7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Betty and Frisky thank you for all the birthday wishes!!!!

DH got off of work around 8:30 last night which surprised me! I was very happy with my gifts since I was not expecting anything! I have a hangover also.:growlmad: Hangovers are sooooo horrible. I can't remember the last time I had a hangover like this. DH said keep drinking, remember you only turn 30 once! And I think I had waaaay tooo many drinks. We was playing spades and I kept overbiding LOL!!

How is everybody doing this evening??
very violently aggressively fu**ed off!!!!!!!

Cramping is worse this morning, and brown is turning to red.

why is this not happening :-( :-( :-( "they" say you have a 20% chance each month of catching the egg, which you would think would happen within 5 months if that's the case. What bollocks that is.

And to make the situation worse it's Monday, back to work, left my hair to dry naturally last night so it's lovely and frizzy for work pahahaha fabulous. xxx
Tina!!!!! What is happening???? Has AF arrived??? You could just be spotting???
Let us know, I have everything crossed for the witch not to arrive.... Keep us posted..

Yes, this is a totally ridiculous process :( each month gets harder, that's why I think I need some time out, it's been 19 months for me and one MC, I know this isn't a huge amount of time compared to some people but none the less, it's still a ball ache!

I've been feeling unwell ever since the MC, the doctor said it was a viral infection but I knew I couldn't be ill for that long (it's so unlike me to be ill) I've had bloods taken for my iron levels and they have come back fine. I'm still feeling ill, nauseaus, headaches, lack of sleep, loss of appetite. I'm going for more bloods this Thursday to rule out other things but I know exactly what it is, it's stress and anxiety! I think this whole process is starting to take its toll on me emotionally...... I've started to take a low dosage of citalopram (only 5mg) just to take the edge of the anxiety, hope this works as I just want to feel myself again!!!! Anyone else feeling like this????
Sorry for the totally depressing post girls! Hope I haven't all made you depressed!

Momwife, hope your hangover has gone! You're on 30 once!!!! :)
Hey momwife, hope your hangovers fully gone, sounds like you had fun! :)

Tina, how are you? Is at here fully or was it spotting?? I know how frustrating it is, we are all in the same boat, it's shit.

Betty, sorry to hear your feeling so low my lovely :hugs:

It's funny you should mention your feeling this way....as hubby had to have a strict word with me on Sunday as I'm getting down over the whole thing. In such a way, it's affecting my whole mood without me even realising. I seem to be bursting into tears alot, headaches...I feel so wound up & stressed. I think that's what's caused this massive ulcer in my mouth. I really need to get my act together as I want us to have a happy Christmas.
Betty, I've had Citalopram before, good you are taking a low dose as the higher dose made me feel weird. Your probably still in recovery emotionally from your miscarriage too, i really feel for you :hugs:

I feel everyone around us is pregnant, 2 of our friends text us with baby scans this weekend, it's so depressing. I'm feeling guilty on my son, as I should be fully focused on him. Don't get me wrong, I am, he's my world....I'm just desperate to add to our little family. It's been 19 months now, just like you betty, I feel I really need something else in my life to focus on or I'm just going to get even more obsessed with all this!!


Betty, I'm here if u want to rant...I've just ranted to you!! Hope your feeling better soon!

Big loves to you all xxx
And just to prove I'm clinically insane.....I've just done a pregnancy test!!! BFN!! Shocker!!!

Haaaha I'm not right me!! X
Tina, I hope AF will stay far, far away from you!:flower:

Betty, I hope you get back to your normal self soon!:hugs: I am so sorry that you are feelind down. :flower: Yes, my hangover is finally gone!! On to DH birthday which is December 21st. I am going to be the one pouring him shots and I will make sure I will only have very little to drink so I can stay up and watch him act silly! :haha:

Frisky, I know I haven't been TTC for too long but when when 3rd cycle came around and I AF showed up I felt so low and down that I thought I was worthless. I thought that it would be very easy to conceive. I guess I thought wrong. Now I am trying my best to not temp and do plenty of research which is very hard not to. I know I need to be calm and not stressed out. (but that is hard) I really hope one of you lovely ladies receive your BFP soon!! I just know someone will receive their BFP before next year! Keeping my FX for all you ladies.:hugs::hugs::flower:
Morning girls, everyone ok..???
Frisky, it's horrible when you have people around you announcing their happy news, you really want to be happy for them (and you are!) but it's still tinged with sadness, I feel the same. Its so frustrating, why isn't it happening for us??????

