7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Welcome to our thread pusher! :)

Yay to your period ending on its own! Hopefully they will be more regulated & normal for you now! I've had periods last for a month due to my underactive thyroid, and that was hell! So, you must have Been really hacked off with them lasting for up to 3 months!
Fingers crossed for you my lovely...keep us posted!

Tina, betty, Edinburgh...how are you? Any more symptoms to report?

Nothing to report here, last night was the first night I didn't have cramping, I'm really not feeling hopeful. I've woken up with a bad headache though, and no.....I wasn't drinking last night! Oh & a couple of pimples on face, but that normally happens around when af is due. I hate how pregnancy & af symptoms are so similar.

Hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Mine was lovely, apart from hubby having to leave at 4, he's back tomorrow morning. Today will mainly be spent in pyjamas, eating turkey buttys & drinking tea! :) Xx
Welcome luvgirl and merry Christmas. Sorry to here you have been trying for so long, there is a couple of us on this thread that has been trying for almost 2 years so we hear ya!!! It's good that you have started on fertility meds.... When is AF due for you and when are you testing???
Well my symptoms today are very Slight. I've had mild cramps but seriously think its from the Christmas over eating!!! I've been such a piggy!!! And that's it, no sore bbs, no heartburn..... Arghhhhhh!!!! Two very vivid dreams! I tested yesterday (approx 9 dpo and of course bfn!)
Will save my other test for New Year's Eve....
Tina!!!! What news my lovely?????
Edinburgh, that's rubbish that you were ill yesterday :( hope you're feeling better today..... Don't rule anything out, AF is still not here for you and that's a good sign!!! Fingers crossed for you. Xxxxx
Welcome pusherluv!

Hope everyone had an amazeballs Christmas. We did, despite the fact we were all home in bed by 7.30pm! Had a better sleep, beanie was only up a few times. Hopefully we will all be well by the weekend. I hate spending my hols sick.

Still no period for me. Was reading on some other threads yesterday that people didn't get positives for up to 10 weeks!

Only 1 new thing. Not quite an aversion tina, just that certain things taste like metal. I love smoked salmon but when we had it at breakfast yesterday it tasted awful to me. Everyone else ate it fine so figured it was just me!

Hope you are all well today. What movies did you watch frisky? Can't wait for you to test Tina! Betty, how are you doing?

Momwife, when are you planning to tell people?
Edinburgh, not everyone gets their BFP's straight away!!! I would get more tests and may be wait another day or so.... Your symptoms are very promising so fingers and toes are all crossed!!! Tina, i can't believe you still haven't tested!!! Eeeeeek!!!! This could be it!!!! So exciting :)
Well I have AF type cramps in both my abdomen and lower back, as if she is about to show her face early :( ugh, rubbish!!!
Oh nooo betty :( fingers crossed she stays away!!
I've been getting lower back pains too this morning. I'm just waiting on the typical tummy cramps I get before af and sore boobs.

If she does show, I plan on getting extreamly drunk on Sunday night when I'm back in Manchester! X
Hiya ladies! Well I've started spotting brown today. I think this could be the start of cycle 6 for us. I'm pretty sure it's AF because my boobs don't feel as sore today either. Xx
Oh no tina, could it not be implantation?? This is so disheartening as i was so sure this was it for you :hugs: xx
Good morning ladies! Thanks for the warm welcomes! :hugs: Hope all is well.

I'm due to start AF around January 7th. I've had symptoms such as extreme fatigue, flutters, vivid dreams, and some different sensations in my uterus. I had bubbly sensations as well. I'm not sure if it was my uterus or not. It didn't feel like the colon. It's a different feeling. It was more of a light feeling. OH! I have a huge amount of creamy white cm that also is causing some vaginal flagulence.. :oops:. As Betty said.. It may be all of the Christmas foods because I ate like a trucker! :blush:

@Edinburgh One of my favorite foods is Spaghetti. I tried to eat some early this morning and it tasted AWFUL... so hopefully it's a good sign!!
I've tested.....I was bored!!

BFN! No symptoms at all. Just a waiting game for next cycle now Xx
Oh no Tina!!!!! At updates on this????? Hope it's not AF.... Do you normally spot before AF arrives??? See I just get full blown AF, no warning spotting or anything. I really hope it's not the witch xxxx
My cramps have been quite bad today.... So I think AF may arrive early for me this cycle..... In general I feel pretty yucky. :(
I'm sorry Tina, that sucks! At least you can definitely enjoy your night out - set about those bottles of vodka!

I'm going crazy. Tested again this afternoon, BFN again! CD32 - have gone through my diary and my longest cycle since having the munchkin was 29 days. Have placed an order for more cheap tests - I'll be saving the digital test until I get at least a faint positive on something!

I think I'd happily have AF start right now just to be put out of my misery - I don't want to get excited over nothing. DH doesn't want to consider the possibility until we definitely are.
Eeeeeeek, I'm excited for you. Let's hope this is it!

And yes Tina, I plan to do the same on my night out if af arrives! Vodka all the way! ;)

Betty, how you holding up? Xx
Tina.... Any updates? Hope you're ok my lovely :hug:
Frisky, tut, tut, it's still early for you!!!! When is AF due???
Edinburgh, that's crazy you are sooooooo late!!!! I would test everyday, you never know, could be a BFP you just might have to wait a bit :) eeeeeeek!!!
Well I've just had quite bad cramps all day in both my tummy and my lower back, just feels like AF is about to show her ugly face..... I bet she shows up bang on New Year's Eve and I will feel dreadful (I suffer the WORST period pains) and won't be able to do anything....
AF is definitely here now girls, cramping pretty badly so got into bed with ibuprofen and a hot water bottle. Really believed we had done it this month. Onto cycle 6 :) just out of curiosity girls how long do you have to be TTC unsuccessfuly before a doctor will do fertility tests to make sure everything is working as it should be? Xxx
Oh no Tina, I'm so so sorry xxx big hugs to you x
They say if your under 35 and not pregnant in a year, to see a doctor. 6 months if your over 35...Hope that helps xxx

Betty, sorry to hear your cramping. I've had cramps, slight cramps today. Af due Saturday or Sunday. I'm meant to be out Sunday, but like you, I suffer bad with period pains & have really heavy periods! So, May not be out for long.

Edinburgh, hang in there girl. Hope it's good news.

Momwife, hope your well my lovely...send us some of your luck ;) Xx
Oh Tina that absolutely sucks! I'm so sorry I really thought this was it for you :(
We were trying for a year before we were seen by the ARU dept at my local hospital. Go to your doctor and say you have been trying for a year and he should run some standard tests, if they come back with problems ie, low progesterone levels or sperm issues then you will be referred to your local assisted reproduction unit.
Do you have a family history of any fertility problems or have you ever had any problems yourself (like heavy periods, painful periods, cysts etc....)?

I'm so sorry chick.... It's so disheartening especially when you have done everything possible during your cycle..... It WILL happen for you, it just may take a couple more cycles but you will see that BFP soon so try and keep your chin up.... X
Frisky.... What happened at your last appointment????
Has hubby had his spermy test results back yet???

I'm really cramping at the minute, feels like AF is here already so it's gonna be a reall PAIN when she does show up! :(
Sorry your in pain betty. Hugs to you Xx

No, I rearranged the appointment for beginning of February...hubbys test is on 2nd Jan, so hopefully those results will be back in time for the other appointment xxx
Ah ok..... Not too long then.... I have my next app on 7th jan :)
Oooh, not long for both us then xx

I'm Cramping again now, not really painful, just the same as previous. It'll probably get worse tomorrow along with boob ache xx

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