7DPO and lots of CM (sorry if TMI!)

Morning girls, hope we're all doing well today! Evie woke me up at 5.30am! What I'd do for a lie in haha

Betty, I did used to have incredibly painful and heavy periods from being 16 until I had evie. Every month I'd have to take time off work because the pain was that excruciating and I'd be physically sick. Then after having evie the pain has eased quite a bit although still painful I have had a couple of ovarian cysts as well over the years. The results came back as fluid filled cycts.

Of course I'm just starting to become a little paranoid because with evie and the pregnancy I had before that which turned out to be a molar pregnancy I conceived within 2 cycles

My OH thinks it's him and I think it's me! Back to being on a downer for a few days :-( xx
Good morning everyone,

I woke up & rushed downstairs to make Joe a drink as he was mithering me to. But halfway downstairs, I realised he was still asleep in bed & I had dreamt the whole thing!! Haha how weird, so I'm back in bed with a brew now, enjoying the peace whilst it lasts.

Tina, I know it's hard my lovely.....we all expect to fall pregnant straight away. If your worried, then make an appointment to see your doctor. I don't want to sound patronizing, but your only on cycle 6, please try & not to worry too much yet. Your young & healthy..... I know it's hard, but I'm sure it will happen for you soon.

Keep smiling my lovely. :hugs:

Betty, how are you? Are you still cramping?
Edingburgh, any news??

Well, we are driving back up north tomorrow, so today will be spent making sure we have packed everything. Hubby home in an hour, can't wait.

Knowing my luck, af will arrive whilst in the car!! And I'll have to pull over at the nearest services! Xx
Haha frisky that thing with the drink made me giggle, that sounds like something I would do!

I think me saying that my period pains have eased off a bit since having evie has come back to haunt me. Can't remember the last time I had cramps like this! 2 ibuprofen and 2 co codamol later and I feel like crying. Oucccchhhhhh

Don't worry hun you don't sound patronising, im probably the one who sounds ungrateful because it has only been 6 months its just tough. Xx
Oh no, sorry your in pain Tina. Your not ungrateful, it's just tough trying to stay positive sometimes.

I'm suffering today with cramps, definitely period pains, I know my body. My guess is, she will be here tonight or morning!! Bluuuuuuurrrrgghh!!! Xx
Morning girls..... Tina, sounds like you may have a bit of endo so it's worth going to the docs to get it checked out! I know it's so hard to stay positive.... I think this while process is very emotionally draining :( we will get there in the end tho girls! You will see :hug:
So had very bad cramps all day yesterday but today nothing???? I also had another very vivid dream last night (they have been so bizarre! Where does our mind get this stuff from???) I'm having a chill out day today. The weather up here is shocking, it's blowing a gale. Frisky take care driving my lovely xx
Edinburgh... Any updates your end???
Frisky, are you gonna test??? Think I will test on Monday if AF hasn't arrived (have a feeling she will come tmrw!!!) x
Yeah, it's blowy here too. Hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow, don't fancy driving in this.

I'm not testing now betty, I'm pretty sure she will be here tomorrow if my cramps are anything to go by. I'm just confused as to why I've been cramping so much since 4dpo.
Good news your cramping has gone...I hope they stay gone! Ha....Maybe mine will go away too!
If af isn't here in the morning, I will probably test tomorrow night or Sunday morning, as I need to be sure regarding the drinking situation. Really, I'd like to wait till Monday. But I think she will be here before then :( x

When you testing betty? Xx
Sorry betty....Just realised you said you were gonna test Monday! Haha Xx
Frisky, cramping is a good sign!!!! When I got my last BFP I had AF type cramps from about 6dpo till I got my BFP, hopefully it's a good sign for you my lovely :)
Yeah, will test Monday but just have a feeling she will be early this month... Not bothered really, just don't want her to ruin my New Year's Eve!!!!! Xxx
Hi ladies. AF still a no show for me and I still have an abundance of clear cm. only other symptom is that I've got a slightly iffy tummy and have gone off my decaf tea which is pretty much my winter staple. I had to take munchkin to get her chest sounded this morning and the practice nurse said she was 10 weeks before she got a positive result. She said they can do comparative bloods around 3 weeks but I can just keep testing in the meantime.