I really didn't want to start taking the citalopram, I was given them for postnatal depression after having my little girl (the most horrendous thing I have ever experienced!!!!!) I had some awful side effects coming off them and swore I would never take anti depressants again. As much as I don't like the idea of taking them they really do work and I think I need them :( how was your experience on them frisky??? I have to say they worked straight away for me (I was given 40mg, I was in quite a bad way) I've never suffered from depression or anxiety until after my pregnancy so it was quite a shock for me.....

More importantly, TINA!!!!! What's happening?????? How are you? :)
Sorry girls, I've had a couple of days being moody and depressed and feeling really down.

Of course AF came. I think we all need time to vent sometimes, it's not good to let all of our feelings build up and build up so if anyone needs to have a good old rant and a moan then feel free! that's what we are all here for after all :)

I've started the atkins diet girls, it's basically where you completely cut out carbs and sugar and only eat veg, meat/fish, eggs and cheese. I wouldn't have thought that giving up sugar would have a big effect on me but after 3 days I really need it, like just one biscuit. One deliciously chocolatey, crumbly biscuit. I need to be strict though! xx
Oh Tina.... I'm sorry, that absolutely SUCKS!!!!! Onto the next cycle, are we all out this month now??? How depressing :(

The Atkins is a fab diet! I swear by eat and very rarely eat carbs anymore. The first two weeks are a killer on it but be string, the weight just drops off once you hit that 2 week mark! Ps: I still drank tea with 2 sugars throughout (cannot give up my tea!) try just having a tea with some suger that will give you the fix you need and ward off any nasty headaches xxx good luck with it, keep us posted on how you are doing and if you need any good recipes let me know!!!
I'm having a girlie night out tonight (it's a miracle!) can't drink though as I have blood tests tmrw and don't want wine flowing through my veins!!!!
Hi Ladies, I had to come looking for the thread because somehow I have been unsubscribed and suddenly became aware that I hadn't had any updates recently. Didn't believe no-one had posted in over a week.

I have given up on being sensible. I'm on my period, have given up the pill and once I've had a proper period we'll start trying again. Work still sucks but I'm not going to let it dictate my life or my family.

Feeling motivated to not overspend over Christmas, not put on too many holiday pounds, and to look after myself!

Hope everyone has a happy end of week x
Hello Edinburgh and welcome back!!! Very pleased to hear you are back with us and trying again whooooooop!!!!!!! :)
Hi edingburgh...welcome back!! Of course none of us could go without posting for a whole week! ;)

Betty, sorry to hear you suffered from post natal depression, my friend went through a really bad time with that, so I feel for you.

I was on 40mg of the ciatroplam, when I lost my baby girl, eve. Looking back on that whole situation, I should have really gone to counselling, but really needed something to help me quick. I couldn't go anywhere without suffering from panic attacks. The thing when I took them, I forgot my dose for a few days and the side effects were awful..I felt sick, shaky, more anxious than I did before. It was then I took it upon myself not to take then anymore as I didn't like not being in control. Even though they numbed me a bit, I could see myself becoming far too dependant on them, so I braved the storm on my own.
They are good for some people & not for other's...every one & their circumstances are different.
My doc wanted to try me on them again but I said no.
I hope you do feel better soon, as you said earlier, you are taking a tiny doses, so I hope it works :hugs:

Tina, hope your feeling better....I will be in your bad mood in approximately 3 or 4 days time!
I've tried the Atkins and failed.....It's difficult with me being diabetic as I need carbs. Hope it works for you though! I love the fact you can eat cheese! :)

Well, I got up today & felt so nauseous & dizzy, really weird. Of course I tested, of course it was negative. Why do I do this to myself?? We even missed ovulation....I'm a MORON!! :(
Frisky, I really can't believe what an awful experience you have had losing your baby girl, you're so brave and strong.... My heart goes out to you. :hug:
Well done for getting through it without the anti depressants, you're right, the side effects can be horrendous! Yes, you should have had councelling, I can't believe you didn't..... :(
I'm just really stressed and anxious at the moment, it's rubbish feeling like this but I just need to chill out a bit....
Hope everyone is well today :)
Thanks Betty xxx

How you feeling today?

