, we just did what felt natural and got pregnant really quickly.

No new symptoms really ladies apart from I'm really really gassy out of both ends! Sorry if TMI!!! haha yous really don't need to know that! I'm 6DPO today AF is due on Sunday 24th. I don't have any preggo tests at home and I won't be buying any either. What will be will be! xxx
Oooh Tina, Maybe it's a good thing you have no tests at home! Avoid any shops so you don't buy any ha ha x

Hubby leaves navy for good in Sept, but should be off his ship by May.

Betty, my af is due the same day, 2nd Sept! And yes, this year has FLOWN! It's scary xxx

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