7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Omg Tina!!!! You crazy lady! I can't believe you unwrapped all your pressies and re wrapped them!!!! What are you like???? Don't worry about your CM!!!! You have had loads right up until today, that's still a good sign!!!! Fingers crossed for you, I hope the witch stays away and we get another BFP on here!!! :dust:
Edinburgh, I have that quite a lot with my LO, she can be a right little madam! It's not great when you have to go out visiting, see, this is normally why I have wine, calms my nerves after a stressful day!!!!
Hope everyone is doing well and getting excited for Santa coming!!!!
I feel totally out this month..... Mainly from my lack of CM.... It's non existent, gutted :(
Ok girls, I've slightly calmed down after googling BFP without CM and as it happens taking lemsip or any decongestants dries up all your bodily mucus including CM! I've been taking lemsip this last week as I've been trying to get rid of this rotten cold!!! Ok, feeling slightly better :) there may be hope!!!!!
Haaaa ha Tina!! That's so funny!! I did that with Joe's main pressie...I'm now using the wrapping paper I took off to wrap other presents!!...we've been making rocky road rice crispie cakes tonight Mmmmm...Just gonna make a brew & wrap the last of Joe's pressies.

Betty, your not out till AF shows remember...you need to listen to your own advice ;) Xx
I'm still getting my tummy cramps on and off. I'm not going to the loo or feeling sick...My af pains normally start a day or 2 before...knowing my luck, she will b here a week early!

Oh yeah...found a hpt in my bedside drawer and TESTED!!! Haaaaaha BFN At 7dpo!! Shocker!!!

I've definatly got no more left in the house now!

Thank God.....
Merry day before Christmas eve girls! Haha

11DPO today. Cycle day 29 of a 28-30 day cycle. Had a freaky dream last night incredibly vivid. Woke up feeling a bit upset. Had a dream that my hubby was killed in a car crash but I remembered every little detail :(:( woke during the night with throbbing boobs too. Really really sore but my nipples aren't. That was the preggo symptom I had with evie, sore nipples.

On cervix watch! ! To update its still tightly closed so I can't see AF arriving this morning at least.

Frisky 7DPO is VERY early to test haha you crazy lady. When is your period due hun?

Woohoo about the CM situation Betty, you know come to think of it I bet not every woman who gets a positive has loads of CM. We always think that if we don't have the obvious pregnancy symptoms then we're out but we can't all experience every symptom! Xxx
Tina!!!!!! You have got some very promising symptoms!!!! Eeeeeeeek! We may be getting another BFP!!! I have a good feeling, I really do!!!! Are you not tempted to test??????
Frisky..... Tut, tut!!!! But I guess testing at 7DPO is better than testing at 2 DPO!! Very funny :) I will defo be testing next week, I have two tests so just need to hold out till next Monday (only 7 days to go!)

Christmas update: I've wrapped all presents, I don't intend to unwrap them like all you crazy wrappers!!! I just need to get my little girl a Disney princess doll and some other bits and I'm done.... Yeah!!!!

Happy Christmas Eve, eve xxxx
Morning! Happy day before christmas eve! Tina, that's brilliant about the wrapping! Totally something me and my ocd would do!
Had a better night than expected with shortie being unwell. She was up during the evening but only got me out of bed once. Lots to do today!
No symptoms but no AF yet either. Usually I would have had a good couple of days of spotting by now before a proper period. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. All month I've been so sure no bd happened around when I might have ovulated. Of course my cycle is probably screwed because I came off the pill. Urgh! The ups and downs! There's too many other things going on to give it too much thought, thankfully!
Have a lovely day ladies!
Yes, the good thing about this 2ww..is that we are preoccupied with the whole Xmas thing, so not obsessing........as much ;)

Tina, great symptoms! I know I'm mad testing that early....but as you all know, I've tested earlier! Haha af is due for me on the 28-29th

Hubby home later, suppose I best get a move on and get dressed!!

Happy Xmas eve eve to you all!! :) xxx
Haha I remember testing at 2DPO on my first cycle. That's some serious TTC craziness right there!