I hope that whether AF shows or not you all have lovely weekends ladies! Stay toastie, the weather is hideous out!
Oh my god Edinburgh!!! I can't believe it.... What CD are you on now??? When was the last time you tested???? Eeeeeek!!!!! Could they not do bloods for you now????
It's exciting stuff, but I bet a little frustrating for you..... Hopefully you will have the results you want at the end of it all xxxx
My cramps are back..... My body is toying with me!!!! So annoying xx
Wow edingburgh, this is exciting stuff!! Bet you want to know either way now! Your symptoms are so positive too!! :)

Betty, I'm cramping with you my lovely! Mine are more painful than my other cramps, deffo af. Although boobs aren't sore as yet, they usually hurt alongside my tummy ache x

Just packing case, I'm only away for 3 days, you'd think it was 3 weeks the amount I've packed! Haha Xx
Oh, another exciting thing.

We have reserved a dog from the rescue home. A little black spaniel called Rio. We should get him in about 2 weeks after home checks etc. Can't wait :) Xx
Oh that's lovely frisky.... That will prob take your mind off the whole TTC scenario!!!!
I have really bad lower back ache now and I'm sure AF will start soon :( ugh, so rubbish!!!!
Edinburgh, that's great news that AF has not arrived!!! I hope she does stay away and you get your BFP this cycle!!! Sounds like good news to me. :flower::hugs:

Frisky & Betty the cramps just might be a great thing especially if they are off and on. :hugs: Frisky that is great that you are getting a dog!!! That is a nice name too! :winkwink:

Tina, I hope you are doing better now. :hugs:
Thanks Ladies, it's hard to get excited when you really don't know for sure what's going on. If it transpires that I am indeed not pregnant I am going to be sooooo pissed off that I didn't take any sudafed!!

I can feel this nasty ass bug trying to move into my chest and I'm not having it - I will not spend both weeks off sick! Grrrr.

I tested yesterday afternoon in a fit of exasperation. I'm on CD 33 now I think and tomorrow I'll be a week late. I have one test left and it's a digital expensive one. I ordered a box of cheapie tests that are supposed to be more sensitive so I think I may wait and try again when those arrive, if AF isn't around first.

Tina, how you feeling today peeps? Betty, what were you doing for New Year again? I think we're hiding out and having a quiet one (going to bed early).

Frisky that is amazing news about the dog. I used to have dogs but I don't think I'll get another one until I'm retired. I just don't have the capacity in my life to care for one at the moment (and our house is too small :). Rio is a lovely name - just be sure to hide away anything you don't want eaten - spaniels are nuts!! I've had a springer/retriever cross and she was gorgeous but totally bananas! Ate through a box of CDs and a suitcase full of cuddly toys I'd had since I was a baby on two separate occasions. I was definitely a lot fitter when I had the dogs (and about half a stone lighter!).

I've put on about 3-4lb this month. Thinking about having to move off my ass and get back to normal before I have to get into my suit again next Friday (unless of course I find out I've got a BFP in which case the strategy doesn't really change but there will be more calories involved :) How has everyone else faired over the holibags?
Morning girls how are you all??? Edinburgh, any update????
Well I went to bed last night with major abdominal cramps and lower back ache, had to take two painkillers and a hot water bottle to bed with me, thought AF was going to show her face through the night but woke this morning to no af and cramps have gone???? Tested and :bfn: I think I must be imagining symptoms that are just not there!!!! So frustrating :(
Betty I'm the same! Bad cramps all day & night....yet nothing this morning. I'm sure I'll start spotting today at some point! If not, I'll test again xxx
Still nothing and another BFN. A week late now. Climbing the walls...
Oh jeez, how frustrating, have you used your digi test yet? Xx
Yeah, it was the digital one I used this morning. Out of tests now. Going to wait till my cheapies arrive in the post now!

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