Well, af due for me on Sunday! Blurrghhhhh
Hubby home from 2nd-16th December so, I'm hoping if we dtd on the 16th his swimmers will hold out until I ovulate on the 18th!! (If my calculations are correct)

Feeling well stressed today, going back up to Manchester for 4days after xmas, and every one wants to see us, I know it sounds daft, but it's really hard....last time I went bk up, I didn't see one friend, so she took the funnys with me...It's hard to please everyone! Think I'm just going to send a group text to everyone saying 'we will be back up on the 28th, if you wanna see us for a drink & catch up, meet us here at such a time!' And just leave it at that.

Also, pre order ed & paid for my sons stunt scooter for Xmas. Was meant to be here last weekend! Still not here! Not happy, I've contacted the seller who can't even speak proper English!! He has apologised for the delay & Said it should be here today or tomorrow! Thing is, Joe will be here tomorrow & will see it being delivered!! So, I don't know weather to take him out for the day, in hope the driver leaves it with a neighbour or post office collection. OR Just sit by the window ALL day, and run out if I see the van & ask him to leave it at neighbours.......STRESSEDDDDDD!!!!!!!
Well....af is here for me! :( Not really surprised though. It's 2 days early which is a bit weird! But at least I can crack on to next cycle hey girls?

Hope you are all ok? I've spent half my night on the phone to Amazon, well stressed....maybe stress has caused my period to come on early!?

Anyways, off to bed now to spoon my pillow!

Night ladies Xx
How ironic, af now here full flow & I've just got a letter for an appointment at the fertility clinic in 2weeks!!

Oh, & Joe's present has arrived, iv just literally shoved the delivery man away from my front door so Joe didn't see & left it with my neighbour! Luckily Joe was upstairs! Haha Xx
Glad you managed to hide away the Christmas present, Frisky. I need to get my bum into my attic and decide what Munchkin is getting for Christmas and what I can hold off with until her birthday in July. We are about to go on a massive saving bent ahead of conceiving #2. Money is sadly our greatest concern. Well that and how anyone manages to get ANYTHING done or go ANYWHERE with two children! I always meet another friend with a wee one at softplay or swimming on a Monday and she's pregnant and she was lamenting that she won't be able to bring her older tot swimming anymore once there's two of them. I think I may need to devise Grandparent time for any prospective little'uns so I can still do the things with Munchkin that we do together.

Anyone else concerned about how to continue being a good parent to the first child once a second comes along? Anyone with multiple children want to offer up reassurance or top tips?
Hi ladies!

I had a great weekend wih my hubby! We spent the whole weekend in a hotel and we seen 2 movies, and went to dinner. I am happy that I finally had alone time with DH since it has been a long time with 2 kiddies being around. LOL!

Frisky, I am sorry that AF showed up. FX for next cycle and hey great news on getting an appointment to see a fertility specialist.

Edinburgh, When I hav to go shopping for gifts for my daughters, we usually drop them off at their Grandmother house or while they are in school. It has been times when I had to write a list of gifts so that hubby can go to the store to get their presents. I am concerned on what kid of parent I wil be since I am TTC #3. When I d my last daughter I was not worried or anything but I guess now since I am a little bit older, I am thinking much wiser.

I think I am 3DPO since I was having ovulation pains on Saturday. AF is due around the 15th. I think we did BD enough this time.

How is everyone doing so far?
Hello ladies..... How is everyone?????
AF arrived a for me on Sunday, she was a bit early but I knew she was coming anyway this month :( still rubbish!!!!!
Edinburgh, I'm always thinking about how we will manage if we ever have 2 kids, it's expensive with just the one so I try not to think about it as we will figure out a way (you always do right?!?!?!) as seen as I have had my period I now need to book in for my HSG exam, eeeeeek! Bit nervous about that but at least I will hopefully get some answers!!!
Frisky, glad your sons present turned up, nothing worse than missing packages!!!
I'm off to bed, I'm shattered! It's been a hectic day xxxx
Good morning girlies! Well the atkins is working. In 11 days I have lost 8lb! Im really happy with it, don't get me wrong its a killer and im absolutely sick of eating veg but as long as the weight is dropping off I'm going to continue! Only 18 more days then I can indulge over Christmas. 18 DAYS!!! wow that's just scared me, I've still not got all the pressies in! Can't believe how unprepared I have been.

Off to see cats tonight at the theatre as an early birthday pressie from the hubby!

Everyone sorted for Christmas? Xxx

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