I've been cramping for a few hours, so scared that AF is coming I keep checking my cervix but it's still tightly closed. I think if this is pre af cramps then ill start spotting before tomorrow.

Ahh Betty is your little one into disney princesses? Evie is obsessed. She believes she is cinderella haha.We've got her a disney Princess castle with singing princesses for Christmas. Can't wait to see her face!

Just braved the asda, you'd think we were hibernating for the winter the amount of food some people were buying!

Just sat in the hairdressers now waiting to get my colour done and then I'm off for my nails done and a spray tan at tea time! Loving a bit of pamper time <3 xx
Oh Tina!!! How lovely, getting pampered.. I am gonna bookin for a pamper day just after Christmas. I love having my hair, nails done etc, etc!!!
Yes, my little girl is into Disney big time!!! Her favourite at the moment is the little mermaid and tangled, I actually love tangled so am happy to watch it over and over (I'm quite disney obsessed myself!!)
Have zero symptoms today girls, well slight cramping but I blame this on all the junk food I'm shovelling into my mouth these last few days :) it is Christmas after all!!!!
Tina..... are you gonna test??? :)
Ok, I'm having a hard time not testing. I'm not normally late. I'm also tempted to go spend money on a digital test as I couldn't get a positive on regular tests last time I was pregnant. My husband thinks that would be a waste of money and I should just wait longer. Men have no idea. What do you think? I have another cheap test I can use tomorrow morning... Shops would still be open to go get more tests before they close...
Edingburgh...its xmas!! Go treat yourself to a digital test!! ;) xx
Betty, tina...im so jelous of your pamper days. I need one of those, especially a spray tan, I'm deadly pale at the minute!

Tims, any more symptoms? Betty, when are you testing?
My tummy cramps are still here! I've never had this before xx
I think you should deffo test! How many days late are you Edinburgh? ? With any luck you'll follow in the same direction as momwife eeeek

I love disney too Betty! I buy the films more for myself than evie.

Nope I'm not testing not unless I was a good few days late. The longest cycle I've had is 31 days so maybe after that if she's not shown xx
I'm CD 29, cycle usually 28days but 27 the last 4 mnths.
When in your cycle did you first get crampy frisky?
How are you feeling momwife?
Feeling crampy again. Just have a feeling that AF is coming. STAY AWAY!!!!
I think I got my first cramps at 4dpo and have had them ever since on and off. It seems to be worse at night, I've got them now.
Did you end up getting a test Edinburgh?

Tina, fingers crossed for you girl! Xx
Fingers and all things crossed for you frisky. Timing sounds right for things happening for you, but be patient when it comes to testing! Or buy shared in first response. Tina, I hope af stays away. I didn't go to shops but will tomorrow. Will use my last cheap test first.
Good night and baby dust to us all!
Edinburgh!!!! Go treat yourself to a digi test!!!! You deserve it!!!!
Tina, you also!!!! I think it's our BFP month girls....
Everyone seems to be having such good symptoms! My CM has decided to show her face, yipeeeeee!!!! Never been more excited to see CM!!!
I reckon I will test on 27th-28th.... Bit impatient this month :)
I am doing ok. No new symptoms at the moment. I am back on my blood pressure medication since I went to the hospital since I was a bit dizzy and my blood pressure was 165/89. As long as I take my high blood pressure meds and walk on my treadmill I should be ok. The Dr. told me that I should see an high risk ob-gyn since I have high blood pressure and asthma. I don't want to see one but if I do to stay healthy, well I will just have to do it.

Edinburgh, I hope AF stay away so that you can get your BFP!!

Frisky & Tina, I started having cramps at 5DPO on and off until 17DPO I think. FX for you!!!! Your symptoms sounds good. AF stay away!!

Still cramping! Cycle day 30 now 12DPO. Checked my cervix because I was expecting it to be opening but no still tightly shut and there's still creamy cm in there.

Mom wife my cramping started at about 10DPO, I thought my period was coming but no sign yet!

Frisky, cramping from early on sounds good to me! I love the way none of us are caving in and testing! We're all being very stubborn this cycle. Or maybe we're too terrified of seeing a BFN and ruining our Christmas. I just know my period is coming on Christmas day! Xxx

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