Helloo ladies!! I can't read previous posts for some reason?? My kindle is playing up!
Tina, how are you? When are you testing?
Betty, glad to hear your feeling positive! Imagine if we ALL got our bfp this month! Haha
Well, hubby went back yesterday. I haven't done any opk's but I think I ovulated either Sunday or yesterday, CD 16..as I had tummy cramps & watery cm.
We did the deed Friday & Sunday...but not yesterday, so I'm hoping I'm still in with a chance? Af is due for me on the 28th or 29th How perfect would it be to get a bfp for Xmas? May ask Santa
Had a good time with hubby. We went to watch the boxing at London excel arena on Saturday night! It was ace!
Still got loads to do before Xmas, presents to buy. And it's my birthday Tomorrow! Whaaaaaaaa

ha ha...I'm working, but my friend is taking me out to lunch on Thursday, so that will be nice
Hope everyone is well...I'll try & catch up on previous posts later xxx